I have been thinking about this impending financial problem. Had not considered Title IX waivers- thanks for the input, BCG. If the main source of income for most athletic departments, football, is depleted or even cancelled then some adjustments will be necessary for most institutions.. Any cutbacks will be focused on nonrevenue sports, most of which are female. A temporary waiver may serve well although that raises the question of the cost of returning the sport to the department. Would the temporary monetary savings be worth the increased cost of reinstatement later. I see no easy or obvious way out of this dilemma.
Many look at college sports as the "front porch of the school" and I agree. There is also the enjoyment that it brings as well as connecting the alumni to the school. I see another aspect of college sports, competition. The U.S. is all about competition. Read somewhere that American colleges are the only ones on the planet with this aspect of college life. The concept of "building a better mousetrap" is part of our culture and sporting competition embues the students with this attitude. For this reason, I regard college sports as an essential portion of our culture and success. A significant segment of the social sciences faculty may disagree and disparage these sweat soaked endeavors as unworthy of an academic institution but they are not especially keen on competition anyway. They are, in my opinion, wrong.
All of this brings me to my final point, federal bailouts. I regard the competitive aspect engendered by college sporting events as a significant part of our culture. One, more worthy of federal assistance than the greedy and selfish bastards on Wall Street who threw the world into a recession in the previous decade. If the government can bail out our financial institutions than why not the colleges? Surely, a national competitive spirit is more valuable to the nation than greedy shortsighted selfishness.
If the recent polls are accurate then we will have Democrats in the White House and in control of both chambers of the national legislature. Nancy Pelosi and her followers are always ready to throw money at a problem, if not to cure it than at least to look like they are doing something and demonstrating sympathy. Then consider the fact that women's sports- politically correct, indeed- are the ones falling under the axe and there is another impetus towards this legislation. This time they would, in my opinion actually be doing something right. This idea of mine regarding federal assistance- sounds better than a bailout- may be way off-base but i wouldn't bet against it.
I agree with some of this, and disagree with some.
The Senate will be controlled by republicans, the house controlled by democrats, with democrat biden as president.
Thats how it probably be. But if not and if it looks like the democrats control all 3 then that might doom our country, and I would vote against Biden, to try to prevent that(Not that would succeed, it wouldnt).
The country would, could EASILY recover from republicans controlling everything, senate, house, presidency, supreme court, etc.
But the country might or might not, maybe even probably not ever recover from democrats controlling the senate, house, presidency, supreme court, everything.
If that happened the democrats would legalize 20 million illegal immigrants 95% of which would always vote democrat.
And that would encourage 50 million more illegals to illegally come to USA, where a lot of them would find a way to illegally vote(dead people, animals, pets, amd illegals, felons, etc, are already getting ballots, having some of those ballots counted)
This would make it so that the democrat party would always be reelected in senate, house, presidency, etc.
Next the democrats with no checks and balances would turn the USA into Russia, China, Venezuala, into a communistic, socialistic, anti capitalistic, marxist, etc, country, and would hike the tax rate to 85 cents out of every dollar for semi upper MIDDLE CLASS, in places like New York(already takes 55 cents out of every dollar now), and would either unconstitutionally take away all guns, an or make it tooo restrictive, an or tooo expensive to own a gun, and would spend 100 to 300 TRILLION dollars giving everybody free everything, and woulr cause China, Japan, to FORECLOSE on the USA Debt, and would cause inflation to soar to 1000%, worse then Carter, and would shut down, defund police, and would increase all abortions, including partial almost born murder abortions.
One only has to look at how bad Chicago, Detroit, is, are, to see how bad the USA would be if democrats ran everything in the USA.
I and the rest of the country, wont stand for that, which is why democrats wont control everything.
I am not saying this as a Trump supporter. I will hold my nose, and vote for biden, and can live with biden, and then try to fight biden's policies, etc, because I cant vote for Trump after what he did in Portland(sending in federal agents to attack pregnant women peaceful protestors, and beat them up, and spray them with chemicals, and do the same to a peaceful navy vet protestor, because he asked why the agents werent following their oath to defend the constitution, and endangering the unborn in the women protestors(Hope that the agents, govt, trump gets SUCCESSFULLY SUED.)
That said I am also in favor of a RESPONSIBLY DONE CONDITIONAL bail out for not only sports, but also for anything else.
Giving out irresponsible unconditional bailouts to irresponsible people, financial institutions, businesses, etc, is extremely bad.
That said colleges do need financial help.
Sorry to get political, but the post I am responding to brought up the politics.