Ok - so Trump is determined to abolish the Dept of Education. Fine. But Geezus F-ing Christ - he backdrops with a bunch of kids, one in a tie (yeah I wore those every day in elementary school). others in uniform (not required in any public school I know of). All I want to know is who the parents of these kids are (Matt Gaetz probably supplied a couple before their date) and how could you possibly pimp your innocent child in front of the nation and world like that? Absolutely F-ing disgusting.
And speaking of the Dept of Ed, in general I have no idea what their reach is in K-12. In Higher Ed, I would be the first to scrutinize some (well all) of the grants they dole out. I've seen them first hand. It's like what? So methodically and judiciously review all of these and prioritize those funds against all the other federal spending. Like any rational human being.
And speaking of the Dept of Ed, in general I have no idea what their reach is in K-12. In Higher Ed, I would be the first to scrutinize some (well all) of the grants they dole out. I've seen them first hand. It's like what? So methodically and judiciously review all of these and prioritize those funds against all the other federal spending. Like any rational human being.