Angie is smoking hot. Damn. Buddy beyond that, Beggers can't be choosers. We are beggars right now.
So are MWC teams, especially the weakest, most pathetic MWC team(s), are beggars to get into either a P4, P5, or G5/P5 HYBRID like a PROPERLY rebuilt PAC brand.
The MWC teams stand to lose about 2 to 4 to 6 to 8 million per team, and access to better bowls like Holiday, Las Vegas, Alamo, Cotton, Fiesta, Peach, CFP, etc, if they don't either join PAC or stop the 1,2,3 weakest MWC teams from joining PAC, while the 7,8,9 strongest MWC teams join PAC.
And they stand to lose prestige, better schedules, and using PAC as stepping stone to 1 of the other P4 conferences, etc.
They are just as much BEGGARS as WSU, OSU, PAC 2/X.
And if they play hardball too hard against WSU, OSU, PAC in negotiation, and try to force PAC to take ALL, even the worst MWC team, they will not only hurt the PAC, BUT HURT THEMSELVES.
The needs of the top 7,8,9,10 teams in the MWC, outweigh the needs of the weakest most pathetic team(s) in the MWC