What did Desmond Howard say?

Well, if he had simply boasted about getting away with grabbing female genitalia whenever he wants, he'd be a candidate for president. Hell, he'd be POTUS.

He was quoting a Wayne Brady line from the Chappelle Show.
It would have helped him if he had prefaced the quote by saying something like "As Wayne Brady said on the Chappelle Show...". However, it wasn't even funny and incredibly stupid for a guy who has been around for just a little bit. His apology was pretty much deflection. "I'm a huge Wayne Brady fan..."? Who the **** cares? I don't think it's a huge deal but just say it was wrong to say, stupid, and thoughtless.
It'll be interesting to see if this spirals out of control. I'm tending to think it will.

Will the protesters come out of the woodwork and state ESPN supports violence against "bitches?" (whatever your definition of that term may be).

Agreed, the reality is it was a stupid thing to say, in any context, namely as a TV show host. Also, being a live broadcast the hosts need to have incredibly good judgement at all times. Desmond's "off color" response doesn't paint a good image in that regard.
I waved the flag in Boise a few years back. The entire crew came over to us afterwards to chat and sign the flag...except Howard. He walked by and said "I'll never sign any flag but Michigan's"
Arrogant little d!ck.
I waved the flag in Boise a few years back. The entire crew came over to us afterwards to chat and sign the flag...except Howard. He walked by and said "I'll never sign any flag but Michigan's"
Arrogant little d!ck.

He's essentially a representative of all schools with his game day job now. Makes bad decisions, very negative person. I'd fire him.
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The show is probably due for a significant revamp. Kirk, Maria and Reese are fine, but Desmond doesn't bring much, and watching Lee struggle more and more is becoming pretty painful. Its ok as background noise, but is pretty much unwatchable if you were to sit there for the whole two hours (plus an additional hour on ESPNU). I can see why the hosts are trying to inject something a little more edgy into their highly scripted "patter". The show seems really tired, and I'm sure they sense it too.

I could see bringing on a lot more local "beat reporters" for segments about specific games. The guest picker part works well. It could use a little less of the segments about players or young fans with some disease or condition- pretty much every team has one and it gets a little formulaic. The real problem is that there is just so much information available to the real fans, that they have heard everything there is to hear about the teams they are interested in. JMO
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FWIW, Des lacks the situational awareness to be on national family TV. To say that with Disney in the background tells you all that you need to know about his judgement, regardless of who he was quoting or how cute he was trying to be.
FWIW, Des lacks the situational awareness to be on national family TV. To say that with Disney in the background tells you all that you need to know about his judgement, regardless of who he was quoting or how cute he was trying to be.
Well Disney also just put Spicer on one of its prime time programs (not that I give a shit about that show) so they aren’t really showing great judgement in character as of late.
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Quite a few Leftists bringing politics to the board today. Trump is in your head, funny !! Lmao !!
Posters with political handles will do that. It’s a better alternative than threads getting hijacked by Wulff-Wars. Besides, what’s not to laugh about buying other countries and nuking hurricanes?! Not a leftist but I think I’m gonna miss this comedy show when it’s all over.
Quite a few Leftists bringing politics to the board today. Trump is in your head, funny !! Lmao !!
College football has been one of the very few places I can escape the polarized, brittle, small-minded, self-righteous political foolishness afflicting us today.
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College football has been one of the very few places I can escape the polarized, brittle, small-minded, self-righteous political foolishness afflicting us today.
Honestly, I don't mind the lampooning and justifiable criticism.

Its the extreme alarmist garbage that gets repeated over and over again, regardless the sitting POTUS.

"Obama is a secret Muslim plant who's going to bring shaira law to the US"
"Trump is a Nazi akin to Hitler and eats Mexican babies for lunch."

And people are serious with that sh!t. Whats really mentally exhausting for me is the realization that I share the planet with so many mindless sheep, who's opinion(s) seemingly shift with the prevailing wind.

Tell me how much of an idiot Trump is for ignoring climate change, but don't tell me its because he wants to flood the central americas and kill all the brown skin people.
Honestly, I don't mind the lampooning and justifiable criticism.

Its the extreme alarmist garbage that gets repeated over and over again, regardless the sitting POTUS.

"Obama is a secret Muslim plant who's going to bring shaira law to the US"
"Trump is a Nazi akin to Hitler and eats Mexican babies for lunch."

And people are serious with that sh!t. Whats really mentally exhausting for me is the realization that I share the planet with so many mindless sheep, who's opinion(s) seemingly shift with the prevailing wind.

Tell me how much of an idiot Trump is for ignoring climate change, but don't tell me its because he wants to flood the central americas and kill all the brown skin people.
Honestly, I don't mind the lampooning and justifiable criticism.

Its the extreme alarmist garbage that gets repeated over and over again, regardless the sitting POTUS.

"Obama is a secret Muslim plant who's going to bring shaira law to the US"
"Trump is a Nazi akin to Hitler and eats Mexican babies for lunch."

And people are serious with that sh!t. Whats really mentally exhausting for me is the realization that I share the planet with so many mindless sheep, who's opinion(s) seemingly shift with the prevailing wind.

Tell me how much of an idiot Trump is for ignoring climate change, but don't tell me its because he wants to flood the central americas and kill all the brown skin people.
You don’t have to stretch. The guy writes his own material. I don’t affiliate with any political party and generally would vote R under normal circumstances, but the amount of followers simply in the name of “I’m a conservative- They wanna take ‘er guns!” is simply baffling to me. That’s it for me on the topic. Back to football.