How about looking up what fascism is. You are confusing it with intolerance. Communists, fascist, monarchists, republicans (general political sense), dictators (left and right) and theocrats are regularly intolerant and crush dissent with varying levels of brutality. Fascism is a generally hyper nationalistic and inherently racist political ideology, based on the concept “your people” are inherently superior, and warrant dominating others. Thus white supremacy/nationalism qualifies as a fascist, ideology, but so does the Nation of Islam.
AntiFa are intolerant, closed minded and intellectually limited, adverse to anyone who might have a different view point, but so is the alta-right. Both movements are utterly vapid, as evidenced by traditional conservative Andrew Neil's total destruction of Alta-right hero Brian Shapiro on the BBC. It’s so funny, I almost wet my pants, and well worth watching on youtube.