With all the recent NCAA crap...


Hall Of Fame
Gold Member
Nov 19, 2008
and my daughter having now graduated, I'm pretty much done with college sports. I've been following the Cougs and been a hard core fan since Gary Larsen dance over Sixkiller. Many a Saturday afternoon was spent working in our orchard in East Wenatchee listening to Bob Rob on the transistor radio hanging from the tractor. But that allure, that intangible feeling that came with college sports, is now gone. It's now simply another professional sport league. Sad really, but true.
Sure, I'll follow the Cougs with a passing interest but anything more is now just a memory.
and my daughter having now graduated, I'm pretty much done with college sports. I've been following the Cougs and been a hard core fan since Gary Larsen dance over Sixkiller. Many a Saturday afternoon was spent working in our orchard in East Wenatchee listening to Bob Rob on the transistor radio hanging from the tractor. But that allure, that intangible feeling that came with college sports, is now gone. It's now simply another professional sport league. Sad really, but true.
Sure, I'll follow the Cougs with a passing interest but anything more is now just a memory.
Right there with you. I didn't renew my season tickets this year, it'll be the first time since high school that 5-7 Saturdays in the fall weren't centered around Pullman. I'm sure I'll still watch games, but it's no longer something that I'm going to plan around.
I pretty much stopped watching NFL in the early 2000s, it was just too mercenary. Now college is more so than the NFL is, and I've already started watching a little more NFL. If I'm going to watch people get paid to play a game, I'm going to watch people who've earned it better and in a league that makes some sort of effort toward parity.
and my daughter having now graduated, I'm pretty much done with college sports. I've been following the Cougs and been a hard core fan since Gary Larsen dance over Sixkiller. Many a Saturday afternoon was spent working in our orchard in East Wenatchee listening to Bob Rob on the transistor radio hanging from the tractor. But that allure, that intangible feeling that came with college sports, is now gone. It's now simply another professional sport league. Sad really, but true.
Sure, I'll follow the Cougs with a passing interest but anything more is now just a memory.
It's getting harder. If my daughter wasn't going to be in Pullman, I'm not sure I would have renewed.
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and my daughter having now graduated, I'm pretty much done with college sports. I've been following the Cougs and been a hard core fan since Gary Larsen dance over Sixkiller. Many a Saturday afternoon was spent working in our orchard in East Wenatchee listening to Bob Rob on the transistor radio hanging from the tractor. But that allure, that intangible feeling that came with college sports, is now gone. It's now simply another professional sport league. Sad really, but true.
Sure, I'll follow the Cougs with a passing interest but anything more is now just a memory.
Lots of memories growing up listening to Bob Rob on a transistor or pickup truck AM radio on fall Saturdays on my old man’s hobby farm. Different time, different place. Maybe I’m just too old but the way things have shaken out I find it hard to care anymore.
and my daughter having now graduated, I'm pretty much done with college sports. I've been following the Cougs and been a hard core fan since Gary Larsen dance over Sixkiller. Many a Saturday afternoon was spent working in our orchard in East Wenatchee listening to Bob Rob on the transistor radio hanging from the tractor. But that allure, that intangible feeling that came with college sports, is now gone. It's now simply another professional sport league. Sad really, but true.
Sure, I'll follow the Cougs with a passing interest but anything more is now just a memory.
They killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Look at our basketball team for example. Almost the entire team leaves, their replacements develop some magic, almost win a conference title, then leave en masse, as does the coach. People wonder why college athletics is dying. As a fan you need some semblance of continuity, some reason to identify, you have to be able bond with players, the team and their development, that doesn't happen with one group of "one and dones" replacing another. College athletics is in a death spiral, the demise of the Pac 12 is but a symptom. Just look at the TV ratings

The future -- Big 10 / SEC super league --whoopy! As an inferior "pro" product, it is a battle they will lose ultimately to pro sports, then what? There will be nothing left. Neil Young once sang rock & roll will never die, it did! Let's not kid ourselves about "Big Time" college sports.
They killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Look at our basketball team for example. Almost the entire team leaves, their replacements develop some magic, almost win a conference title, then leave en masse, as does the coach. People wonder why college athletics is dying. As a fan you need some semblance of continuity, some reason to identify, you have to be able bond with players, the team and their development, that doesn't happen with one group of "one and dones" replacing another. College athletics is in a death spiral, the demise of the Pac 12 is but a symptom. Just look at the TV ratings

The future -- Big 10 / SEC super league --whoopy! As an inferior "pro" product, it is a battle they will lose ultimately to pro sports, then what? There will be nothing left. Neil Young once sang rock & roll will never die, it did! Let's not kid ourselves about "Big Time" college sports.

You hit on virtually every salient point I have been making with my immediate circle of friends/family/traveling Coug buddies, as far as continuity and being able to truly identify/bond with players/team, being the primary areas of focus for long term full blown “fandom”.

The occasional one and done, or short timer is not so much of a detriment. But, when it’s large numbers of players (and coaches) virtually every year now…….the bloom is truly off the rose.

Add to that spiraling costs of attending games, home and away (as I did on a regular basis for over 40 years) and the interest level just continues to dwindle.

For all those years, for better or worse, it was a rarity for me to miss more than a game, maybe two in any season. Now? Gave up my season tickets a year or so back. I come over for at least one home game and go to a couple of away games (ironically easier for me to do). I still follow and “love” the Cougs. I just do it more from a distance now.

It’s not just one thing. But the state of college sports now is a HUGE part of it……..
and my daughter having now graduated, I'm pretty much done with college sports. I've been following the Cougs and been a hard core fan since Gary Larsen dance over Sixkiller. Many a Saturday afternoon was spent working in our orchard in East Wenatchee listening to Bob Rob on the transistor radio hanging from the tractor. But that allure, that intangible feeling that came with college sports, is now gone. It's now simply another professional sport league. Sad really, but true.
Sure, I'll follow the Cougs with a passing interest but anything more is now just a memory.
Totally agree.
They killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Look at our basketball team for example. Almost the entire team leaves, their replacements develop some magic, almost win a conference title, then leave en masse, as does the coach. People wonder why college athletics is dying. As a fan you need some semblance of continuity, some reason to identify, you have to be able bond with players, the team and their development, that doesn't happen with one group of "one and dones" replacing another. College athletics is in a death spiral, the demise of the Pac 12 is but a symptom. Just look at the TV ratings

The future -- Big 10 / SEC super league --whoopy! As an inferior "pro" product, it is a battle they will lose ultimately to pro sports, then what? There will be nothing left. Neil Young once sang rock & roll will never die, it did! Let's not kid ourselves about "Big Time" college sports.
It’s going to be the XFL with marching bands. The next TV contracts are going to bomb.
I think too many of you are giving up vs. trying to make it work.

You know how you can guarantee WSU's failure? By quitting. Quit buying tickets. Quit coming to games. Quit donating.

You want to be 100% right and be able to tell everyone you're 100% right? Have everyone quit and see where it goes.

You all act like something is FORCING you to quit.

It's all on you and it's sad.

WSU Football isn't K-Mart. WSU Basketball isn't Blockbuster.

I think too many of you are giving up vs. trying to make it work.

You know how you can guarantee WSU's failure? By quitting. Quit buying tickets. Quit coming to games. Quit donating.

You want to be 100% right and be able to tell everyone you're 100% right? Have everyone quit and see where it goes.

You all act like something is FORCING you to quit.

It's all on you and it's sad.

WSU Football isn't K-Mart. WSU Basketball isn't Blockbuster.

If something doesn't provide the joy it previously had, you move on from it. If you're getting nothing out of something, why would you continuously put effort to try to make something work? It's okay to let things go.

This isn't happening just at WSU.
I think too many of you are giving up vs. trying to make it work.

You know how you can guarantee WSU's failure? By quitting. Quit buying tickets. Quit coming to games. Quit donating.

You want to be 100% right and be able to tell everyone you're 100% right? Have everyone quit and see where it goes.

You all act like something is FORCING you to quit.

It's all on you and it's sad.

WSU Football isn't K-Mart. WSU Basketball isn't Blockbuster.

I’ve been making it work. But I’m not going to continue to knock myself out to stay in a one-sided relationship that no longer provides enjoyment.

I’ve steadily upped my tickets and donations since I graduated. I upped both in 2008-2011 while others left in droves. I’m in the top 2,000 in the CAF.

Through the whole time, WSU only asked for one thing - more - while doing nothing to improve the experience for fans. Gameday in Pullman in 2023 was pretty similar to Gameday in Pullman in 1985.

The landscape has changed. WSU has been forced to devalue the fans who actually show up, moving more and more games to late starts, Fridays and Thursdays. It already takes effort to get to Pullman, and those moves guarantee that fewer people will make it - but WSU has to do it for the money.

The biggest problem though, is that the game has changed. Well, not the game - the business. We used to be able to watch players come up and develop into solid players. We could project that next year or the year after we’re going to be pretty good. That’s gone. CFB is 100% mercenary now, every year. I stopped watching NFL because ~25% of players turned mercenary every year. NIL has turned CFB into a non-stop auction house.

Realignment has also left the deck hopelessly stacked against WSU. If we have a good year and land a CFP berth, they’ll raid our rosters and then change the rules so it won’t happen again. The conferences, NCAA, and networks are colluding to make sure that nobody from outside gets in. Doesn’t matter how many tickets we sell or how much we donate, we’re not one of the chosen ones.

It used to be that on a Saturday morning, I jumped in the car without hesitation and made the drive. I’d look forward to the game all week, watch the interviews and projections, listen to the pre-game, watch the game, listen to the post-game on the way home. That hasn’t been the case for a while now. The last couple seasons I actually dreaded the drive. Last fall there were a couple times I didn’t even bother - I knew the frustration of watching our overrated QB and our underperforming offense would exceed any entertainment value, and I didn’t want to waste 5-6 hours in the car for that.

I’m just not that invested anymore. With roster turnover every year, there’s no connection with the players. I think that’s a big difference between WSU fans and the Big 10/SEC fans. They’re all about the wins from year to year. Their successes are seasons and teams - they only care about the players to the extent that they serve the teams, except when there’s a tremendous standout. WSU fans engage with individual players. I can mention Ron Childs, Scott Davis, Jeremy Bohannon, Jared Karstetter, Andy Mattingly, Dwight Tardy, Tim Stallworth, Kerry Porter, Ron Ricard, and Don Sasa - and you all know who they are and roughly when they played, even though none of them played much past WSU. NIL- related roster turnover destroys that connection.

Whatever the explanation is, All of this together means that it’s just not that much fun anymore. It’s been clear for years that CFB in general and WSU in particular would prefer that I was on my couch, not in the stands - and I will be. I’ll watch 1 game per week, and I don’t care about the rest. I know that athletics is going to take a huge hit, but there’s nothing that can stop that, and my donations aren’t going to make a dent. That hole is going to continue to grow, especially if the WSU AD doesn’t get a lot better at financial management really fast.

I think going forward my money will have better impact if it’s directed toward the academic side of WSU, and that’s where it’s going. In the end, that’s the reason WSU is there, and is the part that needs to be preserved.
I think too many of you are giving up vs. trying to make it work.

You know how you can guarantee WSU's failure? By quitting. Quit buying tickets. Quit coming to games. Quit donating.

You want to be 100% right and be able to tell everyone you're 100% right? Have everyone quit and see where it goes.

You all act like something is FORCING you to quit.

It's all on you and it's sad.

WSU Football isn't K-Mart. WSU Basketball isn't Blockbuster.

As fans, there is nothing like seeing players and a team blossom. The 1998 and 1999 Cougs were bad, not Wulff bad, but bad. In 2000, we went 4-7, but were 4 plays away from being 8-4, utterly heart breaking to lose every close game. Those kids just couldn't catch a break, it just hurt deep. But they were a bunch of (Rose Bowl effect) freshmen and sophomores, and there was still tremendous optimism, despite it all, going into 2001, because of the potential. We then experienced the greatest run in school history. That possibility is at the core of why we were willingly to endured the unendurable, and why no one "gave up." Now that is an impossibility.

The very best we can hope for is doing well in the transfer portal during the off season, and that group of "who?" kids gels and have a good season, before moving on, likely with the coach. Being largely ambivalent to that, isn't "giving up," it is sadly coming to grips with the fact that the very reason we lived and breathed the Cougs in the first place, is now an anachronism.
For me, it's driving me back to professional sports. I had always preferred college football, but now I'm sliding back to the NFL. I imagine that's what's going to happen with a lot of fans.
It's true for me. I used to not care about the NFL, but I've gotten more into it this past season and expect to do so more going forward. If most collegiate players are in it for the money and have no meaningful connection to where they're playing, I might as well get to see the best athletes in the world in a context in which there are real efforts to allow all teams to compete. It's an obvious impact of all of this BS in college sports, but I don't think those trying to sell (or buy) media rights have yet accounted for it.
Now that it’s “just business”, Can we expect attendance to mirror minor league baseball soon?
I think too many of you are giving up vs. trying to make it work.

You know how you can guarantee WSU's failure? By quitting. Quit buying tickets. Quit coming to games. Quit donating.

You want to be 100% right and be able to tell everyone you're 100% right? Have everyone quit and see where it goes.

You all act like something is FORCING you to quit.

It's all on you and it's sad.

WSU Football isn't K-Mart. WSU Basketball isn't Blockbuster.

I don't disagree this take, Cougini. I still believe, when all of the dust settles, WSU football will carry on the way it has for the past several decades. We'll be a mid-major D1 program that occasionally catches dream season or two.
I don't disagree this take, Cougini. I still believe, when all of the dust settles, WSU football will carry on the way it has for the past several decades. We'll be a mid-major D1 program that occasionally catches dream season or two.
UW is losing 7 of thier best softball players to the portal. Is their money not enough anymore?
I don't disagree this take, Cougini. I still believe, when all of the dust settles, WSU football will carry on the way it has for the past several decades. We'll be a mid-major D1 program that occasionally catches dream season or two.
The difference going forward is that those dream seasons will no longer be the Rose Bowl. They'll be the Vegas Bowl and maybe the Holiday.
I don't disagree this take, Cougini. I still believe, when all of the dust settles, WSU football will carry on the way it has for the past several decades. We'll be a mid-major D1 program that occasionally catches dream season or two.
Do you think WSU’s budget deficit will rise or fall looking forward?

How long do you believe the (University of) Washington State Legislature will allow WSU to continue to deficit spend before stripping funding?
Do you think WSU’s budget deficit will rise or fall looking forward?

How long do you believe the (University of) Washington State Legislature will allow WSU to continue to deficit spend before stripping funding?
I assume you're asking about the athletics budget, and it will unavoidably fall. Probably not as fast as revenue does, though.

Officially, the legislature doesn't fund athletics beyond some money for facility maintenance (which is a fixed amount set by a legal calculation), so there's technically nothing they can strip. And, if they cut budget line funds from university operations to try to make sure none goes to athletics, well...that's just going to look bad, because the university will spin it that the legislature failed to provide funding for the music program, so it has to get cut.
UW is losing 7 of thier best softball players to the portal. Is their money not enough anymore?
Teams in the Pacific NW are not positioned well in free agency. Crappy weather, more travel, moderate fan support, zero National appeal.

UW will field good teams from time to time, but without local rivalries, the already moderate fan give a shit meter will trend down.
I assume you're asking about the athletics budget, and it will unavoidably fall. Probably not as fast as revenue does, though.

Officially, the legislature doesn't fund athletics beyond some money for facility maintenance (which is a fixed amount set by a legal calculation), so there's technically nothing they can strip. And, if they cut budget line funds from university operations to try to make sure none goes to athletics, well...that's just going to look bad, because the university will spin it that the legislature failed to provide funding for the music program, so it has to get cut.
So, cut the music program.

Something is going to snap.
Teams in the Pacific NW are not positioned well in free agency. Crappy weather, more travel, moderate fan support, zero National appeal.

UW will field good teams from time to time, but without local rivalries, the already moderate fan give a shit meter will trend down.
I don’t think the kid getting $2mil in NIL $$ @ UW gives two schits about the weather.

Do you?
I think too many of you are giving up vs. trying to make it work.

You know how you can guarantee WSU's failure? By quitting. Quit buying tickets. Quit coming to games. Quit donating.

You want to be 100% right and be able to tell everyone you're 100% right? Have everyone quit and see where it goes.

You all act like something is FORCING you to quit.

It's all on you and it's sad.

WSU Football isn't K-Mart. WSU Basketball isn't Blockbuster.

Disagree here. This is where WSU is at, despite me buying season tickets for 25 years, watching games religiously, donating, etc. It's not my fault that WSU has been left in the dust.
I don’t think the kid getting $2mil in NIL $$ @ UW gives two schits about the weather.

Do you?
Yes, because they can get the money and nicer weather elsewhere. It’s not just the weather, though. The NW is extremely remote to most people. Especially if they have other options.

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