Women’s Soccer

Hope the Cougs don’t look back on a few chances they really should have finished on.
I don't know much about soccer. Despite having a kid that played forever and finished senior year this year. Since I've been watching it sure looks like we're putting on the pressure. Hope one of these balls gets in soon.
My Aussie version of the ESPN site isn't giving me the soccer game. Women's Volleyball is available though. Meh
Sling was super awesome and moved SEC and P12 to an additional pay tier, so no game for me.

I can't even find a pirate stream.

You'd think they'd give this sh!t away, more eyes is better than zero eyes. I can't even find a live ticker...
I played for 15 years, never the best, never made ODP but made it to P1 and generally a high level. Never cared much for women's soccer, even WSU. This team though has me sitting up. Following on Twitter.
Yes, indeed! Congratulations to our ladies. We just knocked off the fifth ranked team in the country. And UCLA absolutely clobbered the top ranked team, Florida State, 4-0. USC lost to #2 North Carolina and the Stanford/BYU score is not in yet. Cannot remember who it was who posed the possibility of an all-Pac12 final four. Assuming that Stanford bests BYU, that would give the Pac12 three out of the teams in the final four. My compliments again to the Coug ladies and congratulations to the Pac12 women's soccer teams in general.

Count me in with the others who are pissed at the lack of television coverage.
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Thanks for this!

Also, can't remember who mentioned playing styles in an earlier this week, but the length and athleticism of WSU was mentioned post goal in that video....great analysis from our resident soccer expert here.
Hat tip as well.