Worst CFB coaches

This list must be from like 2018-2019ish it says Lane Kiffin is coaching at FAU and Art Briles and others updates are from 2018.

Had to look at the list to make sure Ty made it, was not disappointed.
Cougs get 2 out of 39....the Mike Price inclusion is not fair, but I guess it was his Destiny.

There are a lot of guys listed there that I wouldn’t call “worst hires.” A lot of them were decent coaches who ran out of juice or just didn’t meet the expectations of their fans.

Some of them were awful though.
Cougs get 2 out of 39....the Mike Price inclusion is not fair, but I guess it was his Destiny.

I would argue that list is the worst list of worst coaches that I've ever seen. Mike Price should not be on that list just because Alabama boosters are a bunch of arrogant dickheads that torpedoed his career. Rich Rodriguez got screwed by Michigan. They went 11-2 the year after they fired him before Brady Hoke drove Michigan into the toilet.

Wulff was deservedly on the list but a lot of the people listed certainly should not have been. There are plenty of other examples of terrible coaches driving programs into the shitter rather than so many on this list that were merely mediocre.
Mike Price had the vision to get WSU to the Rose Bowl 🌹 and was mocked mercilessly for it by most outside of Whitman County.

He achieved it, twice. No matter how you may feel about Price’s departure, his placement on any “worst coaches” list is flat out wrong.

Lazy writer.
Every best/worst list is mostly arbitrary. Best place to live/school to attend/car to drive/etc., and the corresponding worst list. Putting Price on a list like this is absurd. The list must have been generated by the uninformed. Another example of brains and knowledge not being required to publish something on the internet.
Every best/worst list is mostly arbitrary. Best place to live/school to attend/car to drive/etc., and the corresponding worst list. Putting Price on a list like this is absurd. The list must have been generated by the uninformed. Another example of brains and knowledge not being required to publish something on the internet.
Now if you are going to make fun of Uber do it over on the Beasley thread. Everyone, including Whitman County, mocks him mercilessly over there. This board is full of civility, Hope, Joy and occasional Coug talk. :)
The number 4 worst CFB coach...."Wulff went 9-40 over the next four years and was fired with the worst winning percentage in school history."
The number 4 worst CFB coach...."Wulff went 9-40 over the next four years and was fired with the worst winning percentage in school history."

Even though I think the hate for Wulff is sometimes over-blown, that article failed to properly encapsulate what a truly epic failure Paul Wulff was for us.
Even though I think the hate for Wulff is sometimes over-blown, that article failed to properly encapsulate what a truly epic failure Paul Wulff was for us.
The USC game where Pete had them take a knee in the first half up 35-0 in at least FG range is permanently etched in my memory. I was there. I lost my innocence that day.
The USC game where Pete had them take a knee in the first half up 35-0 in at least FG range is permanently etched in my memory. I was there. I lost my innocence that day.
I lost my lunch that day.

I'd seen many times before that when WSU was beaten on the field - even badly beaten. The 51-3 Apple Cup blowout in 2000, for example.

That USC game was the first time I felt that they were truly embarrassed. I'd never seen a team that was trying not to score still do it so consistently. Taking a knee was the only way Pete could keep his guys out of the endzone.
Wulff wasn't as bad by his final year. Everyone can learn/change.

Wulff was a horrible coach, but was a lot worse year 1 and year 2
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Wulff belongs there, Price doesn’t. Price should make the top 10 for one of the worst decisions of all time, hanging out with Destiny, is right up there with coaches that messed around with office assistants.
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Wulff belongs there, Price doesn’t. Price should make the top 10 for one of the worst decisions of all time, hanging out with Destiny, is right up there with coaches that messed around with office assistants.
Correct. If you really break it down this was more of an Alabama problem at the time than a price problem. Their boosters were not in synch with their admin and they set him up to run him out of town. How is that on Price? Who knows how good they would have been had he actually coached there. I think it would have gone just fine for him.
Correct. If you really break it down this was more of an Alabama problem at the time than a price problem. Their boosters were not in synch with their admin and they set him up to run him out of town. How is that on Price? Who knows how good they would have been had he actually coached there. I think it would have gone just fine for him.

I just wish that the WSU administration at the time wasn't so small minded. Price had finally found his groove and if WSU had ponied up the money for the assistant coaches that he wanted and started working on facility improvements, it's possible that Price could have ended up as a college football hall of fame type coach.

That 2004 team could be been an 8 win team if they had someone who knew how to handle QB's better. The 2005 squad could have easily been another 10 win team. With two more quality years to help with depth, maybe that 2006 team doesn't fall apart at the end of the season. So many woulda, coulda, shouldas there.

Price definitely shouldn't be on the list.