New executive order...

This one is about voting

Aside from some lengthy narrative about problems that are likely overstated, if they exist at all...I'm pretty much on board with this one.

Some of it is going to be a pain in the ass, because I think it's going to mean that nearly all of us have to register to vote all over again. It requires proof of citizenship (using designated forms of ID) in order to register to vote. It's always been a requirement to be a citizen, but you could get around that in Washington as long as you were willing to check the right box. However, there are only 4 designated forms of ID that are acceptable, and there's a pretty good chance that a lot of people won't have 3 of them (passport, military ID, REAL ID compliant ID). I think you could use a Washington license and a birth certificate (both) but it's not clear on that.

Voter rolls are to be audited for compliance with the above within 90 days.

For federal elections, ballots must be marked and received by the elections office no later than election day. Postmark on mailed ballots isn't acceptable, they've got to be in the courthouse before polls close.

Mail voters must register using a designated form. The Washington form collects basically the same information, but it looks different. I suspect that this is either intended to, or it's step 1 toward, reducing mail-in voting...but I don't see that it does that yet. THe proof of citizenship requirements for mail-in registration are the same as above.

All voting equipment has to be re-certified for compliance with new (2021) standards within 180 days, there are several items about DHS and other agencies improving security and preventing tampering. It also repeal's Biden's EO for increasing access to voting.

Several sections talk about sanctions, mostly centering on withholding federal funding from any state that doesn't fully comply. I'm not sure that holds up to scrutiny on such a broad basis. I think it may be more effective to say that if a state is fully compliant, the feds will pick up the tab for federal elections....since states are carrying most of the burden now.

I've also got some mild concerns about requiring all ballots to be in the courthouse on election day, particularly related to military members stationed overseas. Hard to say how long it'll take some of those to get there and back - I had a friend who was in Okinawa who didn't even get his ballot until the day before the election. Court precedent has so far accepted a postmark before the election, because otherwise you're effectively forcing people to vote on a date different than the statutory first Tuesday in November. I understand the other argument though - with those same ballots, maybe you're accepting a ballot that arrives a week or two after the election.

It doesn't appear in this order, but Trump has also said in the past that the counting should stop when the polls close, or when election day ends, which really isn't feasible in a country that spans 6 time zones and has 170 million people voting. It could be, if we could figure out how to vote electronically...but this order requires a paper record for every voter, so we don't seem to be moving that direction.

NIL/ Portal and this board

The portal killed this board.

How can you talk about the team in the offseason when its a constant turnstyle of players? Who has the time to keep up with player development when every year is a batch of new kids? Surely not the casual, or even rabid fan.

To that end: where are the media sources that keep up with this? Certainly not here. I trust BX as far as I can throw them. There used to be Spokane and Seattle Coug beat writers, but to my knowledge they both retired and were replaced by... who?

And to be honest... I could go and do some research on Zevi or the new kid, but honestly I just don't gaf when they likelihood of them being around next year is slim to none, especially if they are productive. These kids are making zero investment in the school or fanbase and at this point the feeling is reciprocal.


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Trump and the Dept. of Education

Ok - so Trump is determined to abolish the Dept of Education. Fine. But Geezus F-ing Christ - he backdrops with a bunch of kids, one in a tie (yeah I wore those every day in elementary school). others in uniform (not required in any public school I know of). All I want to know is who the parents of these kids are (Matt Gaetz probably supplied a couple before their date) and how could you possibly pimp your innocent child in front of the nation and world like that? Absolutely F-ing disgusting.

And speaking of the Dept of Ed, in general I have no idea what their reach is in K-12. In Higher Ed, I would be the first to scrutinize some (well all) of the grants they dole out. I've seen them first hand. It's like what? So methodically and judiciously review all of these and prioritize those funds against all the other federal spending. Like any rational human being.

Zevi report?

Anyone following Spring practice reports to know how he’s doing?

Brand X and the SR seem to be high on Devin Ellison, JC transfer so hopefully Zevi can get him the ball.

Abandoning allies

I was thinking about the ludicrous negotiations that Trump's people are having with Russia that don't involve either Ukraine or Europe and I find it ironic that a President (and his fanbase) that were so critical of us leaving Afghanistan have no problem with selling out an ally now in the hopes of making a few bucks on Ukraine's Natural Resources and currying favor with an autocratic dictator. Our word and treaties apparently only count when the other team is the bad guy in the situation.

You know, it just warms my heart

to see a bunch of WSU MBB players in the tourney on other teams.

You know what, good for them. Wish them nothing but the best.

If WSU is just the stepping stone for overlooked and sub-P4 talent but provides the invaluable opportunity for these kids to go on and win at another school, I couldn't be happier.

Good for them, and good for us.

I see nothing but great things in the future for Cougs MBB.

Like the 3rd (4th?) tier post-season tourney that provides yet another opportunity for kids on the roster to display their skills for other schools so they can get poached.

Good article on college grade inflation

I know we have had some discussion a while back on grade inflation relative to high school, this one focuses on college. I think it really is a strong indictment on the US education system.

I am curious to hear what some of you folks that are still working have to say about this. Have you noticed a deterioration in the skills of the younger kids coming into the work force? Especially in areas like engineering. My brother in law was an engineer and I know that he had talked about this even 10-15 years back. I had noticed it also when I was working, in particular in the ability to write and communicate effectively. What has been the observations and experiences from some of the rest of you?

T.G.I.F. (sorta)

Yeah, TGIF, but when you are retired it doesn't have the same impact that it used to.

So I was listening to some youtube music and stumbled across this great little party song from Jonathon Edwards, titled "Shanty". Doesn't sound too exciting, but give it a listen. It is pretty short.

I used to listen mostly to the great KZAM FM station in Seattle, then migrated over to "The Mountain" (KMTN, or KMTT) when KZAM died. They would play this song every Friday at 5:00 in order to get the weekend off to a good start! Party on, dudes! :)

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MSN Link that Loyal Missed

Might be the only one he has missed. :)

This is a short article by Mark Penn, who is a pollster. Primarily used by Dems, if I am not mistaken. I have seen him on FNC, and he comes off as someone that just deals in the realities of what the data tells him. He doesn't try to spin it off one way or the other to try to make it look good for one side. He tries to lay out in his article how the Dems have gotten off the rails over the years, going back into the 90's and taking it up through today. I think he does an excellent job of analyzing what has happened to their party over the years, and I found the article very interesting.

Here is a surprising comment in the very first paragraph: "Unless there is a major reset, I expect they will have an unexpected wipeout in next year's midterm elections."

I sure don't hear other folks saying things like that.

Edit: Oh, crap! Sorry for the brain cramp. Here it is......

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