Abandoning allies

Right. Because dgibbons says so. Almost as convincing as your other ace-in-the-hole;“I know you are but what am I?”

You really should have been a lawyer with the mad logic, lack of attention to detail, and intellectual laziness you bring to the table. Truly a missed opportunity in life.
Not my fault your logic is terrible. Here’s a recap:

Willie logic = the gay lady whose partner is Sri Lankan is a Nazi.
Allright Stretch, you are so full of shit. First off, who invited the press to a meeting that absolutely should have been behind closed doors? Not Zelensky. It was all about Trump blindsiding Zelensky. And what exactly did Zelensky do wrong when he was being berated and finger pointed at from Trump and JD Vance? Did you want him to get on one knee and beg? This disaster is fully on Trump wanting public theatre. Horribly damaging to everyone, especially Ukraine.

And Trump can't get a peace deal if 100% in favor of Ukraine? So what, Russia gets the occupied territory, and a lukewarm guarantee (not from the US though) of security?

Do you dipshits forget that Russia's first attack came from the North, destination Kyiv? It was a full-scale invasion bent on taking over the whole country. Thankfully Ukraine stopped them cold. So F yes any peace deal should be 100% in favor of Ukraine.

And Observer - "the boss" was the one who invited the press (including Russian state media so I read. If he looked bad on TV (he did) that his fault.

Europe's reaction is unsurprising and justified. Trump won't stop until he destroys our country.

Part 2:

So given the situation as I described in Part 1, where DO we go from here, what do you think will happen? Obviously we can rule out Putin voluntarily withdrawing completely, just will not happen. He would consider that as him being a pussy, and we all know he is not a pussy. And the US and EU lost their best opportunity to avoid this entire situation when they misread Putin, apparently thinking that having Joe Biden quietly say "Don't" 2 or 3 times would scare Putin so badly that he would haul ass back to his own doghouse as quickly as humanly possible. The opportunity was to stop the Russians from ever crossing the border, even just a "small incursion" (thanks again, Joe!) by massing weapons and forces at the border. once the Russians crossed the border and spread out and started destroying towns and infrastructure, the job became many times harder.

So will the US and all the EU folks want to continue indefinitely providing supplies to the Ukrainians? Highly unlikely. Trump has stated many, many times that he hates war, his goal is to end this war as soon as possible, so he is not likely to be in favor of supplying resources to Ukraine for "as long as it takes", which is what has been the D.C. motto so far. Of course, both Trump and the US public is souring on that option.

So with a weakening of support for his goal/desire to throw Putin completely out of the country, what should Zelensky do now? He knows in heart that he cannot do it alone, the Ukrainians are not equipped on their own to take down Putin, so he needs to make the heart wrenching decision that his next best option is the get whatever he can that gets him AND HIS PEOPLE out of the pickle that they currently exist in. He must acknowledge to himself that keeping 80% of Ukraine is infinitely better than keeping 0% of Ukraine, and then he has to decide on what option is the most likely to maximize what he can get out of a terrible situation. Any ideas what that best option might be for Zelensky at this point? Any chance that having the most powerful man on Earth try to reach some kind of a peaceful solution might be in his best interests? I think so, don't you?

And, as much as some of you folks here hate to admit it, as president of the most powerful country in the world, that job falls to Donald Trump to try to accomplish that peace. Laugh if you will, but I will point out that it has been about three years and nobody else has been able to make any progress in that direction. We all better wish him well and hope that Trump will be able to be a successful mediator.

And since it will be falling to Trump to make peace in Ukraine, as one of the participants in that little scuffle, Zelensky had better be very careful in trying to make demands upon the arbiter. He needs avoid turning Trump against him, rather like an official in a sports contest. You can bitch and yell at the offical a little bit, but show him up and you are likely to end up not having the questionable judgement calls go your way.
Part 2:

So given the situation as I described in Part 1, where DO we go from here, what do you think will happen? Obviously we can rule out Putin voluntarily withdrawing completely, just will not happen. He would consider that as him being a pussy, and we all know he is not a pussy. And the US and EU lost their best opportunity to avoid this entire situation when they misread Putin, apparently thinking that having Joe Biden quietly say "Don't" 2 or 3 times would scare Putin so badly that he would haul ass back to his own doghouse as quickly as humanly possible. The opportunity was to stop the Russians from ever crossing the border, even just a "small incursion" (thanks again, Joe!) by massing weapons and forces at the border. once the Russians crossed the border and spread out and started destroying towns and infrastructure, the job became many times harder.

So will the US and all the EU folks want to continue indefinitely providing supplies to the Ukrainians? Highly unlikely. Trump has stated many, many times that he hates war, his goal is to end this war as soon as possible, so he is not likely to be in favor of supplying resources to Ukraine for "as long as it takes", which is what has been the D.C. motto so far. Of course, both Trump and the US public is souring on that option.

So with a weakening of support for his goal/desire to throw Putin completely out of the country, what should Zelensky do now? He knows in heart that he cannot do it alone, the Ukrainians are not equipped on their own to take down Putin, so he needs to make the heart wrenching decision that his next best option is the get whatever he can that gets him AND HIS PEOPLE out of the pickle that they currently exist in. He must acknowledge to himself that keeping 80% of Ukraine is infinitely better than keeping 0% of Ukraine, and then he has to decide on what option is the most likely to maximize what he can get out of a terrible situation. Any ideas what that best option might be for Zelensky at this point? Any chance that having the most powerful man on Earth try to reach some kind of a peaceful solution might be in his best interests? I think so, don't you?

And, as much as some of you folks here hate to admit it, as president of the most powerful country in the world, that job falls to Donald Trump to try to accomplish that peace. Laugh if you will, but I will point out that it has been about three years and nobody else has been able to make any progress in that direction. We all better wish him well and hope that Trump will be able to be a successful mediator.

And since it will be falling to Trump to make peace in Ukraine, as one of the participants in that little scuffle, Zelensky had better be very careful in trying to make demands upon the arbiter. He needs avoid turning Trump against him, rather like an official in a sports contest. You can bitch and yell at the offical a little bit, but show him up and you are likely to end up not having the questionable judgement calls go your way.

An awful lot of words ignoring the fact that Trump is an greedy f#cking twat who wants Ukraine to sign a deal giving the United States access to hundreds of billions of dollars in resources while not including Ukraine or Europe in the negotiations but telling them that they are responsible for maintaining peace after the deal is signed.

Who then acts like a f#cking child throwing a tantrum when Zelensky isn't showing what he believes to be the appropriate level of gratitude for being f#cked over by mobster.
An awful lot of words ignoring the fact that Trump is an greedy f#cking twat who wants Ukraine to sign a deal giving the United States access to hundreds of billions of dollars in resources while not including Ukraine or Europe in the negotiations but telling them that they are responsible for maintaining peace after the deal is signed.

Who then acts like a f#cking child throwing a tantrum when Zelensky isn't showing what he believes to be the appropriate level of gratitude for being f#cked over by mobster.
1. Yes, the US will benefit, but Ukraine does also benefit from the agreement. And maybe it is not an equal benefit, but that is just the way it goes sometimes. I suspect that both sides did not equally benefit when the IAM and Boeing finally settled the machinists strike. So be it. If the war is soon settled in some way. how much will it be worth to Ukraine to have their citizens, towns, and infrastructure stop being annihilated? Maybe a few billion dollars?

2. So Trump is supposed to just sit there and take the disrespect by Zelensky? Would you say the say thing about about Biden, or Harris, or Obama, even Bush or Clinton? No ****ing way would you! You are ruled by your irrational hatred of the man. Perhaps when Trump is dead and gone 15-20 yers down the line you will be able to have a few rational thoughts?

I bet you just sat there when you 6 year old pitched a hissy fit in the local Albertson's kicking and screaming and calling you a mean old daddy because you wouldn't buy him or her the candy bar. Hell no, you wouldn't do that-you dress the kid down and tell him/her to behave.

BTW, for all you folks that are pissing and moaning about Trump not including Ukraine in the negotiations, are you not aware that he has already talked with Zelensky, as well as Putin. Any of you got a clue about how a federal mediator goes about their business? Yeah, that's right-they talk to each side separately, they go back and forth, trying to work them towards an amicable solution. You keep the two parties apart until tempers have cooled down, maybe even all the way until the agreement has been reached. As Trump has certainly been involved in many more negotiations than anyone here, how about we all just sit back, grab some popcorn, and see how it all turns out?
Right. Because dgibbons says so. Almost as convincing as your other ace-in-the-hole;“I know you are but what am I?”

You really should have been a lawyer with the mad logic, lack of attention to detail, and intellectual laziness you bring to the table. Truly a missed opportunity in life.
He is a lawyer. Which explains a lot, doesn't it?
An awful lot of words ignoring the fact that Trump is an greedy f#cking twat who wants Ukraine to sign a deal giving the United States access to hundreds of billions of dollars in resources while not including Ukraine or Europe in the negotiations but telling them that they are responsible for maintaining peace after the deal is signed.

Who then acts like a f#cking child throwing a tantrum when Zelensky isn't showing what he believes to be the appropriate level of gratitude for being f#cked over by mobster.
Ukraine can choose its own course. Unless the US orchestrates another coup I guess.

In the space of six weeks, Trump has gone from Nazi Trump, to Neville Trump to Mobster Trump. Quite the journey.

Ukraine can choose its own course. Unless the US orchestrates another coup I guess.

In the space of six weeks, Trump has gone from Nazi Trump, to Neville Trump to Mobster Trump. Quite the journey.

Trump is the same piece of sh!t that he's always been. You keep adding nicknames because you think you're clever, but he's the same insecure prick with dictator aspirations that he's been for his entire life. He's always looking for the angle to enrich himself and his billionaire cronies.
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Trump is the same piece of sh!t that he's always been. You keep adding nicknames because you think you're clever, but he's the same insecure prick with dictator aspirations that he's been for his entire life. He's always looking for the angle to enrich himself and his billionaire cronies.
I’m not the one calling him names. That’s you.
Hope you didn't hurt yourself making that leap of logic. Of course, the whole premise is blown out of the water once you understand that the Russky snuck in and was escorted out as soon as they realized he was there. NOT on the official invitee list.
It’s really more of a leap of logic at this point if you are still trying to convince yourself he’s not.
Your ego > Ukrainian lives.
I wouldn’t call it “ego” to defend your home. I think most people that have a pair would defend their homes, friends, and families even if it meant they would risk dying themselves. But I guess you aren’t most people. Hope you got a strong woman sleeping next to you.
I wouldn’t call it “ego” to defend your home. I think most people that have a pair would defend their homes, friends, and families even if it meant they would risk dying themselves. But I guess you aren’t most people. Hope you got a strong woman sleeping next to you.
You’re confusing your ego with Ukrainian courage.
These oval office presser photo op things happen all the time. They were answering questions from the media. Trump did the same thing in the same spot with Macron and Starmer. This was obviously scheduled. Trump says a lunch meeting was next and then signing the deal.

For those that want to believe Zelenskyy was getting ambushed, it wasn't. Why wait 35+ minutes? Zelenskyy could have clammed up. Watch the whole thing. It seemed to slowly heat up with a lot of talk of security guarantees from Zelenskyy, then went hot when this Polish (?) reporter asked his question around 38:00. Trump said one more question. so it was almost over.

This is the first video I’ve seen of the entire conversation, almost all sources only show the last few minutes.
The most notable sequences are at the 4-8 minute mark and at about 40 minutes.

During the earlier sequence, Zelensky makes his most overt appeal for additional support. He mentions security guarantees several times, talks about stolen children, prisoners, etc., and shows Trump pictures of maltreated prisoners. He references a phone conversation in this, and my guess is that he was told that Trump and the US were not going to focus on those things. Zelensky wanted them on the table, wanted them addressed in any peace deal, so he brought them up on camera. You could say he ambushed Trump himself, but considering that he hasn’t even been invited to negotiations with Russia…can’t say I blame him for taking the opportunity to get his concerns out there.

Don’t recall where the time stamp was, but Trump also claims that Ukrainian cities are totally destroyed and there’s nothing left, Zelensky corrects him and says that those cities are still there, people are working, going to school, etc. Trump was not pleased at being publicly contradicted.

The second sequence is at about 40 minutes, when Vance takes a few minutes to slam Biden and say that instead of tough talk we need to try diplomacy. Zelensky asks what he means, because Obama, Trump, and Biden have all been in office since the war started and they’ve all tried talks….so what’s going to be different this time. That’s when Vance starts calling him disrespectful and the wheels come off quickly.

My read is that both sides were trying to push their own objectives. Zelensky knows he’s got one shot at a deal, so he wants everything considered in that deal. Trump just wants to get it done, his only aims are stopping the fighting and getting US access to resources.

It turned into a shitshow, but I really can’t hold it against Zelensky. He’s using the time he’s given to lobby for his country. Trump was making his points pretty clear (and highly repetitive). Vance is really the one who drove it off the rails.

Don’t remember the time stamp on this one either…relatively early. Trump commented again on their “mandate” and how they “won everything” by “millions and millions” of votes. I suppose “millions and millions” is technically correct, because he won by 2 million. But I still don’t see a 1.5% margin, when you fell short of 50%, as being any kind of mandate. Really just means that there were slightly more people who thought you sucked less.
I wouldn’t call it “ego” to defend your home. I think most people that have a pair would defend their homes, friends, and families even if it meant they would risk dying themselves. But I guess you aren’t most people. Hope you got a strong woman sleeping next to you.
Dgibbons already got a plan; he’ll keep an eye his neighbors for the Russkis.
I thought about some of the things being said on here and realized just full of sh!t you Trumpers are. The repeated "Ukrainians are dying" bullsh!t is the dumbest Russian talking point that I've ever heard and you keep repeating it. That you are repeating it means that 1) you are dumb and maybe 2) you are the f#cking racists that we suspect that most MAGA people are.

Why do I say that?

1) As I've said before, you can't expect a nation to accept attacks on its sovereignty and future just so people don't die. The United States would still be a British Colony if we took that attitude. The US would be two separate countries with slavery being legal in the South if we took that attitude. Only a ****ing idiot believes that you stop fighting a war just because people are dying. You fix the cause or you guarantee that it will happen again. The disastrous f#cking Treaty of Versailles at the end of "the Great War" didn't fix the issues in Europe and made World War II inevitable. So....quit being a f#cking Russian patsy and repeating that moronic statement.

2) What makes me think your f#cking racists is that you suddenly care about the lives of Ukrainians (Europeans), but when Trump and Musk started gutting USAID.....a program that keeps millions of Africans and others around the world from didn't blink an eye and celebrated the death of the program. You sure seem concerned about Europeans but don't give a rat's ass about starving black and brown people. Their lives are a sacrifice that you are willing to make.

So....please quit with the moronic "we don't want Ukrainians to die" pitch when it comes to this discussion. It makes you look dumb and racist. I don't really think you are either of those things, but you've gotten so deluded by right wing media and the Orange One himself that you can't see how dumb it is. Be better than that.
Last edited:
I thought about some of the things being said on here and realized just full of sh!t you Trumpers are. The repeated "Ukrainians are dying" bullsh!t is the dumbest Russian talking point that I've ever heard and you keep repeating it. That you are repeating it means that 1) you are dumb and maybe 2) you are the f#cking racists that we suspect that most MAGA people are.

Why do I say that?

1) As I've said before, you can't expect a nation to accept attacks on its sovereignty and future just so people don't do. The United States would still be a British Colony if we took that attitude. The US would be two separate countries with slavery being legal in the South if we took that attitude. Only a ****ing idiot believes that you stop fighting a war just because people are dying. You fix the cause or you guarantee that it will happen again. The disastrous f#cking Treaty of Versailles at the end of "the Great War" didn't fix the issues in Europe and made World War II inevitable. So....quit being a f#cking Russian patsy and repeating that moronic statement.

2) What makes me think your f#cking racists is that you suddenly care about the lives of Ukrainians (Europeans), but when Trump and Musk started gutting USAID.....a program that keeps millions of Africans and others around the world from didn't blink an eye and celebrated the death of the program. You sure seem concerned about Europeans but don't give a rat's ass about starving black and brown people. Their lives are a sacrifice that you are willing to make.

So....please quit with the moronic "we don't want Ukrainians to die" pitch when it comes to this discussion. It makes you look dumb and racist. I don't really think you are either of those things, but you've gotten so deluded by right wing media and the Orange One himself that you can't see how dumb it is. Be better than that.
Speaking of dumb. How many times do you need to hear that the EU is clearly free to step its support for Ukraine?

Your comments about how Black and Hispanics are supposed to vote have shown your true colors.
No. It’s not up to you either. But why do you want them fighting a war they cannot win? Is stroking your ego that important?

Maybe we feel that Ukraine deserves to survive and that they have the right to fight to regain control of their country that is being occupied by a foreign power? Why do you feel that our egos have anything to do with it?

If anything, that sounds an awful lot like projection?
Speaking of dumb. How many times do you need to hear that the EU is clearly free to step its support for Ukraine?

Your comments about how Black and Hispanics are supposed to vote have shown your true colors.

I've never said anything about how Black and Hispanics are supposed to vote. You spend so much time making up bullsh!t that you can't even remember your own lies.

EDIT: FWIW, I do believe that the EU needs to step up and do more. That doesn't mean we should do nothing or that we should rape a country of its natural resources so we can make a few extra bucks on the deal.
This is the first video I’ve seen of the entire conversation, almost all sources only show the last few minutes.
The most notable sequences are at the 4-8 minute mark and at about 40 minutes.

During the earlier sequence, Zelensky makes his most overt appeal for additional support. He mentions security guarantees several times, talks about stolen children, prisoners, etc., and shows Trump pictures of maltreated prisoners. He references a phone conversation in this, and my guess is that he was told that Trump and the US were not going to focus on those things. Zelensky wanted them on the table, wanted them addressed in any peace deal, so he brought them up on camera. You could say he ambushed Trump himself, but considering that he hasn’t even been invited to negotiations with Russia…can’t say I blame him for taking the opportunity to get his concerns out there.

Don’t recall where the time stamp was, but Trump also claims that Ukrainian cities are totally destroyed and there’s nothing left, Zelensky corrects him and says that those cities are still there, people are working, going to school, etc. Trump was not pleased at being publicly contradicted.

The second sequence is at about 40 minutes, when Vance takes a few minutes to slam Biden and say that instead of tough talk we need to try diplomacy. Zelensky asks what he means, because Obama, Trump, and Biden have all been in office since the war started and they’ve all tried talks….so what’s going to be different this time. That’s when Vance starts calling him disrespectful and the wheels come off quickly.

My read is that both sides were trying to push their own objectives. Zelensky knows he’s got one shot at a deal, so he wants everything considered in that deal. Trump just wants to get it done, his only aims are stopping the fighting and getting US access to resources.

It turned into a shitshow, but I really can’t hold it against Zelensky. He’s using the time he’s given to lobby for his country. Trump was making his points pretty clear (and highly repetitive). Vance is really the one who drove it off the rails.

Don’t remember the time stamp on this one either…relatively early. Trump commented again on their “mandate” and how they “won everything” by “millions and millions” of votes. I suppose “millions and millions” is technically correct, because he won by 2 million. But I still don’t see a 1.5% margin, when you fell short of 50%, as being any kind of mandate. Really just means that there were slightly more people who thought you sucked less.
And what do you conclude from all of this? Zelenskyy is saying the only option is war. A war that Ukraine cannot win, and is losing. So what does that mean? US troops on the ground? Handing nukes to Ukraine? Pouring all US military manufacturing capacity into the effort to match Russia’s efforts?

From what you see in this video would Zelenskyy meeting face to face with Russia be productive?

And yes, plenty of Ukrainian cities have been or are being decimated.
Maybe we feel that Ukraine deserves to survive and that they have the right to fight to regain control of their country that is being occupied by a foreign power? Why do you feel that our egos have anything to do with it?

If anything, that sounds an awful lot like projection?
Because your ego wants Ukraine to keep fighting a war that it can’t win.
I've never said anything about how Black and Hispanics are supposed to vote. You spend so much time making up bullsh!t that you can't even remember your own lies.

EDIT: FWIW, I do believe that the EU needs to step up and do more. That doesn't mean we should do nothing or that we should rape a country of its natural resources so we can make a few extra bucks on the deal.
You really ought to go back and read your posts.
I thought about some of the things being said on here and realized just full of sh!t you Trumpers are. The repeated "Ukrainians are dying" bullsh!t is the dumbest Russian talking point that I've ever heard and you keep repeating it. That you are repeating it means that 1) you are dumb and maybe 2) you are the f#cking racists that we suspect that most MAGA people are.

Why do I say that?

1) As I've said before, you can't expect a nation to accept attacks on its sovereignty and future just so people don't die. The United States would still be a British Colony if we took that attitude. The US would be two separate countries with slavery being legal in the South if we took that attitude. Only a ****ing idiot believes that you stop fighting a war just because people are dying. You fix the cause or you guarantee that it will happen again. The disastrous f#cking Treaty of Versailles at the end of "the Great War" didn't fix the issues in Europe and made World War II inevitable. So....quit being a f#cking Russian patsy and repeating that moronic statement.

2) What makes me think your f#cking racists is that you suddenly care about the lives of Ukrainians (Europeans), but when Trump and Musk started gutting USAID.....a program that keeps millions of Africans and others around the world from didn't blink an eye and celebrated the death of the program. You sure seem concerned about Europeans but don't give a rat's ass about starving black and brown people. Their lives are a sacrifice that you are willing to make.

So....please quit with the moronic "we don't want Ukrainians to die" pitch when it comes to this discussion. It makes you look dumb and racist. I don't really think you are either of those things, but you've gotten so deluded by right wing media and the Orange One himself that you can't see how dumb it is. Be better than that.
Opposing killing is a Russian talking point.

We are to now follow the Nine Commandments. So noted.
No. It’s not up to you either. But why do you want them fighting a war they cannot win? Is stroking your ego that important?
Since this is a football board…you’re right, The Patriots should have just started kneeling down 28-3 in the Super Bowl. UCLA probably should have put in their backups in down 32 to the Cougs in the third quarter.

Those Bruins and Pats fans with their big egos. The nerve!

As Flat said one of the dumbest arguments imaginable. What’s your address by the way, I’m looking at properties right now, sounds like I could just take yours from you without much trouble 🤷
I thought about some of the things being said on here and realized just full of sh!t you Trumpers are. The repeated "Ukrainians are dying" bullsh!t is the dumbest Russian talking point that I've ever heard and you keep repeating it. That you are repeating it means that 1) you are dumb and maybe 2) you are the f#cking racists that we suspect that most MAGA people are.

Why do I say that?

1) As I've said before, you can't expect a nation to accept attacks on its sovereignty and future just so people don't die. The United States would still be a British Colony if we took that attitude. The US would be two separate countries with slavery being legal in the South if we took that attitude. Only a ****ing idiot believes that you stop fighting a war just because people are dying. You fix the cause or you guarantee that it will happen again. The disastrous f#cking Treaty of Versailles at the end of "the Great War" didn't fix the issues in Europe and made World War II inevitable. So....quit being a f#cking Russian patsy and repeating that moronic statement.

2) What makes me think your f#cking racists is that you suddenly care about the lives of Ukrainians (Europeans), but when Trump and Musk started gutting USAID.....a program that keeps millions of Africans and others around the world from didn't blink an eye and celebrated the death of the program. You sure seem concerned about Europeans but don't give a rat's ass about starving black and brown people. Their lives are a sacrifice that you are willing to make.

So....please quit with the moronic "we don't want Ukrainians to die" pitch when it comes to this discussion. It makes you look dumb and racist. I don't really think you are either of those things, but you've gotten so deluded by right wing media and the Orange One himself that you can't see how dumb it is. Be better than that.
It’s intellectually dishonest to the core. DGibbons is not unlike Trump - he repeats nonsense over and over until he believes it’s true.

He views the world in simple terms like a child because he is intellectually lazy.
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Maybe we feel that Ukraine deserves to survive and that they have the right to fight to regain control of their country that is being occupied by a foreign power? Why do you feel that our egos have anything to do with it?

If anything, that sounds an awful lot like projection?
He knows he’s wrong. This is where the irrelevant questions and cute quips show up in force. Like clockwork.
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Since this is a football board…you’re right, The Patriots should have just started kneeling down 28-3 in the Super Bowl. UCLA probably should have put in their backups in down 32 to the Cougs in the third quarter.

Those Bruins and Pats fans with their big egos. The nerve!

As Flat said one of the dumbest arguments imaginable. What’s your address by the way, I’m looking at properties right now, sounds like I could just take yours from you without much trouble 🤷
My address is the space between your ears. Questionable value.
It’s intellectually dishonest to the core. DGibbons is not unlike Trump - he repeats nonsense over and over until he believes it’s true.

He views the world in simple terms like a child because he is intellectually lazy.
Incorrect. You greatly overestimate your own intellect to the point where you think everything is black or white. Your color blind to grey.

Two easy questions for you to answer: (1) What is victory for Ukraine? (2) How is it accomplished?
Incorrect. You greatly overestimate your own intellect to the point where you think everything is black or white. Your color blind to grey.

Two easy questions for you to answer: (1) What is victory for Ukraine? (2) How is it accomplished?
ROTFLMAO: Mr. “I know you are but what am I” strikes again!

Your questions only serve to highlight your lack of depth.
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