These oval office presser photo op things happen all the time. They were answering questions from the media. Trump did the same thing in the same spot with Macron and Starmer. This was obviously scheduled. Trump says a lunch meeting was next and then signing the deal.
For those that want to believe Zelenskyy was getting ambushed, it wasn't. Why wait 35+ minutes? Zelenskyy could have clammed up. Watch the whole thing. It seemed to slowly heat up with a lot of talk of security guarantees from Zelenskyy, then went hot when this Polish (?) reporter asked his question around 38:00. Trump said one more question. so it was almost over.
This is the first video I’ve seen of the entire conversation, almost all sources only show the last few minutes.
The most notable sequences are at the 4-8 minute mark and at about 40 minutes.
During the earlier sequence, Zelensky makes his most overt appeal for additional support. He mentions security guarantees several times, talks about stolen children, prisoners, etc., and shows Trump pictures of maltreated prisoners. He references a phone conversation in this, and my guess is that he was told that Trump and the US were not going to focus on those things. Zelensky wanted them on the table, wanted them addressed in any peace deal, so he brought them up on camera. You could say he ambushed Trump himself, but considering that he hasn’t even been invited to negotiations with Russia…can’t say I blame him for taking the opportunity to get his concerns out there.
Don’t recall where the time stamp was, but Trump also claims that Ukrainian cities are totally destroyed and there’s nothing left, Zelensky corrects him and says that those cities are still there, people are working, going to school, etc. Trump was not pleased at being publicly contradicted.
The second sequence is at about 40 minutes, when Vance takes a few minutes to slam Biden and say that instead of tough talk we need to try diplomacy. Zelensky asks what he means, because Obama, Trump, and Biden have all been in office since the war started and they’ve all tried talks….so what’s going to be different this time. That’s when Vance starts calling him disrespectful and the wheels come off quickly.
My read is that both sides were trying to push their own objectives. Zelensky knows he’s got one shot at a deal, so he wants everything considered in that deal. Trump just wants to get it done, his only aims are stopping the fighting and getting US access to resources.
It turned into a shitshow, but I really can’t hold it against Zelensky. He’s using the time he’s given to lobby for his country. Trump was making his points pretty clear (and highly repetitive). Vance is really the one who drove it off the rails.
Don’t remember the time stamp on this one either…relatively early. Trump commented again on their “mandate” and how they “won everything” by “millions and millions” of votes. I suppose “millions and millions” is technically correct, because he won by 2 million. But I still don’t see a 1.5% margin, when you fell short of 50%, as being any kind of mandate. Really just means that there were slightly more people who thought you sucked less.