New political thread - Biden vs Trump (only!)

Oh c'mon. Got something to back that up? The Board Nanny requires some sort of informational link to back up such sweeping statements.

And besides, I thought this phantom US crime wave was Biden's personal fault. Turns out, according to you Trumpers, it's the liberal cities, mayors, governors and DA's. So does Biden personally control all these people and cause them to ignore crime so that the stats can go down and make him personally look like Eliot Ness?
Get ready for a wave of,, and articles.
Hi Im TrumpCoug. I dont always vacation to the carribean, but when I do I make sure its in the middle of hurricane season.

Stay away from windmills there, the way those things are whipping around you’ll need chemo on your flight home.
Ha, actually we have been vacationing in the Caribbean during the month of July for the past 20 years. Never encountered a hurricane in those 20 years. Sun will be out tomorrow and the Huskys still suck.
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Oh c'mon. Got something to back that up? The Board Nanny requires some sort of informational link to back up such sweeping statements.

And besides, I thought this phantom US crime wave was Biden's personal fault. Turns out, according to you Trumpers, it's the liberal cities, mayors, governors and DA's. So does Biden personally control all these people and cause them to ignore crime so that the stats can go down and make him personally look like Eliot Ness?
Come on, Loyal-put your thinking cap on. Think about actions that have been taken over the past several years and it will lead you to obvious conclusions. There is no doubt that extremely liberal DA's/prosecutors have been put into office through George Soros buying the elections by flooding in money. These folks have pushed and implemented policies of eliminating cash bail and dropping felony charges down to misdemeanors. This has the direct result of having the criminals out on the streets sooner than they otherwise would be, allowing them to get back to criminal behavior due to more opportunity and more willing to commit more crimes due to a lack of consequences from previous crimes.

I'm sure you have heard all the calls to defund the police, and there are places that it has happened. Along with that, there has been a shift towards political apathy or even attack of law enforcement. This has lead to drastic drops in employment in the law enforcement departments, primarily in large cities. When funding is cut or shifted to other purposes, there obviously will be less officers available to answer the calls and respond to crimes. When they are not properly supported with funding as well as political will, police morale will obviously suffer. Who wants to work in an environment like that? So not only is there less officers to respond to incidents, they have a lot less reason to either respond or to write up a report, knowing that the criminal will be immediately released and/or have the charges reduced to a slap on the wrist.

Bottom line to all this is that while the official stats may show crime as level or even decreasing, the people living in those areas and the officers still on the job are net seeing or feeling any actual decrease. They know what is happening around them, and they do NOT feel safer in their everyday lives.
Come on, Loyal-put your thinking cap on. Think about actions that have been taken over the past several years and it will lead you to obvious conclusions. There is no doubt that extremely liberal DA's/prosecutors have been put into office through George Soros buying the elections by flooding in money. These folks have pushed and implemented policies of eliminating cash bail and dropping felony charges down to misdemeanors. This has the direct result of having the criminals out on the streets sooner than they otherwise would be, allowing them to get back to criminal behavior due to more opportunity and more willing to commit more crimes due to a lack of consequences from previous crimes.

I'm sure you have heard all the calls to defund the police, and there are places that it has happened. Along with that, there has been a shift towards political apathy or even attack of law enforcement. This has lead to drastic drops in employment in the law enforcement departments, primarily in large cities. When funding is cut or shifted to other purposes, there obviously will be less officers available to answer the calls and respond to crimes. When they are not properly supported with funding as well as political will, police morale will obviously suffer. Who wants to work in an environment like that? So not only is there less officers to respond to incidents, they have a lot less reason to either respond or to write up a report, knowing that the criminal will be immediately released and/or have the charges reduced to a slap on the wrist.

Bottom line to all this is that while the official stats may show crime as level or even decreasing, the people living in those areas and the officers still on the job are net seeing or feeling any actual decrease. They know what is happening around them, and they do NOT feel safer in their everyday lives.
Well if you say so. The "Defund the Police" BS has kind of run its course from what I see. Here's a link to an article yesterday that does indeed point to some staffing shortages.

I can say that in my mid-sized city there are plenty of cops around, the courts have a sizable docket every day, and the jails have lots of inmates. And of course, we all know that back in Whitman County the cops swarm around like flies on a rotting piece of meat.

As far as the opinion of the average citizen, well I don't think most of them are paying any attention to their surroundings. "Oh crime is terrible, my neighbor down the street got robbed". It's out of control!" I will say this, ridiculous as some of these threads have gotten, at least the people here actually pay attention and read the news - slanted as it may be on both sides. From my personal observations, the average person on the street doesn't know or understand shit. Nor do they seem to care.

Come on, Loyal-put your thinking cap on. Think about actions that have been taken over the past several years and it will lead you to obvious conclusions. There is no doubt that extremely liberal DA's/prosecutors have been put into office through George Soros buying the elections by flooding in money. These folks have pushed and implemented policies of eliminating cash bail and dropping felony charges down to misdemeanors. This has the direct result of having the criminals out on the streets sooner than they otherwise would be, allowing them to get back to criminal behavior due to more opportunity and more willing to commit more crimes due to a lack of consequences from previous crimes.

I'm sure you have heard all the calls to defund the police, and there are places that it has happened. Along with that, there has been a shift towards political apathy or even attack of law enforcement. This has lead to drastic drops in employment in the law enforcement departments, primarily in large cities. When funding is cut or shifted to other purposes, there obviously will be less officers available to answer the calls and respond to crimes. When they are not properly supported with funding as well as political will, police morale will obviously suffer. Who wants to work in an environment like that? So not only is there less officers to respond to incidents, they have a lot less reason to either respond or to write up a report, knowing that the criminal will be immediately released and/or have the charges reduced to a slap on the wrist.

Bottom line to all this is that while the official stats may show crime as level or even decreasing, the people living in those areas and the officers still on the job are net seeing or feeling any actual decrease. They know what is happening around them, and they do NOT feel safer in their everyday lives.
Always a conspiracy. Loses Iowa to Cruz, it is rigged. Indicted and has to ho through a grand jury, then a trial of his peers, out of control prosecutors. Loses a libel case, fake news. People are just consistently after him, just like Guiliani went after Gotti. Gotti was innocent... clearly.

Manafort didn't embezzle 15 million dollars, he borrowed it and forgot to pay it back. Weisslberg-he serves prison time for falsifying records .

People who have falsified info on their loan applications serve time all the time and get fined. Why is Trump different? He got caught .
Well if you say so. The "Defund the Police" BS has kind of run its course from what I see. Here's a link to an article yesterday that does indeed point to some staffing shortages.

I can say that in my mid-sized city there are plenty of cops around, the courts have a sizable docket every day, and the jails have lots of inmates. And of course, we all know that back in Whitman County the cops swarm around like flies on a rotting piece of meat.

As far as the opinion of the average citizen, well I don't think most of them are paying any attention to their surroundings. "Oh crime is terrible, my neighbor down the street got robbed". It's out of control!" I will say this, ridiculous as some of these threads have gotten, at least the people here actually pay attention and read the news - slanted as it may be on both sides. From my personal observations, the average person on the street doesn't know or understand shit. Nor do they seem to care.

Not to mention the back the blue crowd was cheering while their comrades attacked capital police.
Well if you say so. The "Defund the Police" BS has kind of run its course from what I see. Here's a link to an article yesterday that does indeed point to some staffing shortages.

I can say that in my mid-sized city there are plenty of cops around, the courts have a sizable docket every day, and the jails have lots of inmates. And of course, we all know that back in Whitman County the cops swarm around like flies on a rotting piece of meat.

As far as the opinion of the average citizen, well I don't think most of them are paying any attention to their surroundings. "Oh crime is terrible, my neighbor down the street got robbed". It's out of control!" I will say this, ridiculous as some of these threads have gotten, at least the people here actually pay attention and read the news - slanted as it may be on both sides. From my personal observations, the average person on the street doesn't know or understand shit. Nor do they seem to care.

How could they feel safe, especially in Seattle where we have the Canadians immigrants illegally crossing the border .

You have a constant drum beat every day on the news how unsafe it is, that becomes the narrative despite the data.

During Black Lives Matter where people were upset at the George Floyd killing, my sister and husband were so sure Antifa was coming to rob them at their home in a predominately white area they got a steel door for front and back.

Not sure how that stops committed thieves from breaking the glass windows but to each their own.

But I did send my sister the protestors I saw by her house. 14 eighty plus year old women holding signs . But they were for Black Lives Matter . Scary times in her neighborhood.

Then during this time her husband starts telling me about the drug problem in Seattle. No push back from me. However I did have to give him stats on rural drug use. A team my daughter played hoops against was Stanwood. The week her high school team played Stanwood 75 kids from Stanwood High were in treatment for meth.

I dont think inner city schools like Rainier Beach, Cleveland, Garfield had that percentage of the school population or possibly even numbers of kids in rehab compared to rural Stanwood High.

Just some interesting stats on "crime" and drug use

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