Abandoning allies

Oh here we go. Cute quip time!!! My favorite part!!
So, you don't disagree on the questionable value? You respect yourself more than that.

And the analogy of football to war doesn't work. If the Patriots or UCLA lose (or win for that matter), no one is dying. There isn't decades worth of rebuilding with a price tag in the hundreds of billions or maybe higher that has to take place.
ROTFLMAO: Mr. “I know you are but what am I” strikes again!

Your questions only serve to highlight your lack of depth.
Too shallow to answer two simple questions. What a surprise. You're passing on this opportunity to show the world how smart you are. And in doing so, you're doing what you normally do and are now accusing me of "I know you are, but what am I?"
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So, you don't disagree on the questionable value? You respect yourself more than that.

And the analogy of football to war doesn't work. If the Patriots or UCLA lose (or win for that matter), no one is dying. There isn't decades worth of rebuilding with a price tag in the hundreds of billions or maybe higher that has to take place.
You’re right it doesn’t work. In football you only have the 45 guys on the field and the coaches you have to work with. Unless you are the Kansas City chiefs you can’t rely on allies to help you win, which you can in war.

Where there are similarities…sides that are winning make mistakes, and heart, toughness, and strategy can overcome strength and talent. You are well read I’m sure you can come up with plenty of examples throughout history of militaries that were all but defeated but ended up prevailing. And you know what they do? Celebrate their independence and honor their fallen.

You’re wrong and your argument is pathetic. Move on to something else you might be right about.
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You’re right it doesn’t work. In football you only have the 45 guys on the field and the coaches you have to work with. Unless you are the Kansas City chiefs you can’t rely on allies to help you win, which you can in war.

Where there are similarities…sides that are winning make mistakes, and heart, toughness, and strategy can overcome strength and talent. You are well read I’m sure you can come up with plenty of examples throughout history of militaries that were all but defeated but ended up prevailing. And you know what they do? Celebrate their independence and honor their fallen.

You’re wrong and your argument is pathetic. Move on to something else you might be right about.
So, basically you're saying that needs a miraculous comeback? Correct? Do you acknowledge that Ukraine is losing? And the comeback results in what?

Russia is using its advantages in firepower and manpower to lock Ukraine into a grinding attritional war. The first 9-10 months where Russia overran its logistics and was devoting too little manpower to the war is far in the rearview mirror. Ukraine's 2023 failed summer offensive is over too. The war is in a phase that greatly favors Russia.

Like when the WSU offense is sputtering and the defense is being ground down by the opponent's running game. You (and Flatland, Willie, Loyal, etc.) also forget that there is a far more important game on the schedule next week, and one that has to be played on the road in the Indo-Pacific.
No.....spouting Russian talking points about how important it is to stop people from dying while celebrating the disassembly of USAID that keeps people from dying is just typical MAGA hypocrisy.
Killing is killing.

It's pretty easy to document killing in Ukraine.

Feel free to provide documentation of killing elsewhere that is funded by the US taxpayers and that can be added to the list of the missing 10th commandment.
So, basically you're saying that needs a miraculous comeback? Correct? Do you acknowledge that Ukraine is losing? And the comeback results in what?

Russia is using its advantages in firepower and manpower to lock Ukraine into a grinding attritional war. The first 9-10 months where Russia overran its logistics and was devoting too little manpower to the war is far in the rearview mirror. Ukraine's 2023 failed summer offensive is over too. The war is in a phase that greatly favors Russia.

Like when the WSU offense is sputtering and the defense is being ground down by the opponent's running game. You (and Flatland, Willie, Loyal, etc.) also forget that there is a far more important game on the schedule next week, and one that has to be played on the road in the Indo-Pacific.
Oh, are you talking about the one in which this team we’re playing now will be sharing players, strategy and intel with the indo pacific team we’re playing next week? In that case empty the benches because they need to be dealt with even more swiftly or we’re losing for sure next week as well.
Oh, are you talking about the one in which this team we’re playing now will be sharing players, strategy and intel with the indo pacific team we’re playing next week? In that case empty the benches because they need to be dealt with even more swiftly or we’re losing for sure next week as well.
We're not fighting in Ukraine, it's a proxy war. You've already agreed that the football to war analogy does not work.

And edit to add- do you agree that Ukraine is losing?
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I thought about some of the things being said on here and realized just full of sh!t you Trumpers are. The repeated "Ukrainians are dying" bullsh!t is the dumbest Russian talking point that I've ever heard and you keep repeating it. That you are repeating it means that 1) you are dumb and maybe 2) you are the f#cking racists that we suspect that most MAGA people are.

Why do I say that?

1) As I've said before, you can't expect a nation to accept attacks on its sovereignty and future just so people don't die. The United States would still be a British Colony if we took that attitude. The US would be two separate countries with slavery being legal in the South if we took that attitude. Only a ****ing idiot believes that you stop fighting a war just because people are dying. You fix the cause or you guarantee that it will happen again. The disastrous f#cking Treaty of Versailles at the end of "the Great War" didn't fix the issues in Europe and made World War II inevitable. So....quit being a f#cking Russian patsy and repeating that moronic statement.

2) What makes me think your f#cking racists is that you suddenly care about the lives of Ukrainians (Europeans), but when Trump and Musk started gutting USAID.....a program that keeps millions of Africans and others around the world from didn't blink an eye and celebrated the death of the program. You sure seem concerned about Europeans but don't give a rat's ass about starving black and brown people. Their lives are a sacrifice that you are willing to make.

So....please quit with the moronic "we don't want Ukrainians to die" pitch when it comes to this discussion. It makes you look dumb and racist. I don't really think you are either of those things, but you've gotten so deluded by right wing media and the Orange One himself that you can't see how dumb it is. Be better than that.
While I agree with the opening sentence, your explanation for #1 is oversimplified. The problem with the Treaty of Versailles was not that it didn’t fix the old problems, it’s that it created new ones. It guaranteed that Germany would be economically depressed and forced them to accept complete fault for the war. Without the economic and social conditions it forced on Germany, the Nazi movement likely never would have gained more than token support. Instead it gave them the fuel to turn their “it’s not fair” and “blame the Jews” propaganda into something with momentum.
(By the way, the US never ratified the Treaty of Versailles.)

Also, while I agree that “you can't expect a nation to accept attacks on its sovereignty and future just so people don't die,” that has its limits. Looking at our own wars shows this.
The American Revolution actually had shockingly low active support. There were a pretty small number of real agitators - mostly wealthy businessmen and landowners. Most of the common people generally agreed with them in principle, but not enough to put their money or their asses on the line. The Continental army spent almost the entire war on the verge of collapse due to lack of funds and lack of personnel. It had virtually no hope of success until we got backing from the French.
The Civil war had some support initially, but the body counts and gore shocked the populace enough to erode it. By 1863 there was significant northern sentiment that wanted the war to end, even if it meant letting the confederate state remain separate. Lee’s invasion of the north was partially trying to capitalize on that and force a negotiated peace. His defeat at Gettysburg was a huge factor in continuing the war.
Same thing in WW2. Public support remained pretty strong to defeat Germany, but it waned in the Pacific. The public was tired of the war and there was increasing support for ending the was against Japan. The Japanese strategy in the later part of the war was not really to win, but to make our victories so costly that we would want to stop fighting…and that was working. The body counts at places like Iwo Jima and Okinawa were so appalling that people were starting to lean toward just ending the fighting. That was actually a factor in use of the bomb, Truman knew that support was falling and an invasion of Japan was going to lose support as soon as telegrams started coming home. The only path to unconditional surrender was bombing out Japan.
It’s also interesting to look at American support for the European war in 1939-40. We were on Poland’s side, and Americans were strongly in favor of providing food and general support. We were 90% opposed to sending our military. We were also 80% opposed to negotiating with Germany if it meant giving up part of Poland. Just a few months later, we were only about half opposed to negotiating with Germany if it meant giving up Czechoslovakia. We were only about 1/3 in favor of helping the British, but after the Blitz and the fall of France we were 2/3 in favor of helping defend the UK. Basically, in 1940 we were against appeasement - we didn’t want to reward the Nazis for invading Poland. We cared less in Czechoslovakia. A year later, when our friends were getting hit, we were willing to put people in harms way. The situation in Ukraine feels pretty similar.
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We're not fighting in Ukraine, it's a proxy war. You've already agreed that the football to war analogy does not work.

And edit to add- do you agree that Ukraine is losing?
Not if you believe the Cold War ever ended. News flash, it didn’t. And you wanna talk about winning or losing, Russia is winning that in grand fashion as well. And you are cheering them on comrade.
Trump is the same piece of sh!t that he's always been. You keep adding nicknames because you think you're clever, but he's the same insecure prick with dictator aspirations that he's been for his entire life. He's always looking for the angle to enrich himself and his billionaire cronies.
Oh darn-you have figured him out. His nefarious scheme to enrich himself at the expense of American babies and grandmothers has now been exposed by you. Great work, Flat!

Oops, that's right, you screwed up again. You forgot how this was previously discussed a while back and that his net worth actually went down about a billion dollars after becoming president. Sorry about that.
Not if you believe the Cold War ever ended. News flash, it didn’t. And you wanna talk about winning or losing, Russia is winning that in grand fashion as well. And you are cheering them on comrade.
Oh boy.

Let's just say that recorded history is wrong, and you are right that the Cold War never ended. What is the US supposed to do? Subjugate the entire world in some fashion? Nuke Russia? Team America World Police forever, even if it bankrupts the country?
If those killings are not a direct defense of US citizens or property, funding should be halted.

I've been very clear on my position that killing outside of those two matters is wrong.
I would agree, and from what I can tell the US body count associated with those incidents is approximately zero.

But yet…
Link 5
I thought about some of the things being said on here and realized just full of sh!t you Trumpers are. The repeated "Ukrainians are dying" bullsh!t is the dumbest Russian talking point that I've ever heard and you keep repeating it. That you are repeating it means that 1) you are dumb and maybe 2) you are the f#cking racists that we suspect that most MAGA people are.

Why do I say that?

1) As I've said before, you can't expect a nation to accept attacks on its sovereignty and future just so people don't die. The United States would still be a British Colony if we took that attitude. The US would be two separate countries with slavery being legal in the South if we took that attitude. Only a ****ing idiot believes that you stop fighting a war just because people are dying. You fix the cause or you guarantee that it will happen again. The disastrous f#cking Treaty of Versailles at the end of "the Great War" didn't fix the issues in Europe and made World War II inevitable. So....quit being a f#cking Russian patsy and repeating that moronic statement.

2) What makes me think your f#cking racists is that you suddenly care about the lives of Ukrainians (Europeans), but when Trump and Musk started gutting USAID.....a program that keeps millions of Africans and others around the world from didn't blink an eye and celebrated the death of the program. You sure seem concerned about Europeans but don't give a rat's ass about starving black and brown people. Their lives are a sacrifice that you are willing to make.

So....please quit with the moronic "we don't want Ukrainians to die" pitch when it comes to this discussion. It makes you look dumb and racist. I don't really think you are either of those things, but you've gotten so deluded by right wing media and the Orange One himself that you can't see how dumb it is. Be better than that.
It’s really cute that they think the killing will stop once Ukraine gives in. It just won’t be as visible.
Depends. Unprovoked attacks and invasions by one nation upon another resulting in killing of unarmed civilians is much worse than the invaded and attacked country responding by killing the soldiers of the aggressor nation. Ya know, hypothetically speaking. Taihtsat
So we agree killing is bad
I thought about some of the things being said on here and realized just full of sh!t you Trumpers are. The repeated "Ukrainians are dying" bullsh!t is the dumbest Russian talking point that I've ever heard and you keep repeating it. That you are repeating it means that 1) you are dumb and maybe 2) you are the f#cking racists that we suspect that most MAGA people are.

Why do I say that?

1) As I've said before, you can't expect a nation to accept attacks on its sovereignty and future just so people don't die. The United States would still be a British Colony if we took that attitude. The US would be two separate countries with slavery being legal in the South if we took that attitude. Only a ****ing idiot believes that you stop fighting a war just because people are dying. You fix the cause or you guarantee that it will happen again. The disastrous f#cking Treaty of Versailles at the end of "the Great War" didn't fix the issues in Europe and made World War II inevitable. So....quit being a f#cking Russian patsy and repeating that moronic statement.

2) What makes me think your f#cking racists is that you suddenly care about the lives of Ukrainians (Europeans), but when Trump and Musk started gutting USAID.....a program that keeps millions of Africans and others around the world from didn't blink an eye and celebrated the death of the program. You sure seem concerned about Europeans but don't give a rat's ass about starving black and brown people. Their lives are a sacrifice that you are willing to make.

So....please quit with the moronic "we don't want Ukrainians to die" pitch when it comes to this discussion. It makes you look dumb and racist. I don't really think you are either of those things, but you've gotten so deluded by right wing media and the Orange One himself that you can't see how dumb it is. Be better than that.
So riddle me this-why didn't Germany and Japan keep on fighting in WWII? They gave up the fight because they knew that it was almost impossible for them to win the war that they were engaged in! It made no sense for them to continue fighting and having more and more of their population and country/infrastructure wasted. At this point in time, Zelensky needs to take stock of the entire situation and make a rational decision on what is the best way forward for his country. He needs to make that decision by pushing aside his hatred for Putin, no matter how understandable and valid that hatred is. I don't blame him for having it, but he cannot let it dictate his thinking.

Sometimes you need to realize that you are at the bottom of a deep hole and it is time to stop digging. That is the unfortunate situation that Ukraine is in right now. A cease fire agreement is the starting point, and then see if you can get any concessions from Putin in order to get him stop the war. He is extremely unlikely to give up much, and certainly would not be evicted from Ukraine entirely without a MAJOR increase in weapons, ammo, defensive systems, and troops on the ground provided by the US and all the EU countries.

Now, do you see any possibility of that happening? I do not. So does that mean Putin comes out ahead? Yes it does. I do not like it, but it is just reality that I think must be accepted in order to get this war to end.

Now for the kicker. Let's say that the US and EU decide to go all in to get Zelensky his land back and kick Putin back to Moscow or even Siberia. I am going to let you in on a secret- it won't be easy to do!!! ANd do you think Putin's ego will accept something like that happening? I do not, so what do you think he will do in response? Here are two possibilities that have not been recognized here so far. #1 is the possibility of China and North Korea becoming much more involved in the war, possibly even Iran. #2 is the possibility of Putin using nuclear weapons, the option that has CougEd unable to sleep at night. SO you folks that are all bulged out with a hardon for Ukraine and everyone to keep fighting, perhaps you need to consider these potential consequences and then re-evaluate your position.

Now you are starting to sound like you are regurgitating emails from Joy Reid, Sunny Hostin, and Rachel Madcow by making everything about racists. It is a stupid approach. Aren't there some wars/genocides going on in Africa now? Seems like I have heard about such things, but I don't follow closely. But apparently all the racists in the Biden and Obama administrations didn't care to do much about them either. BASTARDS!
Depends. Unprovoked attacks and invasions by one nation upon another resulting in killing of unarmed civilians is much worse than the invaded and attacked country responding by killing the soldiers of the aggressor nation. Ya know, hypothetically speaking. Taihtsat
Don't deal in hypotheticals. My name isn't Ed.
Since this is a football board…you’re right, The Patriots should have just started kneeling down 28-3 in the Super Bowl. UCLA probably should have put in their backups in down 32 to the Cougs in the third quarter.

Those Bruins and Pats fans with their big egos. The nerve!

As Flat said one of the dumbest arguments imaginable. What’s your address by the way, I’m looking at properties right now, sounds like I could just take yours from you without much trouble 🤷
I am thinking there may be just a SLIGHT difference between a sports competition and an actual war. I don't recall hearing about many people dying in the Super Bowl. Even if the final score was 88-3 in the Super Bowl, nobody would have lost their life.

Now just imagine the consequences if the war ends up with the same level of domination by the side with the domination. Pretty damn ugly!
So riddle me this-why didn't Germany and Japan keep on fighting in WWII? They gave up the fight because they knew that it was almost impossible for them to win the war that they were engaged in! It made no sense for them to continue fighting and having more and more of their population and country/infrastructure wasted. At this point in time, Zelensky needs to take stock of the entire situation and make a rational decision on what is the best way forward for his country. He needs to make that decision by pushing aside his hatred for Putin, no matter how understandable and valid that hatred is. I don't blame him for having it, but he cannot let it dictate his thinking.

Sometimes you need to realize that you are at the bottom of a deep hole and it is time to stop digging. That is the unfortunate situation that Ukraine is in right now. A cease fire agreement is the starting point, and then see if you can get any concessions from Putin in order to get him stop the war. He is extremely unlikely to give up much, and certainly would not be evicted from Ukraine entirely without a MAJOR increase in weapons, ammo, defensive systems, and troops on the ground provided by the US and all the EU countries.

Now, do you see any possibility of that happening? I do not. So does that mean Putin comes out ahead? Yes it does. I do not like it, but it is just reality that I think must be accepted in order to get this war to end.

Now for the kicker. Let's say that the US and EU decide to go all in to get Zelensky his land back and kick Putin back to Moscow or even Siberia. I am going to let you in on a secret- it won't be easy to do!!! ANd do you think Putin's ego will accept something like that happening? I do not, so what do you think he will do in response? Here are two possibilities that have not been recognized here so far. #1 is the possibility of China and North Korea becoming much more involved in the war, possibly even Iran. #2 is the possibility of Putin using nuclear weapons, the option that has CougEd unable to sleep at night. SO you folks that are all bulged out with a hardon for Ukraine and everyone to keep fighting, perhaps you need to consider these potential consequences and then re-evaluate your position.

Now you are starting to sound like you are regurgitating emails from Joy Reid, Sunny Hostin, and Rachel Madcow by making everything about racists. It is a stupid approach. Aren't there some wars/genocides going on in Africa now? Seems like I have heard about such things, but I don't follow closely. But apparently all the racists in the Biden and Obama administrations didn't care to do much about them either. BASTARDS!
You are citing the actions of two autocratic expansionist regimes you numb skull. Jfc, you all prove to each other how stupid you are collectively. It really is something to behold.
I am thinking there may be just a SLIGHT difference between a sports competition and an actual war. I don't recall hearing about many people dying in the Super Bowl. Even if the final score was 88-3 in the Super Bowl, nobody would have lost their life.

Now just imagine the consequences if the war ends up with the same level of domination by the side with the domination. Pretty damn ugly!
Well yes. Of course. There’s also the constant coach speak and euphemisms in sports that relate to war. Let’s start with the word “war” itself. How about “battle”? “Trenches”, “Enemy”. Enough for ya?

How about Leach teaching “Insurgent warfare”?

You had enough. Gibbs will probably teach you some cute quips since that’s his favorite thing when he’s wrong.
Oh boy.

Let's just say that recorded history is wrong, and you are right that the Cold War never ended. What is the US supposed to do? Subjugate the entire world in some fashion? Nuke Russia? Team America World Police forever, even if it bankrupts the country?
You guys need to recruit some new intellectuals to trumpet your talking points. You’re getting so bad at this that it’s starting to get boring.
USAID does a lot more than feed starving people. This is from Willie's favorite-

FWIW....I agree 100% that USAID needed to be reviewed and there was a lot of waste. It didn't need to be destroyed. And for all the hype about money know that it's 95% bullshit, just like a lot of the stories that you guys keep sharing.

And the funny thing is that some of the stories that you are sharing are likely things where the CIA was actually working with USAID to avoid detection by foreign know....maybe making the world a safer place for Americans?
Depends. Unprovoked attacks and invasions by one nation upon another resulting in killing of unarmed civilians is much worse than the invaded and attacked country responding by killing the soldiers of the aggressor nation. Ya know, hypothetically speaking. Taihtsat
Poor word choice. Saying the invasion was "unprovoked" is as wrong as saying the invasion was justified. We've been dinking around in Ukraine for 20+ years. Including a phone call between the US Ambassador to Ukraine and Victoria Nuland where they are discussing what officials they want in Ukraine's new government.

: occurring without any identifiable cause or justification : not provoked

You guys need to recruit some new intellectuals to trumpet your talking points. You’re getting so bad at this that it’s starting to get boring.
I guess the US government forgot the Cold War wasn't over when it sent foreign aid to Russia.

Even this- "They issued a joint declaration proclaiming that "Russia and the United States do not regard each other as potential adversaries."

Did I imagine the Warsaw Pact disintegrating and the Soviet Union dissolving?
You are citing the actions of two autocratic expansionist regimes you numb skull. Jfc, you all prove to each other how stupid you are collectively. It really is something to behold.
So how were the autocrat's expansion program going? They were at the bottom of a hole and realized they needed to stop digging. Just as Zelensky needs to do.

Since you TDS guys are all so brilliant in your assessment of the situation, why do you all keep avoiding providing guidance as to how Zelensky and the US/EU proceed to evict Putin from Ukraine? Come on, provide us with the brilliant game plan for the war. We keep waiting.

Bonus points for explaining how to deal with possible China/North Korea/Iran joining up with Putin if some western alliance is able to get Putin on the way out of Ukraine.

Bonus bonus points for explaining how to deal with the aftereffects of Putin pissing off CougEd by using nuclear weapons.
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FWIW....I agree 100% that USAID needed to be reviewed and there was a lot of waste. It didn't need to be destroyed. And for all the hype about money know that it's 95% bullshit, just like a lot of the stories that you guys keep sharing.

And the funny thing is that some of the stories that you are sharing are likely things where the CIA was actually working with USAID to avoid detection by foreign know....maybe making the world a safer place for Americans?
Do we agree that USAID is not exactly the benevolent agency you were trying to portray it as?
You are citing the actions of two autocratic expansionist regimes you numb skull. Jfc, you all prove to each other how stupid you are collectively. It really is something to behold.
In a backhanded sort of way…you just supported their point.

You’re correct, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were autocratic expansionist (technically, Japan was more of a military dictatorship, but it was still authoritarian).

Most of the German military leadership knew the war was lost once the D-day landings were successful. Any holdouts knew when the Christmas offensive (the Bulge) failed. Hitler and his inner circle kept fighting, throwing boys and old men onto the front lines and allowing the destruction of most of the country just to save the shame of surrender…and because they were insane.

Japan’s leadership wasn’t outright insane, but they also kept fighting in the name of honor. They also knew that they were losing, with little chance of turning things around, by mid 1944. But they kept going. They actively pushed their citizens to commit suicide rather than be captured, and promised glory in the afterlife to soldiers who would do the same. They intentionally changed their tactics in the last year to not try to prevent Allied landings, but to slaughter so many of us that we’d stop fighting. They told their forces that there was no retreat, no surrender, and no support - they were to fight to the last man. Their explicit strategy was to give up their men in an effort to kill more of ours.

These autocracies don’t operate or think the same way we do. They do not value the lives of our people or theirs. They act only to perpetuate and protect themselves, and will pursue ridiculous and crazy strategies to that end. Basically, if you want to defeat them, you have to completely destroy them.

Russia is a similar autocracy. It’s driven by ego and the perception of power. The only way they’re going to give anything up is if it appears to be on their terms, or they get something better. As this applies to Ukraine, it means that either Putin is going to have to be paid to vacate Ukraine, he’s going to have to be forcibly removed, or he’s going to be allowed to keep it.

Ukraine can’t push him out, and the EU and US have not showed any willingness to support that. I don’t think anyone is in favor of sending US troops to recover the Crimea. So, we’re left with buying him out or letting him keep it. Both of those are appeasement, and may embolden him to do it again. That’s where the guardrails need to be - something needs to be in place to make it worse for him if he pulls the same shit.

Zelensky can’t support appeasement. He can’t sanction giving away his territory. Also really can’t support paying Putin off and buying back his own territory. Politically/socially, his only play is to talk tough and say Putin needs to be forced out, even if he knows that’s not going to happen. Down the road, he can grudgingly accept an “unfair” agreement for the sake of ending the fighting and “securing his country’s future,” but publicly he’ll only accept because the EU and Americans wouldn’t give them the necessary support. Hopefully, this situation will also involve giving Ukraine the Russian assets that have been seized, so effectively Putin would be “buying” the seized land.

Anyway…while I hate the idea of appeasement, when dealing with regimes like this if you don’t have the ability or will to take them head-on, you probably don’t have options. You can make it work economically costly, and at some point you have to draw a line in the sand…but you might have to let them walk right up to that line.
In a backhanded sort of way…you just supported their point.

You’re correct, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were autocratic expansionist (technically, Japan was more of a military dictatorship, but it was still authoritarian).

Most of the German military leadership knew the war was lost once the D-day landings were successful. Any holdouts knew when the Christmas offensive (the Bulge) failed. Hitler and his inner circle kept fighting, throwing boys and old men onto the front lines and allowing the destruction of most of the country just to save the shame of surrender…and because they were insane.

Japan’s leadership wasn’t outright insane, but they also kept fighting in the name of honor. They also knew that they were losing, with little chance of turning things around, by mid 1944. But they kept going. They actively pushed their citizens to commit suicide rather than be captured, and promised glory in the afterlife to soldiers who would do the same. They intentionally changed their tactics in the last year to not try to prevent Allied landings, but to slaughter so many of us that we’d stop fighting. They told their forces that there was no retreat, no surrender, and no support - they were to fight to the last man. Their explicit strategy was to give up their men in an effort to kill more of ours.

These autocracies don’t operate or think the same way we do. They do not value the lives of our people or theirs. They act only to perpetuate and protect themselves, and will pursue ridiculous and crazy strategies to that end. Basically, if you want to defeat them, you have to completely destroy them.

Russia is a similar autocracy. It’s driven by ego and the perception of power. The only way they’re going to give anything up is if it appears to be on their terms, or they get something better. As this applies to Ukraine, it means that either Putin is going to have to be paid to vacate Ukraine, he’s going to have to be forcibly removed, or he’s going to be allowed to keep it.

Ukraine can’t push him out, and the EU and US have not showed any willingness to support that. I don’t think anyone is in favor of sending US troops to recover the Crimea. So, we’re left with buying him out or letting him keep it. Both of those are appeasement, and may embolden him to do it again. That’s where the guardrails need to be - something needs to be in place to make it worse for him if he pulls the same shit.

Zelensky can’t support appeasement. He can’t sanction giving away his territory. Also really can’t support paying Putin off and buying back his own territory. Politically/socially, his only play is to talk tough and say Putin needs to be forced out, even if he knows that’s not going to happen. Down the road, he can grudgingly accept an “unfair” agreement for the sake of ending the fighting and “securing his country’s future,” but publicly he’ll only accept because the EU and Americans wouldn’t give them the necessary support. Hopefully, this situation will also involve giving Ukraine the Russian assets that have been seized, so effectively Putin would be “buying” the seized land.

Anyway…while I hate the idea of appeasement, when dealing with regimes like this if you don’t have the ability or will to take them head-on, you probably don’t have options. You can make it work economically costly, and at some point you have to draw a line in the sand…but you might have to let them walk right up to that line.
Thank you very much for your reasoned and rational contribution. You are to be commended for that!

I hope that everyone here can eventually get to a point where they realize that evaluating the situation rationally and discussing options that might be unpalatable to us individually regarding what happens or does not happen to Russia is NOT an indication that we support Russia/Putin and what they have done.
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FWIW....I agree 100% that USAID needed to be reviewed and there was a lot of waste. It didn't need to be destroyed. And for all the hype about money know that it's 95% bullshit, just like a lot of the stories that you guys keep sharing.

And the funny thing is that some of the stories that you are sharing are likely things where the CIA was actually working with USAID to avoid detection by foreign know....maybe making the world a safer place for Americans?
According to Farid Zakaria, in today’s NYT it was audited 60 times last year.
In a backhanded sort of way…you just supported their point.

You’re correct, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were autocratic expansionist (technically, Japan was more of a military dictatorship, but it was still authoritarian).

Most of the German military leadership knew the war was lost once the D-day landings were successful. Any holdouts knew when the Christmas offensive (the Bulge) failed. Hitler and his inner circle kept fighting, throwing boys and old men onto the front lines and allowing the destruction of most of the country just to save the shame of surrender…and because they were insane.

Japan’s leadership wasn’t outright insane, but they also kept fighting in the name of honor. They also knew that they were losing, with little chance of turning things around, by mid 1944. But they kept going. They actively pushed their citizens to commit suicide rather than be captured, and promised glory in the afterlife to soldiers who would do the same. They intentionally changed their tactics in the last year to not try to prevent Allied landings, but to slaughter so many of us that we’d stop fighting. They told their forces that there was no retreat, no surrender, and no support - they were to fight to the last man. Their explicit strategy was to give up their men in an effort to kill more of ours.

These autocracies don’t operate or think the same way we do. They do not value the lives of our people or theirs. They act only to perpetuate and protect themselves, and will pursue ridiculous and crazy strategies to that end. Basically, if you want to defeat them, you have to completely destroy them.

Russia is a similar autocracy. It’s driven by ego and the perception of power. The only way they’re going to give anything up is if it appears to be on their terms, or they get something better. As this applies to Ukraine, it means that either Putin is going to have to be paid to vacate Ukraine, he’s going to have to be forcibly removed, or he’s going to be allowed to keep it.

Ukraine can’t push him out, and the EU and US have not showed any willingness to support that. I don’t think anyone is in favor of sending US troops to recover the Crimea. So, we’re left with buying him out or letting him keep it. Both of those are appeasement, and may embolden him to do it again. That’s where the guardrails need to be - something needs to be in place to make it worse for him if he pulls the same shit.

Zelensky can’t support appeasement. He can’t sanction giving away his territory. Also really can’t support paying Putin off and buying back his own territory. Politically/socially, his only play is to talk tough and say Putin needs to be forced out, even if he knows that’s not going to happen. Down the road, he can grudgingly accept an “unfair” agreement for the sake of ending the fighting and “securing his country’s future,” but publicly he’ll only accept because the EU and Americans wouldn’t give them the necessary support. Hopefully, this situation will also involve giving Ukraine the Russian assets that have been seized, so effectively Putin would be “buying” the seized land.

Anyway…while I hate the idea of appeasement, when dealing with regimes like this if you don’t have the ability or will to take them head-on, you probably don’t have options. You can make it work economically costly, and at some point you have to draw a line in the sand…but you might have to let them walk right up to that line.
You make some excellent points here, but explain to me how I supported Stretch’s point. Both Japan and Germany were aggressors and were both compared to Ukraine who is defending their country. By even making that comparison Stretch had no point 😂.

Are we gonna nuke Russia or start bombing Moscow? Of course not, unless we’re attacked directly. Back to football there’s infinite ways to win a game. It’s not just run or pass. Capitalizing on mistakes, running counters to take advantage of over-pursuits, etc. Russia doesn’t have unlimited resources. Compared to those globally who oppose their actions, they are nothing. They can be forced into a corner where they have to take their ball and go home and declare a moral victory.
According to Farid Zakaria, in today’s NYT it was audited 60 times last year.
Audits may or may not detect fraud, collusion or overrides of internal controls.

Does Fareed have experience in accounting, financial reporting and auditing or is he a journalist?
You make some excellent points here, but explain to me how I supported Stretch’s point. Both Japan and Germany were aggressors and were both compared to Ukraine who is defending their country. By even making that comparison Stretch had no point 😂.

Are we gonna nuke Russia or start bombing Moscow? Of course not, unless we’re attacked directly. Back to football there’s infinite ways to win a game. It’s not just run or pass. Capitalizing on mistakes, running counters to take advantage of over-pursuits, etc. Russia doesn’t have unlimited resources. Compared to those globally who oppose their actions, they are nothing. They can be forced into a corner where they have to take their ball and go home and declare a moral victory.
This is why you, Willie and others refuse to talk about what is victory for Ukraine, and how it can be achieved. The sanctions haven't worked. The US and EU funding a proxy war hasn't either. Russia is mobilized for war. The population is about 4x that of Ukraine. What other plays are in the playbook, that can actually be called?

Theorizing that at some time in the future Russia will screw up and Ukraine will be in position to capitalize on it is a questionable strategy, because most if of all of that strategy is outside of "our" side's control, and we don't know if that screw up will ever come or if it will be sufficient enough to turn the tide.
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Audits may or may not detect fraud, collusion or overrides of internal controls.

Does Fareed have experience in accounting, financial reporting and auditing or is he a journalist?
Nope, just giving stats. Could have been surprise or “wink wink” audits.

He also said the reason liberalism is on the wain all over is because all the western countries got way to lax on immigration.
You make some excellent points here, but explain to me how I supported Stretch’s point. Both Japan and Germany were aggressors and were both compared to Ukraine who is defending their country. By even making that comparison Stretch had no point 😂.

Are we gonna nuke Russia or start bombing Moscow? Of course not, unless we’re attacked directly. Back to football there’s infinite ways to win a game. It’s not just run or pass. Capitalizing on mistakes, running counters to take advantage of over-pursuits, etc. Russia doesn’t have unlimited resources. Compared to those globally who oppose their actions, they are nothing. They can be forced into a corner where they have to take their ball and go home and declare a moral victory.
You mean like diplomacy? Getting all of the actors at the table and seeing if there isn't a resolution that can be had instead of throwing money at the problem and burying our heads in the sand?

But because orange man bad, diplomacy is the absolute worst thing to attempt.

I have a strong distaste for Trump and Vance's personalities, but that doesn't mean that at least trying to negotiate something is the wrong thing to do. This grandstanding for the sake of virtue signaling that "we good, Putin bad" is bad policy for everyone involved.

Btw, where tf is NATO with their accelerated MAP. Oh yeah, they're still dicking around because they don't really want Ukraine in NATO because then they'll have to put their money where their big fcking mouths are and do something about their p.o.s. neighbor(s).
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This is why you, Willie and others refuse to talk about what is victory for Ukraine, and how it can be achieved. The sanctions haven't worked. The US and EU funding a proxy war hasn't either. Russia is mobilized for war. The population is about 4x that of Ukraine. What other plays are in the playbook, that can actually be called?

Theorizing that at some time in the future Russia will screw up and Ukraine will be in position to capitalize on it is a questionable strategy, because most if of all of that strategy is outside of "our" side's control, and we don't know if that screw up will ever come or if it will be sufficient enough to turn the tide.
And replying to myself, Russia's big f'up(s) were in the first 6 or so months of the war. As indicated somewhere above this post, they got overextended when the initial drive on Kiev failed. Ukraine made its push east in the fall of 2022 and recaptured quite a bit of territory. Since then, Ukraine's summer 2023 failed badly and Russia has been steadily pushing Ukraine back. Ukraine made the incursion into Kursk, and the the lines there have gone back and forth with Ukraine getting squeezed. Russia has been playing its for game 18+ months- attritional warfare with an opponent that has less manpower and less firepower.

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