Bad behavior

I suppose these are technically felonies, maybe, but $750 worth of damage to multiple cars resulting in a felony arrest screams Pullman PD to me. Running on the hood of a car and denting it is going to be a chunk of change, let alone dinging a Mercedes. This seems like fairly typical drunk college student behavior. I'd be inclined to send them to the beach (assuming they haven't been problem children otherwise), give them some community service, and keep them on the roster as the second stringers they are.

They don't deserve prison time for this.
You do if the sentence is 365 days or less.

Class C felony carries a maximum prison term of 5 years and/or a $10,000 fine. Does what these guys are alleged to have done even remotely come close to justifying such a punishment?
You don't go to jail for a felony conviction. You get prison time.

If we are sending people to “jail” long term for first offense then our system is more screwed up than I originally thought .
If we are sending people to “jail” long term for first offense then our system is more screwed up than I originally thought .

A felony is a pretty serious deal, basically the kind of crimes you would lock people away for on a first offense. For Pullman PD to call drunken vandalism by college students a felony is the kind of crap they pull in North Korea.
True - players are not supposed to hit a woman with things.....but this is a twist, hitting things with a woman.....

Watch the soccer player get booted and the football players crawl in the beach . The Jim Walden principle ... Alabama is being investigated by the NCAA and Mississippi state gets put on probation
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True - players are not supposed to hit a woman with things.....but this is a twist, hitting things with a woman.....

Great one.

The soccer player looks pretty cute. Not the first time guys do stupid things trying to impress cute girls and it won't be the last.
A felony is a pretty serious deal, basically the kind of crimes you would lock people away for on a first offense. For Pullman PD to call drunken vandalism by college students a felony is the kind of crap they pull in North Korea.
PD just forwards the information and lists a charge based on the information and the RCW. The prosecutor decides what they get charged with. So getting arrested for felony vandalism does not mean that’s what they’ll be charged with.

I have zero objection to the arrest. But I don’t think they should get a felony charge for this, unless there’s more to the story. Pay the damage, pay a fine, spend a couple weeks picking up litter in an orange jumpsuit. And then Leach gets to punish them.
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I suppose these are technically felonies, maybe, but $750 worth of damage to multiple cars resulting in a felony arrest screams Pullman PD to me. Running on the hood of a car and denting it is going to be a chunk of change, let alone dinging a Mercedes. This seems like fairly typical drunk college student behavior. I'd be inclined to send them to the beach (assuming they haven't been problem children otherwise), give them some community service, and keep them on the roster as the second stringers they are.

They don't deserve prison time for this.

They weren’t drunk. No motive, no alcohol (no DUI), denied involvement..... wouldn’t be the first time Poly players were profiled by the Pullman PD. Why would completely sober people do this? I highly doubt the soccer player decided to trash vehicles completely sober. I can see a meathead football player....but a female soccer player? Without a motive, I’m just not sure there is enough evidence. I’d like to know more about the guy that followed them.
They weren’t drunk. No motive, no alcohol (no DUI), denied involvement..... wouldn’t be the first time Poly players were profiled by the Pullman PD. Why would completely sober people do this? I highly doubt the soccer player decided to trash vehicles completely sober. I can see a meathead football player....but a female soccer player? Without a motive, I’m just not sure there is enough evidence. I’d like to know more about the guy that followed them.

Just because there was no DUI doesn't mean there was no alcohol. Article below sez that angle is being determined. Sober girl could have driven, guys were S-faced. Who knows?

And they denied involvement - Oh so that means they are innocent? Eyewitnesses called it in and followed them. Sounds like perhaps....they....did it.

Finally, much as I hate the Pullman (and WSU by association) cops, ya think maybe recent history would lead the cops to pay attention to Poly athletes out and about at 1AM? While they aren't always at fault (Luani), trouble does seem to be in close proximity at times. Barber was no innocent profiled victim, etc etc.

Just stay the F out of trouble in Pullman, athletes. It is not THAT difficult. I stayed out of jail for 4+ years, anyone can do it!
Just because there was no DUI doesn't mean there was no alcohol. Article below sez that angle is being determined. Sober girl could have driven, guys were S-faced. Who knows?

And they denied involvement - Oh so that means they are innocent? Eyewitnesses called it in and followed them. Sounds like perhaps....they....did it.

Finally, much as I hate the Pullman (and WSU by association) cops, ya think maybe recent history would lead the cops to pay attention to Poly athletes out and about at 1AM? While they aren't always at fault (Luani), trouble does seem to be in close proximity at times. Barber was no innocent profiled victim, etc etc.

Just stay the F out of trouble in Pullman, athletes. It is not THAT difficult. I stayed out of jail for 4+ years, anyone can do it!

Yes, racial profiling is cool. Can we expect another derogatory Asian reference to Chun now? You're such a loser and an embarrassment to Cougs everywhere.
Yes, racial profiling is cool. Can we expect another derogatory Asian reference to Chun now? You're such a loser and an embarrassment to Cougs everywhere.

Hmmm.... there is enough embarrassing behavior around here to embarrass Cougs everywhere. Yes Loyals attempt at humor was distasteful, racially inappropriate and if I recall he apologized for it .

As for crime and justice . If they didn’t convict the player throwing the haymaker that was caught on film there is nothing to see here .
Yes, racial profiling is cool. Can we expect another derogatory Asian reference to Chun now? You're such a loser and an embarrassment to Cougs everywhere.

Oh how cute - my little stalker shows up.

Another personally-attacking, "Approved by Scott Hood" WW post. How nice.
Oh how cute - my little stalker shows up.

Another personally-attacking, "Approved by Scott Hood" WW post. How nice.

Here's how it works, dumbarse. When you post something racist, you get called out for it. Let that sink into your beer-soaked brain for a few days (absorption is slow in your case). When is your next Unite the Right rally? Have your torches ready?
They weren’t drunk. No motive, no alcohol (no DUI), denied involvement..... wouldn’t be the first time Poly players were profiled by the Pullman PD. Why would completely sober people do this? I highly doubt the soccer player decided to trash vehicles completely sober. I can see a meathead football player....but a female soccer player? Without a motive, I’m just not sure there is enough evidence. I’d like to know more about the guy that followed them.

Fa'avae Fa'avae is 19 so if alcohol was involved, I'm confident he would have been issued a MIP if he showed signs of intoxication. The whole thing seems flimsy to me.
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If these (3) could have just done these activities in Seattle (Freeattle) they would not have even gotten booked ! What a difference in police guidelines.
Fa'avae Fa'avae is 19 so if alcohol was involved, I'm confident he would have been issued a MIP if he showed signs of intoxication. The whole thing seems flimsy to me.
If these (3) could have just done these activities in Seattle (Freeattle) they would not have even gotten booked ! What a difference in police guidelines.

Well gee - if someone jumped on my car, dented the hood, then broke out one of the windows I would hope they would be arrested. In any town. You guys see it differently? If it were your car, what would you want to see?

and e - if he was not intoxicated, does that make it better? It makes it worse in my opinion. They were seen and followed by witnesses (plural) who called the cops. What is flimsy about that?
Here's how it works, dumbarse. When you post something racist, you get called out for it. Let that sink into your beer-soaked brain for a few days (absorption is slow in your case). When is your next Unite the Right rally? Have your torches ready?

Oh, did my wittle stalker get upset? Did you wet your wittle diaper?

And just for the WW record, there is nothing "racist" in pointing out that our Poly FB players have been in an inordinate number of legal situations in the last 2-3 years, relative to the team as a whole. And in this latest case, they were not racially profiled by the cops. The cops were called by witnesses. Maybe the winesses are racists.
I have to laugh a little at this thread. Y'all didn't read the original article very well. The article stated, "The students were arrested on suspicion of felony 2nd degree malicious mischief because the damage to the cars exceeded $750." The cars didn't have $750 damage. They had damage that exceeded $750. Big difference. I hit a small cardboard box with a tire on the freeway a few years ago (couldn't see it because of traffic ahead of me) and it spun around and left a 3' long scratch in the paint on the passenger side of my car. No dent, no body damage......a big scratch. It was $1200. If you've got dudes jumping around on hoods, I guarantee that the damage was in the thousands of dollars.

For the comments above about MIP and community service........screw that. Any dumbass that gets caught jumping on hoods deserves whatever happens to them. I enjoy the hypocrisy of our fans griping about UW covering up for criminal actions but having no problem making excuses for our players when they do the same dumb sh!t. I guarantee that the people who have damaged cars don't agree with the idea that these guys should skate because they are good at the football. I don't know enough to say that these guys deserve a bunch of jail time, but anyone making excuses for these guys deserves an honorary purple jersey with a W on it.
18-22 year olds brains aren’t fully developed. They dumb things regardless of race. They do really dumb things under the influence of alcohol. This is true with or without the Pullman Police Department.
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This comment has nothing to do with our football players, per se. Nor am I a lawyer so I might be off base. But here's my thing...

I hate that this stuff has become a FELONY. I mean, think about that. Constitutional rights are going to be taken away from these kids if they are found guilty. I'm all for, "You break the law, you get whatever comes your way. Don't be a dumbass."

But come on... felony?! I'm no lawyer so maybe there's other stuff out there that I'm not aware of. But normally, a felony is a felony, is a felony. Rights are taken away. Period. And for stuff like this... that's dumb.
This comment has nothing to do with our football players, per se. Nor am I a lawyer so I might be off base. But here's my thing...

I hate that this stuff has become a FELONY. I mean, think about that. Constitutional rights are going to be taken away from these kids if they are found guilty. I'm all for, "You break the law, you get whatever comes your way. Don't be a dumbass."

But come on... felony?! I'm no lawyer so maybe there's other stuff out there that I'm not aware of. But normally, a felony is a felony, is a felony. Rights are taken away. Period. And for stuff like this... that's dumb.

The felony is based on the dollar amount of the damage.

Being arrested for suspicion of committing a felony, and being found guilty of a felony are different things. The most likely outcomes here are that they are never charged, or that they enter a plea of some kind to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor, make restitution and perhaps spend a day in Colfax.
The felony is based on the dollar amount of the damage.

Being arrested for suspicion of committing a felony, and being found guilty of a felony are different things. The most likely outcomes here are that they are never charged, or that they enter a plea of some kind to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor, make restitution and perhaps spend a day in Colfax.

Spot on, expect for the middle step where they get charged for whatever - felony, misdemeanor, or perhaps nothing. As GIb knows, the cops start high, the prosecutor may or may no stay high, and the out of court negotiation goes lower. Probably malicious mischief. Be interesting to see or hear what the Soccer coach does with her player as opposed to the FB guys.

Oh, and nice to see Bill Hyslop get reappointed.
Spot on, expect for the middle step where they get charged for whatever - felony, misdemeanor, or perhaps nothing. As GIb knows, the cops start high, the prosecutor may or may no stay high, and the out of court negotiation goes lower. Probably malicious mischief. Be interesting to see or hear what the Soccer coach does with her player as opposed to the FB guys.

Oh, and nice to see Bill Hyslop get reappointed.

Well....the soccer coach is a guy. But the point still remains.
I have to laugh a little at this thread. Y'all didn't read the original article very well. The article stated, "The students were arrested on suspicion of felony 2nd degree malicious mischief because the damage to the cars exceeded $750." The cars didn't have $750 damage. They had damage that exceeded $750. Big difference. I hit a small cardboard box with a tire on the freeway a few years ago (couldn't see it because of traffic ahead of me) and it spun around and left a 3' long scratch in the paint on the passenger side of my car. No dent, no body damage......a big scratch. It was $1200. If you've got dudes jumping around on hoods, I guarantee that the damage was in the thousands of dollars.

For the comments above about MIP and community service........screw that. Any dumbass that gets caught jumping on hoods deserves whatever happens to them. I enjoy the hypocrisy of our fans griping about UW covering up for criminal actions but having no problem making excuses for our players when they do the same dumb sh!t. I guarantee that the people who have damaged cars don't agree with the idea that these guys should skate because they are good at the football. I don't know enough to say that these guys deserve a bunch of jail time, but anyone making excuses for these guys deserves an honorary purple jersey with a W on it.
Once again you're being hyperbolic and worked into hysterics--I have not seen a single comment suggesting that the actions of the players get covered up and hidden by the team, law enforcement, or the judicial system. I don't know how you equate "making excuses for our players" to the discussion of whether or not the actions of the football players should be considered a felony or not (if that is what you are alluding to), nor do I see any resemblance of our discussions of things like Jerramy Stevens going unpunished even with strong evidence of being a rapist to the current discussion of two of our football players going through the court system and being punished for their actions, and whether they need a felony conviction attached to their permanent record.
Once again you're being hyperbolic and worked into hysterics--I have not seen a single comment suggesting that the actions of the players get covered up and hidden by the team, law enforcement, or the judicial system. I don't know how you equate "making excuses for our players" to the discussion of whether or not the actions of the football players should be considered a felony or not (if that is what you are alluding to), nor do I see any resemblance of our discussions of things like Jerramy Stevens going unpunished even with strong evidence of being a rapist to the current discussion of two of our football players going through the court system and being punished for their actions, and whether they need a felony conviction attached to their permanent record.

We have fans trying to say this is a "kids will be kids" thing, when in reality, we all know it's drunk a$$holes showing a complete disrespect for other people. If this crap happened to you and'd be losing your mind. I agree with the thoughts that making this a felony is over the top, but this isn't something that should be blown off as "just roll 'em for a bit and it's ok". I already said that I'm not sold on jail time, but If they get kicked off the team or go to jail, perhaps they should have thought of that before they went around jumping on hoods.

Now, the evidence is flimsy and they might get away with it, but if some jackass jumped on the hood of my car and someone followed them and reported it, I would hope that they didn't get away without penalty. Then again, you've always been a jackass who is willing to make excuses for our players who commit crimes. Here's your jersey.
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