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Let's do shots of windex. Who is first???
It's a low bar. Trump can string some words together, even crazy $hit like Lysol injections is stringing words together. Biden, not so much.
Yeah..but I would rather have Biden struggle to put words together than Trump who as you pointed out could put words together that could kill someone.
Wait til I finish my Pinesol enema treatments. I don’t want to mess up my research by using two treatments at the same time. How would I know which one killed me?
While you are at it, go for a flashlight proctology exam and lend some light to the situation...but use a flashlight with double A's.
There is definitely a tendency for people to side with their cult to the point where they lose all perspective and objectivity. I'm proud of the fact that I've hated Donald Trump for decades and that my dislike for him has nothing to do with party affiliation.

I have said this many times, Trump is a master at several things. One, any activity that is on the fringe he makes sure his fingers are clear. Take the perfect call. From a common sense standpoint, the call was about Biden, but enough people would say there was wiggle room that he is off clean. Because of twitter, people who have defied him pay the price. He knows how to play that game as well as anyone.

He also knows where to go to make sure his base gets it. And you have to decide what "it" is. But what if fascinating is his base, a lot of hard working people, a lot of people who have trades that are at the heart of their earnings. Take all of his wealth, how many times has he bankrupted debt off? Say your company billed him $100k for wiring his project. Say you are a plumber who billed him 200k. Then he files BK, and the trades get 10 cents on the dollar. But he still owns his buildings. And they had appreciated nicely.

I don't dislike him because he is a republican, which he is not. I dislike him because he isn't a good business person, doesn't pay his debt, daddy handed over 400 mil to him and he has filed BK numerous times.

On top of that since he has been President it has become his own reality TV show with tons of drama. Take the Russian affair, would have been easy to say "yeah my son made a rookie error, he should not have been in contact with any Russians prior to my election. " No, he denied it for six months, then emails and texts come from Don Jr claiming that he indeed met with them.

Moving forward with a hit his holdings are going to take, the cram downs on rent, his golf courses losing money, what will be his solution to remain solvent? That on a personal level is scary, and something his tax returns may have shown us how he deals with financial distress.
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Uhhhh wuuut power grab you talking about? Lying to the FISA courts to spy on Americans? Supplying the Mexican Cartels with black market guns? Unmasking American citizens? Meeting with a spouse of a person under investigation while that person is over seeing the investigation? I mean seriously dude..... There has been no power grab by the AG. He is only completing the part of the investigation that the incompetent Mueller and Co should've included in their investigation. How easy is it for you to keep a straight face when saying dumb things like this? Do you also believe that China has been completely forthright about CV-19? I bet you believe the WHO is acting the best interest of all countries when they tout how awesome China is during all this.

CIS...who was "unmasked" that you believe the corrupt FBI didn't follow protocol. Mueller, incompetent? Wow, Bush, Obama sure seemed to think he was competent, as do most people.

And it was Trump who said how up front China was with this and how they did a great job.

And Barr...time will tell.....I think the story will be told once Trump is out of the White House, in 6 months or 4 years. There is one person who will have Barr's backside on a platter.
Yeah..but I would rather have Biden struggle to put words together than Trump who as you pointed out could put words together that could kill someone.

Are you volunteering for a Lysol injection?
I thought you and Trump used the same gibberish decoder ring. What is the secret meaning of covfefe?

Well if I was the President of the United States, I would probably re-read my posts on a football board with people who use fake names and make sure they are grammatically perfect and less gibberish to you. But even someone like you can forget to put an "a" before pimple, so I am sure you can forgive me if I type Khalil Hill vs Tate when speaking of now the former Arizona QB
Well if I was the President of the United States, I would probably re-read my posts on a football board with people who use fake names and make sure they are grammatically perfect and less gibberish to you. But even someone like you can forget to put an "a" before pimple, so I am sure you can forgive me if I type Khalil Hill vs Tate when speaking of now the former Arizona QB

So your secret decoder ring can't decode cofveve?
Dblithers, if the ring was a secret, you wouldn't know about it.

So, that's a no?

And everyone knows you keep it a secret because Trump gave it to you back in the 80s. What is the secret meaning of bigly?

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