Can we move the Apple Cup back to Saturday


Hall Of Fame
Oct 4, 2003
Not that it will change the out come, but it is time for a change back to Saturday, especially when it’s in Pullman. All the other PAC 12 teams, that are playing this weekend, are playing on Saturday. Why can’t they rotate who plays on Friday like they do in the regular season.

It is time for UW and WSU t0 agree on something and work with the pac 12 and the networks to get this changed. The Friday after Thanksgiving game should be shared with all the Universities.
Every year 1st week of October in Cougatron Stadium in Ellensburg sounds better and better.

What would the temperature been this year for game time?

12 pm game time October 5th
Sunny high of 63 low of 57

Beautiful fall weather perfect for the Apple Cup...

but noooo we have to wait till the ass end of the year over Thanksgiving break in typically crappy weather because of “muh tradition“
Every year 1st week of October in Cougatron Stadium in Ellensburg sounds better and better.

What would the temperature been this year for game time?

12 pm game time October 5th
Sunny high of 63 low of 57

Beautiful fall weather perfect for the Apple Cup...

but noooo we have to wait till the ass end of the year over Thanksgiving break in typically crappy weather because of “muh tradition“
Every year 1st week of October in Cougatron Stadium in Ellensburg sounds better and better.

What would the temperature been this year for game time?

12 pm game time October 5th
Sunny high of 63 low of 57

Beautiful fall weather perfect for the Apple Cup...

but noooo we have to wait till the ass end of the year over Thanksgiving break in typically crappy weather because of “muh tradition“

If we are going to say absolutely stupid things like that how about October in Portland? What a dumb comment.
If we move Apple Cup back to Saturday, we’ll get saddled with another Thursday or Friday game during the season. We don’t want any midweek games if possible, especially home games.
I’d like to see the AC move back to Sat. ! CF was made for Saturday afternoons!