Dom Silvels

I'm reading that it were "more likely than not" as opposed to "beyond a reasonable doubt". Not to add further fuel to the fire, but, once again- blacks are said to be guilty at a disproportionate rate.

"Five years later, American higher education has gotten the message that the White House and the Department of Education were sending — and a lot has changed.

But still there are questions. What is an adequate solution for the dark and persistent threat of sexual violence on campus? And what should colleges and universities expect from a very different administration, headed by a president who has himself been accused of sexual assault?

The same day that Biden spoke at UNH, the education department's Office of Civil Rights sent a 19-page document that would come to be known as the “Dear Colleague” letter to colleges and universities.

The letter contained new guidance about Title IX, the federal statute prohibiting sex discrimination “under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

The letter read: “If a school knows or reasonably should know about student-on-student harassment that creates a hostile environment, Title IX requires the school to take immediate action to eliminate the harassment, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.” And it added that the department’s definition of harassment explicitly includes sexual violence.

Alexandra Brodsky cofounded “Know Your IX" while on campus at Yale Law School; today it's a national student group that supports students who challenge their college or university to prevent "sexual or dating violence." She is clear about the source of that obligation — it's Title IX: “The Obama administration didn’t invent these rights; these are our rights under law.”

The particular legal foundations of the “Dear Colleague” letter date back to 1977, when female students sued Yale over, for example, professors offering an “A” for sex — or a “C” for refusing it. The plaintiffs in Alexander v. Yale argued that sexual harassment was itself a form of sexual discrimination.

They lost their case on a technicality, but the court accepted the legal reasoning: that a university’s failure to adequately confront a hostile climate of sexual harassment could represent a Title IX violation in itself.

“What the [Obama] administration has done,” Brodsky added, “is, for the first time, to hold schools to account through their own enforcement.”

The "Dear Colleague" letter includes a long section on best practices: administrators should inform students reporting an assault of their options, and allow them to speak to police. They should conclude investigations promptly — ideally, within two months. And hearing officers should decide cases of sexual harassment not "beyond a reasonable doubt," but by a “preponderance of evidence” standard — meaning hearing officers don’t need to be convinced that an incident occurred, only that it is more likely than not.

But the critical paragraph comes at the letter's end — an offer most institutions of higher learning can’t refuse:

"When conducting Title IX enforcement activities, OCR seeks to obtain voluntary compliance from recipients. When a recipient does not come into compliance voluntarily, OCR may initiate proceedings to withdraw Federal funding by the Department or refer the case to the U.S. Department of Justice for litigation."

The loss of federal funds could bring many of the richest research universities, public or private, to their knees.

So as the OCR began to announce investigations into the mishandling of reported sexual harassment and violence — 344 since 2011, by the count of the Chronicle of Higher Education — colleges and universities began to change their ways, sometimes dramatically.

It’s that change that makes Alexandra Brodsky describe the Obama administration’s OCR as a “tremendous ally of students and civil-rights activists."

But the Obama approach has its critics. Harvard Law professors Jeannie Suk and Jacob Gersen say it resulted in a “sex bureaucracy,” placing more and more ordinary behavior under federal oversight.

And feminist legal theorist Janet Halley, their colleague who has contested the OCR's process in the Harvard Law Review, describes the “Dear Colleague” letter as a case of “administrative overreach.”

Halley, who has participated in sexual-violence cases at Harvard, has had concerns about their fairness from the beginning.

She took pains to say that she cares deeply about sexual assault, but she worries about an overcorrection, prompted by OCR, that moves universities from ignoring the rights of accusers to trampling on those of the accused.

“Just imagine if you were asked to go in to explain why you didn’t commit a sexual assault,” Halley said. With no information as to what you’re accused of, who’s accusing you, or when it allegedly happened, “you’re required to start explaining yourself. And you’re 18 years old, and no one is helping you."

Halley describes the new system as all but designed to produce “false positives” — innocent students wrongfully punished — both because of the looser evidentiary standard and because of Title IX officers’ desire to produce numbers that show they're taking sexual violence seriously.

In her own experience, Halley says, that has meant that a disproportionate share of those accused, and those punished, are men of color and those who have less access to family resour
ces and legal help."

According to what you said, its the letter, that requirea the preponderance of evidence thing, and not beyond reasonable doubt, etc, and NOT the actual TITLE 9 LAW Itself.

Under TITLE 9 LAW colleges are allowed to use beyond reasonable doubt in tbeir enforcement of Title 9.

The letter is a LETTER, IT IS NOT LAW. legally speaking colleges that OBEY TITLE 9 LAW by using beyond reasonable doubt enforcement, are NOT in violation of the law, and as such cant LEGALLY take away those colleges funding, and if try to take away funding, colleges can, wod be able to successfuy win a court case against the govt trying to take away tbeir funding.

Legally colleges cant lose their funding for not following the letter WHICH IS NOT NOT NOT LAW.

Colleges can only lose funding for not obeying Title 9 law.

Thus if a college uses the beyond reasonable doubt standard to enforce, obey Title 9 law, they cant legally have their funding taken away, and if their funding is taken away, they would be able to successfully sue.


Both the letter and the law mention STUDENT harrassment. The law, and the letter NEVER reference, mention a NON student situation.

Dom is a student yes. But for the law to apply its not enough for Dom to be a student, because he was not harrassed, assaulted, raped, etc.

It was a non student that was supposedly, alledgedly, tbeoretically raped, etc.

According to the law, letter it has to be a STUDENT who is RAPED, etc, and if its not, if its a non student tbat is raped, tben the Title 9 law, nor the letter applies, according to the wording of both the letter, and title 9 law, that both use the words STUDENT who is raped.

Text, words, wording matters.

If thats not the intent, tbey need to rewrite, reword the law by CONGRESS., not try to interpret the intent not the wording of the current law.

By that since Dom was accused by a NON STUDENT, then LEGALLY WSU, SCB has tbe right, should use the beyond reasonable doubt standard.

And the SCB does have tbe right to use the text proving Dom innocent, because it was a NON STUDENT accusing Dom.

If it had been a actual WSU student who had accused Dom, then WSU's SCB, would be bound by Title 9, an or the letter.

But it was a non student that accused Dom, so according to that and the wording of the law and letter, neither the Title 9 law, nor the letter applies.

Actual wording, not intent in legal documents, laws, etc, is everything, mey, in application, enforcement of legal documents, laws.
I don't think that's the way it works. Getting expelled or suspended is a scarlet letter. The admission application will be denied.

At the very least he would have to show why the expelation by WSU, SCB is BS.

If he did that, a college might grant him admission, as a special exception.
That would be inherently false for grad school. I went to law school with a number of former student-athletes. It helped them. For the job market, it certainly gets my attention when someone is a former student-athlete.

I know that extra activities will make kids marketable - I was just trying to point out how angry some people are towards athletes/athletics as well as how they will screw an athlete at the slightest opportunity.

One of the best hires I have ever made was when I hired a kid just out of college for a position a couple of notches above entry level despite this kid having absolutely no experience at all. The reason I hired him over people more qualified with five plus years experience is that he had been the social chairman of his fraternity at WSU for two years. This showed me he had leadership skills, was likable plus he had the ability to organize. He did a great job for us for a few years before he move on to a better position with a bigger company.
According to what you said, its the letter, that requirea the preponderance of evidence thing, and not beyond reasonable doubt, etc, and NOT the actual TITLE 9 LAW Itself.

Under TITLE 9 LAW colleges are allowed to use beyond reasonable doubt in tbeir enforcement of Title 9.

The letter is a LETTER, IT IS NOT LAW. legally speaking colleges that OBEY TITLE 9 LAW by using beyond reasonable doubt enforcement, are NOT in violation of the law, and as such cant LEGALLY take away those colleges funding, and if try to take away funding, colleges can, wod be able to successfuy win a court case against the govt trying to take away tbeir funding.

Legally colleges cant lose their funding for not following the letter WHICH IS NOT NOT NOT LAW.

Colleges can only lose funding for not obeying Title 9 law.

Thus if a college uses the beyond reasonable doubt standard to enforce, obey Title 9 law, they cant legally have their funding taken away, and if their funding is taken away, they would be able to successfully sue.


Both the letter and the law mention STUDENT harrassment. The law, and the letter NEVER reference, mention a NON student situation.

Dom is a student yes. But for the law to apply its not enough for Dom to be a student, because he was not harrassed, assaulted, raped, etc.

It was a non student that was supposedly, alledgedly, tbeoretically raped, etc.

According to the law, letter it has to be a STUDENT who is RAPED, etc, and if its not, if its a non student tbat is raped, tben the Title 9 law, nor the letter applies, according to the wording of both the letter, and title 9 law, that both use the words STUDENT who is raped.

Text, words, wording matters.

If thats not the intent, tbey need to rewrite, reword the law by CONGRESS., not try to interpret the intent not the wording of the current law.

By that since Dom was accused by a NON STUDENT, then LEGALLY WSU, SCB has tbe right, should use the beyond reasonable doubt standard.

And the SCB does have tbe right to use the text proving Dom innocent, because it was a NON STUDENT accusing Dom.

If it had been a actual WSU student who had accused Dom, then WSU's SCB, would be bound by Title 9, an or the letter.

But it was a non student that accused Dom, so according to that and the wording of the law and letter, neither the Title 9 law, nor the letter applies.

Actual wording, not intent in legal documents, laws, etc, is everything, mey, in application, enforcement of legal documents, laws.
It was a quotation...not what I said. I was just trying to get a grasp on how this could be interpreted. The spirit in which the letter was intended was to protect on campus individuals and reduce the number of campus sexual assaults being swept under the rug. I don't see this as pertaining to what happened in this instance.
This may be an opportunity to improve things with the student conduct board. There is not often a smoking gun trail to follow, but this pretty clearly appears to be the case for Mr. Silvels. I'm not sure how much blame to ascribe to the mentally ill young woman, but WSU's abject failure to do any real due diligence in the matter prior to the actions of the kangaroo court probably exposes the school. I don't know how to make that happen, but here is a "what if" scenario:

- Civil suit against WSU for conducting a public reputation lynching (yes, I'd use that specific word), leading to expulsion and all the reputation and life damage to follow.
- No demonstrable effort by school to verify accusation (obviously).
- Unlike the Barber case (for example), where there was clear and uncontestable damage to the wronged party, here there apparently was simply an utterly false accusation.
- I understand the intent of the direction that Gib described to treat the accusation as fact for the purposes of the board, but that direction cannot absolve the school of its responsibility to attempt to verify the "charges".
- Desired outcome to be threefold: Re-instatement of Mr. Silvels scholarship and opportunity to play (his choice), with full and public apology; removal of the entire board that were in place at the time that this miscarriage of justice occurred, to be replaced by others with more mature judgment (a complete wipe & do-over of the board membership); and some modification of board rules, specifically to make it less likely that completely unfounded allegations can avoid exposure.

During my time at WSU (late '70's) I was directly aware of two different rapes done by student athletes. The system at that time was definitely rigged against the woman. That needed to change. I'm not even going to suggest that the pendulum has swung too far back in the other direction, though for some of the evidentiary rules that seems to be the case. The real problem here appears to be those chosen to sit on the conduct board. Those that have an axe to grind must be kept away from the grinding stone, or sparks will fly. Any process can be run unfairly if those in charge are not persons of integrity and good will, or who have an agenda that supersedes the purpose of the conduct board.

The facts of the young woman's recanting her accusation are compelling and make it clear that the conduct board steamrollered an innocent kid, probably to a great extent because of the prejudices of the board members.

An ironic collision between "Me Too" and "Black Lives Matter". In this case the composition of the board appears to have predetermined the outcome.

Petition means nothing. As you saw with the Barber situation, the conduct board wasn’t going to reverse their decision. Sounds like this girl, while admitting to Dom through private message that he did nothing wrong, seems like she has no ambition to recant her story to WSU. Rolo hands are tied and Schultz isn’t going to get involved. The conduct board doesn’t like athletes, but they don’t want anything to pop up in the paper in the future about how they ignored sexual assault allegations, especially with a football player. Really sucks for Dom if his version is the truth. Going before the conduct board you’re always guilty until proven innocent.
As a black student athlete, and allegations about racism in the past, someone needs to put the conduct board on notice that their has to be checks and balances.

Rolo is not going to step into this, nor Chun. The Regents need to take a stand.
Petition means nothing. As you saw with the Barber situation, the conduct board wasn’t going to reverse their decision. Sounds like this girl, while admitting to Dom through private message that he did nothing wrong, seems like she has no ambition to recant her story to WSU. Rolo hands are tied and Schultz isn’t going to get involved. The conduct board doesn’t like athletes, but they don’t want anything to pop up in the paper in the future about how they ignored sexual assault allegations, especially with a football player. Really sucks for Dom if his version is the truth. Going before the conduct board you’re always guilty until proven innocent.

The petition does mean something. It puts REAL AWARENESS AND PRESSURE about the situation on WSU and the SCB.

Why do you think the Barber thing was reversed. I was reversed because of petitions, awareness, pressure that caused politicians, the courts, etc, to put even more pressure on WSU, the SCB.

And even if the courts hadnt gotten invokved in tbe Barber situation, there was such HEAT, PRESSURE that eventually Schultz would have eventually tell the SCB to change its Barber decision or else, and that if the SCB then didnt, it would be replaced with 1 that did comply.

None of that would have been done etc, if not for the initial petitions, awareness, heat, pressure.

If WSU, SCB does not comply, they will be sued. They will be lambasted on tv, newspapers, social media every day for the next 20 years. They will become the LAUGHING STOCK to the nation, and a national embarrassment, that will make the highlt public Duke Lacrosse thing of the past look like NOTHING in comparison. WSU will lose students, fans, players, maybe even coaches. WSU will get a BIG BLACK EYE FROM THIS, it will almost be comparable to the Sandusky, Joe Pa scandal at Penn State, but instead of a sexual assault cover up, it is the RAPING of Dom's life due to a false accusation.

Eventually Schultz, WSU, SCB will eventually have no choice but to comply reinstate, apologize, etc, or face these consequences that will ruin WSU, Schultz's reputation for years.

Also its not just the petition. Your partially right in a small way, that even with a petition, a petition by itself wont do any good without proof to prove Dom innocent.

The thing is tho, that THERE IS PROOF.





As a black student athlete, and allegations about racism in the past, someone needs to put the conduct board on notice that their has to be checks and balances.

Rolo is not going to step into this, nor Chun. The Regents need to take a stand.

Maybe Rolo, Chun wont step into this, maybe they will.

But regardless of whether they will or not:

They absolutely should. They should give a ultimatum to WSU, Schultz, SCB, that there will be a protest, boycott, no football, and that either WSU, SCB, Schultz COMPLIES, AND BY COMPLYING THUS DOES THE RIGHT THING.

I know that if I was Chun or Rolo, thats what I would do.

Yeah might lose job, etc, but some things are so right, so important, that you take, make a STAND.

This is one of those things. Not only that but if I was Chun, and Rolo, I would let SCB, Schultz, WSU know that if they didnt comply, that would spill the truth of the situation that Dom is innocent, that there is smoking gun proof of his innocence, and what that smoking gun is.

Yeah that could get them fired, but its THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

And I would also, if I was Chun, Rolo give a ultimatum that either Dom reinstated or that they leave for good if Dom not reinstated.


Already one of the season ticket holders, alumni, donators, etc, that post here in this forum, has spoken up.

If WSU, SCB, doesnt reinstate Dom, WSU will lose alumni, boosters, donors, etc.
I signed it and thanks for the link. I also sent out a couple tweets asking for explanation from Schulz and Chun.
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This may be an opportunity to improve things with the student conduct board. There is not often a smoking gun trail to follow, but this pretty clearly appears to be the case for Mr. Silvels. I'm not sure how much blame to ascribe to the mentally ill young woman, but WSU's abject failure to do any real due diligence in the matter prior to the actions of the kangaroo court probably exposes the school. I don't know how to make that happen, but here is a "what if" scenario:

- Civil suit against WSU for conducting a public reputation lynching (yes, I'd use that specific word), leading to expulsion and all the reputation and life damage to follow.
- No demonstrable effort by school to verify accusation (obviously).
- Unlike the Barber case (for example), where there was clear and uncontestable damage to the wronged party, here there apparently was simply an utterly false accusation.
- I understand the intent of the direction that Gib described to treat the accusation as fact for the purposes of the board, but that direction cannot absolve the school of its responsibility to attempt to verify the "charges".
- Desired outcome to be threefold: Re-instatement of Mr. Silvels scholarship and opportunity to play (his choice), with full and public apology; removal of the entire board that were in place at the time that this miscarriage of justice occurred, to be replaced by others with more mature judgment (a complete wipe & do-over of the board membership); and some modification of board rules, specifically to make it less likely that completely unfounded allegations can avoid exposure.

During my time at WSU (late '70's) I was directly aware of two different rapes done by student athletes. The system at that time was definitely rigged against the woman. That needed to change. I'm not even going to suggest that the pendulum has swung too far back in the other direction, though for some of the evidentiary rules that seems to be the case. The real problem here appears to be those chosen to sit on the conduct board. Those that have an axe to grind must be kept away from the grinding stone, or sparks will fly. Any process can be run unfairly if those in charge are not persons of integrity and good will, or who have an agenda that supersedes the purpose of the conduct board.

The facts of the young woman's recanting her accusation are compelling and make it clear that the conduct board steamrollered an innocent kid, probably to a great extent because of the prejudices of the board members.

An ironic collision between "Me Too" and "Black Lives Matter". In this case the composition of the board appears to have predetermined the outcome.

One of the obvious problems in my mind is that the people on the SCB don’t have any training or expertise in evaluating evidence or credibility or applying a burden of proof. Seems like the university, or the state DOE or someone could have ALJs do this this rather than a sociology professor, a student and an administrator.
During the Obama administration, the DOE's Office of Civil Rights sent one or more "Dear Colleague" letters to universities guiding them on the burden of proof and persuasion for student conduct matters. That letter or letters (I don't recall if it was one or more) basically said that a complainant's allegations should be taken at face value and must be disproven by the accused. The due process procedures in these types of hearings is considerably less than what applies in the courtroom. For instance at WSU, the accused was not allowed to ask direct questions of the complainant, even for matters involving potential expulsion or suspension (this came out during the Robert Barber matter). The system is basically set up for a presumption of guilt with the ability to defend yourself restricted.

The SCB is required to follow its own rules, the Administrative Procedures Act and the Constitution. The Superior Court booted the SCB decision for Barber because the SCB did not follow its own rules on preserving the record on appeal (that's the best of my recollection). In this type of adjudication there are lower standards for due process. Barber was not going to go to jail or pay a fine if he was found guilty. He was looking at expulsion. His life would go on, just with no degree from WSU. If you get a speeding ticket in Washington, you don't get a full blown trial if you contest it, because you're not going to jail.

I am of the opinion that there is a property right, or some kind of right that accrues in a student's education (otherwise students would not be paying and WSU would not be charging over $10,000 a year for tuition) that requires far more due process in a SCB hearing where expulsion or suspension is at stake. I believe the Court of Appeals decision involving the grad student made that clear and WSU was supposed to be developing new rules for the SCB.

This is intended to help, but I realize there is a lot here.

For those interested in learning more about the "Dear Colleague" letter and the upcoming rule changes being promulgated by the Trump administration, FedSoc has an outstanding debate.

Edit: Better link with video:

Even in that debate, those strongly opposed to the new rules admitted that the Obama era rules were lacking and needed stronger protections for the accused.
The update to the conduct board and process has already been completed, and the new Title IX went into effect a month ago.

But...Title IX has become very difficult to follow. It almost requires a presumption of guilt, and makes it very difficult to be fair to both sides. More so because the conduct board fleet have access to actual evidence.
lol, I have absolutely zero confidence that Schulz's WSU will do anything to improve the SCB.
You may be proven right but I do not think so. Schulz and Chun seem to be intelligent souls and stand-up guys from what I can see. Whether they like it or not, this is squarely on their plate and they will have to deal with it one way or another. Burrowing their heads into the sand and ignoring it is not an option- at least, not an intelligent one. The current petition, which I have signed and hope you will too, is another solid impetus. Surely, they and the BOR can see the possibility of a nasty lawsuit coming down the road. C'mon people, deal with it now before things get even worse. if you do not, things certainly will get worse. That is glaringly apparent.

Rolo's name has been thrown out there, usually with the caveat that he was not here during the time the issue was presented. I disagree again. He may not be directly associated with the Silvels case but he is assuredly associated with the ongoing SCB failure. The team now belongs to him and whatever potential difficulties those players may face directly affects him, his staff and the team as a whole. He needs to make his concerns clear to Schulz and Chun and even the BOR, if it comes to that.

Do we really think that this will not affect recruiting? Does Rolo look forward to having to explain this to parents of athletes, especially those of color? The recruiting process can get pretty sleazy at times. Do any of you believe that the Silvels case will not be mentioned as a reason not to have their son or daughter attend WSU? Yes, women's sports too. The HCs of our women's programs ought to be concerned too. Looking at it from a non-racial non-athletic aspect I can see this potentially affect recruitment of students, especially those of color. Our dysfunctional SCB will be held against us by other academic institutions as a good reason not to attend WSU. My wallet against yours says that this comes to pass. Any takers? Didn't think so.

The problem we have is not Schulz, Chun, Silvels or anyone or anything else. It's the current construction of our damnable SCB. I have a strong suspicion that the composition of that board is made up of SJW types, either mostly or in whole. It is self-selecting, ie. voluntary, and thus not a representative depiction of the student body and faculty in whole. I wish that Schulz would give assignment into this board to someone and take selection away from the self-selection process. Make sure that the board's composition includes students/faculty from the engineering dept., life sciences etc. Not just, as I suspect it is now, primarily comprised of social studies students/faculty. I, as a male, would not look forward to facing charges of a sexual nature before a panel with a disproportionate number of gender studies students/faculty sitting in review of my case.

The Obama administration attempted to deal with the problem of sexual violence on our campuses They did so by moving the requirements of proof further in the direction of the accused. I am sure that they meant well but it is now coming back to create a new problem. Plaintiff's allegations are taken at face value leaving the accused with little in the way of defense. This is not justice. I am no attorney but there must be a way to level the playing field and give both accuser and accused with adequate means to present their case. Unlike the current situation where the accused has two strikes against them before the case is presented and with little chance of preventing the third strike.
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You may be proven right but I do not think so. Schulz and Chun seem to be intelligent souls and stand-up guys from what I can see. Whether they like it or not, this is squarely on their plate and they will have to deal with it one way or another. Burrowing their heads into the sand and ignoring it is not an option- at least, not an intelligent one. The current petition, which I have signed and hope you will too, is another solid impetus. Surely, they and the BOR can see the possibility of a nasty lawsuit coming down the road. C'mon people, deal with it now before things get even worse. if you do not, things certainly will get worse. That is glaringly apparent.

Rolo's name has been thrown out there, usually with the caveat that he was not here during the time the issue was presented. I disagree again. He may not be directly associated with the Silvels case but he is assuredly associated with the ongoing SCB failure. The team now belongs to him and whatever potential difficulties those players may face directly affects him, his staff and the team as a whole. He needs to make his concerns clear to Schulz and Chun and even the BOR, if it comes to that.

Do we really think that this will not affect recruiting? Does Rolo look forward to having to explain this to parents of athletes, especially those of color? The recruiting process can get pretty sleazy at times. Do any of you believe that the Silvels case will not be mentioned as a reason not to have their son or daughter attend WSU? Yes, women's sports too. The HCs of our women's programs ought to be concerned too. Looking at it from a non-racial non-athletic aspect I can see this potentially affect recruitment of students, especially those of color. Our dysfunctional SCB will be held against us by other academic institutions as a good reason not to attend WSU. My wallet against yours says that this comes to pass. Any takers? Didn't think so.

The problem we have is not Schulz, Chun, Silvels or anyone or anything else. It's the current construction of our damnable SCB. I have a strong suspicion that the composition of that board is made up of SJW types, either mostly or in whole. It is self-selecting, ie. voluntary, and thus not a representative depiction of the student body and faculty in whole. I wish that Schulz would give assignment into this board to someone and take selection away from the self-selection process. Make sure that the board's composition includes students/faculty from the engineering dept., life sciences etc. Not just, as I suspect it is now, primarily comprised of social studies students/faculty. I, as a male, would not look forward to facing charges of a sexual nature before a panel with a disproportionate number of gender studies students/faculty sitting in review of my case.

The Obama administration attempted to deal with the problem of sexual violence on our campuses They did so by moving the requirements of proof further in the direction of the accused. I am sure that they meant well but it is now coming back to create a new problem. Plaintiff's allegations are taken at face value leaving the accused with little in the way of defense. This is not justice. I am no attorney but there must be a way to level the playing field and give both accuser and accused with adequate means to present their case. Unlike the current situation where the accused has two strikes against them before the case is presented and with little chance of preventing the third strike.
While I don't disagree with the idea, the reality is that it's difficult to get most faculty to volunteer for anything even once, much less something that involves regular meetings and annual training. And the way their contracts are arranged, they can't be forced to participate. Besides, what do you imagine the impact would be if you forced someone to participate on these boards? They're going to try to minimize their time investment, regardless of the outcome.

The conduct process website says that boards will consist of 5 people, majority being students, and that any sanctions beyond 10-day suspension require a 2/3 supermajority. That conflicts slightly with the WAC, which says boards are 3 people, including 1 student, and such sanctions require a supermajority and no more than 1 vote against.

My thought - take volunteer staff/faculty. Use the student body as a jury pool, and pull randomly to supplement the student volunteers. Every board gets at least one randomly selected student. All student participants must be in good academic standing, and have no conduct record relating to the charges they're hearing. All hearings presided over by a non-voting, non-participating conduct officer whose sole function is to ensure the process is followed correctly (remains silent unless the process veers toward activities that are not allowable). And, terminating sanctions like expulsion require a unanimous vote of the board.

The existing process, largely created by Title IX, have created a situation where what Silvels really did wrong was he told the truth. He admitted to sexual contact, but said it was consensual. She said it wasn't. With those facts before the board, they were forced to take her side - both agreed they had sex, she didn't want it, case closed. If he had denied it ever occurred, then the facts are far more disputed. Did they or didn't they? The board can't know. They're still supposed to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she the fundamental fact of the event itself is in dispute, I don't think they'd reach the threshold required to expel him.
It's flat ass scary that the majority of the board is comprised of humans whose brains have not reached full development let alone the experience and expertise dgibbons references.

Silvels should lawyer up.
One of the obvious problems in my mind is that the people on the SCB don’t have any training or expertise in evaluating evidence or credibility or applying a burden of proof. Seems like the university, or the state DOE or someone could have ALJs do this this rather than a sociology professor, a student and an administrator.
Exactly. Which is the point of the Sokolow with the new rules (which BTW don't take affect until August I think). But the same point applies to the old rules. What training do the professors and administrators actually have on these matters? Which I think feeds into Harris' point that the ship had sailed 40 years ago, and universities are required to take positive steps to curb sexual harassment, including adjudication. The question was now on *how* to take those steps. And having a bunch of untrained or poorly trained professors and administrators, many with obvious bias or conflicts of interest, is a recipe for disaster.

FIRE has some good stuff on their website about the kinds of abuse (see here for some chilling reports). I can't find anything about WSU. But this should be on their radar. Silvels should contact them, perhaps for some pro bono support.

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