For those of you not in Pullman for the game.

The students are band wagob\n fans for the most part.If the cougs had won a couple of more games they would have been there in force. Everyone loves a winner
The students are band wagob\n fans for the most part.If the cougs had won a couple of more games they would have been there in force. Everyone loves a winner
I respectively disagree.

I think they want to party during the game, and of course, a rainstorm doesn't help. Since they can't bring alcohol in the stadium, we've seen almost every home game on the students side clear out after halftime.

They want their beer. They're in college and it's that simple.
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I don't get the "I'm leaving at halftime" thing.

For those of us who've suffered through 50+ years of Cougar FB, much of which was bad, we savor every damn win. I'm asking to be buried under our seats so I can watch even when I'm gone.
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I don't get the "I'm leaving at halftime" thing.

For those of us who've suffered through 50+ years of Cougar FB, much of which was bad, we savor every damn win. I'm asking to be buried under our seats so I can watch even when I'm gone.
Did you see my reply post above?

The reason why students clear out at halftime is because they want to party. They're in college and they want their beer.

If Martin Stadium served cheap beer to college students, the stands would not clear out at halftime.

There's no rationale that can remotely explain why, except that it comes down to cheap beer.
I took a picture of it late in the 3rd, but can’t figure out how to post it. It was pathetic. Most of the north side was empty, and I’d say there were less than 1,000 students present - including the CrimZone and the band.
Pics have to be on the web, so youd have to upload it to a hosting site and post that link.
I graduated HS in '76. During my HS years, the operating assumption was that we were headed into another ice age, due to the increasingly cold winters. Go figure.
TV coverage is a big difference between college students today and those of us who went to college in the stone age. While I enjoyed the hell out of the second half of the 1992 Apple Cup, I can't say for sure that I would have sat through it if I had a 65" high definition TV in my apartment where I could be watching it in relative warmth with friends. More and more, fans are being conditioned to watch games on TV. I sat through the 2015 Sun Bowl in El Paso, the CU game in Pullman a couple years ago and a drizzly, rainy disaster a few weeks back in Utah. To some degree, I suffered through them because I understand that I have a finite number of opportunities to watch games in person and I don't have control over the weather.

For students who get to go to 6 or 7 games per year, it's easy to see why some would think that they have their whole lives to watch games but only a limited time left in college. Not saying that is how I would do it, but I get it if they feel that way.
The students are band wagob\n fans for the most part.If the cougs had won a couple of more games they would have been there in force. Everyone loves a winner
Is not about winning anymore. Last year we were 9-1 going into the Arizona game, and official attendance was 22,400. Most of the student section was empty.
Yes, it was Saturday before thanksgiving. But we used to regularly sell out Apple cups on that weekend - even when we sucked.
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Yup i have been at it way longer than you unfortunately.I have seen coaches and fans go for a long while.
If you didn't have proper raingear and boots, you'd probably have to nope out of that stadium sooner than later. Lots of people appeared to be wearing little more than plastic garbage bags.
If you’re too dumb to check the forecast before an October game in Pullman, this must have been your first October game in Pullman.
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Sell beer and have the price go down in the 3rd and 4th quarters. The longer you stay the cheaper the beer gets.
When I’m mayor of Pullman, the only place you’ll be able to buy or legally drink alcohol in Pullman for 4 hours on Gameday Saturday will be Martin stadium. Tickets will automatically include 2 free drinks after half time.

stadium expansion starts day one I’m in office. Who’s with me.
He really didn't get going until they left him in for multiple plays. His presence in the 3rd and 4th quarters was significant. Multiple times he was under both blockers double-teaming him and stood them up shoving them right back into Montez's face, collapsing the pocket. Prior to that they were inserting him for one play and taking him out. He couldn't get going.

Additionally, Kwete was quite a wrecking ball himself. A FAST wrecking ball.
I wasn’t able to tune in until the 4th quarter, but yeah, he was pushing their OL into the QB’s lap. I hope they use him more cuz he’s a bulldozer.
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I wasn’t able to tune in until the 4th quarter, but yeah, he was pushing their OL into the QB’s lap. I hope they use him more cuz he’s a bulldozer.
Hilinski was pushing him his senior year. He made young mistakes, but had a higher ceiling than Falk.
I cannot really blame the students for leaving after the first half. I watched snowflakes coming down near Martin's lights and then slightly thawing into rain before hitting the stands. Result: Water as cold as possible, slightly above freezing. Miserable conditions. With a hot shower, dry clothes and a TV only a five minutes walk away, I can understand their choice.

Also difficult to determine how many left due to the fact than many have apparently drifted over into better seats near the 50. Thereby taking the places of their elders who have made the choice to retire to their motel rooms or RVs.
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I cannot really blame the students for leaving after the first half. I watched snowflakes coming down near Martin's lights and then slightly thawing into rain before hitting the stands. Result: Water as cold as possible, slightly above freezing. Miserable conditions. With a hot shower, dry clothes and a TV only a five minutes walk away, I can understand their choice.

Also difficult to determine how many left due to the fact than many have apparently drifted over into better seats near the 50. Thereby taking the places of their elders who have made the choice to retire to their motel rooms or RVs.
There weren’t enough people left in those better seats to explain the missing students.

I never saw snow. Honestly, I’m not sure I believe it was cold enough for that. Recognizing that most students probably have a limited selection of clothing available, most should have winter gear by now, and (if you dressed for conditions) in my mind the fact that you’re only 5 minutes from a hot shower and dry clothes is more of a reason to stay.
I never saw snow. Honestly, I’m not sure I believe it was cold enough for that. Recognizing that most students probably have a limited selection of clothing available, most should have winter gear by now, and (if you dressed for conditions) in my mind the fact that you’re only 5 minutes from a hot shower and dry clothes is more of a reason to stay.
I was at the '92 Snow Bowl in a Levi's jean jacket, jeans, tennis shoes, no hat and no gloves, and stayed the entire game. It helped that I had several beers and a few shots of Cuervo in me, but I was there.
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I was at the '92 Snow Bowl in a Levi's jean jacket, jeans, tennis shoes, no hat and no gloves, and stayed the entire game. It helped that I had several beers and a few shots of Cuervo in me, but I was there.

Too funny...I had about the same get up in the 88 AC. It was my second year in Pullman and the weather snuck up on a lot of us that game. I believe is was the last time the goal posts came down in Pullman. Good times!!

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TV coverage has really altered the way that people watch sports. When I was in school in the late 80's and early 90's, watching the games in person was really the only sure way to see the Cougs play. Even then, the experience wasn't all that great. Back then, a 19" CRT was a "nice" TV for a college student to own. I remember buying a 32" TV after graduation and being really excited about it.


Woooh! Technology!

Nowadays, I'm betting that most students have a decent sized TV with HD, surround sound and a fridge stocked with beer nearby. Given that every game is on TV, the experience of being at a game is devalued compared to what it was 30 some years ago. Nowadays, I've put up with some poor weather to watch the Cougs because I know that I have a finite number of opportunities to see them in person and the lack of viewing opportunities available when I was in school reinforced that. Kids in college today don't have that back story and it's easy for them to think that chasing tail and getting drunk is more appealing than watching a blowout in less than ideal conditions (in any conditions for some).
The Snow Bowl was snowy but it wasn't too bad in terms of horrific weather. It was cold and snowy but you knew that going in and bundled up accordingly.

The worst I've ever felt was the year USC came in with Keyshawn Johnson - the wind chill had to be down in the single digits. So damned cold.

The game vs. ASU where Halliday came in for an injured Tuel was damp and cold as hell too.
The Snow Bowl was snowy but it wasn't too bad in terms of horrific weather. It was cold and snowy but you knew that going in and bundled up accordingly.

The worst I've ever felt was the year USC came in with Keyshawn Johnson - the wind chill had to be down in the single digits. So damned cold.

The game vs. ASU where Halliday came in for an injured Tuel was damp and cold as hell too.

portland state, Labor Day weekend. Raining, wind and mid 40s dropping from the 90s a few days prior. That was COLD.
Most bizarre weather .. Portland State was THE worst due to nature of timing... weather-wise. Suppose you could make a strong case "Worst Ever" but for another time .

I sat in Sec 26 till the bitter end. It was of course Wet & Cold , and it did snow/sleet during the day in P-Town... 2 things 1) the winds really started to pickup around the 8 minute mark ... 2) CU' Tucker did more for us Fans in "getting outta there" running dives than multiple incomplete tosses by TInsley ...that was brutal ..if folks left then I aint gonna criticize !
TV coverage has really altered the way that people watch sports. When I was in school in the late 80's and early 90's, watching the games in person was really the only sure way to see the Cougs play. Even then, the experience wasn't all that great. Back then, a 19" CRT was a "nice" TV for a college student to own. I remember buying a 32" TV after graduation and being really excited about it.


Woooh! Technology!

Nowadays, I'm betting that most students have a decent sized TV with HD, surround sound and a fridge stocked with beer nearby. Given that every game is on TV, the experience of being at a game is devalued compared to what it was 30 some years ago. Nowadays, I've put up with some poor weather to watch the Cougs because I know that I have a finite number of opportunities to see them in person and the lack of viewing opportunities available when I was in school reinforced that. Kids in college today don't have that back story and it's easy for them to think that chasing tail and getting drunk is more appealing than watching a blowout in less than ideal conditions (in any conditions for some).
Completely agree this can’t be debated. Technology, along with insanely high ticket prices, have changed the game all over the country.
However, peer pressure, culture, and influence still exists. I was at Portland State as well...miserable. Stayed till the end. I can tell you the atmosphere, particularly in the second half when it was 10-0 Cougs and the place emptied, directly contributed to the players losing interest in the game. College kids feed on crowd energy.

I’ll tell anyone on this board, if you bail early you might as well throw on the other teams colors and root for them. It’s truly that simple.

If someone in your section leaves, belittle the hell out of them for being a p***y. If you are a student, tell your friends to throw some rain gear on and show them how to hide some fireball...its only 3 hours!
Completely agree this can’t be debated. Technology, along with insanely high ticket prices, have changed the game all over the country.
However, peer pressure, culture, and influence still exists. I was at Portland State as well...miserable. Stayed till the end. I can tell you the atmosphere, particularly in the second half when it was 10-0 Cougs and the place emptied, directly contributed to the players losing interest in the game. College kids feed on crowd energy.

I’ll tell anyone on this board, if you bail early you might as well throw on the other teams colors and root for them. It’s truly that simple.

If someone in your section leaves, belittle the hell out of them for being a p***y. If you are a student, tell your friends to throw some rain gear on and show them how to hide some fireball...its only 3 hours!
I spent plenty of games sweating bullets about the liquor/ beer hidden somewhere on my body, and maybe unnecessarily. When I was just there, and maybe this has more to do with my overly gray beard than anything else, I could have had my entire waistband full of whatever I wanted. Or my bag. Pretty much as long as it wasn't right out in the open, I could have brought it in. Maybe they are checking closer on the student side, idk?
I spent plenty of games sweating bullets about the liquor/ beer hidden somewhere on my body, and maybe unnecessarily. When I was just there, and maybe this has more to do with my overly gray beard than anything else, I could have had my entire waistband full of whatever I wanted. Or my bag. Pretty much as long as it wasn't right out in the open, I could have brought it in. Maybe they are checking closer on the student side, idk?

Did you say you were stashing beers in your beard??? Go Bengals?!

I was at the '92 Snow Bowl in a Levi's jean jacket, jeans, tennis shoes, no hat and no gloves, and stayed the entire game. It helped that I had several beers and a few shots of Cuervo in me, but I was there.
I was shoveling snow on the field for that game. Wearing jeans, a sweatshirt, and a Coors light windbreaker, with a towel wrapped over my neck and head. Best I had for winter gear at the time. It was cold and wet, but wasn’t even the coldest/wettest game I attended as a student. There have been several since that were much worse.
I was shoveling snow on the field for that game. Wearing jeans, a sweatshirt, and a Coors light windbreaker, with a towel wrapped over my neck and head. Best I had for winter gear at the time. It was cold and wet, but wasn’t even the coldest/wettest game I attended as a student. There have been several since that were much worse.
I think it was AZ, perhaps 1995, Dad's weekend. It was damn cold at that one.
I think it was AZ, perhaps 1995, Dad's weekend. It was damn cold at that one.
I remember a rainy Arizona game. '95 is probably right, since we played them at home again in '97. I worked that morning and didn't have time to get suitable clothes, so watched the game in a thoroughly soaked pair of jeans and a borrowed jacket. Might be the coldest I've ever been at a Coug game.

And I stayed til the end.
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I wonder how many of the salty boomers on this thread complaining about attendance were actually at the game themselves. My guess is "not many."
I wonder how many of the salty boomers on this thread complaining about attendance were actually at the game themselves. My guess is "not many."

I wasn't there, living in NC I can only make it back to 2 home games and 1 Bay Area game a year. I will be in Berkeley for the Cal game on 11/9, hope you are there would love to buy you a beer.

Your favorite Salty Boomer.
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I wonder how many of the salty boomers on this thread complaining about attendance were actually at the game themselves. My guess is "not many."
I wasn’t. But it wasn’t because of the cold. I was in my spot, sitting in the slushy rain hoping that elk would finally come out after 10 fruitless days.
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TV coverage has really altered the way that people watch sports. When I was in school in the late 80's and early 90's, watching the games in person was really the only sure way to see the Cougs play. Even then, the experience wasn't all that great. Back then, a 19" CRT was a "nice" TV for a college student to own. I remember buying a 32" TV after graduation and being really excited about it.


Had that very same TV!
I wonder how many of the salty boomers on this thread complaining about attendance were actually at the game themselves. My guess is "not many."
I was. I’m not a Boomer, though.

today I took the opportunity to publicly shame a current student who admitted he left at halftime because he was cold and the game was on TV. I called him a sissy (mixed company) and suggested that if he doesn’t want to watch sports in bad weather, perhaps he should try baseball. Or ladies’ golf.
I was. I’m not a Boomer, though.

today I took the opportunity to publicly shame a current student who admitted he left at halftime because he was cold and the game was on TV. I called him a sissy (mixed company) and suggested that if he doesn’t want to watch sports in bad weather, perhaps he should try baseball. Or ladies’ golf.

I was. I’m not a Boomer, though.

today I took the opportunity to publicly shame a current student who admitted he left at halftime because he was cold and the game was on TV. I called him a sissy (mixed company) and suggested that if he doesn’t want to watch sports in bad weather, perhaps he should try baseball. Or ladies’ golf.

Baseball in Pullman in March/April is as cold and miserable as it can get.

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