For those of you not in Pullman for the game.

I don't get the "I'm leaving at halftime" thing.

For those of us who've suffered through 50+ years of Cougar FB, much of which was bad, we savor every damn win. I'm asking to be buried under our seats so I can watch even when I'm gone.

It is a vastly different age. Recruiting was covered by the Seattle times one day a year, and it was the day after signing. We didn't have any coverage at all. In our time the party started in the stands at 10 am when all the gates opened and we flooded the stadium.

Don't forget we had the entire north end except the last 10 rows, so the students went from end line to end line.

But the kids today are digitally attached. They are much more a part of the event vs being a fan. They take selfies to show where they are and who they are with. In our day the event was the focus.

Also, all the games are on TV, plus they have other things they want to do, like instagram, text etc that they are part of something vs watching something.

It is simply different times.
It is a vastly different age. Recruiting was covered by the Seattle times one day a year, and it was the day after signing. We didn't have any coverage at all. In our time the party started in the stands at 10 am when all the gates opened and we flooded the stadium.

Don't forget we had the entire north end except the last 10 rows, so the students went from end line to end line.

But the kids today are digitally attached. They are much more a part of the event vs being a fan. They take selfies to show where they are and who they are with. In our day the event was the focus.

Also, all the games are on TV, plus they have other things they want to do, like instagram, text etc that they are part of something vs watching something.

It is simply different times.

This post is from a guy stuck in 1986. Talk about irony.
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This post is from a guy stuck in 1986. Talk about irony.
Did you see my reply post above?

The reason why students clear out at halftime is because they want to party. They're in college and they want their beer.

If Martin Stadium served cheap beer to college students, the stands would not clear out at halftime.

There's no rationale that can remotely explain why, except that it comes down to cheap beer.

Don't they have to be 21 to drink? 3/4's of the kids who want to drink are under-age.
I wonder how many of the salty boomers on this thread complaining about attendance were actually at the game themselves. My guess is "not many."

Well I was there and and I am a "boomer". Amazing how quickly such discussions can descend into absurd stereotypes.
This was certainly as bad as I can remember but this time I came prepared. It makes a difference. I remember the Portland St game five years ago as being really bad both because of the game itself but also because I was totally unprepared. I had played golf the day before and hadn't bothered to look at the weather report. So the rain and the wind overwhelmed the light jacket I brought. I won't make that mistake again.
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Well I was there and and I am a "boomer". Amazing how quickly such discussions can descend into absurd stereotypes.
This was certainly as bad as I can remember but this time I came prepared. It makes a difference. I remember the Portland St game five years ago as being really bad both because of the game itself but also because I was totally unprepared. I had played golf the day before and hadn't bothered to look at the weather report. So the rain and the wind overwhelmed the light jacket I brought. I won't make that mistake again.
The PSU game definitely wins for worst weather in an opener, probably worst weather for any September game. But I think it ranks behind a handful, most of which have already been mentioned.
Well I was there and and I am a "boomer". Amazing how quickly such discussions can descend into absurd stereotypes.
This was certainly as bad as I can remember but this time I came prepared. It makes a difference. I remember the Portland St game five years ago as being really bad both because of the game itself but also because I was totally unprepared. I had played golf the day before and hadn't bothered to look at the weather report. So the rain and the wind overwhelmed the light jacket I brought. I won't make that mistake again.

Being prepared is very important. The weather conditions at Utah a few weeks back were pretty bad at times during the game. My wife bought us waterproof shoe covers, ponchos and waterproof stadium blankets. I was bone dry at the end of the game despite the conditions. The shoe covers were the best new change and I'll never go to a game where there are bad conditions without them again.
Can one be a sage and a historian at the same time? You needing some conflict on the board right now? Need something to litigate?

I’m curious. You’re a well known deep thinker and all.
Maybe how to post on this website.
My inside sources are not tech people, they would be of no help. I always thought the site was fairly simple. When accessing via the phone I see a post, hit the ole reply key and viola a response is forthcoming .

Apparently it is more extensive than that when one views a post and hits reply. But as to my sources they wouldn’t be able to help .
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My inside sources are not tech people, they would be of no help. I always thought the site was fairly simple. When accessing via the phone I see a post, hit the ole reply key and viola a response is forthcoming .

Apparently it is more extensive than that when one views a post and hits reply. But as to my sources they wouldn’t be able to help .

Any inside sources that are spelling and grammar experts?

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