FSU looks lost


Hall Of Fame
Gold Member
Jan 21, 2005
I don't think they have played an up tempo team with similar quality athletes before.

I also question their preparation for the read option. Maybe they don't have anybody on their scout team who could imitate it? Or maybe their DC just isn't very good? That is hard to believe with as many games as they have won this year.

And when they start to make mistakes, they just keep digging themselves deeper. Too many dumb clock management mistakes on top of execution errors.

The Ducks look about like usual for this season. Half the teams in the PAC gave them a better game than FSU has managed.

I am frankly surprised.
I am not surprised that Oregon is winning. I am not surprised that Oregon is winning by double digits. I am surprised just how much of a mismatch this is.
Re: FSU looks lost....Winston

Watched FSU on TV 4 times this year. I am not impressed with Winston. Plenty of throws are inaccurate and his ball is often wobbly. oh and his attitude and demeanor sucks. the games I have seen he sure doesn't look like Heismann material.
Re: FSU looks lost....Winston

Originally posted by earldacoug:
Watched FSU on TV 4 times this year. I am not impressed with Winston. Plenty of throws are inaccurate and his ball is often wobbly. oh and his attitude and demeanor sucks. the games I have seen he sure doesn't look like Heismann material.
i watched them a few times this year too. i never walked away from one of their games without the feeling that, if they played in any of the other power 5s, they'd be a third or fourth place team. last year they were unbelievable (and so was winston). this year it was mostly smoke and mirrors. a ton of luck and a crappy conference.

you mentioned winston's attitude and demeanor. every time i saw him interacting with jimbo fisher this year i couldn't help but think that fisher must have real mixed feelings at this point. on the one hand, he won a nc in large part because of the year that winston had. on the other hand, he must just be counting the days until winston declares for the draft and he never has to talk to him again. he just looks like a frustrating kid to have to deal with.
Re: FSU looks lost....Winston

Winston is a nightmare. At what point has he embarrassed you so much that you just tell him to declare for the draft? I don't feel like there is any reaching that kid. He is headed for disaster.
Re: FSU looks lost....Winston

Fisher deserves everything he got. He let his QB become bigger than the team, program and school.
Nookie, yet another time that you have departed from stirring the pot and made a good point. I wish that you focused on that.
Re: FSU looks lost....Winston

Originally posted by BiggsCoug:
Winston is a nightmare. At what point has he embarrassed you so much that you just tell him to declare for the draft? I don't feel like there is any reaching that kid. He is headed for disaster.
Any team that drafts Winston deserves what they get. If I were an NFL GM, he would be off my board.
Re: FSU looks lost....Winston

So, imagine, he has some actual people in his ear that's being honest… He knows that the NFL is a long shot because of his attitude/baggage. Can you imagine having to coach him at FSU for another year or two?!

This ain't happenin' but wow… That would suck.
Winston and Fisher are delusional

Post game presser: "It was a tossup. It could have gone either way." Jameis, son, it went one way. You got your ass kicked. Jimbo? You didn't give Oregon enough credit for dismantling your team.
Re: Winston and Fisher are delusional

That quote will help his credibility for the rest of his life… oh boy.
Re: FSU looks lost....Winston

Originally posted by BiggsCoug:
Winston is a nightmare. At what point has he embarrassed you so much that you just tell him to declare for the draft? I don't feel like there is any reaching that kid. He is headed for disaster.
I predict he's in prison within three years, assuming his lawyers do not prolong the proceedings beyond that. Complete headcase/nutjob.
Re: FSU looks lost....Winston

This is sick… Not enough cuss words to describe this idiot.
This guy got a fair amount of press in SoCal. Partly because he made it clear that the SEC wasn't the only sleazy conference.
'nook got it right when he stated that FSU got what it deserved for letting JW get too big for his britches! The coach is to blame for this one....... but it was fun to see the noles get routed by Oregon and I'm no Oregon fan.
Re: FSU looks lost....Winston

Originally posted by Coug1990:
Originally posted by BiggsCoug:
Winston is a nightmare. At what point has he embarrassed you so much that you just tell him to declare for the draft? I don't feel like there is any reaching that kid. He is headed for disaster.
Any team that drafts Winston deserves what they get. If I were an NFL GM, he would be off my board.
Normally I would say Winston has "Oakland" written all over him, but I think they may have finally figured out their QB situation with Carr. Next, I'd peg him to Cleveland, just to compound one QB disaster with another, but the Browns are probably too far down the board to get him. So, let's see; what cluster mess of a franchise is high enough on the board to make this mistake? Ah, there you are Redskins & Jets.
Re: FSU looks lost....Winston

Redskins - Snyder will do the same with him as RGIII. If Quinn is the Jets HC, as is reported, I don't think he'll go for that kid. But - you never know with the draft. I see the Winston draft situation as similar to the Johnny Football situation - where there's smoke, there's fire.
Re: FSU looks lost....Winston

Originally posted by HelenaCoug:
Redskins - Snyder will do the same with him as RGIII. If Quinn is the Jets HC, as is reported, I don't think he'll go for that kid. But - you never know with the draft. I see the Winston draft situation as similar to the Johnny Football situation - where there's smoke, there's fire.
Except Winston is a much, much better prospect.

I can hear it now. "He had great interviews, and expressed his remorse over his off the field conduct. He really learned his lesson after the one game suspension and has had a clean record since."

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