Go Dillard

It is interesting tho that Borghi was excited for a new beginning.

Probably tired of pissing away half his eligibility. At the rate he was going he might as well have moved to the slot. It was no secret he wasn't gonna run the ball for ever.
On a similar note, the only real criticism of Gordon that I had last year was that he wasn't a natural leader. You watch GMII on the sidelines and everyone is like, "Hell Yeah!" and he's got them pumped up. In comparison, Gordon felt like Stuart Smalley going, "gosh darn it, we are good enough, smart enough and dog gone it....people like us!".

If you spoke with any player or coach on the team they would disagree with you
If you spoke with any player or coach on the team they would disagree with you

Probably? I'll say that he's got a lot of work to do before he can stand next to GMII and rally the team to the same level of enthusiasm. I'm still thrilled that he was able to step up and have a great season and hope that he makes a roster even if I think he has work to do on the rah!, rah! front.
Look you’ve got a group of early 20 something young men and you are trying to get them to focus, be tough in a physical demanding sport, and to overcome adversity.

that requires discipline, and honestly it’s not about being nice and playing patty cake and back rubs.

There’s a lot of psychology that goes into motivation, some ways are a carrot, and some ways are a stick.

Discipline breeds results, and Dillard is missing the fact that Leach’s job is to run a program towards success. To graduate young men and excel in the sport as well as the classroom and he did exactly that.

His job description says coach. It doesn’t say best friend. It’s just coach.

You are going to be yelled at called out by most of the best.
Look you’ve got a group of early 20 something young men and you are trying to get them to focus, be tough in a physical demanding sport, and to overcome adversity.

that requires discipline, and honestly it’s not about being nice and playing patty cake and back rubs.

There’s a lot of psychology that goes into motivation, some ways are a carrot, and some ways are a stick.

Discipline breeds results, and Dillard is missing the fact that Leach’s job is to run a program towards success. To graduate young men and excel in the sport as well as the classroom and he did exactly that.

His job description says coach. It doesn’t say best friend. It’s just coach.

You are going to be yelled at called out by most of the best.

I don't disagree with what you said other than it taxes the players where they eventually tune out.

The part I don't get is when a player criticizes Leach some construe it as out of line. Dillard didn't like being called fat and lazy, probably not a lot different than Leach being called out by a reporter after his 7th straight Apple Cup loss, and we saw how Leach reacted. Dillard seems to have reacted accordingly.
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I don't disagree with what you said other than it taxes the players where they eventually tune out.

The part I don't get is when a player criticizes Leach some construe out of line. Dillard didn't like being called fat and lazy, probably not a lot different than Leach being called out by a reporter after his 7th straight Apple Cup loss, and we saw how Leach reacted. Dillard seems to have reacted accordingly.
And also like Leach, he's getting called a b!tch because he's whines and cries when his nose is rubbed in his own shit as opposed to recognizing his short comings and speak about fixing them.
And also like Leach, he's getting called a b!tch because he's whines and cries when his nose is rubbed in his own shit as opposed to recognizing his short comings and speak about fixing them.

Really? That's how you think people treat Leach? or Dillard? As far as I could tell, the university almost never said anything to Leach about how he conducted himself and pretty much gave him free rein.

I think it's good for guys like Dillard to speak up and let people know that the players weren't happy with the way that Leach treated them. I don't have a problem with a coach being a hardass and having expectations, but there are times where every coach gets too close to the line or over the line. There's kind of BS culture and cult of personality surrounding these coaches that lets them get away with crap that they shouldn't.

At some point, it usually blows up in their face. Bobby Knight, Woody Hayes, and others have fallen from grace quickly when they went too far. If you think that Tech got rid of Leach just because they didn't want to pay him a are fooling yourself. They got tired of his constant flirtations with other schools and you can bet that conservative Texans didn't really like Mike bagging on the "god squad" guys on video. His arrogant act had grown thin and it was time for him to go. They botched it pretty badly of course, but it's no surprise that they grew sick of him.

It's important to remember that for decades, actresses were expected to sleep with film directors and producers if they wanted to have a career in film. Just because there is a culture in place to accept negative actions doesn't mean that culture should exist. Now, before you blow a gasket, I realize that there is a huge difference between guys like Weinstein and Leach. I'm just pointing out that bad behavior gets accepted when it shouldn't. Leach can be a hardass, but some of his tantrums were the actions of a mildly deranged person and we all know it. And given our 6-7 finish last year, it's not like Leach was some infallible football god who could do no wrong.
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Really? That's how you think people treat Leach? or Dillard? As far as I could tell, the university almost never said anything to Leach about how he conducted himself and pretty much gave him free rein.

I think it's good for guys like Dillard to speak up and let people know that the players weren't happy with the way that Leach treated them. I don't have a problem with a coach being a hardass and having expectations, but there are times where every coach gets too close to the line or over the line. There's kind of BS culture and cult of personality surrounding these coaches that lets them get away with crap that they shouldn't.

At some point, it usually blows up in their face. Bobby Knight, Woody Hayes, and others have fallen from grace quickly when they went too far. If you think that Tech got rid of Leach just because they didn't want to pay him a are fooling yourself. They got tired of his constant flirtations with other schools and you can bet that conservative Texans didn't really like Mike bagging on the "god squad" guys on video. His arrogant act had grown thin and it was time for him to go. They botched it pretty badly of course, but it's no surprise that they grew sick of him.

It's important to remember that for decades, actresses were expected to sleep with film directors and producers if they wanted to have a career in film. Just because there is a culture in place to accept negative actions doesn't mean that culture should exist. Now, before you blow a gasket, I realize that there is a huge difference between guys like Weinstein and Leach. I'm just pointing out that bad behavior gets accepted when it shouldn't. Leach can be a hardass, but some of his tantrums were the actions of a mildly deranged person and we all know it. And given our 6-7 finish last year, it's not like Leach was some infallible football god who could do no wrong.

I will say he could do no wrong in 2018....
Really? That's how you think people treat Leach? or Dillard? As far as I could tell, the university almost never said anything to Leach about how he conducted himself and pretty much gave him free rein.

I think it's good for guys like Dillard to speak up and let people know that the players weren't happy with the way that Leach treated them. I don't have a problem with a coach being a hardass and having expectations, but there are times where every coach gets too close to the line or over the line. There's kind of BS culture and cult of personality surrounding these coaches that lets them get away with crap that they shouldn't.

At some point, it usually blows up in their face. Bobby Knight, Woody Hayes, and others have fallen from grace quickly when they went too far. If you think that Tech got rid of Leach just because they didn't want to pay him a are fooling yourself. They got tired of his constant flirtations with other schools and you can bet that conservative Texans didn't really like Mike bagging on the "god squad" guys on video. His arrogant act had grown thin and it was time for him to go. They botched it pretty badly of course, but it's no surprise that they grew sick of him.

It's important to remember that for decades, actresses were expected to sleep with film directors and producers if they wanted to have a career in film. Just because there is a culture in place to accept negative actions doesn't mean that culture should exist. Now, before you blow a gasket, I realize that there is a huge difference between guys like Weinstein and Leach. I'm just pointing out that bad behavior gets accepted when it shouldn't. Leach can be a hardass, but some of his tantrums were the actions of a mildly deranged person and we all know it. And given our 6-7 finish last year, it's not like Leach was some infallible football god who could do no wrong.
A) Leach is not BK, and youve got some nerve to even think that is a fair comparison.

B) Leach got a ton of backlash from the media and fans about being thin skinned about the AC question. Yes, we all revelled in the Troll getting told off by a Coug - it was long over due - but make no mistake Leach had egg on his face in the eyes of many, not only for losing again but not owning up to it and throwing a fit like a baby when he got called out.

C) Everyone knew good Goddamn well what Leach was and is. He doesnt hide anything and pulls no punches. There are at least two videos of him berating his team on the internet, and for guys like Dillard it wouldnt matter if it was in public or not, hes the prima donna type that needs a constant emotional tampon to make himself feel better. If he couldnt handle the verbal abuse, he should have went to one of the other P5 schools with offers (oh...wait) or with a players coach, but he didnt because he KNEW Leach puts OL in the league, which makes the after-the-fact bitching even more irritating.
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As a follow up, Wichita State is getting to find out when a "hardass" coach has a group of players that got tired of his act. Seven players from the current Shocker have entered the transfer portal in the past week or so. It's come out that several of the players just got tired of the way that he was treating them in practice. Gregg Marshall is a highly respected coach, but that doesn't meant that he is immune. Leach is obviously respected in the coaching community, but everyone knows that he's a crazy bastard that doesn't have a filter.

As mentioned above, we knew what we were getting into and frankly, I don't think that Leach ever did anything so objectionable that it "required" action. I'm still happy that Leach gave us the time that he did. It's just not that surprising to find out that there were guys that are happy that Leach is leaving WSU because they didn't like his act and they are excited about Rolovich.

As a follow up, Wichita State is getting to find out when a "hardass" coach has a group of players that got tired of his act. Seven players from the current Shocker have entered the transfer portal in the past week or so. It's come out that several of the players just got tired of the way that he was treating them in practice. Gregg Marshall is a highly respected coach, but that doesn't meant that he is immune. Leach is obviously respected in the coaching community, but everyone knows that he's a crazy bastard that doesn't have a filter.

As mentioned above, we knew what we were getting into and frankly, I don't think that Leach ever did anything so objectionable that it "required" action. I'm still happy that Leach gave us the time that he did. It's just not that surprising to find out that there were guys that are happy that Leach is leaving WSU because they didn't like his act and they are excited about Rolovich.

Leach is crazy....crazy like a Mother Effing Fox. Jesus...he gave us the BEST YEARS EVER as far as Cougar football goes. Who gives a flying **** if some of the current players are happy they don't have to run the sand pit or gruel through midnight maneuvers. The current roster better check themselves...The Hat has a lot of Leach in him. Don't doubt me, he can be a world class ass chewing machine.
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As a follow up, Wichita State is getting to find out when a "hardass" coach has a group of players that got tired of his act. Seven players from the current Shocker have entered the transfer portal in the past week or so. It's come out that several of the players just got tired of the way that he was treating them in practice. Gregg Marshall is a highly respected coach, but that doesn't meant that he is immune. Leach is obviously respected in the coaching community, but everyone knows that he's a crazy bastard that doesn't have a filter.

As mentioned above, we knew what we were getting into and frankly, I don't think that Leach ever did anything so objectionable that it "required" action. I'm still happy that Leach gave us the time that he did. It's just not that surprising to find out that there were guys that are happy that Leach is leaving WSU because they didn't like his act and they are excited about Rolovich.
Any time a coach leaves there’s probably some guys that are happy about it. If all of your players love you, you probably aren’t a great coach. We are talking about 110-120 guys. I appreciate Leachs contributions but I think it was beneficial for all...Leach was checked out last year and needed a change. An energized Rolo should be better for WSU than a checked out Leach, and he will probably give more to MSU with his change of scenery.
Really? That's how you think people treat Leach? or Dillard? As far as I could tell, the university almost never said anything to Leach about how he conducted himself and pretty much gave him free rein.

I think it's good for guys like Dillard to speak up and let people know that the players weren't happy with the way that Leach treated them. I don't have a problem with a coach being a hardass and having expectations, but there are times where every coach gets too close to the line or over the line. There's kind of BS culture and cult of personality surrounding these coaches that lets them get away with crap that they shouldn't.

At some point, it usually blows up in their face. Bobby Knight, Woody Hayes, and others have fallen from grace quickly when they went too far. If you think that Tech got rid of Leach just because they didn't want to pay him a are fooling yourself. They got tired of his constant flirtations with other schools and you can bet that conservative Texans didn't really like Mike bagging on the "god squad" guys on video. His arrogant act had grown thin and it was time for him to go. They botched it pretty badly of course, but it's no surprise that they grew sick of him.

It's important to remember that for decades, actresses were expected to sleep with film directors and producers if they wanted to have a career in film. Just because there is a culture in place to accept negative actions doesn't mean that culture should exist. Now, before you blow a gasket, I realize that there is a huge difference between guys like Weinstein and Leach. I'm just pointing out that bad behavior gets accepted when it shouldn't. Leach can be a hardass, but some of his tantrums were the actions of a mildly deranged person and we all know it. And given our 6-7 finish last year, it's not like Leach was some infallible football god who could do no wrong.

In most successful P5 football and basketball programs the AD and Pres give their coaches free rein...they would be fools note too. Leach and are a piece of work Flat.

I am all for free speech and don't have a problem with Dillard venting his speen. Philly is a HARD city....I would suggest knowing your audience before you start throwing a college coach (who gave you a chance) under the bus.

No doubt Dick Vermeil is itching to give him a wedgie once Fall camp starts. :)
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A) Leach is not BK, and youve got some nerve to even think that is a fair comparison.

B) Leach got a ton of backlash from the media and fans about being thin skinned about the AC question. Yes, we all revelled in the Troll getting told off by a Coug - it was long over due - but make no mistake Leach had egg on his face in the eyes of many, not only for losing again but not owning up to it and throwing a fit like a baby when he got called out.

C) Everyone knew good Goddamn well what Leach was and is. He doesnt hide anything and pulls no punches. There are at least two videos of him berating his team on the internet, and for guys like Dillard it wouldnt matter if it was in public or not, hes the prima donna type that needs a constant emotional tampon to make himself feel better. If he couldnt handle the verbal abuse, he should have went to one of the other P5 schools with offers (oh...wait) or with a players coach, but he didnt because he KNEW Leach puts OL in the league, which makes the after-the-fact bitching even more irritating.

Bobby Knight has, what, three, four natties?

Leach has never won a conference title.

Just throwing that out there.
Leach is crazy....crazy like a Mother Effing Fox. Jesus...he gave us the BEST YEARS EVER as far as Cougar football goes. Who gives a flying **** if some of the current players are happy they don't have to run the sand pit or gruel through midnight maneuvers. The current roster better check themselves...The Hat has a lot of Leach in him. Don't doubt me, he can be a world class ass chewing machine.

Sorry..but winning 1 Apple Cup, no conference titles, and no Rose bowl appearances aren't our best years.
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And also like Leach, he's getting called a b!tch because he's whines and cries when his nose is rubbed in his own shit as opposed to recognizing his short comings and speak about fixing them.

One is a young man learning his way. Another a grandfather who miles of experience .
Leach got our team out of the mud. Got them a bunch of bowl games. His time had run its course.

What is most frustrating to me is the level of "almost" and missed opportunities.

His offense isn't evolving at the pace the defenses are evolving to defend it. I believe it bit him in the arse last season and cost WSU dearly. That was better than a 3 league win team. It had more than enough talent to beat AF like a drum. It wasn't the kids. It was the coaches.
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