Hoops: now 5-5 in the WCC, with a loss to 7-17 Pacific....


Hall Of Fame
Sep 9, 2001
The Jim Sterk era has officially returned to WSU athletics with McCoy at the helm. No way to sugar coat it.

We spend a decent amount on athletics and are competing with mid-tier WCC teams.

This is NOT acceptable and has NOTHING to do with NIL or how much we give to WSU.

We have a culture of mediocrity and it starts at the top.
The Jim Sterk era has officially returned to WSU athletics with McCoy at the helm. No way to sugar coat it.

We spend a decent amount on athletics and are competing with mid-tier WCC teams.

This is NOT acceptable and has NOTHING to do with NIL or how much we give to WSU.

We have a culture of mediocrity and it starts at the top.
Proposing a solution or just blowing off steam?
The Jim Sterk era has officially returned to WSU athletics with McCoy at the helm. No way to sugar coat it.

We spend a decent amount on athletics and are competing with mid-tier WCC teams.

This is NOT acceptable and has NOTHING to do with NIL or how much we give to WSU.

We have a culture of mediocrity and it starts at the top.

I think it's irresponsible to beat up on an AD who hasn't had any time to make an impact....but David Riley is failing as a head coach right now. 0-2 against the worst team in the WCC is unacceptable.
Let’s not lose all objectivity. The team has dealt with significant injury issues and had they stayed healthy things would look a whole lot different.
Let’s not lose all objectivity. The team has dealt with significant injury issues and had they stayed healthy things would look a whole lot different.
wtf is up with the turnovers? Im no basketball expert but if you turn it over the equivalent in football every game, the coach is a fuggin idiot.

Riley gotta get that shit fixed yesterday.
The Jim Sterk era has officially returned to WSU athletics with McCoy at the helm. No way to sugar coat it.

We spend a decent amount on athletics and are competing with mid-tier WCC teams.

This is NOT acceptable and has NOTHING to do with NIL or how much we give to WSU.

We have a culture of mediocrity and it starts at the top.

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Losing a 3rd of your roster is an excuse?

Not having a line in the sand of what is acceptable and what isnt is a prob. Too many excuses is what losing and losers are made of. What is the least you are willing to accept?
Not having a line in the sand of what is acceptable and what isnt is a prob. Too many excuses is what losing and losers are made of. What is the least you are willing to accept?
I get my definition of losers from 1. Guys who live in a van down by the river and 2. Middle aged dudes who peaked in high school and work on Saturdays. In that order.
Proposing a solution or just blowing off steam?

I wouldn't have hired McCoy. I never liked the hire.

Fair or now fair, we are a middle of the road West Coast Conference athletic program. It's not blowing off steam to say this is not acceptable based on the belief we are a "power 4" level program.

The solution is not to accept mediocrity as a fan base.
I wouldn't have hired McCoy. I never liked the hire.

Fair or now fair, we are a middle of the road West Coast Conference athletic program. It's not blowing off steam to say this is not acceptable based on the belief we are a "power 4" level program.

The solution is not to accept mediocrity as a fan base.

Too many WSU “fans” embrace excuses… As Jon Taffer would say… Excuses keep average to bad employees employed.
Too many WSU “fans” embrace excuses… As Jon Taffer would say… Excuses keep average to bad employees employed.
Taffer works on businesses with a long record of "bad employees" established. We have less than 1 season with Riley and a lineup and rotation that was wrecked in December. There are issues Riley needs to address, but not enough data to suggest Riley is a bad employee.

There's more WSU "fans" that overreact given the available information than embrace excuses.
I wouldn't have hired McCoy. I never liked the hire.

Fair or now fair, we are a middle of the road West Coast Conference athletic program. It's not blowing off steam to say this is not acceptable based on the belief we are a "power 4" level program.

The solution is not to accept mediocrity as a fan base.
Well said, and it is heartening that some of you are coming around to what the Mighty but Patient and Forgiving Loyal One has preached from Day 1. McCoy's promotion was a big mistake. Teresa Gould's promotion was a big mistake. Soon to follow, you all's realization that not doing the reverse merger was a big mistake. We now have two conferences (actually only one, the Pac doesn't have one yet), both of which are and will be weaker than what we would have had in a merger scenario.

As far as being P4 level? We aren't. Never really were, but we benefitted by our Pac affiliation. But all this spew about how WSU was going to invest at a P4 level was just that. Lies really.
Taffer works on businesses with a long record of "bad employees" established. We have less than 1 season with Riley and a lineup and rotation that was wrecked in December. There are issues Riley needs to address, but not enough data to suggest Riley is a bad employee.

There's more WSU "fans" that overreact given the available information than embrace excuses.

Ok. So what is the least you are willing to accept?
Ok. So what is the least you are willing to accept?
Competitiveness and progress. That's not a rigid line in the sand in terms of wins & losses. To me it's more fluid. It's also different depending on the coach. A 1 game or season result under a coach like Leach or Dick Bennett wouldn't necessarily mean the same as it would for Rolovich or Dickert let alone Paul Graham or Ernie Kent.
Competitiveness and progress. That's not a rigid line in the sand in terms of wins & losses. To me it's more fluid. It's also different depending on the coach. A 1 game or season result under a coach like Leach or Dick Bennett wouldn't necessarily mean the same as it would for Rolovich or Dickert let alone Paul Graham or Ernie Kent.

So if the team is not competitive or progressing that is the line in the sand?
I wouldn't have hired McCoy. I never liked the hire.

Fair or now fair, we are a middle of the road West Coast Conference athletic program. It's not blowing off steam to say this is not acceptable based on the belief we are a "power 4" level program.

The solution is not to accept mediocrity as a fan base.
We’re not a P4 level program. We were barely hanging on as P5 before. We’ve cut spending and lost any momentum we may have had, we’ve squandered opportunities and cash, took too long to make decisions and then made the wrong ones. Our administration has made the choice to say we’re P4, but not act like it.
Why? That is the data set.

I think there is a point where you are just collecting and collecting and collecting data and it’s overkill. The program is either competently coached or it isn’t. Regardless of the injuries or talent level. Too many data points is hiding from making a decision.
I think there is a point where you are just collecting and collecting and collecting data and it’s overkill. The program is either competently coached or it isn’t. Regardless of the injuries or talent level. Too many data points is hiding from making a decision.
I'm not sure even Leach would have made it past game 1 under that criteria. For Riley, 23 isn't even 1 season but ok.
It’s not required we agree or be cordial for that matter.

If you think that removing accountability, having less bare minimum standards of competency and making more excuses all adds up to having a successful athletic department…. there is no athletic department that needs you as a fan. Doesn’t matter how many games you go to or how much $$$ you donate. You support losing. You and your excuses don’t make anything better. You make it worse.

You’re right. There is no requirement we be cordial.
If you think that removing accountability, having less bare minimum standards of competency and making more excuses all adds up to having a successful athletic department….

You’re right. There is no requirement we be cordial.
Biggs, have a good night in Austin for me if that's still where you hang your hat. Still love that town!
I’ve been an active WSU fan for 40+ years. WSU basketball has always been mediocre. Yea, we’ve had some successful snapshots during that time, but largely we’re a program that plays in front of 3-4k fans.

It’s cool to want more, but there’s nothing behind the desire. Our fan base is cheap. Our geography limits us. Student support is mediocre at best. How many basketball games have the posters on here attended this season? I’ve gone to 2 only because I have a son attending there.
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I think there is a point where you are just collecting and collecting and collecting data and it’s overkill. The program is either competently coached or it isn’t. Regardless of the injuries or talent level. Too many data points is hiding from making a decision.

So according to what you, others say, if everyone on bball team got injured, out for the season, and WSU lost, forfeited the rest of their games, that would be a excuse, accepting losing, bad coaching, etc, everything, you, others have said, got it, gotcha.

Sometimes there are legit, factually, acceptable, understandable, etc, reasons, acceptance, etc.

Despite what you, others say, losing Cedric Coward a semi LeBron James type of semi college all star player OUT FOR SEASON, and 1 KEY STARTER SG, 2 GUARD, 3 POINT SHOOTER, BALL HANDLER, ASSIST, LOWER TURNOVER, ETC, ISIAH WATTS, and KEY back up Marcus Wilson, another good ball handler, good 3 point shooter, lower turnover, 2, SG guard, THUS CREATING A BIG, FAT, UGLY HOLE at 2,SG guard spot, THUS CAUSING MORE TURNOVERS, LOST GAMES, and Semi KEY back up, Vavers, 3 point shooter, Between about 1/3 to 2/5 of Roster, CAUSING ONLY 7,8 PLAYERS TO BE AVAILABLE, CAUSING LACK OF DEPTH, CAUSING TIRED LEGS, CAUSING MORE TURNOVERS, CAUSING MORE LOSSES, CAUSING MORE FOUL TROUBLE, CAUSING MORE FOUL OUTS, CAUSING MORE TIRED LEGS, CAUSING MORE TURNOVERS AND FOUL TROUBLE, CAUSING MORE LOSSES.

That, those are TRUE, FACTUAL, LEGIT, LOGICAL, ACCEPT REASONS for losing, similar to how if whole team were to be injured, out whole season, and had to forfeit all remaining game.

Those are not lame AZZ excuses.

Stop your whining, crying, BITCHING, etc.

Basketball is pretty simple. Defend, rebound, share the ball.

Do those three things better than the opponent and you’ll come out on top a high percentage of the time. A ridiculously high percentage of the time.

Failing to defend, getting outrebounded and turning the ball over is the path to defeat.

That in a nutshell is the 2025 Cougs.
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Basketball is pretty simple. Defend, rebound, share the ball.

Do those three things better than the opponent and you’ll come out on top a high percentage of the time. A ridiculously high percentage of the time.

Failing to defend, getting outrebounded and turning the ball over is the path to defeat.

That in a nutshell is the 2025 Cougs.
We should bear in mind that the 2025 Cougs are basically the 2024 EWU Eagles.

And we should use that realization while we set expectations for 2025 football, when the Cougs will basically be the SDSU jackrabbits.
The Jim Sterk era has officially returned to WSU athletics with McCoy at the helm. No way to sugar coat it.

We spend a decent amount on athletics and are competing with mid-tier WCC teams.

This is NOT acceptable and has NOTHING to do with NIL or how much we give to WSU.

We have a culture of mediocrity and it starts at the top.
It has everything to do with being kicked to the curb by our peers and locked out of the $$$TV$$$ deals they share.

Or, did you miss that part?

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