Everyone knows you're lying.
The fact that you constantly think people are lying about a subject as meaningless as football is telling.
You are paranoid. Probably believe in the boogeyman as well.
Everyone knows you're lying.
Historian Ed forgets his history again. Green was injured in the first half, Gesser in the second. Hunt blew the snap count at the goal line. And don't forget that Price puckered up.
How many picks did Huard contribute in 1997? Six?
How many picks did Huard contribute to the cause?
AmenThe fact that you constantly think people are lying about a subject as meaningless as football is telling.
You are paranoid. Probably believe in the boogeyman as well.
Its not just the Snow, altho that BLIZZARD was bad enough.
Now you can say all you want that Leach, WSU could have made the game not close, so that the officiating wouldnt have made a difference.
This was USC, not some measly Ore St, or PSU. That game was a TOUGH GAME, MATCH UP, CLOSE game, NOT because WSU didnt play well enough, but because despite WSU playing good enough to deserve to win, USC was USC tough.
It would be different if it was PSU/Ore St, and the BAD, Corrupt Pac 12 Refs, were to JOB, HOSE WSU/Leach out of beating PSU/Ore St. If that were to happen, I think most would blame Leach/WSU, not the Pac 12 Refs.
But it wasnt PSU/Ore St, it was USC, in a TOUGH, CLOSE game.
It would be like if that had happened in the National Championship game between Clemson, and Alabama, and the game werecto be close, EVERYBODY would RIGHTFULLY BLAME THE REFS.
Its like what happened to the SEAHAWKS. the Seahawks had to beat the JETS to get into the playoffs. Vinny Testaverde did about a 6 yard TD, with seconds left in the game, that would have won the game for the SEAHAWKS. But the Refs called Vinny 1.5 yards short of the End Zone line.
BUT Instant replay ABSOLUTELY Clearly showed Vinny EASILY getting into the Endzone.
The REFS, NFL BLEW that game. And became a laughing stock over it.
Seahawks WON that game. That game, season gets a ASTERIX.
Well similarly to that Minshewed was marching to a TD, and was about close to being in the Red Zone. And Minshew was clearly Roughed, Targeted. And it wasnt ticky tacky. IT WAS BLATANTLY OBVIOUS. And even after the game ESPN, FOX, and the rest of the Football Sports nation, highlighted it, for days, weeks. The Pac 12 officiating, was the LAUGHING STOCK of the whole country over it.
The BAD CORRUPT(i say corrupt, because of the corruption scandal over the game), PAC 12 REFS, OFFICIATING JOBBED, HOSED WSU/Leach, out of probably beating USC.
If they would have called roughing the passer, targeting like they SHOULD HAVE DONE, Minshew/WSU/Leach, would have found a way to win that game, as the Penalty would have put WSU either 1st and 10 or 1st and goal, close, closer to the end zone, with about 20 to 40 to 60 seconds left, with MOMENTUM, with the USC defense TIRED.
Call that making excuses all you want. But it is a LEGIT excuse. BAD CORRUPT OFFICIATING JOBBED, HOSED WSU/Leach,/Minshew out of beating USC, the same way the Seahawks were by bad officiating.
That's 1 more win, A 12, Twelve win season, if win the bowl. If dont win the bowl, it would have been a 11 win season, and it would have been a Rosebowl, or Fiesta Bowl, or NY6, and maybe even a play off season, all RUINED BECAUSE OF LAME ASS BAD CORRUPT PAC 12 REFS.
WSU/LEACH gets ASTERIX, TECHNICAL CREDIT FOR that kind of season and for being A COMPARABLE HIGH to Price's 97, 2001,2002 years.
The fact that you constantly think people are lying about a subject as meaningless as football is telling.
You are paranoid. Probably believe in the boogeyman as well.
Green was always injured. So what's your point?
No. I dislike lies and misinformation. You two contribute a lot of both.
What have I lied about?
You are off your rocker.
When rightfully criticized resort to name calling.
No. I dislike lies and misinformation.
Well...don't disagree they refs clearly missed a targeting. And I bet USC fans could look at things with that same lens and say Helton got screwed. USC was 4-5. We aren't talking about Washington in 18.
I suggest you go back to law school and learn the definition of a lie.
Name calling is not a lie. Someone who disagrees with you is not a lie.
I must say that I do find the above quote funny. You're an attorney. HELLO!!
I suggest you go back to elementary school and learn reading comprehension.
Since you need to be reminded of your lies and misinformation, you have your signature "Leach won't get it gone here." You also have your constant misunderstanding of Leach's offense and demands to run the ball more when doing so was pointless. Considering Leach is either the best or second best coach in modern program history, you sure had a lot of mindless criticism. Will your comeback be something like HELLO!! Or maybe a image copied from the Internet?
Mik...I guess part of me would buy the snow thing if UW had Brock Huard, a Drew Bledsoe, a Ryan Leaf type where the snow MAY not bother them as much as a smaller QB like Jake Browning. But Browning was what----4-0 against us? And the games were not close, snow or no snow.
Nah...I'll come back by telling you to look up the difference between and opinion and a lie. The internet is your friend.
You keep harping on my statement made while inebriated. That was an opinion. Not a lie.
I'm embarrassed that I even have to point that out to you.
You should be embarrassed for many reasons. Reading comprehension being one.
Look up misinformation while you're at it. Your new found googling abilities are impressive.
You should be embarrassed for many reasons. Reading comprehension being one.
Look up misinformation while you're at it. Your new found googling abilities are impressive.
UW had the RUNNING GAME. UW's offense is, was somewhere between running the ball thru either the RB, or QB(Jake Browning), about 43% to 63% of the time, then either play action, roll out, bootleg, run/pass option, passing about 39 to 49% of time.
It works for them, and more especially works for them in Blizzards, 1,2 feet of Snow, Ice.
Why cant WSU do that too?
WSU's Air Raid also works for them as well. The only times it doesnt work is in Blizzards, 1, 2, 3 feet of Snow, Ice, heavy, fast, wind, etc.
The reason why that's ok, is because those conditions extremely rarely almost never happen.
But when it does happen, it works against WSU's Air Raid.
So Why doesnt WSU just take a page out of UW's book and run the ball more?
1. Because if WSU were to do that and run as much as UW does, did, they would get STUFFED, both regularly, and more especially, because:
2. WSU doesnt have the right type to do that.
Why doesnt WSU then get thr right type to do that?
1. Because getting the right type to run more, and or as much, or as straight up as UW, etc, woukd be extremely hard for WSU. Its easier for WSU to recruit to Mike Price's spread passing attack, Leach's Air Raid, Rolo's Run and Shoot(Should be called PASS AND RUN)
2. Because of recruiting disadvsntages, etc, WSU cant do it the same way, straight up running. They WSU have to do it different, and that means a Air Raid, a Run and Shoot, a spread passing attack, etc.
Unfortunately that means giving up a Snowbowl as a loss.
But thats a worthwhile trade off for a 11-1(Not 10-2, WSU, Leach Beat USC), Rosebowl, Pac 12 champ, NY6, Fiesta Bowl, season.
But that said, its still extremely bad luck for WSU to have to play in EXTREME BAD WEATHER.
Why was WSU able to win the Snowbowl with Price then?
That's because Price had Shaumbe Wright Faire, 6 ft 1.5 in. about 213+ pounds back that could run over, thru, under, around, past, juke, make defenders miss, faster, etc, then defenders, that ran more. And because Drew Bledsoe was a WA highschool QB that was used to playing in the snow.
If the Snowbowl had happened to in some of Prices other successful years, where Price didnt have as good a running back, where ran the ball less, where didnt have a QB used to playing in the snow, etc, and if UW at the time, had run the ball more, and had a Browning like QB, and not pass happy QB's, Price would have probably lost the Snowbowl to UW
Price winning the Snowbowl was a OUTLIER.
Most of the time, WSU is going to lose a Snowbowl to UW.
Its hard enough to beat the Huskies. If Leaf, or Guesser had had to play UW in a Snowbowl there would probably would have been about a 63% chance that WSU would have lost because of the Snow.
And if 97 had been a Snowbowl, and if WSU/Price/Leaf had lost because of that.
I would be saying the same thing that WSU/Price/Leaf just got unlucky that they had to play in the Snow, and that if it wasnt for the Snow, WSU/Price/Leaf, would have gone to the Rosebowl.
Look up lie, and you really believe anyone on this board has an intent to deceive. If you do you take this sh!t way too seriously.
I never once argued coaches don't build it in different ways. Actually quite the contrary. I have said Price had a keen eye for talent, moved players into positions other coaches couldn't see. I said he was very good at it. He made Shawn McWashington, scholie player, (I am surprised you didn't know that...if I may quote you again) a WR, Nian Taylor a RB moved to WR. Other coaches weren't recruiting them for that position. I think other schools were recruiting Long to play TE, Trufant to play RB. That is how Price built it.
I never once said Leach doesn't know how to take a two star player and fit in his offensive system. Not once.
You are correct, Price didn't win a title when James was at UW, probably in part because James left early into Price's tenure. Price did something no one since 1931 until 1997, and no one has done since 2002, including Leach.
Just an aside, not sure what the big continent did to be an all american his junior year when his own conference didn't have him in the top 10 lineman in the conference, it always seemed to be an odd pick to me.
And of course I would expect Leach to do more than Price, simply because he had 10 years of D1 football under his belt in a major conference. Price came from Weber State. That alone should have given Leach more cred in the homes of recruits.
It is funny you mention the reason (and I will say that word again---reason) Leach had bad luck in the snow, and I am not sure I disagree with you. Some , probably Leach included if that was someone else would say that is an excuse. Others would say he should have adapted slightly to accommodate the winds and potential snow on the Palouse.
So I can make this very clear to you....I think Price was very good at getting talent others did not want or could not see, moving them on both sides of the ball. Leach in some cases didn't need to do that because offensively he had a plug and play system. Did he move players off their "recruited position", yes. He just didn't do it with the near the amount of time Price did. It would be akin to me saying Leach doesn't run trick plays, and then someone could say not true he ran a double pass in 2005.
Also, Leach did win more consistently than Price. But he had losing seasons in 12, 13, 14. Won in 15, 16, 17 and 18, and in my book took a huge step back in 19.
I very much appreciate what Leach did at WSU and there is a very personal reason I am sad that he is gone. Am I glad he left professionally? I wish he took the Tennessee job for numerous reasons. One, clearly a huge step up, not a side step to MSU. (plus Tenn doesn't have that stupid cow bell) I think he would have enjoyed way more success at Tenn than he will at MSU.
I also think he would have left a better program for the next coach to come in if he left for Tennessee. And he would have left on a real high vs some of the wearing things that happened in 2019. I disagree with Biggs when he says he lost his fire. I am not sure coaches lose it. But I think the job was for whatever reason wearing on him in 2019.
If it's true that Leach left Pullman after spring ball and didn't come back until fall camp started... spending all that time off campus and in Key West... those aren't the actions of a coach grinding to win a title. Those are the actions of a coach seeing the horizon of his career come and getting his sailboat ready.
The fire is gone. He likes the idea of winning. No way he is 24/7/365 like he was in years past.
Mik...It doesn't happen until it does. 88, 92, 94, 96 cold and snowed i believe earlier in the day. Heck it even snowed before the game in Seattle in 85. I get why we couldn't throw it, or the theory behind it. But there is something to be said that Wilcox and Lake have it figured out in sunshine, rain, and snow. But I will bite that it is a bad match-up in the snow. why hasn't it been close the last so many years? Why is Browning with a pop gun arm able to manage, why are they able to beat us up on the ground. Why has Lake thrown it in Leach's face that it is an easy offense to stop.
Only 92 the SNOW BOWL with its 1,2,3,4 feet of snow was comparable to 2018.
Thats because the Air Raid and other Pass Heavy Offenses do a Box count. If 5 or less in Box, QB, checks to a Run.
Look up lie, and you really believe anyone on this board has an intent to deceive. If you do you take this sh!t way too seriously.
I am not sure he hasn't always been that way...except first two years to get things straightened out.
Which is it? Because 4 inches of snow is 4x the amount of snow as 1 foot of snow.
Oh BS.
That is the offense in theory...but not in reality.
UW has rushed 3 and dropped 8 on us for years...but did we check to the run? No.
Which is it? Because 4 inches of snow is 4x the amount of snow as 1 foot of snow.
Oh BS.
That is the offense in theory...but not in reality.
UW has rushed 3 and dropped 8 on us for years...but did we check to the run? No.
It was actually 2.
The scheme was not run according to its philosophy and rules. It is a passing scheme in name only. If truly run to its philosophy and rules, MB would have had 40 carries per game and it would have looked like the “ground raid.”
It was actually 2.
The scheme was not run according to its philosophy and rules. It is a passing scheme in name only. If truly run to its philosophy and rules, MB would have had 40 carries per game and it would have looked like the “ground raid.”
I do not have a PhD in football, though I've loved the game for 50-ish years. What I could never figure out was why Leach did not have a single word audible that could be used during the snap count that would automatically convert into a specific running play. Maybe repeat the same word a couple of times. Something that didn't telegraph the audible for all to see. Ideally, two of these...one to each side of the line. So the other team did not have time to adjust and could not be sure that an audible was being called. ESPECIALLY during Apple Cup games, when Lake would dis Leach as being too dumb to take advantage of the 2 and 3 man rushes. That was not a difference athletes, it was a difference in coaching philosophy. And clearly, Leach was unable to rise to the occasion. It will be interesting to see if he still approaches this the same way at Miss St.
In an offense that threw the ball so many times.... draw and QB draw were there for easy yards... all game long... in every game...
Huge lapse in judgement. Cost WSU wins.
I do not have a PhD in football, though I've loved the game for 50-ish years. What I could never figure out was why Leach did not have a single word audible that could be used during the snap count that would automatically convert into a specific running play. Maybe repeat the same word a couple of times. Something that didn't telegraph the audible for all to see. Ideally, two of these...one to each side of the line. So the other team did not have time to adjust and could not be sure that an audible was being called. ESPECIALLY during Apple Cup games, when Lake would dis Leach as being too dumb to take advantage of the 2 and 3 man rushes. That was not a difference athletes, it was a difference in coaching philosophy. And clearly, Leach was unable to rise to the occasion. It will be interesting to see if he still approaches this the same way at Miss St.
In an offense that threw the ball so many times.... draw and QB draw were there for easy yards... all game long... in every game...
Huge lapse in judgement. Cost WSU wins.
"But..But...swing passes and WR screens are running plays!"
I do not have a PhD in football, though I've loved the game for 50-ish years. What I could never figure out was why Leach did not have a single word audible that could be used during the snap count that would automatically convert into a specific running play. Maybe repeat the same word a couple of times. Something that didn't telegraph the audible for all to see. Ideally, two of these...one to each side of the line. So the other team did not have time to adjust and could not be sure that an audible was being called. ESPECIALLY during Apple Cup games, when Lake would dis Leach as being too dumb to take advantage of the 2 and 3 man rushes. That was not a difference athletes, it was a difference in coaching philosophy. And clearly, Leach was unable to rise to the occasion. It will be interesting to see if he still approaches this the same way at Miss St.
Rocky Long talked about defending the Air Raid in one of the videos I posted and how they would put a certain number of players close and then drop them into coverage every time. It was a joke to Rocky Long. Him as a DC on a Pac12 team would of dismantled the Air Raid 3 out of 4 times.Which is it? Because 4 inches of snow is 4x the amount of snow as 1 foot of snow.
Oh BS.
That is the offense in theory...but not in reality.
oUW has rushed 3 and dropped 8 on us for years...but did we check to the run? N.
I think the result on the field was what Leach wanted. If he had wanted a higher percentage of runs or more audibles to runs in certain situations, he could have made that happen. That may reflect a change in his philosophy since his prior coaching positions. But I don’t buy the claims from some quarters that his WSU quarterbacks just wanted to pad their passing stats and didn’t run the offense as directed. That story just doesn’t wash for me.It's the job of QB's to capitalize on those 2,3 man rushes, and audible, check into running plays.
Its the Job of the HC, Leach to teach QB's to do that, to get QB's to do that, and to choose the right starting QB that will do that.
Leach largely failed to get his QB's to do that.
That is either a failure in recruiting the wrong QB's, or not teaching, etc.
Don't know why Leach failed to get his QB's to do that at WSU, when he was able to get his QB's to do that at Tech, Kentucky, Oklahoma.
"But..But...swing passes and WR screens are running plays!"
Rocky Long talked about defending the Air Raid in one of the videos I posted and how they would put a certain number of players close and then drop them into coverage every time. It was a joke to Rocky Long. Him as a DC on a Pac12 team would of dismantled the Air Raid 3 out of 4 times.
That is the bullshit story you tell to justify not running the ball.