It’s gaming the box. The DC is essentially getting the QB to call the plays he wants. Thus, the DC is the OC for the other team.
If you want to stop the Air Raid, all you have to do is:
1. Have the 4,5 star players, that can do the following:
2. Rush 2,3, and get PRESSURE/HEAT on the QB, out of those 2,3 rushers
3. Drop 7,8,9 back into coverage, and have those DB's be the best at coverage. It's not enough to drop 5,6,7 back into coverage with the best DB's as they will still get torched by the Air Raid. Its not enough to drop drop 7,8,9, without the best DB's as the Air Raid can still Torch that. Must drop 7,8,9 of the BEST back.
4. To prevent the other team running the ball when you do the Above:
B. After the QB goes with the pass
C. And before the snap.
D. Drop all the pass coverer's(7,8,9 of them) back out of the Box into pass coverage.
The Air Raid cant deal with All of that. In the Air Raid its the Job of the QB, not the HC to call a run. The QB's job is to count the number in the Box, and if it is 4,5, 4.5 or less, the QB is supposed to check, Audible into a run.
But the DC, Defense, pretending to Stack the Box, then dropping them back into pass coverage stops, prevents the QB from checking into a run.
Sure the QB can just call a run even with 8, 9 that are likely pretending to be in the Box. But if the QB did that, it wouldn't be the Air Raid.
Sure the HC/OC can just have a run ran with 8,9 pretending to be in Box, but if do that, its not the Air Raid. Remember the True Air Raid is the QB checking into a run if there are only 4,5 or less in the box.
The other parts: getting PRESSURE, even getting the extremely rare sack with 2,3 rushers is critical. And its equally critical to have the best 8,9 pass coverer's.
Its easy, simple to TRY to do this.
Its easy to come up with this answer to stop the Air Raid.
Actually doing these things to stop the Air Raid is much harder.
Thats why only a very small number of teams can execute, do this answer to the Air Raid and Stop the Air Raid.
That is why the Air Raid is still good vs a LOT OF TEAMS.