It’s not short yardage alone it’s Leachs quirkiness and stubbornness about things in in general. Lump that in w questionable time outs, and the rinse and repeat offensive failures of AC. Leach has proven since at Tech he’s an above average coach that can win a lot of games and get a school with less resources to bowl games, but I’d argue he also fails to adapt in ways needed to win that game that gets his teams a championship. He’s not alone, plenty of Husky fans are screaming the same thing about Petersen right now.
I read, "the winning seasons are nice and all, but I don't really like how we play. I would be much happier with a different system"
You guys are whining about things that YOU KNOW aren't going to change. What you really want is a different coach with a different system. Just admit it. Quit being so passive aggressive about it. Just own it. It's OK.