What about this burning sensation when I urinate? Am I gonna die from COVID?
I'll take my answer off the air.
What about this burning sensation when I urinate? Am I gonna die from COVID?
I'll take my answer off the air.
You have more faith in the NCAA to do the “right thing” than I do. SEC country is also Bible Belt country where a decent chunk of these evangelical lunatics live who are excited to go hold hands and share wine on Easter Sunday.Getting back to the original thread. Defining "over" and whether football will be able to play.
My best guess is that by September, enough people will have had the disease and be immune that the attendance, workers, etc., can be managed. The real questions are coaches, players and officials. The power football teams will be trying to expose/infect their players over the course of the summer so they will be OK to play in the fall. Can you imagine Alabama caring enough about the players that they have not been educating anyway to be worried about the possibility that they will have severe symptoms? When there is postponement of a football season at risk? Surely you jest.
Unless a vaccine or cure is in place, there will be no season this year. If you leave it to the SEC, there will be mass infection just in time for the survivors to have fall football practice. My assumption is that the NCAA will grow a pair and dump the entire season at some point near the end of June.
You have more faith in the NCAA to do the “right thing” than I do. SEC country is also Bible Belt country where a decent chunk of these evangelical lunatics live who are excited to go hold hands and share wine on Easter Sunday.
Two things factor here. One, in viral outbreak terms September is still a long ways away. I know there won’t be a cure/vaccine by then but lots of things can happen that give the public the sense that things are actually under control. We are off to a shit start in that department, but anything’s possible. 2. Money. Don’t underestimate greed. It’s probably 50/50...I wouldn’t rule it out.
Bigoted? Go look up Jerry Falwell and Paula White among others and get back to me.Wow, bigoted much? Bye bud
Bigoted? Go look up Jerry Falwell and Paula White among others and get back to me.
Could be interpreted that way I suppose. That said...I grew up Methodist, I’ve held hands and shared wine on many a Sunday. I will again. You won’t see me anywhere near a church on Easter. And yes, the people who are saying we should be gathering in large crowds for Easter are out of their minds.I don't share the belief system as Falwell or Jones - but they have every right to express their religious beliefs as they see fit.
One could make similar inflammatory 'hold hands and share wine' statements about pretty much every religion if they were so inclined.
With love, you did cross the line of tolerance there, my man.
Could be interpreted that way I suppose. That said...I grew up Methodist, I’ve held hands and shared wine on many a Sunday. I will again. You won’t see me anywhere near a church on Easter. And yes, the people who are saying we should be gathering in large crowds for Easter are out of their minds.
The only problem with the first part is that I’m sure there are people who will choose not to be at the “gatherings” who will come into close contact with those who are. Therein lies the problem. These choices will affect and in this case kill others. So nbrchrbcher call me a bigot all you want, I feel the same way about the spring breakers on the beaches in Florida who undoubtedly took the virus back to their hometowns and killed people. I’m bigoted against stupidity in general, sue me.Ain't it great that God/Allah/Yaweh/Jehova/Buddha gave us the free will to assemble in a country that allows behavior that others may view as stupid?
Who knows? Maybe their hand holding and wine-drinking will rattle the omnipotent enough to perform a Red Seas parting-like miracle and wipe the COVID off the face of the earth.
Ain't it great that God/Allah/Yaweh/Jehova/Buddha gave us the free will to assemble in a country that allows behavior that others may view as stupid?
Who knows? Maybe their hand holding and wine-drinking will rattle the omnipotent enough to perform a Red Seas parting-like miracle and wipe the COVID off the face of the earth.
https://www.thekitchn.com/peeps-shuts-down-easter-coronavirus-23019730I wouldn't be making any plans based on miracles.
I think the vast majority of people are taking this seriously, but there are those you literally have to say "back off". Don't know which country their minds are in right now, but it's not here. This isn't a time for some breaking of current social norm comedy video.Speaking of gatherings...where I live there are many families whose cultural heritage & tradition has programmed them to have large family gatherings most Sundays for late lunch/early dinner. Not unusual to see anywhere from 6-10 cars parked out front. Last Sunday while on our walk it appeared to my wife & me that many of those residences (including one of my neighbors) were not holding that kind of gathering...though we walked past 2 houses that did have 8+ cars out front at 2:30 pm. Those two families are rolling the dice with their loved ones. I am told that the cultural tradition is similar in Italy and Spain. You can take all the care you want at the grocery store or in what ever passes for your work environment today, but if you put 15 people including toddlers in a single house & yard and share a meal you will contaminate many of them if one is contagious.
Welp, that’s it for Easter this year anyways...