425, Chip, my post was to those coug fans, others who have said that Leach's recruiting has SUCKED, because ranked 11th out of Pac 12, etc.
I am not arguing against the rankings. The rankings are what they are.
What I am arguing against, saying something like "Leach is a terrible recruiter, because his recruiting classes have been ranked 40th to 60th, and 11th out of Pac 12.
Theoretically WSU, Leach could recruit almost all 4 star players, and still be ranked 40th to 60th, 11th out of Pac 12, because the Top 39, nationally could theoretically recruit almost all 5 stars, and the top 10 Pac 12 teams could theoretically recruit almost all 5 stars, and if that were to happen, some would say, "see WSU, Leach recruiting SUCKS, because WSU 40th to 60th, 11th in Pac 12, ignoring WSU's 4 star recruits.
That is why shouldnt look at ONLY the rankings, shouldnt say "WSU, Leach recruiting sucks, because 40th to 60th, 11th out of Pac 12"
Instead you look at things like "Oh WSU, Leach has A LOT OF 3,4 STARS, so WSU Leach recruiting good, no matter what the actual recruiting ranking is"
Or "WSU, Leach is flipping, beating out a lot of good programs, for 3,4 star recruits, so WSU leach recruiting good no matter what ranking is"
Or "WSU, Leach, sure is having a lot of 2,3 star recruits, upgraded to 4 star rankings, so WSU, Leach recruiting good no matter what ranking is".
Now Theoretically, if WSU recruited a Lot of 1,2 star recruits, was ranked 25th to 50th, 5th out of Pac 12.
It would be wrong to say, WSU sure is recruiting good, because of higher ranking.
Instead one would, should say "WSU recruiting SUCKS because it only recruiting 1,2 stars, no matter how good, high WSU recruiting ranking is"
Now I said theoretically, because a WSU recruiting class, filled with 1,2 stars would not be highly ranked.
The person of course that is most guilty of seeing Leach's 40th to 60th, 11th out of Pac 12, and saying "That Sucks", is COUG ED, who wrongly, illogically tried to argue that WSU wasnt going to have success because of Leach's Classes that had a LOT OF 3,4 STAR RECRUITS, that ranked 40th to 60th, 11th out of Pac 12, were supposedly bad because of recruiting class ranking.
I, others knew WSU, Leach had good recruiting classes, be successful because of:
Lots of 3,4 stars
Beat out good programs for recruits
Flipped recruits from good programs
Good programs offered recruits
Recruits were upgraded to 4 stars.
Those things made recruiting classes good no matter what ranking.
Cool, I think we're on the same page. I've been saying Leach's recruiting is good for a long time despite the national and Pac-12 class ranks as well. I do, however, think it could improve a bit if we're going to be a legitimate challenger for conference titles every year, as opposed to what we saw from 2015 through 2017.
Still a little early to judge this year, both in terms of ultimate achievement and what we wind up attributing most of the success to. Lots of UW douchebags and the like are saying it's just because Leach struck gold with Minshew. I think that's overly simplistic, but I want to see how the remaining games go.