Its time to welcome Marquitter Wilson back

Fair enough. Back to Wilson though....I'm not the one who is still pissed off that he left the team 8 years ago. You can talk about drama and hyperbole all you want, but I'm not the one holding grudges 8 years later. I've quit a job because my "leader" was a jerk and I felt that life was too short to deal with the personality. Wilson didn't come to WSU to play for a guy like Leach and it's silly to hold a grudge against him for leaving when he couldn't stand the guy.

Not sure if you're being purposefully dense and a master manipulator or if you've just shut down your ability to think outside of your own world views, but you are mis-stating my position. I'm not mad nor am I holding a grudge, nor do whatever feelings I have about MW stem from him "leaving the team", and I've been very clear about both in my posts here.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll go ahead and restate my position one last time: I don't care to consider him a Coug because Cougs don't pick up their ball and go home when the going gets tough, which by all accounts is all that happened. Not only that, he did it mid-season and left his teammates high and dry when by all accounts he was a leader for the team. Finally, on his way out he lied and tried to take the program down at a critical and fragile time.

I'm wondering if you can take off your Leach-hate glasses long enough to see MW actions for what they are instead of excusing him because you don't agree with Leach's methods.
Fair enough. Back to Wilson though....I'm not the one who is still pissed off that he left the team 8 years ago. You can talk about drama and hyperbole all you want, but I'm not the one holding grudges 8 years later. I've quit a job because my "leader" was a jerk and I felt that life was too short to deal with the personality. Wilson didn't come to WSU to play for a guy like Leach and it's silly to hold a grudge against him for leaving when he couldn't stand the guy.

That's fine. Did you also fax untrue allegations about that "jerk" boss trying to get him fired and in turn would have deprived them of one of the best stretches in their business' history ? If not , your personal analogies are meaningless.

As a program WSU is at a real cross roads. Can Rolo be an improved extension of what Leach built. What was built is a program and attitude that was consistently a worthy opponent and factor in a Power 5 conference.

The other choice which is entirely possible is to revert back to the lovable irrelevant loser program. Wilson and his cronies on Twitter ( Holliday) represent that path.

What type of program embraces a player from the worst era in program history. Wilson played on teams that went 8-25 at WSU. If Wilson truly cared about being a winner he would have embraced whatever methods a new coaching regime brought in like a sponge. Unless he is mentally impaired it should be obvious to him that the old methods were not working.

There are probably 50 lunch pail hard working players from the Leach era that deserve more notice from the WSU fans than this guy. Finally and most importantly the former player that the program needs to be most aligned with is Minshew. It will be interesting to see how much he wants to stay connected to a program that now seems to be more interested in rewriting the Leach era in order to diss him. Now that Minshew is playing closer to my home base I have watched more in-depth interviews with him. Hate to bust your little anti-Leach bubble but Minshew would take a bullet for the man .
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This is what I found to be over the line: "I hope our departure will bring awareness to the physical, emotional and verbal abuse being allowed in the locker room and on the field. I pray for healing and recovery for all those who have been hurt by this treatment."

Physical abuse is a serious charge.
I have no doubt in my mind that he had convinced himself he was being abused - I have worked first hand with kids who have absolutely ZERO tolerance for physical exertion and literally consider it abuse if you push them so far as they are breathing hard, I kid you not. Combine that with the fact that he had been surrounded by sycophants his whole life and you get a fax to the media full of accusations.
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As much as I loved coach Leach, I’m also of the opinion that his system has a sub-championship ceiling. Good to very good teams, but too limited and predictable to beat the elites.

Mike Price’s system had championship potential. Balanced offense with a vertical passing game. Strong emphasis on defense at all 3 levels. Strong special teams. When Price had the pieces, his systems were elite. Palouse Posse in 94. Playoff caliber team in 1997. Championship caliber teams in 2002 and 2003.

So clearly Mike Price is the better coach, right? Not necessarily. I think Price’s system was better, and as I said, it had a higher ceiling; but it was also volatile. Highly susceptible to recruiting / roster lapses.

Leach, on the other hand, runs an extremely consistent system. The pieces he needs are easily recruitable. Solid QB, pass blocking OL, and a stable of 3 star WRs, serviceable defense. He manages the program via toughness, discipline, and repetition. He can beat 6-8 teams/year by being more structured than they are.

Personally, I like Price’s system more than any other WSU coach I’ve seen in my lifetime. He was a boom or bust coach. A home run hitter. Leach is a singles and doubles guy. He’s the perfect coach to turn around stumbling programs and to bring legitimacy to mid-majors. He’s maybe a better coach as far as growing a fan base is concerned, because his teams win every year.

It’s easy to poke holes in Leach’s system, but his results speak for themselves. So do his limitations, which is why his resume and prospective gigs include Texas Tech, WSU, Mississippi State, Arkansas, Maryland, and Tennessee. He wins games, not championships.
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Here is a link to the article that talks about him leaving WSU: Wilson Article

In the statement that he released after he left WSU, he said: "This was going to be our year. My teammates and I were aspiring to be the winning team you deserve. Unfortunately for all, the new coaching staff has destroyed that endeavor. I believe coaches have a chance to mold players, to shape men, to create greatness. However, the new regime of coaches has preferred to belittle, intimidate and humiliate us. This approach has obviously not been successful, and has put a dark shadow on this program."

None of us were in that locker room that season to know what Leach said to those guys, but I've watched him talk to players in his post game rant after they beat Baylor when he was at Tech.....and Leach is an a$$hole and everyone knows it.

I would challenge you to read Wilson's statement again now that time has passed and show where he said anything that was so out of line that he "lost his WSU privileges". There is such thing as verbal and mental abuse and while we know that it happens on every college campus every year as coaches try to push players to be better, we also know that there are times where coaches go too far. It's quite possible that Leach did step over the line with players. In fact, I'd guarantee he did, because that's the kind of a$$hole that Leach is. We forgave him for it while he was our coach because he was our a$$hole coach, but we all know that he goes over the line all the time.

I think that Wilson could have handled things better, but then again, you're more worried about some millionaire who left us for Mississippi State who gets in arguments with jackwagons on twitter over friggin' Obama videos. If there's anyone who went over the line in was undoubtedly Leach. He had his reasons and he eventually built a good football program with his methods, but that doesn't mean he wasn't an abusive dickhead to players. Asking players to accept abuse is a very subjective thing and fans obviously don't care about what happens to players as long as the team wins. I know from my perspective that I would've probably left if I was in Wilson's shoes. I took a job in Tacoma back in 2000 where I got about a 15% raise and "opportunity". After I had been there for about 2 1/2 months, I was finishing up on a project started by a different engineer and found what I believed to be a mistake. I took it to the office manager to ask him about it and he launched into me about the fact that he hired me to make engineering decisions and that I hadn't been hired to have him make every decision for me. I decided on the spot that I wasn't working for that dick any more. Sometimes, a person just realizes that the sh!t isn't worth it or, to quote some folks on here, "the juice isn't worth the squeeze". That sh!t goes both ways. A coach may feel like a player isn't worth the effort, but sometimes.......the coach isn't worth it either.........

I said that Gesser has lost his WSU privileges. I’m welcoming to Wilson, as I stated earlier in this thread.
Not sure what you mean. So, you are saying that Leach and his staff were abusing the players after all? That Wilson was right to sound the alarm to the media? That both the Pac 12 and the internal review were false?
Did I say all that? I think that's more of a case of you putting words in my mouth. I simply said it's possible the players who were with Wilson day in and day out know more than us fans do...certainly they know more than I do....and I'm not in any position to say that they are blinded by bias. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. There could be reasons other than bias for them to seemingly be in Wilson's corner. The fact is at least a couple of Cougs who seem credible to Gabe Marks....feel the whole affair has been misunderstood by fans. Hence the quote:

"Cougar fans know that Marquess left WSU near the end of the 2012 season in what has been described, rightly, as a messy departure. But I don’t think many people outside the program know the backstory."

I hope that clarifies what I meant in my original post.

Glad Cougar
Did I say all that? I think that's more of a case of you putting words in my mouth. I simply said it's possible the players who were with Wilson day in and day out know more than us fans do...certainly they know more than I do....and I'm not in any position to say that they are blinded by bias. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. There could be reasons other than bias for them to seemingly be in Wilson's corner. The fact is at least a couple of Cougs who seem credible to Gabe Marks....feel the whole affair has been misunderstood by fans. Hence the quote:

"Cougar fans know that Marquess left WSU near the end of the 2012 season in what has been described, rightly, as a messy departure. But I don’t think many people outside the program know the backstory."

I hope that clarifies what I meant in my original post.

Glad Cougar
And then he leaves the backstory ambiguous, instead pleading for fans to "just trust us, we know the guy, he's ok."

How about clearing up the "backstory" so that we understand? Because as it stands, the backstory is : he got suspended and then quit. We know Leach was a hard ass, we don't need that backstory.
And then he leaves the backstory ambiguous, instead pleading for fans to "just trust us, we know the guy, he's ok."

How about clearing up the "backstory" so that we understand? Because as it stands, the backstory is : he got suspended and then quit. We know Leach was a hard ass, we don't need that backstory.
Maybe he's trying to avoid airing dirty laundry. I respect Gabe for that, given that that's part of the criticism of Wilson and his letter.
Not sure if you're being purposefully dense and a master manipulator or if you've just shut down your ability to think outside of your own world views, but you are mis-stating my position. I'm not mad nor am I holding a grudge, nor do whatever feelings I have about MW stem from him "leaving the team", and I've been very clear about both in my posts here.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll go ahead and restate my position one last time: I don't care to consider him a Coug because Cougs don't pick up their ball and go home when the going gets tough, which by all accounts is all that happened. Not only that, he did it mid-season and left his teammates high and dry when by all accounts he was a leader for the team. Finally, on his way out he lied and tried to take the program down at a critical and fragile time.

I'm wondering if you can take off your Leach-hate glasses long enough to see MW actions for what they are instead of excusing him because you don't agree with Leach's methods.
not to take an sides here, but Dillard didn’t have great things to say about Leach, and he by all accounts seemed to be a really good teammate and coach’s dream type of player. It’s possible both can be true...Wilson was selfish and Leach was an A-hole.
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Not sure if you're being purposefully dense and a master manipulator or if you've just shut down your ability to think outside of your own world views, but you are mis-stating my position. I'm not mad nor am I holding a grudge, nor do whatever feelings I have about MW stem from him "leaving the team", and I've been very clear about both in my posts here.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll go ahead and restate my position one last time: I don't care to consider him a Coug because Cougs don't pick up their ball and go home when the going gets tough, which by all accounts is all that happened. Not only that, he did it mid-season and left his teammates high and dry when by all accounts he was a leader for the team. Finally, on his way out he lied and tried to take the program down at a critical and fragile time.

I'm wondering if you can take off your Leach-hate glasses long enough to see MW actions for what they are instead of excusing him because you don't agree with Leach's methods.

FWIW, I don't hate Leach at all. I'm grateful for the things that he accomplished at WSU. I would have continued to ignore his idiosyncrasies as long as he avoided major scandals and our teams were fun to watch.

That said, I don't miss Leach at all and I hope that Rolovich experiences enough success that we aren't feeling like Texas Tech fans a decade after he's gone. The Wulff years resurrected the notion that WSU was a loser program that was too remote to be successful. As I said in the Rolovich expectations thread, people think this despite the fact that we had three decades of football where WSU experienced a fair amount of success at times.

Leach is a good coach but as mentioned by others.....there was clearly a ceiling to his success. He's known just as much for his missteps and crazy actions as he is for his coaching acumen. That's both amazing and kind of sad at the same time.
not to take an sides here, but Dillard didn’t have great things to say about Leach, and he by all accounts seemed to be a really good teammate and coach’s dream type of player. It’s possible both can be true...Wilson was selfish and Leach was an A-hole.
absolutely. I never excused Leach. Not a fan of his methods either, but a) they are not illegal or immoral and b) they produce wins.

I can only imagine most kids' take on Leach is "what a fn ahole, can't stand the guy for more than an hour at a time because either he's droning on about God knows what or he's telling you what a POS you are. However, we're winning and that feels waaaaay better than losing, so I guess something is working and I'll trust the system."

Again, some kids can't hack the verbal "abuse." Some can't hack the physical "abuse". He's coached for going on 20 years and outside of 3 players that I know of, none have had anything but good things to say about him.
That said, I don't miss Leach at all and I hope that Rolovich experiences enough success that we aren't feeling like Texas Tech fans a decade after he's gone. The Wulff years resurrected the notion that WSU was a loser program that was too remote to be successful. As I said in the Rolovich expectations thread, people think this despite the fact that we had three decades of football where WSU experienced a fair amount of success at times.

Interesting topic. Leach's tenure in Lubbock looks better with time because of the inability of anyone else to match his level of success. Tommy Tuberville, Kliff Kingsbury, and Matt Wells aren't bad coaches either. It certainly paints a dire picture.

At least during the honeymoon phase, Rolo shows flashes of being a great coach. His success at Hawaii was no small feat. He's dynamic and confident. I think he has the potential to rise the profile and prestige of the entire program in a permanent way. If he can maintain a floor of 6 wins and a bowl, I think we should see come higher ceiling years when things break our way.
Interesting topic. Leach's tenure in Lubbock looks better with time because of the inability of anyone else to match his level of success. Tommy Tuberville, Kliff Kingsbury, and Matt Wells aren't bad coaches either. It certainly paints a dire picture.

At least during the honeymoon phase, Rolo shows flashes of being a great coach. His success at Hawaii was no small feat. He's dynamic and confident. I think he has the potential to rise the profile and prestige of the entire program in a permanent way. If he can maintain a floor of 6 wins and a bowl, I think we should see come higher ceiling years when things break our way.
The one thing that is unknown about Rolo is that he has only been a head coach for four years. He did it one one place for a short period of time.

We have seen many coaches do well for whatever reason for a couple of years. They are deemed the next great thing. Then, then they would flame out. After Harshman, the uw made a habit of doing this for their basketball program. Who can forget Andy Russo, Lynn Nance and Bob Bender?

I like Rolo. On paper he is a great hire. But, as we all know, the game is played on turf, not paper.
The one thing that is unknown about Rolo is that he has only been a head coach for four years. He did it one one place for a short period of time.

We have seen many coaches do well for whatever reason for a couple of years. They are deemed the next great thing. Then, then they would flame out. After Harshman, the uw made a habit of doing this for their basketball program. Who can forget Andy Russo, Lynn Nance and Bob Bender?

I like Rolo. On paper he is a great hire. But, as we all know, the game is played on turf, not paper.

4 years longer than Lake
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4 years longer than Lake
I know many uw fans already think he is going to be better than Peterson. I think the same thing about him as I do about any new coach. Prove it on the field.
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I know many uw fans already think he is going to be better than Peterson. I think the same thing about him. Prove in on the field.

Must be the same guys that said Eason was going to win a dozen Heismans and be first overall.
I know many uw fans already think he is going to be better than Peterson. I think the same thing about him. Prove in on the field.

Jimmy Lake fits the culture of Camero U perfectly. They'll turn on him in a heartbeat if he struggles though.
Dawg fans are irate at his 3 star recruiting, it’s quite humorous.
I haven't read any comments, but I see they have four recent three star commits. Two of them are fairly high three star defensive tackles.
Not sure what you mean. So, you are saying that Leach and his staff were abusing the players after all? That Wilson was right to sound the alarm to the media? That both the Pac 12 and the internal review were false?

1990...A couple of comments. One so off topic but it is important. When the allegations of Kavanaugh came forth, that Susan Blausey Ford was asked to testify. Do you think Congress would have been doing their job in vetting a Supreme Court justice if there was this allegation and they didn't speak to her, or Kavanaugh's best friend? It doesn't matter what I believe happened or didn't happen in that case.(even if I believe it is a political hit job) But I think the vetting process would have been incomplete.

The internal review and the Pac 12 review seems to be incomplete. The one person who clearly had something to say (and it may have not been anything, we don't know) was Bill Drake. Maybe Drake had a bone to pick, maybe he was a third neutral observer. But he had a very prominent email to Moos that wasn't even followed up on. It would be like you sending a letter to the police, saying you saw someone who looked like CougEd putting a bottle of Tito's under his Coug sweatshirt, and that the police never call you to find out what you saw.

Do I think they were abused? Nope. But the standards are much different these days. Was James abused? No. Would he be let on the field to practice these days with what we have learned about concussions the last ten years? Not a chance.

It is interesting we buy shrimp from Vietnam, Japan is our ally, but a 20 year old who is now 28 isn't accepted a Coug.

There was reason Mark's told the story, and waited until Leach was gone. There is a reason the new kids from the first recruiting class accepts Wilson as a brother. despite walking away there seems to still be the respect.

You say he can come back, that is a no brainer, but that isn't what Mark's is talking about. He is being talking about being accepted as Mark's is accepted. Mark's spoke of the incident for a reason.

While you didn't call him a prima-donna , people who play with what Mark's described doesn't seem like a diva to me.
1990...A couple of comments. One so off topic but it is important. When the allegations of Kavanaugh came forth, that Susan Blausey Ford was asked to testify. Do you think Congress would have been doing their job in vetting a Supreme Court justice if there was this allegation and they didn't speak to her, or Kavanaugh's best friend? It doesn't matter what I believe happened or didn't happen in that case.(even if I believe it is a political hit job) But I think the vetting process would have been incomplete.

The internal review and the Pac 12 review seems to be incomplete. The one person who clearly had something to say (and it may have not been anything, we don't know) was Bill Drake. Maybe Drake had a bone to pick, maybe he was a third neutral observer. But he had a very prominent email to Moos that wasn't even followed up on. It would be like you sending a letter to the police, saying you saw someone who looked like CougEd putting a bottle of Tito's under his Coug sweatshirt, and that the police never call you to find out what you saw.

Do I think they were abused? Nope. But the standards are much different these days. Was James abused? No. Would he be let on the field to practice these days with what we have learned about concussions the last ten years? Not a chance.

It is interesting we buy shrimp from Vietnam, Japan is our ally, but a 20 year old who is now 28 isn't accepted a Coug.

There was reason Mark's told the story, and waited until Leach was gone. There is a reason the new kids from the first recruiting class accepts Wilson as a brother. despite walking away there seems to still be the respect.

You say he can come back, that is a no brainer, but that isn't what Mark's is talking about. He is being talking about being accepted as Mark's is accepted. Mark's spoke of the incident for a reason.

While you didn't call him a prima-donna , people who play with what Mark's described doesn't seem like a diva to me.

I think Ed might be the mastermind behind "Plandemic."
1990...A couple of comments. One so off topic but it is important. When the allegations of Kavanaugh came forth, that Susan Blausey Ford was asked to testify. Do you think Congress would have been doing their job in vetting a Supreme Court justice if there was this allegation and they didn't speak to her, or Kavanaugh's best friend? It doesn't matter what I believe happened or didn't happen in that case.(even if I believe it is a political hit job) But I think the vetting process would have been incomplete.

The internal review and the Pac 12 review seems to be incomplete. The one person who clearly had something to say (and it may have not been anything, we don't know) was Bill Drake. Maybe Drake had a bone to pick, maybe he was a third neutral observer. But he had a very prominent email to Moos that wasn't even followed up on. It would be like you sending a letter to the police, saying you saw someone who looked like CougEd putting a bottle of Tito's under his Coug sweatshirt, and that the police never call you to find out what you saw.

Do I think they were abused? Nope. But the standards are much different these days. Was James abused? No. Would he be let on the field to practice these days with what we have learned about concussions the last ten years? Not a chance.

It is interesting we buy shrimp from Vietnam, Japan is our ally, but a 20 year old who is now 28 isn't accepted a Coug.

There was reason Mark's told the story, and waited until Leach was gone. There is a reason the new kids from the first recruiting class accepts Wilson as a brother. despite walking away there seems to still be the respect.

You say he can come back, that is a no brainer, but that isn't what Mark's is talking about. He is being talking about being accepted as Mark's is accepted. Mark's spoke of the incident for a reason.

While you didn't call him a prima-donna , people who play with what Mark's described doesn't seem like a diva to me.

I had been to Drake's house on a couple occasions for parties after a game. I met he and his wife, but I was not really friends of theirs. I was friends of friends of theirs. One of my best friends from my freshman year in Orton married a Pullman girl and stayed.

Someone post a link to the reports. I do not remember that Drake was not interviewed. So, I cannot comment on your point. I don't think times have changed that much regarding this. Coaches still demand a lot of players. It was just a culture shock to those those in the program and Wulff was well liked by a lot of the old timers.

As I have said, I read the piece on brand x. It is decidedly biased from a friend of Wilson's and that is OK. Nobody, and I mean nobody, has stopped Wilson from being involved but himself. So, it really is kind of ridiculous. There will be some people who say cool. Others who don't.

Either way, the sun will rise in the east and set in the west tomorrow. This is much ado about nothing.
Amazing! The topic is whether to welcome Wilson back, and the “usual suspects” turn it into “Leach is an a——-e.” This board was fun to read but has been taken over by a couple of numbskulls still stuck in 1950’s football cliches...”You must use the run to set up the pass”.

What a waste of more.
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Amazing! The topic is whether to welcome Wilson back, and the “usual suspects” turn it into “Leach is an a——-e.” This board was fun to read but has been taken over by a couple of numbskulls still stuck in 1950’s football cliches...”You must use the run to set up the pass”.

What a waste of more.
Kinda hard to have this discussion without debating the possibility of Leach being an a-hole don’t you think? Relax dude.
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I had been to Drake's house on a couple occasions for parties after a game. I met he and his wife, but I was not really friends of theirs. I was friends of friends of theirs. One of my best friends from my freshman year in Orton married a Pullman girl and stayed.

Someone post a link to the reports. I do not remember that Drake was not interviewed. So, I cannot comment on your point. I don't think times have changed that much regarding this. Coaches still demand a lot of players. It was just a culture shock to those those in the program and Wulff was well liked by a lot of the old timers.

As I have said, I read the piece on brand x. It is decidedly biased from a friend of Wilson's and that is OK. Nobody, and I mean nobody, has stopped Wilson from being involved but himself. So, it really is kind of ridiculous. There will be some people who say cool. Others who don't.

Either way, the sun will rise in the east and set in the west tomorrow. This is much ado about nothing.
Orton Hall: dormitory equivalent to an East German slum apartment building. Gotta admit, I had some fun times there.
Orton Hall: dormitory equivalent to an East German slum apartment building. Gotta admit, I had some fun times there.
7th floor long before your time....I got te floor on double secret probation because some disphit left my door open during semester break and it was discovered I had a keg in my room. and it was a sh!t hole, but had a great time none-the-less. It was my first experience with Mike Walker as he lived in rogers.

At the time Streit Perham and Orton only two Co-Ed dorms.

I was on campus last weekend and I haven't been up that way in 25 years. They have a nice fairly new dorm right at the top of the hill.
7th floor long before your time....I got te floor on double secret probation because some disphit left my door open during semester break and it was discovered I had a keg in my room. and it was a sh!t hole, but had a great time none-the-less. It was my first experience with Mike Walker as he lived in rogers.

At the time Streit Perham and Orton only two Co-Ed dorms.

I was on campus last weekend and I haven't been up that way in 25 years. They have a nice fairly new dorm right at the top of the hill.
Having women in the same dorm was a perk, I must say. Good times.
I had been to Drake's house on a couple occasions for parties after a game. I met he and his wife, but I was not really friends of theirs. I was friends of friends of theirs. One of my best friends from my freshman year in Orton married a Pullman girl and stayed.

Someone post a link to the reports. I do not remember that Drake was not interviewed. So, I cannot comment on your point. I don't think times have changed that much regarding this. Coaches still demand a lot of players. It was just a culture shock to those those in the program and Wulff was well liked by a lot of the old timers.

As I have said, I read the piece on brand x. It is decidedly biased from a friend of Wilson's and that is OK. Nobody, and I mean nobody, has stopped Wilson from being involved but himself. So, it really is kind of ridiculous. There will be some people who say cool. Others who don't.

Either way, the sun will rise in the east and set in the west tomorrow. This is much ado about nothing.

I am sure it was culture shock. I have a close friend whose kids is a starter for the last three years for a power 5 conference. I hear the person is about to put their name in the portal. The coach was shocked, the player laid it on the line, they are tired of being the whipping boy, tired every time they step on the court they are looking over their shoulder. The the shocker, the kids tells the coach they love the game of basketball, but it isn't fun for anyone on the team. The coach did not realize in this situation that the game was not fun anymore.

As to Leach, he is a hard ass. No question the players were in shock. No question people like Valero and a couple others who Long went after didn't have teh same cred as leach.

Clearly Leach said this is the big fish, I go after him it will catch the attention of the rest of the team. Everyone has their style, but some 20 year old kids react differently. Leach could have rolled MW in the sand everyday and it wouldn't have made him mentally tougher. Some kids like Pelluer, respond, a leader, some are followers like MW.

I am not sure I see the same bias you do. Yeah, if that was a Wulff recruit, like Williams I would get the bias. He was around Wilson for three months, Leach for four years.

The one thing that seems to be coming across from some of the players is they really respected Leach, which is probably the most important thing, but I am not sure a lot of players shed tears when he left.
Having women in the same dorm was a perk, I must say. Good times.
And it wasn't like the other side was well sealed off, either the study door, the elevator door, or the laundry room was easy passage.
Amazing! The topic is whether to welcome Wilson back, and the “usual suspects” turn it into “Leach is an a——-e.” This board was fun to read but has been taken over by a couple of numbskulls still stuck in 1950’s football cliches...”You must use the run to set up the pass”.

What a waste of more.

You do realize that Leach being an a$$hole is why Wilson left....right? Was Wilson being childish and unwilling to put in the work? Maybe....but he made it clear that he left because he felt that Leach was an abusive a$$hole. So....don't get it twisted......any discussion in that regards is 100% on point.
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You do realize that Leach being an a$$hole is why Wilson left....right? Was Wilson being childish and unwilling to put in the work? Maybe....but he made it clear that he left because he felt that Leach was an abusive a$$hole. So....don't get it twisted......any discussion in that regards is 100% on point.
That is not correct. Wilson felt like Leach was being mean to him. Whether he was or was not is open to interpretation.
That is not correct. Wilson felt like Leach was being mean to him. Whether he was or was not is open to interpretation.

From what I've read, everyone deep down knows that Leach is an a$$hole. Was he an abusive a$$hole who pushes kids so hard that he shouldn't be a coach? That's up to interpretation and I think most of us agree that he wasn't that....even if Wilson disagrees.
As I’ve gotten older, I’m much more of the forgiving mindset. He was a kid. He is a Coug. Forgive and forget.

I'm the same way. I remember being so pissed about this at the time. Now? Whatever.

At this point? Why not recognize the guy? He was a great player and made the NFL. WSU benefits by utilizing that. There is no benefit to acting like the guy didn't exist.

It's not like we have a list 10 pages long NFL alumni wanting to come back and stand on the sideline.
From what I've read, everyone deep down knows that Leach is an a$$hole. Was he an abusive a$$hole who pushes kids so hard that he shouldn't be a coach? That's up to interpretation and I think most of us agree that he wasn't that....even if Wilson disagrees.
People that I know that know him says he is not. They say he is engaging and extremely funny. Is he hard? Yes. An #$%$%? No. Is he demanding? Yes. Is he different? Yes.
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From what I've read, everyone deep down knows that Leach is an a$$hole. Was he an abusive a$$hole who pushes kids so hard that he shouldn't be a coach? That's up to interpretation and I think most of us agree that he wasn't that....even if Wilson disagrees.

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