again 95, I didn't bring up "on field stuff", I simply asked LTC about
Not everyone. Not some in the coaching profession. There are people who for example who think and thought in the profession that Tuel Halliday were better than say Gossen and Garcia, or Cole Morgan and Gary Rogers. There are the same folks in the coaching profession that think there is not a vast difference between Steve Cromer, Mike Smith, Husby, Garman, Wulff, V Lesuma, R Lesuma, Alfred, Hannam and the likes of Bosch, Fullington, Rodgers, Geotz(Mike Leach player from Tech),, Jacobson and an under-producing Rico Forbes.
Is there a great deal of difference between Randy Gray, Tim Downing, Tony Savage and Brown, Ahmu, Matt E, Kevin Kooyman, Matt Mullinex over Laurenzi, Pole, Paulo, cooper, Long?
I get people having their opinions based on recruiting numbers etc, but now that the players have cycled through we now have more data. I just listed 33 names from three different transition periods. Out of 33 names, six names on that list have either been drafted, in a camp, or on a 53 roster. What is strange is that all six came off a horrible record.
One player in fullington was on a 53 man roster. Rodgers was recently drafted. Out of 15 lineman, the only two players that seemed to have a high enough talent level was players recruited between 08 and 2012.
I listed what 12 dlineman, and there were three that were either drafted or made it into camp. All three were recruited between 2008 and 2012.
And do we need to talk about the QB's? I mean seriously, I may be a flat "earther", but I am certainly open to any logical and rationale explanation how anyone could say talent wise it was a scorched earth compared to other transitional periods. I know you and everyone on the board feels that way. I would suspect Greg Peterson feels that way as well. But there are people outside of this board who do have a different opinion.