Lunatic Fringe thread

I've avoided the political threads...a "no win" environment. But I'll offer this. Once.

I am a real Republican. Trump is not; he is a Mussolini wannabe. If you want to use the label, "Fascist", feel free. Most are too young to understand what that means, so they dispute it. The straw that broke my camel's back was his election denial and staging of an attack on the capitol. For me, that rises to the level of treason. Nixon, Reagan and Bush Sr would be spinning in their graves at this guy's disgrace of the presidency. Our foreign policy will tank with this idiot. None of our allies trust him. And his statements about his revenge if elected speaks for itself for anyone rational (not to mention injecting bleach if infected with something; that tells you a lot about what a dummy he is).

Biden is way past his prime. Probably still mentally competent, but don't force him to think quickly. Bad world optics as president (though not as bad as Trump). Clearly not an optimum choice. While I trust his instincts, I can't be fully confident of his intellect.

Best result of the debate is that the Dems come up with someone centrist to take his place and get him to bow out gracefully. There are debates and speaking engagements to come, but unless something happens to alter the current perception, there is way too much chance of wannabe dictator Trump getting elected if Biden stays in the election...something we need to avoid. We are a nation where the rule of law is paramount, and a Biden/Trump election risks moving toward a tinpot dictatorship. And if my Republican party is ever to recover from his toxic influence, we need to lose this election. Like we lost after Nixon's disgrace. So people with some integrity can lead the party from there, at least for a while.
Sorry bud, you are NOT a real Republican. You are 100% a RINO. It is no longer your party pal, we are weeding you out just like we did with Adam Kinzeger, Liz Cheney, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney. Quit tap dancing and typing this nonsense and just change your voter registration to Democrat.
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It was a massive cover up Ed. Blacked out of social media. Followed up with a BS letter signed by 51 lying former intelligence officers. Biden is no moral paragon and never has been.

And if you bother to use your brain, indirectly Biden is telling you that you’re too dumb to know the truth. You might be, but many others are not.
Oh he is.
How “lie” is defined is the key, followed by a consistent application of that standard to both candidates. That’s difficult here because of Biden’s incoherence. Does Biden even know that he said no one in the military died during his tenure? Does he remember being at the dignified transfer of the 13 Marines that died at Abby gate?
No but the watch he was checking will always remember.
Ok I will leave. You all needed a quick kick to the sack and I was more than happy to oblige. I am out of here. There is maybe a half dozen intelligent individuals around here (no Flounder, you are not one of them). The rest of you are willfully ignorant and seriously delusional. Your circle jerk is about to turn into a circular firing squad. I love it when the left eats their own, and we are just getting started.
You are too stupid to own 5 bucks. You talk out your ass like most liberals. There is an old saying measure twice cut once. You cut twice and never measure. Dig into your couch cushions and come up with 5 bucks to buy yourself a tape measure.

Swore I would never respond to your posts again. You are now dubbed "Flounder". Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life!

Funny thing is you consider yourself the self-appointed thread starter around here (including this one). In reality (which you don't live in) you are literally an absolute moron.
Rough day today buddy? 4 sets of personal insults in 3 paragraphs. Good job. Yes please put me on ignore like Biggs did.
Oh, and I'm not a liberal. I'm an independent moderate. I voted for McCain and Perot, among others.

Hope you have a better day tomorrow. Hahahahaha :)
Wrong! There are 75-80 million (probably more) Americans who are very excited to vote for Donald J. Trump. Such a weak spin job. Try harder next time.
How do you figure? He didn’t get 75 million last time and his demographic of voters is expiring (new voters are overwhelmingly against him).

I’ll agree there’s more people “excited” to vote for Trump than Biden but Trump has a cult following, Biden doesn’t.
Rough day today buddy? 4 sets of personal insults in 3 paragraphs. Good job. Yes please put me on ignore like Biggs did.
Oh, and I'm not a liberal. I'm an independent moderate. I voted for McCain and Perot, among others.

Hope you have a better day tomorrow. Hahahahaha :)
Independent Moderate LMAO. So you are telling us that you have a fence post up your ass. Shocking! The coward route is that of an independent moderate. Flounder, you are the epitome of the phrase "if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything"

Oh and I am having a great weekend. Why would I put you on ignore, you are the biggest joke on this site.

As a matter of fact, Flounder you are a bully. You bully people on this site and thump your pigeon CPA chest telling your tall tales about pulling tail. You call people idiots, and you ask them to bring something to the table. You bring little to nothing to the table when it comes to politics and your football posts are even weaker than your laughable takes on politics.

You are low IQ and even lower EQ. Did you find enough change to buy that tape measure?
How do you figure? He didn’t get 75 million last time and his demographic of voters is expiring (new voters are overwhelmingly against him).

I’ll agree there’s more people “excited” to vote for Trump than Biden but Trump has a cult following, Biden doesn’t.
You are like a broken clock right twice a day. He didn't get 75mm, he received 74mm.

And don't kid yourself, If anyone is still in the Biden camp after that shit show on Thursday you are in the biggest cult of idiots ever assembled.
Russia has over 5000 nuclear warheads
i believe 800 long range ....but yes that is who we should trust to start collecting land . Worked out well in 1930's . But Putin would never try to get more and more territory. Just ask agent orange.
You are like a broken clock right twice a day. He didn't get 75mm, he received 74mm.

And don't kid yourself, If anyone is still in the Biden camp after that shit show on Thursday you are in the biggest cult of idiots ever assembled.
At 3:56 you said "Ok I will leave". 2 hours later you are still here. So, I guess that makes you a liar, just your hero the Orange one. Liar, liar.

At 3:56 you said "Ok I will leave". 2 hours later you are still here. So, I guess that makes you a liar, just your hero the Orange one. Liar, liar.

Your wittiness is top shelf. Seriously, you are supposedly the self-appointed ringleader around here. You dish it out (not very well mind you) but when you get kicked in the nuts you come back with weak sauce (borderline ketchup).

You wish I would leave! I have changed my mind Flounder. I am going to stick around and beat you like a rented mule.
Your wittiness is top shelf. Seriously, you are supposedly the self-appointed ringleader around here. You dish it out (not very well mind you) but when you get kicked in the nuts you come back with weak sauce (borderline ketchup).

You wish I would leave! I have changed my mind Flounder. I am going to stick around and beat you like a rented mule.
Keep it coming dipshit. I don't recall one funny thing that you have posted ever. I on the other hand, am a happy guy full of mirth.
Q: What do you call a gay male Dinosaur?
A: Tyrannasoreass Rex
TrumpCoug is a national treasure.

Until next time..
Not sure about that but thanks. Decided to stick around for a minute and give Flounder the bully some pay back. Dude gets F'd up on a road trip loses his wallet, sleeps in the gutter and races to this board to tell everyone. Who does that?!

He beats up on Mik daily. I like Mik, dude is a bit eccentric but he is a good dude, loves his daughter and is trying his best to make his life better. Mik, I applaud you sir.

Flounder on the other hand. Straight up loud mouth bully and a douche nozzle to boot. Are we supposed to be impressed when a 60 y/o bean counter starts bragging on banging a 25 y/o? And to watch some of you go along with it like it is funny/cool SMFH!
Keep it coming dipshit. I don't recall one funny thing that you have posted ever. I on the other hand, am a happy guy full of mirth.
Q: What do you call a gay male Dinosaur?
A: Tyrannasoreass Rex

Keep it coming dipshit. I don't recall one funny thing that you have posted ever. I on the other hand, am a happy guy full of mirth.
Q: What do you call a gay male Dinosaur?
A: Tyrannasoreass Rex
Gavin Newsom....

Jamie Dimond


Mark Cuban

If they win move Kamala to AG
Ed, you are officially dumber than Flounder. I mean like Pete Buttgieg dumb.

Gavin - He polls worse than Biden. His own state (which is a shit show) attempted to recall him. He is beyond awful.

Jamie Dimon (not Dimond) - What is it with you guys? Newsome, Dimond, for the love of God I am embarrassed for all of you who are too lazy to Google a name before you type it. Dimon is a Conservative, he acts like he is staying neutral but there is no way he would ever run, let alone run as a Democrat.

Michelle - Please Ed. Why should she step into the swamp. She hasn't held a job in 20 years why should she want the most stressful job in the world. She saw how it aged Barry and wants zero part of it. The left and the media still kiss her feet, there is no way she would upend that legacy. Just not going to happen

Mark Cuban - Sigh, really Mark Cuban. Mark Cuban is a big talker and doesn't want any part of running the show. That ass clown would rather lob bombs from the back row while he counts his billions.

The Kamala to AG comment shows you are maybe the most delusional poster on this board and that is quite a feat.
You are like a broken clock right twice a day. He didn't get 75mm, he received 74mm.

And don't kid yourself, If anyone is still in the Biden camp after that shit show on Thursday you are in the biggest cult of idiots ever assembled.
You’re sort of making my point with that comment. The “Biden” camp is pretty small. The “democracy” camp is bigger than the “F it let’s have a sleazy, self-serving, criminal dictator run the country!” Camp. My handle isn’t BidenCoug.
Not sure about that but thanks. Decided to stick around for a minute and give Flounder the bully some pay back. Dude gets F'd up on a road trip loses his wallet, sleeps in the gutter and races to this board to tell everyone. Who does that?!

He beats up on Mik daily. I like Mik, dude is a bit eccentric but he is a good dude, loves his daughter and is trying his best to make his life better. Mik, I applaud you sir.

Flounder on the other hand. Straight up loud mouth bully and a douche nozzle to boot. Are we supposed to be impressed when a 60 y/o bean counter starts bragging on banging a 25 y/o? And to watch some of you go along with it like it is funny/cool SMFH!
This is getting funny. Do you save and catalogue all of my posts, like some sort of stalker? Creepy. My ill-fated CSU road trip was a fun read, but that was like 9 months ago. I can poke fun at myself. And I am not at all ashamed to admit that I don't remember any of your posts from before, well, today. And I have never bragged about banging a 25-year-old. Had to go to my own sexual archives to remember the last time I banged a 25-year-old. That would have been 25+ years ago. Definitely never posted that here. But keep it up. You lie, lie, lie.
Depends on what you mean by invasions. I’m no risk assessment expert but I’d say chances of foreign threat…considerably higher. Chances of domestic threats…considerably lower. Let’s put it this way, if I’m the guy flying 8 flags out the back of my truck looking for an excuse to run a Prius off the road, I’m opting for a couple of miles better gas mileage and putting the let’s go Brandon flag back in the garage. Its not really needed anymore.
US military bases in Europe were just put on high alert for a terrorist threat.

Coincidence? I think not.

This vegetable in the White House has made our country much more dangerous from day one and it is only going to get worse for the next 6 months. He is corrupt and has been sideways in the government trough for 50 years.

And I blame all of you who voted for this lying corrupt grifter.

The clip below shows the old senile sniffer has been spewing bullshit since the 80's. I miss the day when the media wasn't corrupt and in the tank for the libs.

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US military bases in Europe were just put on high alert for a terrorist threat.

Coincidence? I think not.

This vegetable in the White House has made our country much more dangerous from day one and it is only going to get worse for the next 6 months. He is corrupt and has been sideways in the government trough for 50 years.

And I blame all of you who voted for this lying corrupt grifter.

Well to be fair they are also licking their chops for a Trump victory now and thinking…”only six more months till we can do whatever the F we want, might as well get a head start!”
You’re sort of making my point with that comment. The “Biden” camp is pretty small. The “democracy” camp is bigger than the “F it let’s have a sleazy, self-serving, criminal dictator run the country!” Camp. My handle isn’t BidenCoug.

Well to be fair they are also licking their chops for a Trump victory now and thinking…”only six more months till we can do whatever the F we want, might as well get a head start!”
Zero wars started under Trump. Don't let the facts get in the way of your weak spinning bullshit.
This is getting funny. Do you save and catalogue all of my posts, like some sort of stalker? Creepy. My ill-fated CSU road trip was a fun read, but that was like 9 months ago. I can poke fun at myself. And I am not at all ashamed to admit that I don't remember any of your posts from before, well, today. And I have never bragged about banging a 25-year-old. Had to go to my own sexual archives to remember the last time I banged a 25-year-old. That would have been 25+ years ago. Definitely never posted that here. But keep it up. You lie, lie, lie.
Oh you'll remember me now!

Fun read? Says who. You are a moron Flounder. It's ok, the world needs morons too.
Wrong! There are 75-80 million (probably more) Americans who are very excited to vote for Donald J. Trump. Such a weak spin job. Try harder next time.
I think that’s probably what Donald himself believes. The number is probably closer to 10-15M, with 60-65M who grudgingly believe that he’s the better alternative.

Probably similar numbers on the other side. that number might be a little lower at the moment while they panic over the debate, but they’re not going to dump him.
I think that’s probably what Donald himself believes. The number is probably closer to 10-15M, with 60-65M who grudgingly believe that he’s the better alternative.

Probably similar numbers on the other side. that number might be a little lower at the moment while they panic over the debate, but they’re not going to dump him.
Trump in a landslide. Take it to the bank. You are a willful idiot 95. Keep lying to yourself. Intellectual dishonesty, you wear it well.
Oh you'll remember me now!

Fun read? Says who. You are a moron Flounder. It's ok, the world needs morons too.
No I won't remember you. As I've stated many times on this board, I practice poster amnesia. I don't give a F who said what when. If you ever post something intelligent (not holding my breath here), I'll respond in kind. Just keep it up. I'm chuckling at you and your little fixation on me. And your repeated insults towards other fellow Coug posters. Frothing at the mouth yet?
Trump in a landslide. Take it to the bank. You are a willful idiot 95. Keep lying to yourself. Intellectual dishonesty, you wear it well.
We’ll see in a few months. Although it seems likely that if the result isn’t what you’ve already decided, you’ll deny it. The persistent personal attacks toward anyone who doesn’t agree with you completely, without pointing to a shred of verifiable evidence, confirm that you truly are a Trump republican.
No I won't remember you. As I've stated many times on this board, I practice poster amnesia. I don't give a F who said what when. If you ever post something intelligent (not holding my breath here), I'll respond in kind. Just keep it up. I'm chuckling at you and your little fixation on me. And your repeated insults towards other fellow Coug posters. Frothing at the mouth yet?
Insults to other Coug posters? Rich statement coming from the low IQ ass clown who insults others here on a regular basis.

The fence post rider coward who insults others on a regular basis attempting to take the moral high ground. Actually beyond rich.

Flounder you are child's play. I would rather go back and forth with someone who brings something to the table. You are about as sharp as a bowling ball.
We’ll see in a few months. Although it seems likely that if the result isn’t what you’ve already decided, you’ll deny it. The persistent personal attacks toward anyone who doesn’t agree with you completely, without pointing to a shred of verifiable evidence, confirm that you truly are a Trump republican.
Meh....your comebacks are on the same weak sauce level of Flounders. Sparring with you all is becoming boring. I kinda wish Gibby was a flaming lib as at least sparring with him would involve some mental gymnastics. But Gibby is too smart to buy into all the bullshit you have bought into.

Have a great week everyone. I will be back after the landslide on 11/5 to remind you I was right.
Meh....your comebacks are on the same weak sauce level of Flounders. Sparring with you all is becoming boring. I kinda wish Gibby was a flaming lib as at least sparring with him would involve some mental gymnastics. But Gibby is too smart to buy into all the bullshit you have bought into.

Have a great week everyone. I will be back after the landslide on 11/5 to remind you I was right.
So you are leaving the board? Thought you said that a few hours ago. Well, bye.
Zero wars started under Trump. Don't let the facts get in the way of your weak spinning bullshit.
Counterpoint. The Cold War never ended and Trumps victory was the greatest gift imaginable to Putin (well, he helped orchestrate it so maybe gift isn’t the right word).
US military bases in Europe were just put on high alert for a terrorist threat.

Coincidence? I think not.

This vegetable in the White House has made our country much more dangerous from day one and it is only going to get worse for the next 6 months. He is corrupt and has been sideways in the government trough for 50 years.

And I blame all of you who voted for this lying corrupt grifter.

The clip below shows the old senile sniffer has been spewing bullshit since the 80's. I miss the day when the media wasn't corrupt and in the tank for the libs.

McLaughlin Group! I had to watch that every Thursday in US History class my junior year of high school.
Counterpoint. The Cold War never ended and Trumps victory was the greatest gift imaginable to Putin (well, he helped orchestrate it so maybe gift isn’t the right word).
Strange how Putin annexed Crimea under Obama and invaded Ukraine under Obama.
Strange how Putin annexed Crimea under Obama and invaded Ukraine under Obama.
Strange how Russians helped him win the election and Putin had Trump by his raisins in Helsinki. I’m sure Eric and JRs mentions of Russian money pouring in to Trump projects when nobody else would finance them are also just coincidences.
Not sure about that but thanks. Decided to stick around for a minute and give Flounder the bully some pay back. Dude gets F'd up on a road trip loses his wallet, sleeps in the gutter and races to this board to tell everyone. Who does that?!

He beats up on Mik daily. I like Mik, dude is a bit eccentric but he is a good dude, loves his daughter and is trying his best to make his life better. Mik, I applaud you sir.

Flounder on the other hand. Straight up loud mouth bully and a douche nozzle to boot. Are we supposed to be impressed when a 60 y/o bean counter starts bragging on banging a 25 y/o? And to watch some of you go along with it like it is funny/cool SMFH!

Thank you. I agree with a lot of what you say, but also disagree some. Overall, I think you are, an or can be a good person. I understand some where your coming from, but don't agree with your methodology, at least in this thread.

I'm a semi conservative to semi moderate, constitutionalist, semi independent, semi libertarian, etc, that not really a rhino(Don't like Paul Ryan, etc.), usually side with Republicans. Wish that I could take the best parts of both parties, and form my own party, and vote for that. I can't stand both candidates, Biden, AND Trump. I think Biden is a liar, control freak, rubber stamp for liberals who have hi jacked Democrat Party, and think he is incompetent. And altho I agree with most of the things Trump did for economy, border, foreign policy, etc, his first term, etc, I do think he is also a liar, and to blame for Jan 6 riots, and is now a convicted felon, and whether it's Nixon, Bill Clinton, Hillary, Trump, etc, I don't think candidates, sitting an or former presidents an or candidates, etc, should be above the law, and I think felons, should be ineligible for white house, presidency, etc. Despite that, I think Trump would do a better job then Biden, is the lesser evil, etc, which is sad to me. I'll either vote 3rd party, or write in vote, but I refuse to vote for either of Biden or Trump, as they are both that bad to me.

That said I agree a lot with a lot of what you said, etc, and think your a good, smart, etc, person overall, I just think your methodology in this thread isn't, hasn't been as good. Just full disclosure.

Thanks again for your compliment.
Strange how Russians helped him win the election and Putin had Trump by his raisins in Helsinki. I’m sure Eric and JRs mentions of Russian money pouring in to Trump projects when nobody else would finance them are also just coincidences.
Was that information delivered to you by a black helicopter?
Strange how Putin annexed Crimea under Obama and invaded Ukraine under Obama.

Did you mean Biden on the second statement? It kind of looks like Obama is living rent free someplace.

As far as Trump's foreign relations strategy goes, what did Trump actually accomplish with Russia, China and North Korea in his time in office?

He met with Kim Jong but North Korea didn't make any material changes.

Trump has admitted that he knew that Putin had intentions to invade Ukraine and his response was to use that knowledge to leverage a political attack on Biden. The timing of Crimea and the Ukraine invasion does not necessarily mean that Putin wouldn't have done that with a republican president in office. You can bet that Trump will roll over on Ukraine in Russia's favor if he wins the election. You are going to say, "Trump ended our involvement in another foreign war" but what will you say if Russia decides to continue their aggression? You can go with 1930's US policy and allow Europe to fall apart? How'd that work out for world peace?

With China, Trump was right to bring to light how corrupt the Chinese government was, but did anything really change? Farmers lost a lot of grain sales, steel prices jumped 33% in his first year in office, and there was a lot of noise....but China continued to do whatever they wanted and Trump didn't do anything about it other than slap some tariffs on them. Feel free to note that Taiwan is still a free country today despite our current "libtard" President.

Everyone likes to make a big deal out of the Afghanistan withdrawal, but few people acknowledge that we were already down to only 2,500 troops in Afghanistan when Trump left office. The reason that Afghanistan fell so swiftly to the Taliban in August 2021 is that Trump had already turned the country over to them and they were just waiting for the lights to get turned out. Biden fumbled the ball on the whole thing, but there was never going to be a clean exit. For all of the talk about the people that were "abandoned", the deadline for withdrawal was set in May 2021 by Trump and if anything, Biden gave people more time by delaying it until August 2021. If they didn't GTFO before kind of falls on them.

I'm not a fan of Joe Biden, but I prefer when leaders of our country don't praise and fawn over dictators. It will be interesting to see what lower income Americans think of Trump if he follows through with his tariff threats. I've reconciled myself to the fact that Biden is obviously too old to be re-elected and there is no way that the Democrats can bypass him without it being a PR disaster. Trump is almost certainly going to win the election this year. Y'all like to throw out "Banana Republic" when you talk about Biden but I'm genuinely concerned that our democracy is going to fail if Trump wins.

Of course, Trump supporters don't care if the majority of Americans don't want Trump as our president (they don't want Joe Biden either) and that the majority of Americans don't want abortion to be illegal or for schools to become far right religious propaganda institutions. They don't care that most Americans are in favor of reasonable gun laws the prevent the sale of bump stocks and other useless modifications that tiny dicked "patriots" use to compensate for their own inadequacies. Two things to remember when it comes to how Trump supporters think. If N#ggers and 'Spics knew their place and cooperated like they used to.....American would be truly great again. Also, if Trump had been President in 1861 instead of Abraham Lincoln....we would have avoided the war and slavery would still be a thing in the United States....because slavery would be "good for the economy".
Not following. I get my information from my eyes and ears, they can be pretty useful when you choose to use them.
So, Trump and Putin colluded to get Trump elected. Then, Putin waited until Trump was out of office to invade.

Totally makes sense. Totally.
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Did you mean Biden on the second statement? It kind of looks like Obama is living rent free someplace.

As far as Trump's foreign relations strategy goes, what did Trump actually accomplish with Russia, China and North Korea in his time in office?

He met with Kim Jong but North Korea didn't make any material changes.

Trump has admitted that he knew that Putin had intentions to invade Ukraine and his response was to use that knowledge to leverage a political attack on Biden. The timing of Crimea and the Ukraine invasion does not necessarily mean that Putin wouldn't have done that with a republican president in office. You can bet that Trump will roll over on Ukraine in Russia's favor if he wins the election. You are going to say, "Trump ended our involvement in another foreign war" but what will you say if Russia decides to continue their aggression? You can go with 1930's US policy and allow Europe to fall apart? How'd that work out for world peace?

With China, Trump was right to bring to light how corrupt the Chinese government was, but did anything really change? Farmers lost a lot of grain sales, steel prices jumped 33% in his first year in office, and there was a lot of noise....but China continued to do whatever they wanted and Trump didn't do anything about it other than slap some tariffs on them. Feel free to note that Taiwan is still a free country today despite our current "libtard" President.

Everyone likes to make a big deal out of the Afghanistan withdrawal, but few people acknowledge that we were already down to only 2,500 troops in Afghanistan when Trump left office. The reason that Afghanistan fell so swiftly to the Taliban in August 2021 is that Trump had already turned the country over to them and they were just waiting for the lights to get turned out. Biden fumbled the ball on the whole thing, but there was never going to be a clean exit. For all of the talk about the people that were "abandoned", the deadline for withdrawal was set in May 2021 by Trump and if anything, Biden gave people more time by delaying it until August 2021. If they didn't GTFO before kind of falls on them.

I'm not a fan of Joe Biden, but I prefer when leaders of our country don't praise and fawn over dictators. It will be interesting to see what lower income Americans think of Trump if he follows through with his tariff threats. I've reconciled myself to the fact that Biden is obviously too old to be re-elected and there is no way that the Democrats can bypass him without it being a PR disaster. Trump is almost certainly going to win the election this year. Y'all like to throw out "Banana Republic" when you talk about Biden but I'm genuinely concerned that our democracy is going to fail if Trump wins.

Of course, Trump supporters don't care if the majority of Americans don't want Trump as our president (they don't want Joe Biden either) and that the majority of Americans don't want abortion to be illegal or for schools to become far right religious propaganda institutions. They don't care that most Americans are in favor of reasonable gun laws the prevent the sale of bump stocks and other useless modifications that tiny dicked "patriots" use to compensate for their own inadequacies. Two things to remember when it comes to how Trump supporters think. If N#ggers and 'Spics knew their place and cooperated like they used to.....American would be truly great again. Also, if Trump had been President in 1861 instead of Abraham Lincoln....we would have avoided the war and slavery would still be a thing in the United States....because slavery would be "good for the economy".
Barry's third term, Biden's first term. Take your pick.

The TDS is strong in this one. Biden is responsible for his presidency. He's 3.5 years in. Ukraine happened one year in. Newsflash- Putin didn't take six years (following the annexation of Crimea) to prepare that invasion. October 7 happened almost three years in. Biden should have been roundly criticized for trying to blame Trump during the debate, but Joe struggled to put a sentence together.

If Trump wins the election, that is democracy in action not the lack of it. He would not have another term, so it would be interesting to see what (if anything) he really does. Use the dictionary if you don't know what democracy means.

And of course you have to the play the race card, and in doing so prove yourself to be the racist. According to Flatland Blacks and Hispanics should not have the right to choose how they vote, and shouldn't get tired of empty promises and total lack of follow through from the Democrats. They should just do what they're told by the Democratic party, right?