Lunatic Fringe thread

So, Trump and Putin colluded to get Trump elected. Then, Putin waited until Trump was out of office to invade.

Totally makes sense. Totally.
it actually does if you zoom out. Putin’s interest goes far beyond crimea and Ukraine. He needs NATO weakened. Trump wanted to pull out from NATO. Putin was almost there except Trump couldn’t get reelected.

Putins playing the long game…chess not checkers. And imo he’s holding the line now until Trump gets back in office, stops funding ukraine, weakens NATO, then the conquering can commence.

I mean Helsinki was only one of the most embarrassing moments for a president ever and it was pretty clear if you were paying attention that Putin had him in his pocket.
Barry's third term, Biden's first term. Take your pick.

The TDS is strong in this one. Biden is responsible for his presidency. He's 3.5 years in. Ukraine happened one year in. Newsflash- Putin didn't take six years (following the annexation of Crimea) to prepare that invasion. October 7 happened almost three years in. Biden should have been roundly criticized for trying to blame Trump during the debate, but Joe struggled to put a sentence together.

If Trump wins the election, that is democracy in action not the lack of it. He would not have another term, so it would be interesting to see what (if anything) he really does. Use the dictionary if you don't know what democracy means.

And of course you have to the play the race card, and in doing so prove yourself to be the racist. According to Flatland Blacks and Hispanics should not have the right to choose how they vote, and shouldn't get tired of empty promises and total lack of follow through from the Democrats. They should just do what they're told by the Democratic party, right?

I don't tell anyone how to vote. If the black and Hispanic population want to vote for Trump...that's on them. It's not uncommon for people to make harmful choices when they are frustrated. I just know that they are fools if they think that the choices made by Trump and the GOP are going to be to their benefit.

FWIW, I'm pissed off and frustrated with liberal Democrats almost as much as I am about Trump. I hate the fact that I can't enjoy new content from Disney and their proxies because they are so heavy handed in their agenda that it ruins everything. I hate that "The Boys" on Amazon Prime went from a clever show that hinted at political opinions to beating people over the head with them. I hate that the Democrats have no reasonable take on LGBTQ people and are willing to ruin sports for girls as part of their agenda. I hate that Biden has expended so much energy on forgiving student loan debt while doing nothing to cure the soaring costs of higher education that drive the debt. I hate that heavy handed regulation on all fronts by Democrats has forced the Supreme Court to make decisions that hurt our climate and country in some areas. Democrats suck almost as much as the modern GOP does.
So, what should King Joe I do as his first official act? Oh wait, he’s a D so all of his acts will be deemed criminal by the Supreme Council.

IOKIYAR just took on a whole new meaning.
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it actually does if you zoom out. Putin’s interest goes far beyond crimea and Ukraine. He needs NATO weakened. Trump wanted to pull out from NATO. Putin was almost there except Trump couldn’t get reelected.

Putins playing the long game…chess not checkers. And imo he’s holding the line now until Trump gets back in office, stops funding ukraine, weakens NATO, then the conquering can commence.

I mean Helsinki was only one of the most embarrassing moments for a president ever and it was pretty clear if you were paying attention that Putin had him in his pocket.
Get serious dude.

First, the US President does not have unilateral authority to withdraw from NATO. Look it up.

Second, Trump clearly wants the countries that don't meet the 2 percent funding threshold to buck up. Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland all spend above the two percent threshold. Show me how Russia gets to Germany, Belgium, Italy and Spain (some of the worst culprits) without getting through Poland and the Baltics.

Third, is Putin going to live to age 120? At this pace, he's going to need at least that much time. He's 71. Please show me where Trump opposed Sweden and Finland joining NATO. Finland has an 800 mile border with Russia, and St. Petersburg is less than 100 miles from that border.

Fourth, the US has more important interests in the Indo-Pacific. The US cannot afford to bankroll European militaries, AND be in position to counter China. Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, India, the Philippines and Australia care enough about their own sovereignty to actually fund their militaries, while until the invasion of Ukraine you have Western Europe bankrolling NATO's supposed adversary by importing Russian energy and not funding their militaries.
Get serious dude.

First, the US President does not have unilateral authority to withdraw from NATO. Look it up.

Second, Trump clearly wants the countries that don't meet the 2 percent funding threshold to buck up. Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland all spend above the two percent threshold. Show me how Russia gets to Germany, Belgium, Italy and Spain (some of the worst culprits) without getting through Poland and the Baltics.

Third, is Putin going to live to age 120? At this pace, he's going to need at least that much time. He's 71. Please show me where Trump opposed Sweden and Finland joining NATO. Finland has an 800 mile border with Russia, and St. Petersburg is less than 100 miles from that border.

Fourth, the US has more important interests in the Indo-Pacific. The US cannot afford to bankroll European militaries, AND be in position to counter China. Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, India, the Philippines and Australia care enough about their own sovereignty to actually fund their militaries, while until the invasion of Ukraine you have Western Europe bankrolling NATO's supposed adversary by importing Russian energy and not funding their militaries.
What did Trump say when Putin invaded a sovereign state? Yeah I guess I am a skeptic. When our President suggests or says he trusts Putin's words, a dictator who has nukes pointed at us more than he trusts his own CIA, I have a problem. Reagan would roll over in his grave.

Trump had no problem with Putin going into Ukraine, said it was a brilliant move. As you mentioned, Putin isn't lasing to 120. What happens after territory is swallowed up by Putin, gets a partial consolidation of resources and assets, and then Trump croakes or isn't president any longer? You let Russian off the mat financially. Worked well for the world in the 30's with respect to Germany.

Trump doesn't need to pull out of NATO. HE just needs to withhold funding and if Russia gets ballsy and goes into Poland, he doesn't and won't send troops.
Get serious dude.

First, the US President does not have unilateral authority to withdraw from NATO. Look it up.

Second, Trump clearly wants the countries that don't meet the 2 percent funding threshold to buck up. Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland all spend above the two percent threshold. Show me how Russia gets to Germany, Belgium, Italy and Spain (some of the worst culprits) without getting through Poland and the Baltics.

Third, is Putin going to live to age 120? At this pace, he's going to need at least that much time. He's 71. Please show me where Trump opposed Sweden and Finland joining NATO. Finland has an 800 mile border with Russia, and St. Petersburg is less than 100 miles from that border.

Fourth, the US has more important interests in the Indo-Pacific. The US cannot afford to bankroll European militaries, AND be in position to counter China. Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, India, the Philippines and Australia care enough about their own sovereignty to actually fund their militaries, while until the invasion of Ukraine you have Western Europe bankrolling NATO's supposed adversary by importing Russian energy and not funding their militaries.
Thats an awful lot of details that can be unwound by the simple fact that Trump has his own interests in mind, not the US or its citizens. He always has and he always will.
Ok I will leave. You all needed a quick kick to the sack and I was more than happy to oblige. I am out of here. There is maybe a half dozen intelligent individuals around here (no Flounder, you are not one of them). The rest of you are willfully ignorant and seriously delusional. Your circle jerk is about to turn into a circular firing squad. I love it when the left eats their own, and we are just getting started.
First not sure why you wanted a quick kick to the sack. I can think of things more pleasant.

Sounds like you had a sip of Joe's Mountain Dew. While I see so much BS in your posts...IE Michele has no government experience, I don't think Trump's legal crap in the courthouses over the years counts as government experience.

But I suppose the biggest question after reading your musings, if Kinzinger and Cheney are RINO's, why are they RINO's and what is it that the republican party stands for and what is their platform? I didn't know that if you didn't agree with every item on the ticket, you weren't a conservative republican.
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Thats an awful lot of details that can be unwound by the simple fact that Trump has his own interests in mind, not the US or its citizens. He always has and he always will.
It's painfully obvious you're deflecting.
What specific actions or policies during Trump's first term validate that he is either a fascist or dictator (or both)?
Asking for a Sec of State for GA to "find 11,800 votes and when he says no, he uses his power of his megaphone to go after him.

Going along with the plot of fake electors if not asking Rudy to organize it.

Not allowing the peaceful transfer of power. His own Cyber person, an independent election firm, his AG, his daughter all told him he lost and it was a safe election. He refused to do the biggest thing that keeps our democracy intact. There were guard rails the first time. You think he will hire Pat Chipollone, Eric Hershman, or someone like Jeffrey the landscape lawyer, Dgibs, Rudy or Eastman?
What did Trump say when Putin invaded a sovereign state? Yeah I guess I am a skeptic. When our President suggests or says he trusts Putin's words, a dictator who has nukes pointed at us more than he trusts his own CIA, I have a problem. Reagan would roll over in his grave.

Trump had no problem with Putin going into Ukraine, said it was a brilliant move. As you mentioned, Putin isn't lasing to 120. What happens after territory is swallowed up by Putin, gets a partial consolidation of resources and assets, and then Trump croakes or isn't president any longer? You let Russian off the mat financially. Worked well for the world in the 30's with respect to Germany.

Trump doesn't need to pull out of NATO. HE just needs to withhold funding and if Russia gets ballsy and goes into Poland, he doesn't and won't send troops.
Congress controls the purse Ed. I know it's scary to rely on Congress to do their job, but Congress capable of doing it's job. You've gone full retard here too. Now you've jumped into a post-Trump something with the braindead comparison to the 1930s. I'm not interested in my kids fighting a war in Ukraine. I guess you're comfortable with your daughters going there. I hope they survive the war you're hungry for.

He was describing Putin's PR/political manuevering by the way. Not saying he agreed with it. It's basic false flag, self-serving justification, so I don't know why jump thinks it was savvy or whatever.

Here is Trump saying he condemns in the invasion.

Trump moved troops from Germany to Poland. I know that doesn't fit your narrative, but it's true.

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Asking for a Sec of State for GA to "find 11,800 votes and when he says no, he uses his power of his megaphone to go after him.

Going along with the plot of fake electors if not asking Rudy to organize it.

Not allowing the peaceful transfer of power. His own Cyber person, an independent election firm, his AG, his daughter all told him he lost and it was a safe election. He refused to do the biggest thing that keeps our democracy intact. There were guard rails the first time. You think he will hire Pat Chipollone, Eric Hershman, or someone like Jeffrey the landscape lawyer, Dgibs, Rudy or Eastman?
The Biden administration is "going after" people with their power and their megaphone that are saying he should step aside. That's highly democratic and moral, right?

I don't know what you need other than Trump leaving the White House to show that he did in fact leave the White House. Keep clinging to the illusion that somehow, someway Biden and the Democrats are moral paragons.
Congress controls the purse Ed. I know it's scary to rely on Congress to do their job, but Congress capable of doing it's job. You've gone full retard here too. Now you've jumped into a post-Trump something with the braindead comparison to the 1930s. I'm not interested in my kids fighting a war in Ukraine. I guess you're comfortable with your daughters going there. I hope they survive the war you're hungry for.

He was describing Putin's PR/political manuevering by the way. Not saying he agreed with it. It's basic false flag, self-serving justification, so I don't know why jump thinks it was savvy or whatever.

Here is Trump saying he condemns in the invasion.

Who owns the congress and runs congress?
Get serious dude.

First, the US President does not have unilateral authority to withdraw from NATO. Look it up.

Second, Trump clearly wants the countries that don't meet the 2 percent funding threshold to buck up. Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland all spend above the two percent threshold. Show me how Russia gets to Germany, Belgium, Italy and Spain (some of the worst culprits) without getting through Poland and the Baltics.

Third, is Putin going to live to age 120? At this pace, he's going to need at least that much time. He's 71. Please show me where Trump opposed Sweden and Finland joining NATO. Finland has an 800 mile border with Russia, and St. Petersburg is less than 100 miles from that border.

Fourth, the US has more important interests in the Indo-Pacific. The US cannot afford to bankroll European militaries, AND be in position to counter China. Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, India, the Philippines and Australia care enough about their own sovereignty to actually fund their militaries, while until the invasion of Ukraine you have Western Europe bankrolling NATO's supposed adversary by importing Russian energy and not funding their militaries.
That 2 % is just a portable goal post.
The Biden administration is "going after" people with their power and their megaphone that are saying he should step aside. That's highly democratic and moral, right?

I don't know what you need other than Trump leaving the White House to show that he did in fact leave the White House. Keep clinging to the illusion that somehow, someway Biden and the Democrats are moral paragons.
What about what every other candidate has done? Leaving does not do crap. You help promote democracy and put faith in the election process, not lie about and damage it. Other than that, nothing.

What did Trump say after he lost to Ted in Iowa?
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That 2 % is just a portable goal post.
It's not written into the treaty, but the treaty was written in 1949 when most of Europe was still recovering from WWII and didn't have functioning economies. And you're illustrating why Trump was railing about funding- since it's not a term of the treaty, the President's bully pulpit is an obvious tool to utilize.

Germany, Italy, Spain and Belgium want to fund their social programs instead, and get cheap gas from Russia. Great deal for them, but maybe not a smart one.
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The Biden administration is "going after" people with their power and their megaphone that are saying he should step aside. That's highly democratic and moral, right?

I don't know what you need other than Trump leaving the White House to show that he did in fact leave the White House. Keep clinging to the illusion that somehow, someway Biden and the Democrats are moral paragons.

Not Trump.
Oh who killed Langfords border bill ? Who has to bend at their knee or his followers will make them pay the price . Yeah, Trump runs the party .
Oh who killed Langfords border bill ? Who has to bend at their knee or his followers will make them pay the price . Yeah, Trump runs the party .
You're all over the place Ed.

I'm just going to post this. It's a video summarizing the CBS/Yougov polls. The first three minutes are something you should watch. Have a nice day.

Ha…ok. There’s so much ridiculous shit you can point to I suppose I could “deflect” all day. If you are choosing to ignore his words and actions that’s on you.
Biden continuing his campaign is not for the American people, democracy or anything except for his ego.

I'm going to refer you back to post #204, and say again get serious dude. You're relying on the same media that has gaslit you for 5 years on Biden's mental acuity.
Congress controls the purse Ed. I know it's scary to rely on Congress to do their job, but Congress capable of doing it's job. You've gone full retard here too. Now you've jumped into a post-Trump something with the braindead comparison to the 1930s. I'm not interested in my kids fighting a war in Ukraine. I guess you're comfortable with your daughters going there. I hope they survive the war you're hungry for.

He was describing Putin's PR/political manuevering by the way. Not saying he agreed with it. It's basic false flag, self-serving justification, so I don't know why jump thinks it was savvy or whatever.

Here is Trump saying he condemns in the invasion.

Trump moved troops from Germany to Poland. I know that doesn't fit your narrative, but it's true.

OMG....where are you willing for your kids to go to war? Our grandparents and parents went to stop Hitler. NATO is there to stop a Hitler before we have to send our kids. It is money. Ukrainians are spilling their blood. All we have to do is send them arms. Seems like a better solution than 'Potentially' sending our kids to Poland to stop Russian aggression.

It "aint" braindead to think what the consequences would be. Hitler didn't start out as a full-throated dictator. He was a politician. The fertilizer for any growth is normal people not doing morally what is right. Sitting back saying "Putin is just being Putin". Hitler just being Hitler". "What is in Hitlers past would show you he was capable of killing 6 million jews". "What was in Mussolini's past "term" that showed you what he was capable of". There are people like my late MIL who was 7 when Mussolini was King and she doesn't believe what people had said he did.

The fact you are ok with our president being tight with a leader and trusts him more than our intelligence officials is telling to me. What did Carter then Reagan do when USSR went into Afghanistan? He didn't say "smart move" . Feel free to be comfortable and defend a guy who likes a guy who has 800 long range nukes pointed at us. It just isn't for me. Call me old fashion or even dumb. I am ok with that.
OMG....where are you willing for your kids to go to war? Our grandparents and parents went to stop Hitler. NATO is there to stop a Hitler before we have to send our kids. It is money. Ukrainians are spilling their blood. All we have to do is send them arms. Seems like a better solution than 'Potentially' sending our kids to Poland to stop Russian aggression.

It "aint" braindead to think what the consequences would be. Hitler didn't start out as a full-throated dictator. He was a politician. The fertilizer for any growth is normal people not doing morally what is right. Sitting back saying "Putin is just being Putin". Hitler just being Hitler". "What is in Hitlers past would show you he was capable of killing 6 million jews". "What was in Mussolini's past "term" that showed you what he was capable of". There are people like my late MIL who was 7 when Mussolini was King and she doesn't believe what people had said he did.

The fact you are ok with our president being tight with a leader and trusts him more than our intelligence officials is telling to me. What did Carter then Reagan do when USSR went into Afghanistan? He didn't say "smart move" . Feel free to be comfortable and defend a guy who likes a guy who has 800 long range nukes pointed at us. It just isn't for me. Call me old fashion or even dumb. I am ok with that.
And what are the consequences to sending weapons to Ukraine? Should Putin be believed when he talks about redlines? Did NATO cross a redline by expanding eastward? We have hundreds of nukes pointed at Putin too.

Ukraine is not a NATO member. Your Holocaust analogy is stupid, even for you. And you're OK with that.

You're projecting all kinds of stuff that I didn't say.

Curious what you think of this- Should Russia be invited into NATO? Would seem to put to rest your Putin = Hitler concerns.
What about what every other candidate has done? Leaving does not do crap. You help promote democracy and put faith in the election process, not lie about and damage it. Other than that, nothing.

What did Trump say after he lost to Ted in Iowa?
Like Hillary the great promoter of democracy and faithful defender of the election process, right? She lost because of Russian interference! That's totally why. Not because she's an extremely unlikable human being who ran a garbage campaign that was rejected by the election process.
Biden continuing his campaign is not for the American people, democracy or anything except for his ego.

I'm going to refer you back to post #204, and say again get serious dude. You're relying on the same media that has gaslit you for 5 years on Biden's mental acuity.
Biden continuing his campaign is for the same reason he ran in the first place. To keep Trump from office. If there’s an alternative who will have better odds to win, I expect that change to happen. Its increasingly likely after the shit show from the other night.

Your posts continue to insinuate I’m some Biden lover. I’m not. He’s an old man that’s obviously gone downhill and he shouldn’t be a viable candidate.

You also continue to say I’m gaslighted by the “media”. There’s video and audio proof coming directly from Trump (or his family) for everything I’ve brought up. This has nothing to do with media.
Like Hillary the great promoter of democracy and faithful defender of the election process, right? She lost because of Russian interference! That's totally why. Not because she's an extremely unlikable human being who ran a garbage campaign that was rejected by the election process.
Did she encourage people to fight like hell at the capital when she lost, or piss and moan about voter fraud that was proven to be bogus by 60+ court cases? No, she took it on the chin and conceded when it was over.
OMG....where are you willing for your kids to go to war? Our grandparents and parents went to stop Hitler. NATO is there to stop a Hitler before we have to send our kids. It is money. Ukrainians are spilling their blood. All we have to do is send them arms. Seems like a better solution than 'Potentially' sending our kids to Poland to stop Russian aggression.

It "aint" braindead to think what the consequences would be. Hitler didn't start out as a full-throated dictator. He was a politician. The fertilizer for any growth is normal people not doing morally what is right. Sitting back saying "Putin is just being Putin". Hitler just being Hitler". "What is in Hitlers past would show you he was capable of killing 6 million jews". "What was in Mussolini's past "term" that showed you what he was capable of". There are people like my late MIL who was 7 when Mussolini was King and she doesn't believe what people had said he did.

The fact you are ok with our president being tight with a leader and trusts him more than our intelligence officials is telling to me. What did Carter then Reagan do when USSR went into Afghanistan? He didn't say "smart move" . Feel free to be comfortable and defend a guy who likes a guy who has 800 long range nukes pointed at us. It just isn't for me. Call me old fashion or even dumb. I am ok with that.
I should point out in this word salad/keyboard vomit that Victor Emmanuel III was the King of Italy until 1946. Mussolini was the Prime Minister. Italy's government structure was roughly equivalent to Great Britain's at that time.
Did she encourage people to fight like hell at the capital when she lost, or piss and moan about voter fraud that was proven to be bogus by 60+ court cases? No, she took it on the chin and conceded when it was over.
And then proceeded to whine for seven years (and counting) about losing. This is like the analogy above about what shade of brown you like your shit.
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Biden continuing his campaign is for the same reason he ran in the first place. To keep Trump from office. If there’s an alternative who will have better odds to win, I expect that change to happen. Its increasingly likely after the shit show from the other night.

Your posts continue to insinuate I’m some Biden lover. I’m not. He’s an old man that’s obviously gone downhill and he shouldn’t be a viable candidate.

You also continue to say I’m gaslighted by the “media”. There’s video and audio proof coming directly from Trump (or his family) for everything I’ve brought up. This has nothing to do with media.
Biden ran three times before winning in 2020. He's not running for the American people, democracy or anything except his ego.

EDIT TO ADD- Biden is not bowing out absent a serious medical problem. If he was truly defending America from the awful, terrible, no good, very bad Trump he would ensured there was someone capable of beating Trump following in his footsteps. Biden hasn't done that, despite campaigning on being a "transitional candidate" in 2020. Plus, whoever it is you think is going to pinch hit actually has to be willing to step in. The smart move for Newsom, Whitmer or whoever is wait for 2028, especially if they really believe Trump is the existential threat to humanity as they have said. Way easier to campaign on fixing the Trump mess, then campaign on cleaning up the Biden mess.

Do you actually doubt that the same media that has gaslit you on Biden's mental acuity gaslit you on Trump? Go ahead and post your videos and audios.
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And then proceeded to whine for eight years (and counting) about losing. This is like the analogy above about what shade of brown you like your shit.
If you really want to argue who the whiniest bitch is, Hillary or Trump…oh my. I don’t like either of them, but Trump wins that one going away.
Biden ran three times before winning in 2020. He's not running for the American people, democracy or anything except his ego.

Do you actually doubt that the same media that has gaslit you on Biden's mental acuity gaslit you on Trump? Go ahead and post your videos and audios.
Yes I’m aware he ran before.

Explain to me how ESPN is gaslighting me about Biden or Trump?
If you really want to argue who the whiniest bitch is, Hillary or Trump…oh my. I don’t like either of them, but Trump wins that one going away.
OK. Hillary is a whiny bitch, to use your words. That Rubicon was crossed, it's just a matter of degree.
Yes I’m aware he ran before.

Explain to me how ESPN is gaslighting me about Biden or Trump?
ESPN is where you saw Trump in Helsinki with Putin? And what you're relying on for a news source on that topic?
Biden continuing his campaign is not for the American people, democracy or anything except for his ego.

I'm going to refer you back to post #204, and say again get serious dude. You're relying on the same media that has gaslit you for 5 years on Biden's mental acuity.

And Russia Russia Russia

And Hunters laptop

And many fine people.

And on and on.
And COVID - bleach and ultraviolet lights

And Russia Russia Russia - yup, they sure do like to talk about their funding sources! Oops!

And Hunters laptop. A. Who gives a shit he’s not in public office. B. Fine, throw him in jail if he committed crimes. Is anyone arguing otherwise (unlike Trump fan boys?)

And “many fine people”. Added quotes for you since he literally ****in said it

And on and on. There’s plenty of video and audio proof of all of it. You’re right.
OK. Hillary is a whiny bitch, to use your words. That Rubicon was crossed, it's just a matter of degree.
Had to look that one up. Rubicon. Kind of a funny term to use, but whatever. Hillary did win the popular vote, but that is irrelevant at this point.

I prefer to look at the next 4 years.

The Repugnant ones look poised to win the Senate, and probably keep the House as well. Putting Trump back in office as well is a frightening concept to me. 4 years of revenge, retribution, mindless and endless legal wild goose chases. Gutting just about everything. More tax cuts for millionaires. Gutting of the EPA, Dept of Education, etc. Wiping out any administrative officials that even smell like Democrats. Coddling of dictators Putin, Jung and the Chinese guy. Complete destruction of relationships with our European allies. Likely fall of Ukraine. Stacking the Administration with unqualified cronies. Further deterioration of Women's rights. Probably the one thing that wouldn't bother me too much would be a draconian crackdown on and shutdown of the border. And just a lot of hate and continued vitriol for the next 4 years. I would bet that there are a lot of Repugnant ones on Capitol Hill that would breathe a sigh of relief if he loses.

If Biden wins? With Trump out of the way (we can only hope), a possibility to bring back some civility and possible bipartisanship to address the many issues of the US. Starting with further Border fixes. Of which the bipartisan bill that was deep-sixed due to Trump's influence would have been a good start. That legislation WAS supported by the Border Patrol Union. An even-handed foreign policy. Is Biden kind of losing it? Yeah, but he's not THAT bad mentally. And younger than 14 members of Congress. Soon to be 12 when Feinstein and Napolitano retire in the fall. Now there is a whole 'nother discussion.

So to me it is a stark difference. And an obvious choice. You cannot tell me that Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Boebert, Josh Hawley, Paul Gosar, Kari Lake and their ilk are good for this country. And yes I can say the same for the Squad on the other side.
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Here loyal.

What Trump really said:

His ‘many fine people’ quote was in reference to the two sides that were involved in taking down the statue of Robert E Lee

Trump specifically disavowed and condemned white supremacists and neo nazis

Your many fine media folks left that sound bite out.

“Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”
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Barry's third term, Biden's first term. Take your pick.

The TDS is strong in this one. Biden is responsible for his presidency. He's 3.5 years in. Ukraine happened one year in. Newsflash- Putin didn't take six years (following the annexation of Crimea) to prepare that invasion. October 7 happened almost three years in. Biden should have been roundly criticized for trying to blame Trump during the debate, but Joe struggled to put a sentence together.

If Trump wins the election, that is democracy in action not the lack of it. He would not have another term, so it would be interesting to see what (if anything) he really does. Use the dictionary if you don't know what democracy means.

And of course you have to the play the race card, and in doing so prove yourself to be the racist. According to Flatland Blacks and Hispanics should not have the right to choose how they vote, and shouldn't get tired of empty promises and total lack of follow through from the Democrats. They should just do what they're told by the Democratic party, right?
Biden said it best when he was on Charlemagne Tha God's show, "if don't know whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black!".... Such great unifying message!
Had to look that one up. Rubicon. Kind of a funny term to use, but whatever. Hillary did win the popular vote, but that is irrelevant at this point.

I prefer to look at the next 4 years.

The Repugnant ones look poised to win the Senate, and probably keep the House as well. Putting Trump back in office as well is a frightening concept to me. 4 years of revenge, retribution, mindless and endless legal wild goose chases. Gutting just about everything. More tax cuts for millionaires. Gutting of the EPA, Dept of Education, etc. Wiping out any administrative officials that even smell like Democrats. Coddling of dictators Putin, Jung and the Chinese guy. Complete destruction of relationships with our European allies. Likely fall of Ukraine. Stacking the Administration with unqualified cronies. Further deterioration of Women's rights. Probably the one thing that wouldn't bother me too much would be a draconian crackdown on and shutdown of the border. And just a lot of hate and continued vitriol for the next 4 years. I would bet that there are a lot of Repugnant ones on Capitol Hill that would breathe a sigh of relief if he loses.

If Biden wins? With Trump out of the way (we can only hope), a possibility to bring back some civility and possible bipartisanship to address the many issues of the US. Starting with further Border fixes. Of which the bipartisan bill that was deep-sixed due to Trump's influence would have been a good start. That legislation WAS supported by the Border Patrol Union. An even-handed foreign policy. Is Biden kind of losing it? Yeah, but he's not THAT bad mentally. And younger than 14 members of Congress. Soon to be 12 when Feinstein and Napolitano retire in the fall. Now there is a whole 'nother discussion.

So to me it is a stark difference. And an obvious choice. You cannot tell me that Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Boebert, Josh Hawley, Paul Gosar, Kari Lake and their ilk are good for this country. And yes I can say the same for the Squad on the other side.
You don't know what the idiom "Crossing the Rubicon" means and had to look it up? Wow.

And dude, Feinstein is dead.

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