You sure about steaming ? That may be an smidge over the top .To add what Ed said, he would constantly reference our "poor dead mommy". What kind of loon does that?
Just as bad, there were several posters who verbally said that there was nothing wrong with that. So you can see why we would not want personal info getting out on this board.
He would also constantly reference bukakis(if you don't know what that is, look it up) and blow up dolls.
Shows you where his thoughts often dwell.
The scary part was is this guy is a teacher in the public school system. That someone like that is around kids is a scary prospect.
So when I found out who he is, I decided to bully the bully. I doxed him since he enjoys playing that game.
He slithered under his rock from which he came after that day and hasn't appeared least under Yaki.
So in summary, he is a big steaming pile of shit.
And his actions was very jerry springer like. It was a preview of what our public discourse would become .