By way of analogy, my father was a high school teacher. He knew EVERYTHING that was going on with his students.
I attended the same school as where he taught. I recall coming home one time and he directly asked me if I was going to the keggar that night out on such and such road....
I was little miffed that he knew about the keggar and I didn't.
Coaches know.
Yeah they do. During the football season in high school we had a Thursday off so I was out Wednesday night. Practice the next day because school was out was earlier in the day than normal. My DB coach comes over to me and says “so what cheerleaders were you with when you T Peed your teammates house last night “. It wasnt even 12 hours since we had T Peed my friend and teammates house. They know everything and turn their head when they don’t want to know.
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