Here is how it affects you, me, all of us ED.
It keeps spiraling out of control until there are literally NAZI like thought police people who quite literally legally thought, speech police what people say, think, and where if you say something you get a official notice to cease and desist, and that if you don't, you will, can be FIRED, SUED, JAILED, ETC, ALL because you said something that was politically incorrect.
Don't think it can get that bad Ed?
That's what pre WW2 Nazi Germany thought too, before the LIBERAL NAZI 3RD REICH regime gained political power in Germany.
Also Ed, if you are in the NAVY and say something POLITICALLY INCORRECT, and refuse to stop saying it, you can be COURT MARTIALED, DISCIPLINED ED.
How does that affect the Readyness, competency of the NAVY Ed?
That theoretically Ed, could theoretically cause the NAVY to fail in defending the USA.
Not saying that would happen, BUT IF it did happen, THAT WOULD AFFECT ALL OF US ED.
IF you don't see how this PC could get out of control, and hurt everyone, and harm everyone, and hurt our country, and cause our country to go down the drain, Ed, then you are very NAIVE Ed.