Off-topic again - OMG Mich. State

This PC crap is getting out of hand.... I am tired of hearing about the fragile and weak willed youth of our society. We are cultivating a generation of kids who do nothing but cry about how offended they are about everything.
Holy ****ing Easter Bunny shit!!!! If this stuff keeps spreading our country will be lost. This is absolutely over-the-top ridiculous. I would like just one of those PC cultists to point out where in the Constitution, Bill Of Rights, or any other U.S. law where it says that someone has the right to never be offended. Hell, I get offended every time I hear about another bunch of pussies that are getting their panties in a bunch about some piddley little thing. So why don't I have the right to tell them not to do what they are doing?

I just hope that I don't see a pile of this coming out of WSU, they need to stand up and push back aginst this kind of crap. What ever happened to having a spirited debate, to exposing yourself to alternative points of view? WTF, what ever happened to just using accurate terms to describe something? Is that soon going to be classified as a hate crime, with the FBI doing pre-dawn raids on those of use that don't go along with their pansy ass power trips?

They day that WSU starts pushing crap like this is the day I send notice to the respective heads of the university and the departments telling them that I am removing the Athletic Department, Construction Mgmt program, and the Floyd School of Medicine as the beneficiaries of my 401k. I will no longer support a school that goes down that PC Road to Ruin, and I will try to spread the word and get many others to do the same thing.

So there! Now get the Hell off my lawn!!!
Holy ****ing Easter Bunny shit!!!! If this stuff keeps spreading our country will be lost. This is absolutely over-the-top ridiculous. I would like just one of those PC cultists to point out where in the Constitution, Bill Of Rights, or any other U.S. law where it says that someone has the right to never be offended. Hell, I get offended every time I hear about another bunch of pussies that are getting their panties in a bunch about some piddley little thing. So why don't I have the right to tell them not to do what they are doing?

I just hope that I don't see a pile of this coming out of WSU, they need to stand up and push back aginst this kind of crap. What ever happened to having a spirited debate, to exposing yourself to alternative points of view? WTF, what ever happened to just using accurate terms to describe something? Is that soon going to be classified as a hate crime, with the FBI doing pre-dawn raids on those of use that don't go along with their pansy ass power trips?

They day that WSU starts pushing crap like this is the day I send notice to the respective heads of the university and the departments telling them that I am removing the Athletic Department, Construction Mgmt program, and the Floyd School of Medicine as the beneficiaries of my 401k. I will no longer support a school that goes down that PC Road to Ruin, and I will try to spread the word and get many others to do the same thing.

So there! Now get the Hell off my lawn!!!
Dude, they already have.

Just lay back and enjoy it.
This PC crap is getting out of hand.... I am tired of hearing about the fragile and weak willed youth of our society. We are cultivating a generation of kids who do nothing but cry about how offended they are about everything.
Unfortunately there are snow flakes on both sides … who think kids and even college kids are fragile and weak.
Unfortunately there are snow flakes on both sides … who think kids and even college kids are fragile and weak.
So you're saying if I think kids and even college kids are fragile and weak, I'm a snowflake?

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There are some upsides to how far this has spiraled. For instance, I’m just personally praying the California reparations plan goes through because I have a stack of cash ready to be invested in a few companies should it pass. 5 million one time payment plus 97k guaranteed annual income. I can just see my portfolio with an exponential green line.
There are some upsides to how far this has spiraled. For instance, I’m just personally praying the California reparations plan goes through because I have a stack of cash ready to be invested in a few companies should it pass. 5 million one time payment plus 97k guaranteed annual income. I can just see my portfolio with an exponential green line.
The state tax on reparation income in California will be 97%.

It's all a feel good scam.
I offended and triggered by MSU's cultural appropriation of the Ojibwa word for large lake, in its name. How insensitive can you be? Please hereonafter refer to the culturally insensitive university as East Lansing State Univ. These poor people were (trigger warning) ethnically cleansed from the area, and the university is clearly indifferent to this fact. Oh the shame!
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Holy ****ing Easter Bunny shit!!!! If this stuff keeps spreading our country will be lost. This is absolutely over-the-top ridiculous. I would like just one of those PC cultists to point out where in the Constitution, Bill Of Rights, or any other U.S. law where it says that someone has the right to never be offended. Hell, I get offended every time I hear about another bunch of pussies that are getting their panties in a bunch about some piddley little thing. So why don't I have the right to tell them not to do what they are doing?

I just hope that I don't see a pile of this coming out of WSU, they need to stand up and push back aginst this kind of crap. What ever happened to having a spirited debate, to exposing yourself to alternative points of view? WTF, what ever happened to just using accurate terms to describe something? Is that soon going to be classified as a hate crime, with the FBI doing pre-dawn raids on those of use that don't go along with their pansy ass power trips?

They day that WSU starts pushing crap like this is the day I send notice to the respective heads of the university and the departments telling them that I am removing the Athletic Department, Construction Mgmt program, and the Floyd School of Medicine as the beneficiaries of my 401k. I will no longer support a school that goes down that PC Road to Ruin, and I will try to spread the word and get many others to do the same thing.

So there! Now get the Hell off my lawn!!!
Stretch,,,,you truly believe this is how are country will be lost? I personally think people who are suppodely news people spread false lies about an election and undermine our system for their profit create a bigger risk. Ingraham, Hannity, Murdoch and Tucker all testified under oath that they didn't believe what they said. There are texts Dominion has where Tucker calls Powell nuts, and he hates Trump. Murdoch said he did it for money.

I could be inaccurate but just stating what they Fox news folks said in court.

Since you do like a spirited debate, not looking for a debate but an honest answer. And I think you are capable of giving me one. I have yet to hear it articulated even by family member where I can understand it.

I get how silly and how over the top the wokeness is in modern day society. I get that. And Bill Maher rails against it cause it does affect his business of comedy. But how does this silliness really affect you personaly, other than your senses? Does it keep you from getting a job, keeping a job, buying a house or car. Does it prevent you from living in a neighborhood? I have always wondered what the true effects on you, me, my brother other than offending us. ?
I just can't believe this shit. Way, way over the top. Higher Ed has gotten so f-ed up. Just hard to believe that Michigan would put up with this BS. I mean Trump won the state in 2016 and was competitive in 2020 (footnote - I hate Trump). So it's not like we are talking Oregon or The People's Republic of Washington.
Stretch,,,,you truly believe this is how are country will be lost? I personally think people who are suppodely news people spread false lies about an election and undermine our system for their profit create a bigger risk. Ingraham, Hannity, Murdoch and Tucker all testified under oath that they didn't believe what they said. There are texts Dominion has where Tucker calls Powell nuts, and he hates Trump. Murdoch said he did it for money.

I could be inaccurate but just stating what they Fox news folks said in court.

Since you do like a spirited debate, not looking for a debate but an honest answer. And I think you are capable of giving me one. I have yet to hear it articulated even by family member where I can understand it.

I get how silly and how over the top the wokeness is in modern day society. I get that. And Bill Maher rails against it cause it does affect his business of comedy. But how does this silliness really affect you personaly, other than your senses? Does it keep you from getting a job, keeping a job, buying a house or car. Does it prevent you from living in a neighborhood? I have always wondered what the true effects on you, me, my brother other than offending us. ?
Yes wokeness and/or the related "get offended over anything" can stop you from keeping a job. I know that from personal experience.

That said, I agree that the POS's like Tucker Carlson are a worse blight on America.
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How is there a position on campus that dreams this horse shit up?
Yes, and there is a whole "science" of diversity, equity and inclusion that corporations must follow as well.

Can't have a Christmas party, "holiday party" is more appropriate, or "annual party" or "thank you celebration"... that's better.

Be mindful of celebrating birthdays. Many "team members" don't celebrate them and take offense to that.

If you are going to have any kind of company lunch or potluck, be mindful of food allergies. Vegans, nut allergy, etc. people will feel "left out" and "unheard" that they can't eat the sandwiches which have turkey in them.

The non-sense goes on and on and eventually you just give up and celebrate nothing.
Yes, and there is a whole "science" of diversity, equity and inclusion that corporations must follow as well.

Can't have a Christmas party, "holiday party" is more appropriate, or "annual party" or "thank you celebration"... that's better.

Be mindful of celebrating birthdays. Many "team members" don't celebrate them and take offense to that.

If you are going to have any kind of company lunch or potluck, be mindful of food allergies. Vegans, nut allergy, etc. people will feel "left out" and "unheard" that they can't eat the sandwiches which have turkey in them.

The non-sense goes on and on and eventually you just give up and celebrate nothing.

Tell them to f’ck off. It is insanity.
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This is f-ing crazy stuff. Don't say Christmas tree, bunny or America because they might be offensive? To who?


And it's not just only Michigan St and other colleges like USC mentioned in article.

According to the linked article, the OFFICIAL US NAVY has a OFFICIAL, SIMILAR guide to Michigan St, with the same type of words BANNED, forbidden, etc.

And they are probably going to COURT MARTIAL any NAVY personnel, who don't comply, and who say BANNED words.

And of course that will INTERFERE with the COMPETANCY of the NAVY.

Also the AP style book is now that INSANELY BAT SHET CRAZY.

The 1997 AP stylebook, and the 2001 AP style book wasn't even semi close to being close to the INSANE AP SHET STYLE BOOK now.
Stretch,,,,you truly believe this is how are country will be lost? I personally think people who are suppodely news people spread false lies about an election and undermine our system for their profit create a bigger risk. Ingraham, Hannity, Murdoch and Tucker all testified under oath that they didn't believe what they said. There are texts Dominion has where Tucker calls Powell nuts, and he hates Trump. Murdoch said he did it for money.

I could be inaccurate but just stating what they Fox news folks said in court.

Since you do like a spirited debate, not looking for a debate but an honest answer. And I think you are capable of giving me one. I have yet to hear it articulated even by family member where I can understand it.

I get how silly and how over the top the wokeness is in modern day society. I get that. And Bill Maher rails against it cause it does affect his business of comedy. But how does this silliness really affect you personaly, other than your senses? Does it keep you from getting a job, keeping a job, buying a house or car. Does it prevent you from living in a neighborhood? I have always wondered what the true effects on you, me, my brother other than offending us. ?

Here is how it affects you, me, all of us ED.

It keeps spiraling out of control until there are literally NAZI like thought police people who quite literally legally thought, speech police what people say, think, and where if you say something you get a official notice to cease and desist, and that if you don't, you will, can be FIRED, SUED, JAILED, ETC, ALL because you said something that was politically incorrect.

Don't think it can get that bad Ed?

That's what pre WW2 Nazi Germany thought too, before the LIBERAL NAZI 3RD REICH regime gained political power in Germany.

Also Ed, if you are in the NAVY and say something POLITICALLY INCORRECT, and refuse to stop saying it, you can be COURT MARTIALED, DISCIPLINED ED.

How does that affect the Readyness, competency of the NAVY Ed?

That theoretically Ed, could theoretically cause the NAVY to fail in defending the USA.

Not saying that would happen, BUT IF it did happen, THAT WOULD AFFECT ALL OF US ED.

IF you don't see how this PC could get out of control, and hurt everyone, and harm everyone, and hurt our country, and cause our country to go down the drain, Ed, then you are very NAIVE Ed.
Need to go back to the basics:

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.

Then build from there.
Here is how it affects you, me, all of us ED.

It keeps spiraling out of control until there are literally NAZI like thought police people who quite literally legally thought, speech police what people say, think, and where if you say something you get a official notice to cease and desist, and that if you don't, you will, can be FIRED, SUED, JAILED, ETC, ALL because you said something that was politically incorrect.

Don't think it can get that bad Ed?

That's what pre WW2 Nazi Germany thought too, before the LIBERAL NAZI 3RD REICH regime gained political power in Germany.

Also Ed, if you are in the NAVY and say something POLITICALLY INCORRECT, and refuse to stop saying it, you can be COURT MARTIALED, DISCIPLINED ED.

How does that affect the Readyness, competency of the NAVY Ed?

That theoretically Ed, could theoretically cause the NAVY to fail in defending the USA.

Not saying that would happen, BUT IF it did happen, THAT WOULD AFFECT ALL OF US ED.

IF you don't see how this PC could get out of control, and hurt everyone, and harm everyone, and hurt our country, and cause our country to go down the drain, Ed, then you are very NAIVE Ed.
There is no legislation by MSU. They put it into a manual. Don't get me wrong, I think it is stupid to do such. Are there penalties associated with saying Christmas tree?

Let me ask you this...since you used the Navy as an example. What if the Navy found out in the early 1040's that the decoder that decoded the Japanese plans on Midway (which changed the war) was gay and kicked he or she out for being gay. And because they did they never decoded that message. Is our readiness compromised?

I think you may have swung and missed on that one.

Bill Maher gave me an example. He said comedy is hurt by it. I see that.
Yes wokeness and/or the related "get offended over anything" can stop you from keeping a job. I know that from personal experience.

That said, I agree that the POS's like Tucker Carlson are a worse blight on America.
Did you know your behavior or actions would be considered offensive? Or did that just come out of the blue.?
The state tax on reparation income in California will be 97%.

It's all a feel good scam.

I hope Sna Fransisco goes through with the reparations payouts. This would be fun to watch.

If the payout is high enough I may just have to move there and say I identify as a black person. Why not? Ed?
There is no legislation by MSU. They put it into a manual. Don't get me wrong, I think it is stupid to do such. Are there penalties associated with saying Christmas tree?

Let me ask you this...since you used the Navy as an example. What if the Navy found out in the early 1040's that the decoder that decoded the Japanese plans on Midway (which changed the war) was gay and kicked he or she out for being gay. And because they did they never decoded that message. Is our readiness compromised?

I think you may have swung and missed on that one.

Bill Maher gave me an example. He said comedy is hurt by it. I see that.
Its defacto legislation, but you knew that.

Because it's now in writing, someone can file a formal complaint saying that someone else was not adhering to MSU guidelines, and thus some sort of corrective action would be warranted.
This is more of an issue with media outlets looking for a social reaction than anything else. Yes, it’s silly that’s colleges put this into committee review, but had it not been broadcast, nobody would have known about it.

I believe 15 States still have active sodomy laws banning oral and anal sex. Raise your hand if you’re in compliance.
This is more of an issue with media outlets looking for a social reaction than anything else. Yes, it’s silly that’s colleges put this into committee review, but had it not been broadcast, nobody would have known about it.

I believe 15 States still have active sodomy laws banning oral and anal sex. Raise your hand if you’re in compliance.

There are still counties in Kansas that have pretty restrictive liquor laws. When I moved here in the 90's, there were places where you couldn't buy a drink unless you were a member in a private club.
I hope Sna Fransisco goes through with the reparations payouts. This would be fun to watch.

If the payout is high enough I may just have to move there and say I identify as a black person. Why not? Ed?
Man....How did that happen to me...Ed? You can feel free to do what you would like to do.

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