I want to lead with the fact that I agree with you that there are times where the desire to accommodate transgender people can be unfair to the general population in ways that need to be re-evaluated. The whole discussion around pronouns could have been reasonable but instead it morphed into a dogmatic persecution of people who aren't biased...they just don't care about the discussion at all. And the transgender sports issue is a huge problem that creates an inequity against women that shouldn't even be a discussion.
So, I'm not in complete opposition to some of your thinking.
However, the whole "mental illness" part of your opinion is founded on outdated and ignorant thinking. Hell, if you feel that way, you likely feel that gay people also have a mental illness. It can quickly turn into anyone who doesn't think and feel the way that you do is mentally ill. Now that I think about it, back in the "good old days", they used to try to beat left handed people in schools to teach them to let go of their mental illness that kept them from being "normal". At the end of the Medieval period, left handed people were executed for the crime of using the wrong hand. Biology is a crazy thing and dismissing someone that is different as "mentally ill" is lazy and unethical.
We as a society need to find a balance between treating others with respect while also respecting everyone else's feelings. It doesn't need to be a zero sum game but too many people try to make it one.
Your wrong in your wrong opinion, the SCIENTIFIC FACTS are against you in regards to the mental illness of Transgenders.
There are 3 types of Transgenders. 1. Are those who have the MENTAL ILLNESS of, called GENDER DYSPHORIA, by the medical, science, pyschological experts, community.
Gender Dysphoria is where a person PRETENDS or BELIEVES they are the OPPOSITE biological gender, sex then the biological, gender, sex, they were born with. AKA if they were born with a penis, and no vagina, a male, etc, they ERRONEOUSLY believe they are a female, etc. Or if they were born with a Vagina, female, no penis, etc, they ERRONEOUSLY believe they are Male, etc.
2. The 2nd type of Transgender, which is extremely rare, are those people born with either both a penis, vagina, male, female, or equal amount of Estrogen, Testosterone, and male and female chromosomes, etc.
3. The 3rd type of Transgenders are those who like to cross dress, pretend, AKA Drag queens, etc.
Gender Dysphoria, and the Drag queen or pretender type of Transgenders are about 99% of Transgenders.
In that sense, way Transgenders are NOT like gays, same sex attraction whether either born that way, etc.
Most Transgenders are like the Transgender Friend I know, where he came out as gay. He liked crossdressing as a dragqueen. And 13 years after coming out as gay, he came out as Transgender.
Now if Transgenders either believe or pretend, think that they are opposite gender then what they are born with, that's fine if they IDENTIFY as that. They should be loved, treated with respect, etc.
But they shouldn't try to force people to participate in their FANTASY, DELUSION, ETC. AKA they shouldn't force people to call them a SHE, when they ARE a HE, and Male Transgenders with penis's should not play title 9 sports against females, and should not use the bathrooms, lockerooms of females for health, safety, female RIGHTS reasons.
It's also a SLIPPERY SLOPE, as where is the CRAZYNESS going to stop. If someone IDENTIFIES as a HORSE, are we going to have to cater to them the same kind of way that almost have to cater to Transgenders?
Transgender, or Gender Dysphoria, or IDENTIFYING or saying I IDENTIFY, etc, as the opposite gender then what born with, is a MENTAL HEALTH DISORDER, ILLNESS, and nothing like being gay, same sex attraction, except for that both gay and transgenders are sometimes wrongly discrimminated against.
And nothing you say or think will change that.
You can call a blue sky red all you want, and it would still be a blue sky, not red.
FACTS ARE FACTS, and do not change because you disagree, etc.