Mik...you know this how? You read it?
You know parents in Loudon County had a big meeting about CRT at a public school board meeting with future governor Youngkin.
Outside the meeting were kids who attended the schools in question. You know what they said? I don't know what the big deal is, they don't teach CRT at our schools.
There is a fantastic history teacher, retired history teacher, that comes around on this board infrequently. And I will tell you I have gone to his school to speak, I have gone to watch him teach. And I can tell you he is the best teacher I have ever seen. For me he is a great reference what is part of the teachings in school, our schools in the puget sound area.
My kids and their classmates are a great reference as well. They have seemed to made it past what you are calling an indoctrination.
Maybe we just got lucky.
And someone who thinks there is worked to be done in hat you are referring to...I think systemic racism....I will tell you reparations will never be paid. Ever.
It may be a great sound bite for some people, but it is never going to happen. If I gave up my house, and everyone in my neighborhood followed my lead, that solves nothing.
Ed in the same school board meetings you refer to, there is LIVE video footage of those meetings all over TV news, credible Internet news outlets, etc, that have gone VIRAL, where the parents brought specific PROOF examples, that would have stood up in a court of law. Also there was a BLACK FATHER, whose kids said that they were being taught CRT, and whose BLACK Father said that they were teaching his kids CRT, teaching them that they are SLAVES, VICTIMS, and then said to the School Board that "I AM NOT A VICTIM, SLAVE, AND NEITHER ARE MY KIDS".
Ed you say that kids said that they were not taught CRT. Ed they were probably the children of liberals or maybe even the children of school board leaders or they don't understand what CRT is, as many INCORRECTLY think that CRT is Black History, instead of how CRT teaches that ALL BLACKS are CURRENTLY and forever in future are and will remain, be, etc, VICTIMS, SLAVES, and that ALL WHITES are EVIL PRIVILEDGED SLAVE MASTERS.
In any case I'm am going to go by the BLACK FATHER and his children, what they said.
Also Ed that same school board and it's leadership:
Is the same school board that covered up the rape of a girl that was raped by a biological boy with a penis who walked into the bathroom, saying he was transgender, and then raped a girl. They still haven't done anything about it.
And when the Father showed up at the school board meetings, and used his time at the podium to talk about how his daughter was raped, they the school board leaders had him arrested and called him a domestic terrorist.
Also Ed, it's about 73% to 93% of the PARENTS in the Loudon, county school board school district that are saying CRT is being taught, covering up the rape, wrongly letting penis's into female locker rooms, bathrooms, etc.
The school board leadership, and their FEW parental supporters are in the WRONG MINORITY.
Then the school board leadership had the GALL to pay for(Probably with public money) Bulletin Board Signs, AD's that said "STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THINGS LIKE CRT, TRANSGENDERS IN BATHROOMS, ETC, TO SCHOOL BOARDS AND BEING DOMESTIC TERRORIST, ETC, WE KNOW BETTER THEN YOU"
That whole school board leadership and their few supporters are in the minority, are wrong, are A HOLE ASSHATS, ARE ASSBACKWARDS, CRAZY.
There isn't enough negative adjectives to describe how BAD they are.
I feel sorry for the parents and their kids, but that's a example of what happens when the batshit crazy but vocal minority is vocal thru voting and the apathetic normal majority does nothing.