Off-topic again - OMG Mich. State

What school district was this? Link please to the story(s).

Never mind, I found it. Florida. Go figure again.

Both books have since been approved back in school use. As of this year, 2023, I believe.

Not sure why they were banned in the first place.

Edit....looks like they were never even banned. They just went into a review status 2 months ago along with a bunch other books, and these 2 books were determined to be fine for school use about a month ago.
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Both books have since been approved back in school use. As of this year, 2023, I believe.

Not sure why they were banned in the first place.
New law with on-the-ground implementation by local school officials. I'm guessing local school officials in Florida may not always be rocket scientists or learned jurists. Then the local determination was changed upon review. It's a lot like instant replay. This is just opponents looking for whatever they could to try to promote outrage among the uninformed and dimwitted. "Yeah, this whole law should be shitcanned because one school district out of hundreds banned two books about black baseball players, which was overturned."
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I guess where I struggle there are more kids who have been killed in the last year by gun fire at schools than there are trans kids in school where we worry about their pronouns. But it is the trans question of say 500 kids that are out in the US, less than 100 play in sports in the US, that is roughly two per state.

And I do know this. in 2000 I firmly believe gay rights and gay marriage is what tipped the scale with Bush and Gore. Bush and Cheney made it a huge campaign issue, and the gay community di as well, forcing Gore's hand. You know what happened? Our society hasn't crumbled because of these "degenerates? If the gay rights people in 2000 just allowed time they have seen their rights change.

I wasn't even talking about gay rights or trans rights in my post.

Big difference between the sexualization of children and gay and trans rights.

New law with on-the-ground implementation by local school officials. I'm guessing local school officials in Florida may not always be rocket scientists or learned jurists. Then the local determination was changed upon review. It's a lot like instant replay. This is just opponents looking for whatever they could to try to promote outrage among the uninformed and dimwitted.
Not outraged...simply pointing out how the governor and people below him are attempting not to trust kids and their ability to determine on their own what meets their moral and personal compass.

The fact we are attempting to ban or remove and review books that have been around for forty years because it references a black experience. And that is how you make snow flakes...
Not outraged...simply pointing out how the governor and people below him are attempting not to trust kids and their ability to determine on their own what meets their moral and personal compass.

The fact we are attempting to ban or remove and review books that have been around for forty years because it references a black experience. And that is how you make snow flakes...
That's where many will disagree with you, Ed. Some snowflakes come from inculcation of their status as a powerless victim in a society characterized by leftist scholars as racist and oppressive, with no consideration of the flip side, especially when many of them have absentee parents and teachers in a position of authority promoting these and other agendas. It's not about being unable to hear a hard fact or recitation of experiences that some might rather forget, as a snowflake might do. It's about not wanting kids in taxpayer-funded public schools getting social and political agendas, as opposed to facts and stories of personally going through racism, slavery and other abhorrent things, many uncomfortable and inclusive of the vast majority of the predecessor syllabus, which remain in the curriculum. They cut things like CRT, black feminism and queer theory, etc. Anyway, I'm done with this game-playing. You'll likely next hear from me after I've forgotten what it's like trying to have a rational discussion with you.
And here is Drag Summer Camp. Only $460 for children ages 7-11.

There is definitely an assault and sexualization of the children going on in Canada as well as here. I could post a lot more instances of this crap but I want to be able to digest my lunch.

What a f’ing scummer thing to have. Parents sending their kids to this should have their children taken away. Those putting this on should be led away in handcuffs.

This is grooming for pedophilia.
That's where many will disagree with you, Ed. Some snowflakes come from inculcation of their status as a powerless victim in a society characterized by leftist scholars as racist and oppressive, with no consideration of the flip side, especially when many of them have absentee parents and teachers in a position of authority promoting these and other agendas. It's not about being unable to hear a hard fact or recitation of experiences that some might rather forget, as a snowflake might do. It's about not wanting kids in taxpayer-funded public schools getting social and political agendas, as opposed to facts and stories of personally going through racism, slavery and other abhorrent things, many uncomfortable and inclusive of the vast majority of the predecessor syllabus, which remain in the curriculum. They cut things like CRT, black feminism and queer theory, etc. Anyway, I'm done with this game-playing. You'll likely next hear from me after I've forgotten what it's like trying to have a rational discussion with you.
425....I guess I am struggling what is irrational about my position. You live near me I think. If 425 indicates where you live, you are in a Snohomish County, Bellevue, Kirkland school district.

Do you have any kids in Edmonds, Lake Washington Bellevue etc school districts where they have been indoctrinated? I know many parents from the surrounding schools I mentioned. I now kids from those schools as well because of connections in AAU. Not one parent has have any idea what they are teaching at Lake Washington High? Nor have I heard at Snohomish High they are teaching "queer theory". Now maybe my life experiences are simply different. I do know several people who have posted have different life experiences and different reference points than I. And one history class indoctrinates a kid?

And I agree with your tax funded public school comment. I don't want my tax dollars to go to some dip sh!t who would even temporarily remove a book about the great Roberto Clemente or the story of Rosa Parks.

Who is playing a game? Sorry I don't agree with all the stuff you put forth. know this how? You read it?

You know parents in Loudon County had a big meeting about CRT at a public school board meeting with future governor Youngkin.

Outside the meeting were kids who attended the schools in question. You know what they said? I don't know what the big deal is, they don't teach CRT at our schools.

There is a fantastic history teacher, retired history teacher, that comes around on this board infrequently. And I will tell you I have gone to his school to speak, I have gone to watch him teach. And I can tell you he is the best teacher I have ever seen. For me he is a great reference what is part of the teachings in school, our schools in the puget sound area.

My kids and their classmates are a great reference as well. They have seemed to made it past what you are calling an indoctrination.

Maybe we just got lucky.

And someone who thinks there is worked to be done in hat you are referring to...I think systemic racism....I will tell you reparations will never be paid. Ever.

It may be a great sound bite for some people, but it is never going to happen. If I gave up my house, and everyone in my neighborhood followed my lead, that solves nothing.

Ed in the same school board meetings you refer to, there is LIVE video footage of those meetings all over TV news, credible Internet news outlets, etc, that have gone VIRAL, where the parents brought specific PROOF examples, that would have stood up in a court of law. Also there was a BLACK FATHER, whose kids said that they were being taught CRT, and whose BLACK Father said that they were teaching his kids CRT, teaching them that they are SLAVES, VICTIMS, and then said to the School Board that "I AM NOT A VICTIM, SLAVE, AND NEITHER ARE MY KIDS".

Ed you say that kids said that they were not taught CRT. Ed they were probably the children of liberals or maybe even the children of school board leaders or they don't understand what CRT is, as many INCORRECTLY think that CRT is Black History, instead of how CRT teaches that ALL BLACKS are CURRENTLY and forever in future are and will remain, be, etc, VICTIMS, SLAVES, and that ALL WHITES are EVIL PRIVILEDGED SLAVE MASTERS.

In any case I'm am going to go by the BLACK FATHER and his children, what they said.

Also Ed that same school board and it's leadership:

Is the same school board that covered up the rape of a girl that was raped by a biological boy with a penis who walked into the bathroom, saying he was transgender, and then raped a girl. They still haven't done anything about it.

And when the Father showed up at the school board meetings, and used his time at the podium to talk about how his daughter was raped, they the school board leaders had him arrested and called him a domestic terrorist.

Also Ed, it's about 73% to 93% of the PARENTS in the Loudon, county school board school district that are saying CRT is being taught, covering up the rape, wrongly letting penis's into female locker rooms, bathrooms, etc.

The school board leadership, and their FEW parental supporters are in the WRONG MINORITY.

Then the school board leadership had the GALL to pay for(Probably with public money) Bulletin Board Signs, AD's that said "STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THINGS LIKE CRT, TRANSGENDERS IN BATHROOMS, ETC, TO SCHOOL BOARDS AND BEING DOMESTIC TERRORIST, ETC, WE KNOW BETTER THEN YOU"

That whole school board leadership and their few supporters are in the minority, are wrong, are A HOLE ASSHATS, ARE ASSBACKWARDS, CRAZY.

There isn't enough negative adjectives to describe how BAD they are.

I feel sorry for the parents and their kids, but that's a example of what happens when the batshit crazy but vocal minority is vocal thru voting and the apathetic normal majority does nothing.
Well 425 you simply made my point. One, the class was optional. Just like philosophy was optional for me in college. There was nothing "factual" in it, yet it wasn't legislated out of the college curriculum.

Pulling Hank Aaron's and Roberto Clemente's books off the shelf? Why? We want to shield our kids about their stories and struggle cause it might make them uncomfortable? That is the text book definition of making our kids soft. Shield them from a truth, or what Hank Aaron and Clemente went through.

Did they pull the books of Micky Mantle and Pete Roe off the shelves? That can tell kids they can gamble and make money on sports.

Rosa Parks being pulled off the shelf?

Are you wanting to not teach the kids the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor because our kids will bully kids that are of Japanese descent? Or that the Germans turned their heads when Hitler was in power and now we might make a divide between kids at school?

All I can do is observe the world that is around me, and the kids that are around my kids. I remember my oldest was down in an AAU tourney called End of the Trails. And there was a kid from a Portland team that could have been a dude. You know what the team did? Strapped on their shoes and played. Years later I asked both my girls what happens if you played against a trans kid. "Dad we play against who we play against. That is their business and their struggle."

Kids today don't see stuff as the older generations do. I remember going to a AAU tourney for my younger daughter, she was a junior in high school. One of her AAU teammates introduced me to someone that came to watch her play. Her teammate says this is my girlfriend. At first I was thinking it was a friend that was a female, then I asked my daughter later, is that her girlfriend girlfriend, like a partner? "Yes dad, what's the big deal". I had to tell her no one in my era came out in the high school.

Parents have every right to have their kids read what they want them to read and learn what they want them to learn. But the problem in doing so they are only sheltering them for so long and making them soft in doing so...or snowflakes was the term that is being tossed around here.

Ed nobody is banning or pulling Rosa Parks off the Shelf. Again you are being disingenuous, silly.

And 96% of society except for the White Supremacist, Neo Nazi MINORITY, is NOT against Rosa Parks
Ed in the same school board meetings you refer to, there is LIVE video footage of those meetings all over TV news, credible Internet news outlets, etc, that have gone VIRAL, where the parents brought specific PROOF examples, that would have stood up in a court of law. Also there was a BLACK FATHER, whose kids said that they were being taught CRT, and whose BLACK Father said that they were teaching his kids CRT, teaching them that they are SLAVES, VICTIMS, and then said to the School Board that "I AM NOT A VICTIM, SLAVE, AND NEITHER ARE MY KIDS".

Ed you say that kids said that they were not taught CRT. Ed they were probably the children of liberals or maybe even the children of school board leaders or they don't understand what CRT is, as many INCORRECTLY think that CRT is Black History, instead of how CRT teaches that ALL BLACKS are CURRENTLY and forever in future are and will remain, be, etc, VICTIMS, SLAVES, and that ALL WHITES are EVIL PRIVILEDGED SLAVE MASTERS.

In any case I'm am going to go by the BLACK FATHER and his children, what they said.

Also Ed that same school board and it's leadership:

Is the same school board that covered up the rape of a girl that was raped by a biological boy with a penis who walked into the bathroom, saying he was transgender, and then raped a girl. They still haven't done anything about it.

And when the Father showed up at the school board meetings, and used his time at the podium to talk about how his daughter was raped, they the school board leaders had him arrested and called him a domestic terrorist.

Also Ed, it's about 73% to 93% of the PARENTS in the Loudon, county school board school district that are saying CRT is being taught, covering up the rape, wrongly letting penis's into female locker rooms, bathrooms, etc.

The school board leadership, and their FEW parental supporters are in the WRONG MINORITY.

Then the school board leadership had the GALL to pay for(Probably with public money) Bulletin Board Signs, AD's that said "STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THINGS LIKE CRT, TRANSGENDERS IN BATHROOMS, ETC, TO SCHOOL BOARDS AND BEING DOMESTIC TERRORIST, ETC, WE KNOW BETTER THEN YOU"

That whole school board leadership and their few supporters are in the minority, are wrong, are A HOLE ASSHATS, ARE ASSBACKWARDS, CRAZY.

There isn't enough negative adjectives to describe how BAD they are.

I feel sorry for the parents and their kids, but that's a example of what happens when the batshit crazy but vocal minority is vocal thru voting and the apathetic normal majority does nothing.

That kid in question also sexually assaulted another girl in the bathroom at a different school before transferring to the current school...and they still tried covering it up. Unreal
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Not outraged...simply pointing out how the governor and people below him are attempting not to trust kids and their ability to determine on their own what meets their moral and personal compass.

The fact we are attempting to ban or remove and review books that have been around for forty years because it references a black experience. And that is how you make snow flakes...
Not sure why you keep sticking to something after you are shown to be incorrect. As others have shown, the two books in question were NOT banned, they were simply removed temporarily for review. And then they were reinstated. What would be the problem with that? Especially when it was simply two books out of what, ~150? It does not appear that there was a concerted effort to remove anything and everything about black history, yet it appears that that is what you are making it.

As far as trusting kids to make their own decisions on everything, that is simply stupid. Yes, stupid. Medical science has shown that our brains are not fully developed until about age 25, and we in society have determined that there are different ages when it is deemed that the kids are sufficiently mature enough to make decisions to partake in various activities. Most states it is age 16 to drive a vehicle alone. Enlisting in the service is 18. Voting is age 18. Smoking and drinking is age 21. Legally sign a contract is 18. Giving consent for sexual activities varies, from like 14/15 up to 18. Yet you think that kids of all ages are sufficiently mature enough to make decisions about content in books? What about books like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, where there is use of the "N" word, and the left wants those books banned?

Look-the big thing about most of these books, and teaching/discussion about sex activities and deviancies, is all about age appropriate. It appears to me that most of the problems come about due to forcing things that are inappropriate for younger kids on them.

Parents/adults have the responsibility to properly raise the children of our country. Just because they are parents, are adults, that is no guarantee that they will always make the correct decisions, but they will make better decisions the vast majority of the time than juveniles will. Most likely you can look back on your experience as a child and as a parent to verify that.
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Whether I agree with you on all of it, some of it, part of it, or none of it, any idea how many kids we are talking about participating nation wide.

This happened at in my daughter's school district. A girl who participated in high school sports and got a major d 1 scholie was born as an it. She was a twin. Parents had to decide at birth which way they wanted to go. They chose to give her female hormones. Should she have been allowed to participate? Clearly there was some gene confusion.
What is an "It"? How did they decide what it was? Was there a penis, was there a vagina? Or was there both, or was there none? What were the chromosomes, XX, XY, XXY, XYZ, WTF?

Did you expect us to give an answer about her participation without a lot more info?
Two things, so you agree that we should not be banning books about Hank Aaron and Roberto Clemente, and we should not have a governor banning an elective at the college level of Black Studies. I agree with you .

Pretty big and broad brush stroke about college kids. Trust me our parents said the same thing.

Maybe you need to meet my kids and their friends, and I think you might have a different opinion about being fragile and weak.
Maybe your kids are abnormal as compared to the vast majority out there. Maybe they are not like the ones at the Stanford Law School, or at Berkeley, or all the other places that demonstrate and complain whenever a conservative, or even libertarian speaker comes to speak. Maybe they are not like the ones that are so intolerant that even comedians like Jerry Seinfeld now refuse to do shows on college campuses. Maybe they are not at all like the college kids that get so bent out of shape that people like Condoleezza Rice and Glenn Youngkin are forced out of being commencement speakers. Just heard yesterday about a study that said only 3 out of 100 commencement speakers were conservatives. Seems like a LOT of intolerant snowflakes out there to me.

If your kids are the exception to the rule, congratulations and you are lucky.

On the other hand, maybe they ARE a bit fragile and weak and intolerant and you simply don't recognize it because thay are in agreement with YOUR views? I wonder...... have an amazing lack of empathy and understanding. Is it remotely possible that trans people are more likely to consider and attempt suicide is because malevolent, hateful assholes are constantly attacking them because of their gender identity issues?

If you had spent your entire life being told that you are damaged goods, mentally ill and a freak....maybe you would consider offing yourself?

No, it can't be that....
Damn, you have an amazing ability to understand my levels of empathy and understanding by simply reading a single post of mine on a message board. Is it remotely possible that you don't know the first thing about me? Of course.

As to your question, sure it IS possible. Is it also possible, even likely that the ROOT CAUSE they consider suicide is not due to external things but due to their own view of themselves? Yes, it is.

Regardless of the cause, the issue is what do we as a society due with those with gender dysphoria? Do we discourage it or encourage it in young children? Do we limit them from being in the military when we need discipline and strong willed people to defend our country and go to war, or do we say it is fine to allow a group in that has a 40% rate of attempting suicide? Do we give them an exemption even though we disallow others with mental issues from enlisting? My opinion is NO.
Not sure why you keep sticking to something after you are shown to be incorrect. As others have shown, the two books in question were NOT banned, they were simply removed temporarily for review. And then they were reinstated. What would be the problem with that? Especially when it was simply two books out of what, ~150? It does not appear that there was a concerted effort to remove anything and everything about black history, yet it appears that that is what you are making it.

As far as trusting kids to make their own decisions on everything, that is simply stupid. Yes, stupid. Medical science has shown that our brains are not fully developed until about age 25, and we in society have determined that there are different ages when it is deemed that the kids are sufficiently mature enough to make decisions to partake in various activities. Most states it is age 16 to drive a vehicle alone. Enlisting in the service is 18. Voting is age 18. Smoking and drinking is age 21. Legally sign a contract is 18. Giving consent for sexual activities varies, from like 14/15 up to 18. Yet you think that kids of all ages are sufficiently mature enough to make decisions about content in books? What about books like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, where there is use of the "N" word, and the left wants those books banned?

Look-the big thing about most of these books, and teaching/discussion about sex activities and deviancies, is all about age appropriate. It appears to me that most of the problems come about due to forcing things that are inappropriate for younger kids on them.

Parents/adults have the responsibility to properly raise the children of our country. Just because they are parents, are adults, that is no guarantee that they will always make the correct decisions, but they will make better decisions the vast majority of the time than juveniles will. Most likely you can look back on your experience as a child and as a parent to verify that.
Stretch...again....I have said they banned it temporarily, taken off the shelves, That is the problem. Rosa Parks books were banned...maybe even temp, but why? Cause they are scared about books that have been in the library for 50 years. It is ridiculous. And we aren't talking about books that teach a curriculum. We are talking about library books. You don't think 7th graders can get this stuff on their phones. You understand three generations plus have been exposed to these books and all of a sudden there are issues?

About kids being 25 and not having brains fully developed. Why are we sending 18 years off to war if that is our concern. Who said give kids carte blanche .

Stanford and having a conservative speaking on campus. Agree 100% with you. But I could make a similar argument about Fox viewers and the truth Fox new and it is court documents in the Dominion case. They didn't want to tell the truth to their viewers about the election because they didn't want their viewers who didn't want to hear that to change channels. Not sure one is all that different than the Stanford situation. Both are where an opposing position doesn't want to be heard.
Stretch...again....I have said they banned it temporarily, taken off the shelves, That is the problem. Rosa Parks books were banned...maybe even temp, but why? Cause they are scared about books that have been in the library for 50 years. It is ridiculous. And we aren't talking about books that teach a curriculum. We are talking about library books. You don't think 7th graders can get this stuff on their phones. You understand three generations plus have been exposed to these books and all of a sudden there are issues?

About kids being 25 and not having brains fully developed. Why are we sending 18 years off to war if that is our concern. Who said give kids carte blanche .

Stanford and having a conservative speaking on campus. Agree 100% with you. But I could make a similar argument about Fox viewers and the truth Fox new and it is court documents in the Dominion case. They didn't want to tell the truth to their viewers about the election because they didn't want their viewers who didn't want to hear that to change channels. Not sure one is all that different than the Stanford situation. Both are where an opposing position doesn't want to be heard.



YOUR EITHER LYING, BEING DISINGENOUS, SILLY, OR STUPIDLY BELIEVE that Rosa Parks has supposedly been banned DESPITE all the PROOF shown to you.

Your BEING just as STUPID as a BRICK WALL as those conservatives that still think that Trump has no wrong doing in the Jan 6 RIOTS, etc.



YOUR EITHER LYING, BEING DISINGENOUS, SILLY, OR STUPIDLY BELIEVE that Rosa Parks has supposedly been banned DESPITE all the PROOF shown to you.

Your BEING just as STUPID as a BRICK WALL as those conservatives that still think that Trump has no wrong doing in the Jan 6 RIOTS, etc.

Mik...first....what has a brick wall ever done to you? WHy insult them?

Two, I am sorry I missed the proof about the books about Rosa Parks. Maybe you can link the proof cause I know what you have claimed. I have heard about the 96% of people who are not racist, I saw that post. But honestly never saw proof.
I guess where I struggle there are more kids who have been killed in the last year by gun fire at schools than there are trans kids in school where we worry about their pronouns. But it is the trans question of say 500 kids that are out in the US, less than 100 play in sports in the US, that is roughly two per state.

And I do know this. in 2000 I firmly believe gay rights and gay marriage is what tipped the scale with Bush and Gore. Bush and Cheney made it a huge campaign issue, and the gay community di as well, forcing Gore's hand. You know what happened? Our society hasn't crumbled because of these "degenerates? If the gay rights people in 2000 just allowed time they have seen their rights change.

Stretch...again....I have said they banned it temporarily, taken off the shelves, That is the problem. Rosa Parks books were banned...maybe even temp, but why? Cause they are scared
Actually Ed, that is not what you said. Go back and read your own posts. The word "temporarily" was not in them.

How about we end this thread? It is getting ridiculous.
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Stretch...again....I have said they banned it temporarily, taken off the shelves, That is the problem. Rosa Parks books were banned...maybe even temp, but why? Cause they are scared about books that have been in the library for 50 years. It is ridiculous. And we aren't talking about books that teach a curriculum. We are talking about library books. You don't think 7th graders can get this stuff on their phones. You understand three generations plus have been exposed to these books and all of a sudden there are issues?

About kids being 25 and not having brains fully developed. Why are we sending 18 years off to war if that is our concern. Who said give kids carte blanche .

Stanford and having a conservative speaking on campus. Agree 100% with you. But I could make a similar argument about Fox viewers and the truth Fox new and it is court documents in the Dominion case. They didn't want to tell the truth to their viewers about the election because they didn't want their viewers who didn't want to hear that to change channels. Not sure one is all that different than the Stanford situation. Both are where an opposing position doesn't want to be heard.
They never were banned, you are doing the typical lib contortions of the English language. Being removed temporarily for further review is a far distance from being "banned". And what difference does it make if they can get the stuff from other sources? Red herring. The obligation that the schools have is to provide age appropriate materials to the kids. Just because the kids can get it elsewhere does NOT mean the schools should be providing some things in the school classrooms and libraries. Should the schools be providing hard core porn just because the kids can get it elsewhere? How about rape videos? How about piss/scat videos? how about bombmaking instructions? How about actual snuff videos? How about how to plan a mass shooting in a school? Now maybe you feel differently about such things, but I sure believe this kind of stuff should not be available in a school, anywhere.

Perhaps 18 year olds are good for military service because they are more physically fit/capable than some other age groups. And maybe it is because they are good at following orders. I dunno the truth on that. Do you?

I don't know if you watched much FNC back in 2020 after the election, but my guess is that you didn't. Now I did watch a fair amount of it back then, and you know what-they did have some folks on with some claims that made you want to ask them for the proof. But they also had folks on that disputed those claims, and I don't recall the hosts doing a whole lot to personally promote the fraud claims, it was mostly done by guests. But guess what-all the MSM outfits were doing the same thing, only with the opposing viewpoint. And you know what-some of these MSM outfits have recently already been found guilty of slandering people because of sticking to a liberal narrative rather doing actual journalism. Think Nicholas Sandman, and I think that Kyle Rittenhouse is likely to take them down also.

The FNC/Dominion case is going to be interesting to see how it plays out, as you know the court case hasn't actually started yet. Just looking at a few of the articles that I found it doesn't sound like an open and shut case at all. We shall see.

If you are so outraged at the FNC hosts promoting something that they knew was false, how do you feel about all the false stories pushed by the MSM? Russia, Russia, Russia? Collusion? Hunter Biden's laptop? Absolutely no problems with the election? Are you outraged at those journalistic abuses also?
Maybe your kids are abnormal as compared to the vast majority out there. Maybe they are not like the ones at the Stanford Law School, or at Berkeley, or all the other places that demonstrate and complain whenever a conservative, or even libertarian speaker comes to speak. Maybe they are not like the ones that are so intolerant that even comedians like Jerry Seinfeld now refuse to do shows on college campuses. Maybe they are not at all like the college kids that get so bent out of shape that people like Condoleezza Rice and Glenn Youngkin are forced out of being commencement speakers. Just heard yesterday about a study that said only 3 out of 100 commencement speakers were conservatives. Seems like a LOT of intolerant snowflakes out there to me.

If your kids are the exception to the rule, congratulations and you are lucky.

On the other hand, maybe they ARE a bit fragile and weak and intolerant and you simply don't recognize it because thay are in agreement with YOUR views? I wonder......
You can wonder all you would like. I am simply speaking from first hand experience with my children. As proven by my brother he and I clearly differ on numerous issues, sometimes issues 180 degrees apart. But they are his views and he has developed them from his experiences. No sure my kids views echo my views. Which one's do you think we share.
They never were banned, you are doing the typical lib contortions of the English language. Being removed temporarily for further review is a far distance from being "banned". And what difference does it make if they can get the stuff from other sources? Red herring. The obligation that the schools have is to provide age appropriate materials to the kids. Just because the kids can get it elsewhere does NOT mean the schools should be providing some things in the school classrooms and libraries. Should the schools be providing hard core porn just because the kids can get it elsewhere? How about rape videos? How about piss/scat videos? how about bombmaking instructions? How about actual snuff videos? How about how to plan a mass shooting in a school? Now maybe you feel differently about such things, but I sure believe this kind of stuff should not be available in a school, anywhere.

Perhaps 18 year olds are good for military service because they are more physically fit/capable than some other age groups. And maybe it is because they are good at following orders. I dunno the truth on that. Do you?

I don't know if you watched much FNC back in 2020 after the election, but my guess is that you didn't. Now I did watch a fair amount of it back then, and you know what-they did have some folks on with some claims that made you want to ask them for the proof. But they also had folks on that disputed those claims, and I don't recall the hosts doing a whole lot to personally promote the fraud claims, it was mostly done by guests. But guess what-all the MSM outfits were doing the same thing, only with the opposing viewpoint. And you know what-some of these MSM outfits have recently already been found guilty of slandering people because of sticking to a liberal narrative rather doing actual journalism. Think Nicholas Sandman, and I think that Kyle Rittenhouse is likely to take them down also.

The FNC/Dominion case is going to be interesting to see how it plays out, as you know the court case hasn't actually started yet. Just looking at a few of the articles that I found it doesn't sound like an open and shut case at all. We shall see.

If you are so outraged at the FNC hosts promoting something that they knew was false, how do you feel about all the false stories pushed by the MSM? Russia, Russia, Russia? Collusion? Hunter Biden's laptop? Absolutely no problems with the election? Are you outraged at those journalistic abuses also?
Stretch been called a lot of things, not sure "typical lib" is one of them. You can say temporary ban, you can say pulled off the shelf. I have told 425 that I acknowledge the Clement book was put back on the shelf eventually. The fact the book was yanked, had a 50 year history without being reviewed and without causing issues over the last 50 years is the problem. It makes those who are doing whether it is short or long term in my mind snow flakes.

Russian collusion. Depends what you consider to be Russian Collusion. The fact Donald Trump says "Russia if you are listening", and if you consider Donald Trump junior meeting with Russia operatives, and that he says.."if it is what you say it is, that is great, and it should be delivered in August". Maybe you are comfortable with American candidates working with, buddying up with, getting opposition research from a country that has 800 nuke warheads pointed at opinion has nothing to do with what MSNBC reported. And what I don't get, if it was ok then why did Don Jr and Don Sr lie about it for six months. Maybe that isn't the text book definition of collusion, but I have a feeling I know what Ronald Reagan would think.

Hunter Biden is being investigated, and I have zero problem if he did something wrong to be prosecuted. Matter fact, send him to jail without a trial if that makes some feel better. Personally, if I was Biden I would take a play right out of Trumps playbook. Just pardon him now.

If your definition of snowflake is not listening to a differing thought, I think that the fact Fox lied because their viewers would leave if they told the truth, I am not sure that isn't a classic definition.

And maybe it isn't an open and shut case, as libel is extremely hard to prove. But when you have ruppert Murdoch in court say they lied because of green, Tucker said fire the fact checker because the price of the stock is tumbling and the viewers don't want to hear that, and Hannity and Ingraham in court said that they knew there was no voter fraud and Cindy Powell got her info from a windtalker. Interesting stuff.
Actually Ed, that is not what you said. Go back and read your own posts. The word "temporarily" was not in them.

How about we end this thread? It is getting ridiculous.
Is it bored nanny or board yelp review just went down to one star.

If you reread my posts I didn't disagree with 425. Call it a temporary ban, a review. Whatever you want. Pulling a book on a 50 year old book whether it is permanent, two weeks, whatever is snowflakish to me.
Stretch been called a lot of things, not sure "typical lib" is one of them. You can say temporary ban, you can say pulled off the shelf. I have told 425 that I acknowledge the Clement book was put back on the shelf eventually. The fact the book was yanked, had a 50 year history without being reviewed and without causing issues over the last 50 years is the problem. It makes those who are doing whether it is short or long term in my mind snow flakes.

Russian collusion. Depends what you consider to be Russian Collusion. The fact Donald Trump says "Russia if you are listening", and if you consider Donald Trump junior meeting with Russia operatives, and that he says.."if it is what you say it is, that is great, and it should be delivered in August". Maybe you are comfortable with American candidates working with, buddying up with, getting opposition research from a country that has 800 nuke warheads pointed at opinion has nothing to do with what MSNBC reported. And what I don't get, if it was ok then why did Don Jr and Don Sr lie about it for six months. Maybe that isn't the text book definition of collusion, but I have a feeling I know what Ronald Reagan would think.

Hunter Biden is being investigated, and I have zero problem if he did something wrong to be prosecuted. Matter fact, send him to jail without a trial if that makes some feel better. Personally, if I was Biden I would take a play right out of Trumps playbook. Just pardon him now.

If your definition of snowflake is not listening to a differing thought, I think that the fact Fox lied because their viewers would leave if they told the truth, I am not sure that isn't a classic definition.

And maybe it isn't an open and shut case, as libel is extremely hard to prove. But when you have ruppert Murdoch in court say they lied because of green, Tucker said fire the fact checker because the price of the stock is tumbling and the viewers don't want to hear that, and Hannity and Ingraham in court said that they knew there was no voter fraud and Cindy Powell got her info from a windtalker. Interesting stuff.
Ed, I didn't call you a typical lib, I said you were doing what the libs typically do. There is a difference. I didn't say what you were (like calling you a name), I was saying that your actions were like.

Trump's joke about Russia listening was simply that- a joke. He was not asking them to hack in and get her emails, that was already done and I have neither seen nor heard any claim that Trump had anything to do with the hack. As far as getting opposition research, that practice is disgusting but unfortunately it seems that everyone does it these days. So Trump junior met with some folks that claimed they had information that would help in the election and harm Hillary, is there anyone in politics today that would turn down meeting with someone offering that? I doubt it. Don't like it, but that is just the lousy world we are in. Politics is a dirty game, and I don't see it getting better any time soon.

Back in the early 2000's there was a WA Supreme Court ruling that feeds into this culture. I think it was Gregoire, but it may have been a different race from the same time frame. There was a lawsuit filed claiming that the Dem candidate had lied in political ads, and the WA SC ruled that it was okay to lie in political ads. Seriously. What the heck is wrong with us when the SC says that lying is acceptable?

BTW, I might point out the Trump was approached by someone with an offer, which was a misrepresentation of what they wanted, while Hillary and her campaign actively sought out help from the Russians. DO you see any issues with that? Why Trumps lied about the meeting, or what it was about, I have no idea. You will have to ask them. My best guess is that they thought it was better for the campaign, but that is only a guess.

Why do you say "IF" Hunter did something wrong? He obviously did, it is on video and also his false statement is on his firearm application. Slam dunk, but of course (per Nancy Pelosi's twisted view of our justice system) he is entitled to a trial to "prove his innocence"!!! How effing bad is that?

As far as Fox/Dominion issues, you seem to be making claims about what has been said in court, yet it hasn't gone to court yet and the things I have found in my search do not agree with you. We'll have to wait and see what shakes out when it does, I think it will be interesting. I am not going to go any further on that stuff until the trial.
Ed, I didn't call you a typical lib, I said you were doing what the libs typically do. There is a difference. I didn't say what you were (like calling you a name), I was saying that your actions were like.

Trump's joke about Russia listening was simply that- a joke. He was not asking them to hack in and get her emails, that was already done and I have neither seen nor heard any claim that Trump had anything to do with the hack. As far as getting opposition research, that practice is disgusting but unfortunately it seems that everyone does it these days. So Trump junior met with some folks that claimed they had information that would help in the election and harm Hillary, is there anyone in politics today that would turn down meeting with someone offering that? I doubt it. Don't like it, but that is just the lousy world we are in. Politics is a dirty game, and I don't see it getting better any time soon.

Back in the early 2000's there was a WA Supreme Court ruling that feeds into this culture. I think it was Gregoire, but it may have been a different race from the same time frame. There was a lawsuit filed claiming that the Dem candidate had lied in political ads, and the WA SC ruled that it was okay to lie in political ads. Seriously. What the heck is wrong with us when the SC says that lying is acceptable?

BTW, I might point out the Trump was approached by someone with an offer, which was a misrepresentation of what they wanted, while Hillary and her campaign actively sought out help from the Russians. DO you see any issues with that? Why Trumps lied about the meeting, or what it was about, I have no idea. You will have to ask them. My best guess is that they thought it was better for the campaign, but that is only a guess.

Why do you say "IF" Hunter did something wrong? He obviously did, it is on video and also his false statement is on his firearm application. Slam dunk, but of course (per Nancy Pelosi's twisted view of our justice system) he is entitled to a trial to "prove his innocence"!!! How effing bad is that?

As far as Fox/Dominion issues, you seem to be making claims about what has been said in court, yet it hasn't gone to court yet and the things I have found in my search do not agree with you. We'll have to wait and see what shakes out when it does, I think it will be interesting. I am not going to go any further on that stuff until the trial.
Well that is the easy answer… who wouldn’t take opposition research from Iran ? How about Iraq? You are ok with that ? Russia isn’t just another country, they have 800 warheads pointed at us . Any idea how much money we spent on defending ourselves against Russia? Any idea how many spies were lost to get information about our adversary ? And if that would be Clinton or Obama or anyone it should preclude them from running our country . It is an awful cavalier attitude … everyone would do it .

Trump is innocent until proven guilty . If the Doj brings a case against Hunter Biden he should get his day in court .

Well regarding the dominion trial they have under oath questioned the folks i had mentioned . Is the proper term deposition ? What they said is under oath …but we will see.
Well that is the easy answer… who wouldn’t take opposition research from Iran ? How about Iraq? You are ok with that ? Russia isn’t just another country, they have 800 warheads pointed at us . Any idea how much money we spent on defending ourselves against Russia? Any idea how many spies were lost to get information about our adversary ? And if that would be Clinton or Obama or anyone it should preclude them from running our country . It is an awful cavalier attitude … everyone would do it .

Trump is innocent until proven guilty . If the Doj brings a case against Hunter Biden he should get his day in court .

Well regarding the dominion trial they have under oath questioned the folks i had mentioned . Is the proper term deposition ? What they said is under oath …but we will see.
You ask if I am okay with that? Did you even read my response? If you paid attention you wouldn't have asked that.

Of course Trump is innocent until proven guilty! But how disgusting is it that Pelosi tries to turn it around 180 degrees, saying he has to PROVE HIS INNOCENSE? And that bitch knows exactly what she is doing when she says that. Sure, Hunter deserves a day in court also, nobody can just declare him guilty and send him to jail. Unfortunately, with the two tiers of justice within the deep state, he will likely never have to face the charges he deserves.

Deposition is the proper term for what happens when a person is questioned by attorneys prior to commencing the actual trial. Now, exactly what the Fox folks may or may not have said there is unknown to me. I have seen nothing out there with the actual transcript of any depositions. So given that, what we likely have is selective leaks and speculation, just like the indictment of Trump. That document is still sealed, so all the talk back and forth now is speculation. I suspect that is what is happening with the Dominion case, that there has been specific leaks trying to influence public opinion prior to the actual trial. Again, time will tell on that stuff. what was actually said and maybe more important, what the context is of what was said.

Let me provide an example of how context matters. I have seen an ad a couple times claiming that Ron DeSantis isn't who we think he is because he voted to cut Medicare or Social Security benefits three times. Well, did he specifically vote to cut benefits or did he vote against a bill in committee, then as amended, then in a final vote on the floor, and what exactly was the bill? Was it something that specifically called for cutting existing benefits for SS? Or was it a bill to increase the full retirement age but didn't affect current recipients? Or, as often happens, was it some 500 billion bill filled with a lot of pork (with only one small reference some limit on SS) that he voted against due to a lot of waste within the huge bill? See how you need to be careful making large assumptions without complete knowledge? That's why I'm not getting into Dominion stuff at this time.
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You ask if I am okay with that? Did you even read my response? If you paid attention you wouldn't have asked that.

Of course Trump is innocent until proven guilty! But how disgusting is it that Pelosi tries to turn it around 180 degrees, saying he has to PROVE HIS INNOCENSE? And that bitch knows exactly what she is doing when she says that. Sure, Hunter deserves a day in court also, nobody can just declare him guilty and send him to jail. Unfortunately, with the two tiers of justice within the deep state, he will likely never have to face the charges he deserves.

Deposition is the proper term for what happens when a person is questioned by attorneys prior to commencing the actual trial. Now, exactly what the Fox folks may or may not have said there is unknown to me. I have seen nothing out there with the actual transcript of any depositions. So given that, what we likely have is selective leaks and speculation, just like the indictment of Trump. That document is still sealed, so all the talk back and forth now is speculation. I suspect that is what is happening with the Dominion case, that there has been specific leaks trying to influence public opinion prior to the actual trial. Again, time will tell on that stuff. what was actually said and maybe more important, what the context is of what was said.

Let me provide an example of how context matters. I have seen an ad a couple times claiming that Ron DeSantis isn't who we think he is because he voted to cut Medicare or Social Security benefits three times. Well, did he specifically vote to cut benefits or did he vote against a bill in committee, then as amended, then in a final vote on the floor, and what exactly was the bill? Was it something that specifically called for cutting existing benefits for SS? Or was it a bill to increase the full retirement age but didn't affect current recipients? Or, as often happens, was it some 500 billion bill filled with a lot of pork (with only one small reference some limit on SS) that he voted against due to a lot of waste within the huge bill? See how you need to be careful making large assumptions without complete knowledge? That's why I'm not getting into Dominion stuff at this time.
Stretch …. I did read what you said . Please name another political candidate that has approached a country that has 800 warheads with many pointed at us ? It is different than getting information from Germany, Australia etc . It is getting info from a direct enemy . In my mind getting info from an enemy which cost us billions in dealing with them is a bridge too far and we can’t as a country simply say “politics is dirty” . So if Biden gets info from Iran we should just say “politics is dirty?”

The information about dominion was court depositions . Not sure how “context matters” when Murdoch says they did it because of money . Or that emails and texts show tucker Carlson said he can’t stand trump. One of the talking heads call Sydney Powell bat sh!t crazy . But it will come out in a trial if you haven’t seen the emails and texts . Will fox lose ? Don’t know , libel is extremely hard to prove
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Stretch …. I did read what you said . Please name another political candidate that has approached a country that has 800 warheads with many pointed at us ? It is different than getting information from Germany, Australia etc . It is getting info from a direct enemy . In my mind getting info from an enemy which cost us billions in dealing with them is a bridge too far and we can’t as a country simply say “politics is dirty” . So if Biden gets info from Iran we should just say “politics is dirty?”

The information about dominion was court depositions . Not sure how “context matters” when Murdoch says they did it because of money . Or that emails and texts show tucker Carlson said he can’t stand trump. One of the talking heads call Sydney Powell bat sh!t crazy . But it will come out in a trial if you haven’t seen the emails and texts . Will fox lose ? Don’t know , libel is extremely hard to prove
I already DID name another-it was Hillary. You may have heard someone mention the Steele Dossier?

Here is the thing with politics. First of all, there is nothing at all that you and I can do about what the politicians do other than vote. But what I want to have is consistency in treatment. Especially by the press, which is supposed to be composed of journalists in search of truth. Well, when they consistently go after one side with a vengeance and let the other side skate away free, they are NOT being journalists, they are are being propagandists, activists.

So does it matter which side "approached"? You keep saying that. I ask the question, because the Trump team was approached by someone saying they had info that would help them, the Trump team did NOT approach the Russians looking for dirt. They simply took a meeting with someone that was offering something, and they did nothing further. On the other hand, Hillary and her team DID approach the Russians. They went to the DNC, who went to Perkins Coie law firm (Marc Elias) who hired Fusion GPS, who hired Steele, who went to the Russians to get dirt on Trump. Steel put together the dossier, which was simply a bunch of lies and unsubstantiated claims, and have been treating it as truth for years now. So you see, when you are so concerned with someone "approaching the Russians with all their warheads", you actually are indicting the person that you voted for. Oops.
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But what I want to have is consistency in treatment. Especially by the press, which is supposed to be composed of journalists in search of truth. Well, when they consistently go after one side with a vengeance and let the other side skate away free, they are NOT being journalists, they are are being propagandists, activists.
We are talking about Fox News now, right?
I already DID name another-it was Hillary. You may have heard someone mention the Steele Dossier?

Here is the thing with politics. First of all, there is nothing at all that you and I can do about what the politicians do other than vote. But what I want to have is consistency in treatment. Especially by the press, which is supposed to be composed of journalists in search of truth. Well, when they consistently go after one side with a vengeance and let the other side skate away free, they are NOT being journalists, they are are being propagandists, activists.

So does it matter which side "approached"? You keep saying that. I ask the question, because the Trump team was approached by someone saying they had info that would help them, the Trump team did NOT approach the Russians looking for dirt. They simply took a meeting with someone that was offering something, and they did nothing further. On the other hand, Hillary and her team DID approach the Russians. They went to the DNC, who went to Perkins Coie law firm (Marc Elias) who hired Fusion GPS, who hired Steele, who went to the Russians to get dirt on Trump. Steel put together the dossier, which was simply a bunch of lies and unsubstantiated claims, and have been treating it as truth for years now. So you see, when you are so concerned with someone "approaching the Russians with all their warheads", you actually are indicting the person that you voted for. Oops.
I guess we simply have a huge chasm in how we view the world. Saying Trump as approached is like saying....well I went to Lowes on Aurora and a hooker came up to my car and approached me. Or that I didn't go looking for coke, someone called me up to see if I wanted some. That certainly eliminates any culpability I may have.

With regards to Trump, if he came out and said..."hey my son made a rookie mistake. We got a hold of the FBI and let them know what happened. It wont happen again, my bad. " Instead he lied and lied until an email was discovered.

What can we do other than vote? Well, I know what I would have done if that was Chelsea Clinton and once the minute that was discovered I would press my state and local representatives immediately impeach her. I wouldnt have waited for a Mueller report.

And instead of voting I either don't vote or I tell my local representatives I will do what I have only done once (2022 is vote top and down ballot) and I will make sure every vote would go to an R

When you show me where Hillary or any other person took a direct meeting with the Russians then I will view that as the same comparison.
I guess we simply have a huge chasm in how we view the world. Saying Trump as approached is like saying....well I went to Lowes on Aurora and a hooker came up to my car and approached me. Or that I didn't go looking for coke, someone called me up to see if I wanted some. That certainly eliminates any culpability I may have.

With regards to Trump, if he came out and said..."hey my son made a rookie mistake. We got a hold of the FBI and let them know what happened. It wont happen again, my bad. " Instead he lied and lied until an email was discovered.

What can we do other than vote? Well, I know what I would have done if that was Chelsea Clinton and once the minute that was discovered I would press my state and local representatives immediately impeach her. I wouldnt have waited for a Mueller report.

And instead of voting I either don't vote or I tell my local representatives I will do what I have only done once (2022 is vote top and down ballot) and I will make sure every vote would go to an R

When you show me where Hillary or any other person took a direct meeting with the Russians then I will view that as the same comparison.

I think the hookers are better down here personally.

No offense to the Ladies of the Evening(and brunch) on Aurora
We are talking about Fox News now, right?
That's cute, really cute.

Let's see.....did Fox News cover the issue or did they ignore it and pretend it didn't exist? And did ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, and the WA Post actually cover the issue of did they all pretend it didn't exist? Wait- let me think about the answer to that one.

That's right- the ONLY news outlet to cover it was Fox news, the others all failed to say anything about it. Of course, this was of GREAT benefit to Joe Biden, and polls after the election showed that between 12-17% of those that said they had voted for Biden would likely have changed their vote had they known the truth about Hunter Biden's laptop. So tell-are the so called journalists at those media outlets actually doing responsible journalism or are they actively providing support for one side of the election?
I guess we simply have a huge chasm in how we view the world. Saying Trump as approached is like saying....well I went to Lowes on Aurora and a hooker came up to my car and approached me. Or that I didn't go looking for coke, someone called me up to see if I wanted some. That certainly eliminates any culpability I may have.

With regards to Trump, if he came out and said..."hey my son made a rookie mistake. We got a hold of the FBI and let them know what happened. It wont happen again, my bad. " Instead he lied and lied until an email was discovered.

What can we do other than vote? Well, I know what I would have done if that was Chelsea Clinton and once the minute that was discovered I would press my state and local representatives immediately impeach her. I wouldnt have waited for a Mueller report.

And instead of voting I either don't vote or I tell my local representatives I will do what I have only done once (2022 is vote top and down ballot) and I will make sure every vote would go to an R

When you show me where Hillary or any other person took a direct meeting with the Russians then I will view that as the same comparison.
Yes there is a big difference in how we view the world. In your case, you have nothing to worry about if you tell the hooker "No, thank you" and go on about your way. Which is just what the Trump's did.

As far as Hillary, your approach amazes me. Apparently in your world there is no such thing as conspiracy. Hillary Clinton and her campaign ACTIVELY took steps to get dirt on the Trumps from the Russians. What they did was try to insulate themselves from the activities to make it APPEAR that they weren't involved. The problem was that they WERE involved. To make an analogy, think about a murder for hire plot. If I get made at my business partner and want him offed, I can go ahead and pop a cap in his brain or I can hire someone else to do the actual deed while I am elsewhere establishing my alibi. The reality is that I am just as guilty in either case, whether I do the deed personally, or whether I hire Moose to do it for me. Clinton hired Moose, and the fact that she didn't take a "direct meeting" with someone from Russia is immaterial.

In spite of all we have already discussed, there is also a lot of evidence that the entire thing was a set up by the Clinton campaign. Ever hear about Nataliya, the Russian babe that met with the Fusion GPS folks (hired by Perkins Coie) both before and after the meeting. Here you go....

Yes there is a big difference in how we view the world. In your case, you have nothing to worry about if you tell the hooker "No, thank you" and go on about your way. Which is just what the Trump's did.

As far as Hillary, your approach amazes me. Apparently in your world there is no such thing as conspiracy. Hillary Clinton and her campaign ACTIVELY took steps to get dirt on the Trumps from the Russians. What they did was try to insulate themselves from the activities to make it APPEAR that they weren't involved. The problem was that they WERE involved. To make an analogy, think about a murder for hire plot. If I get made at my business partner and want him offed, I can go ahead and pop a cap in his brain or I can hire someone else to do the actual deed while I am elsewhere establishing my alibi. The reality is that I am just as guilty in either case, whether I do the deed personally, or whether I hire Moose to do it for me. Clinton hired Moose, and the fact that she didn't take a "direct meeting" with someone from Russia is immaterial.

In spite of all we have already discussed, there is also a lot of evidence that the entire thing was a set up by the Clinton campaign. Ever hear about Nataliya, the Russian babe that met with the Fusion GPS folks (hired by Perkins Coie) both before and after the meeting. Here you go....

Oh for Gawdsakes Stretch. Is this where you get your "news"? Ultra right wing freak shows? I'm no lib, but c'mon.
You ask if I am okay with that? Did you even read my response? If you paid attention you wouldn't have asked that.

Of course Trump is innocent until proven guilty! But how disgusting is it that Pelosi tries to turn it around 180 degrees, saying he has to PROVE HIS INNOCENSE? And that bitch knows exactly what she is doing when she says that. Sure, Hunter deserves a day in court also, nobody can just declare him guilty and send him to jail. Unfortunately, with the two tiers of justice within the deep state, he will likely never have to face the charges he deserves.

Deposition is the proper term for what happens when a person is questioned by attorneys prior to commencing the actual trial. Now, exactly what the Fox folks may or may not have said there is unknown to me. I have seen nothing out there with the actual transcript of any depositions. So given that, what we likely have is selective leaks and speculation, just like the indictment of Trump. That document is still sealed, so all the talk back and forth now is speculation. I suspect that is what is happening with the Dominion case, that there has been specific leaks trying to influence public opinion prior to the actual trial. Again, time will tell on that stuff. what was actually said and maybe more important, what the context is of what was said.

Let me provide an example of how context matters. I have seen an ad a couple times claiming that Ron DeSantis isn't who we think he is because he voted to cut Medicare or Social Security benefits three times. Well, did he specifically vote to cut benefits or did he vote against a bill in committee, then as amended, then in a final vote on the floor, and what exactly was the bill? Was it something that specifically called for cutting existing benefits for SS? Or was it a bill to increase the full retirement age but didn't affect current recipients? Or, as often happens, was it some 500 billion bill filled with a lot of pork (with only one small reference some limit on SS) that he voted against due to a lot of waste within the huge bill? See how you need to be careful making large assumptions without complete knowledge? That's why I'm not getting into Dominion stuff at this time.

I'll just say that it is ridiculously funny for Republicans to whine about Trump's indictment after all of the stupid shit that was said about Hillary Clinton and her stupid emails. I hate the old cow and am glad that she wasn't President, but all the "lock her up" bullshit for years should disqualify any Republican from ever bitching about specious charges. I am happy to wear the RINO badge because I know that "true" Republicans these days are a bunch of hypocrites who lack honor and value #winning and triggering libtards over everything else. Never saw a more disingenuous group of people than the modern GOP.

To hell with Donald Trump. I hope he loses this case and I hope he gets rung up in Georgia and I hope he gets charged for the insurrection. The way that Republican idiots suck on that dude's orange colored nutsack is fuggin' gross. Fuggin' pathetic worm of a man with tiny hands, a knack for bankruptcy and a grifter who's never found a con that he's unwilling to try to sell.
Yes there is a big difference in how we view the world. In your case, you have nothing to worry about if you tell the hooker "No, thank you" and go on about your way. Which is just what the Trump's did.

As far as Hillary, your approach amazes me. Apparently in your world there is no such thing as conspiracy. Hillary Clinton and her campaign ACTIVELY took steps to get dirt on the Trumps from the Russians. What they did was try to insulate themselves from the activities to make it APPEAR that they weren't involved. The problem was that they WERE involved. To make an analogy, think about a murder for hire plot. If I get made at my business partner and want him offed, I can go ahead and pop a cap in his brain or I can hire someone else to do the actual deed while I am elsewhere establishing my alibi. The reality is that I am just as guilty in either case, whether I do the deed personally, or whether I hire Moose to do it for me. Clinton hired Moose, and the fact that she didn't take a "direct meeting" with someone from Russia is immaterial.

In spite of all we have already discussed, there is also a lot of evidence that the entire thing was a set up by the Clinton campaign. Ever hear about Nataliya, the Russian babe that met with the Fusion GPS folks (hired by Perkins Coie) both before and after the meeting. Here you go....

Stretch like I said a chasm . I guess I have a strange compass when it comes to having a meeting with an adversary that has nukes pointed at us. And all I need to hear from Don junior “if it is what you say it is “…you never ever take that meeting .

As far as it being a set up ? Sure I will buy that for this discussion . So you are saying Clinton’s agents were just a smidge smarter for setting up trumps people who took the bait .

And I think what you are saying is the marion berry defense . I mean he had a hooker with coke set him up so that really changes everything . I mean what was he supposed to do, say no?
Oh for Gawdsakes Stretch. Is this where you get your "news"? Ultra right wing freak shows? I'm no lib, but c'mon.

NPR political news, the source Stretch linked to, is NOT Ultra Right Wing sources, and IS NOT FOX NEWS.

NPR is actually very CREDIBLE.
Oh for Gawdsakes Stretch. Is this where you get your "news"? Ultra right wing freak shows? I'm no lib, but c'mon.
Why do you hate NPR?

Is your problem with the source or with the information they contain? Are you just killing the messenger?

Sorry if I offended you with the sources that search engine provided. I honestly know nothing about those two sources, they were just two of the first ones that came up when I asked "Trump tower meeting a setup?, along with the NPR one". I asked that question since I have seen/heard it reported back when that it actually WAS a setup, with the Russiaan honeypot meeting with the Clinton associates before and after the meeting. One link to youtube had a partial description about realclearinvestigations (an excellent resource in the realclear family of sites), but when I clicked on that one it took me to a shot of Tucker Carlson. So knowing that including that link would definitely offend the delicate sensibilities of the experts here, I didn't even click to watch the video to see what info was included. FWIW

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