Off-topic again - OMG Mich. State

Let's have some logic, facts, reason, instead of calling names, insults, etc, back and forth.

Trump has done BOTH BAD things and GOOD things, and the Good is Equal to the Bad, except that semi responsibility for the Jan 6 Riots outweighs all, any good that he has done.

What Trump has done is COMPARABLE to how Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Water's FIERY INFLAMMATORY RHETORIC, helped cause, incite a ASSASSIN to try to MURDER, ASSASSINATE a Supreme Court Judge over overturning Roe V Wade.

Now while those Democrats shouldn't be arrested over that, their FIERY INFLAMMATORY RHETORIC WAS IRRESPONSIBLE, BAD, AND MAKES THEM UNFIT FOR OFFICE, ETC.

In a SIMILAR Way Trump's FIERY, INFLAMMATORY RHETORIC, WAS EQUALLY BAD, IRRESPONSIBLE, as the Democrats, and LIKEWISE makes him UNFIT for office. Both what the Democrats and What Trump both did was BORDERLINE legal/illegal, and even if still legal, you can be still technically be legal, and STILL BE HORRIBLY, EVILLY, BAD.


And I don't know what's worse: What BOTH the Democrats and Trump did, OR THOSE ON BOTH SIDES THAT STUPIDLY CONTINUE TO DEFEND THEM AND WHAT THEY DID.

Biden in my opinion has been pretty bad. Even my Sister, who is as liberal as you can get thinks Biden is horribly bad.

So because of that it's important that Biden loses the Election, so I want a Republican to beat him, but NOT Trump.

As bad a Biden is, and as little support as he has, if Trump is allowed to run, and runs, It will be extremely close election, win or lose, and get a BAD PRESIDENT, no matter who wins.

My extremely Liberal sister said She would vote for Elizabeth Cheney, etc, but that if Trump runs, she will hold her nose and vote for Biden

That's a example of why the Election will be close win/lose wise if Trump runs.

If Ben Carson, Elizabeth Cheney, Ron De Santos, etc, run instead of Trump, they would EASILY BEAT BIDEN IN THE BIGGEST LANDSLIDE EVER.

The other problem with Trump trying to run is:


Trump needs to do the same. He had his chance to try to win reelection, he lost, and he needs to SURRENDER control of the Republican party leadership, needs to not run again, needs to retire into the background like ALL THE OTHERS did before him.

If Trump does not do that, he is going to HURT the Republican Party, hurt conservatives, hurt, divide the nation further, etc.

But Trump DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, COUNTRY, ETC, because IF he did care he would Surrender control of Republican party leadership, not run, retire into background, SO THAT ELIZABETH CHENEY, BEN CARSON, RON DE SANTIS, etc, would beat Biden in a landslide, etc, so that he Trump doesn't hurt, divide Republican Party, Country, etc.

But despite that Republicans continue to STUPIDLY, WRONGLY support, defend Trump.

Hurling insults, name calling is NOT the way to get them to Stop defending Trump, etc.

And they are not going to stop defending Trump.

It is what it is.
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Nope, not what I said. And if I had my choice I would swap out Biden for Manchin.

I would not have left Afghanistan, the few troops we had there was very efficient keeping the country under control. Both he a Trump had a horrible strategy with regards to Afghanistan.

Biden should have a dual track to energy independence. You can go green and still ween off petro...even if that means keeping a pipeline open and have a gradual shut down.

He kept open too long the sugar high Trump started with Covid.

On the other side his infrastructure and chips bill make sense to me. We gave China their economy the last 40 years and it is coming home to roost.

Anything else you want me to comment on?

If the choice is between Manchin and Trump, I would gladly vote for Manchin, as he would be a good candidate, good man, and was the only thing that stood in the way of all the DEMOCRAT CRAZYNESS under Biden.

If it's Biden vs Trump, I either vote 3rd party candidate, or not vote.

I refuse to vote for Biden and Trump.

If it's Elizabeth Cheney, Ben Carson vs Manchin, then my vote would be for Ben Carson, Elizabeth Cheney.
Sure, Flat.


And there you go. It's ok that you hate Biden because he's a libtard, but let's not pretend that it's anything but political.

But yell, "What about Biden!" any time it makes you feel good. We know you're full of sh!t, but we understand that you can't help yourself.
Holy brainwashed.


yes....there are a lot of brainwashed idiots that suck on Trump's ballsack.

FWIW, I voted for a Republican for President in 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. I probably only voted for a Democrat in any race 3 or 4 times in my first two decades of voting. Unfortunately, the GOP developed Obama Derangement Syndrome in 2012 and went off the rails, particularly in Kansas. I still routinely vote for Republicans if they demonstrate that they aren't idiotic lackeys but it's been a shorter list for the last few election cycles.
yes....there are a lot of brainwashed idiots that suck on Trump's ballsack.

FWIW, I voted for a Republican for President in 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. I probably only voted for a Democrat in any race 3 or 4 times in my first two decades of voting. Unfortunately, the GOP developed Obama Derangement Syndrome in 2012 and went off the rails, particularly in Kansas. I still routinely vote for Republicans if they demonstrate that they aren't idiotic lackeys but it's been a shorter list for the last few election cycles.
Well I usually have gone D or not voted at all, although I voted for McCain in 2000-whatever and Ross Perot - twice - when he ran. I did vote for Dino Rossi for governor back in the day, and Cathy McMorris in her first Rep run. Not since, although I'm not in her district anymore. I voted for Dan Newhouse down here, primarily because of his vote to impeach Trump. Met him once, nice guy. Actually I have met Dino, and was on a first name basis with Cathy.
My post that was quoted made no mention of the Democratic nominee.

It specifically has to do with the lack of criticism of Joe Biden as president of the united states.

Say it Ed, "Joe Biden is not a good President". It will set you free.

Jimmy Carter was horrible but at least he was a decent human. Trump on the other hand got results but isn't a decent human.

Ji.mmu Carter was/is a hell of a human being
Ji.mmu Carter was/is a hell of a human being
You are correct . Some things he was way ahead of his time . The electric car in which the car industry killed in 1978ish . He knew how important it was to get off foreign oil.

I wonder if he didn’t have his southern accent if he would have been taken more seriously .
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Two thoughts...

1) Do you always put down and discriminate against mentally ill people.
2) What would your view be in say 20 years, they line up 100 boys, 99 want to transition, one who isn't "mentally ill. And 99 of the 100 kids have identical genetic coding, and the one who is different is the one not "mentally ill".
IE there is something in their genetic makeup makes them the way they are?

Ed...I'll say it again and again. You hold absolutely zero high ground on the subject of children. Supporting the killing of millions of children in early human development "just because" is not a moral high ground. Just keep that in mind.

Where did I put down or discriminate against trannies? I have never done that. The only people I treat with contempt are white upper middle class woke neoMarxist utopia seekers like you. They are so phony and hypocritical. I, like many, despise hypocrites. Your religion is destroying society.

The transgender folks have a mental illness. It is very sad and they need help. I feel really bad for them. I don't give alcoholics more alcohol. I urge them to get help for their problem. I say the same about transgender or gender confused people. Some want to feed their mental health problem with excuses and accommodation (like allowing the unfair competition of biological males with biological females). That is morally wrong.
Man....How did that happen to me...Ed? You can feel free to do what you would like to do.
Is it okay in your strange world for me to get reparations for identifying as black? I mean, it's not your money at stake so I think you'd have no problem, right?

Why can't I identify as black?
Is it okay in your strange world for me to get reparations for identifying as black? I mean, it's not your money at stake so I think you'd have no problem, right?

Why can't I identify as black?
Again "Ed's in my Head" can choose to whatever you wish to do.
Ed...I'll say it again and again. You hold absolutely zero high ground on the subject of children. Supporting the killing of millions of children in early human development "just because" is not a moral high ground. Just keep that in mind.

Where did I put down or discriminate against trannies? I have never done that. The only people I treat with contempt are white upper middle class woke neoMarxist utopia seekers like you. They are so phony and hypocritical. I, like many, despise hypocrites. Your religion is destroying society.

The transgender folks have a mental illness. It is very sad and they need help. I feel really bad for them. I don't give alcoholics more alcohol. I urge them to get help for their problem. I say the same about transgender or gender confused people. Some want to feed their mental health problem with excuses and accommodation (like allowing the unfair competition of biological males with biological females). That is morally wrong.

I want to lead with the fact that I agree with you that there are times where the desire to accommodate transgender people can be unfair to the general population in ways that need to be re-evaluated. The whole discussion around pronouns could have been reasonable but instead it morphed into a dogmatic persecution of people who aren't biased...they just don't care about the discussion at all. And the transgender sports issue is a huge problem that creates an inequity against women that shouldn't even be a discussion.

So, I'm not in complete opposition to some of your thinking.

However, the whole "mental illness" part of your opinion is founded on outdated and ignorant thinking. Hell, if you feel that way, you likely feel that gay people also have a mental illness. It can quickly turn into anyone who doesn't think and feel the way that you do is mentally ill. Now that I think about it, back in the "good old days", they used to try to beat left handed people in schools to teach them to let go of their mental illness that kept them from being "normal". At the end of the Medieval period, left handed people were executed for the crime of using the wrong hand. Biology is a crazy thing and dismissing someone that is different as "mentally ill" is lazy and unethical.

We as a society need to find a balance between treating others with respect while also respecting everyone else's feelings. It doesn't need to be a zero sum game but too many people try to make it one.
Why can't the aggressive trans advocates seek a reasonable compromise? Hands off kids. Let them develop until age 18 or thereabouts and then let them make permanent life choices. Most studies say male brains are not fully developed until around age 23 or so. Females a little earlier but not by much.

Definitely brain not developed in adolescence or pre-puberty. And definitely not a decision that schools or advocates should be encouraging without fully informing the kids' parents.

Instead it is 'you must accept this or you are a transphobic". No. Not in the slightest. If that is a personal choice made with informed consent, go for it.
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Why can't the aggressive trans advocates seek a reasonable compromise? Hands off kids. Let them develop until age 18 or thereabouts and then let them make permanent life choices. Most studies say male brains are fully developed until around age 23 or so. Females a little earlier but not by much.

Definitely brain not developed in adolescence or pre-puberty. And definitely not a decision that schools or advocates should be encouraging without fully informing the kids' parents.

Instead it is 'you must accept this or you are a transphobic". No. Not in the slightest. If that is a personal choice made with informed consent, go for it.

Why the hurry. I have no problem with Trans adults. To each their own. Don’t push this stuff on kids and certainly wait until at least 18 to begin a gender transition. What happened to common sense.
Same with Drag. Drags have been around for centuries, Go for it. Just keep the kids out of your performances.
Why the hurry. I have no problem with Trans adults. To each their own. Don’t push this stuff on kids and certainly wait until at least 18 to begin a gender transition. What happened to common sense.
Same with Drag. Drags have been around for centuries, Go for it. Just keep the kids out of your performances.
While I don't necessarily disagree with your sentiment that I would much rather have kids transition after 18. However, what do the mental health professionals say, the people who study and make recommendations for a living.
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While I don't necessarily disagree with your sentiment that I would much rather have kids transition after 18. However, what do the metal professionals say, the people who study and make recommendations for a living.n
Whatever they say should not be behind the curtain. If there are serious mental health concerns, those should be addressed WITH the parents. Not with some advocate at school or some teacher or some government employee. With the parents.

At that point, there should also be a process whereby ALL parties acknowledge, go through at least a year of transitioning (dressing, acting, etc) as the other sex before doing permanent physical modifications.

I would hope the 'professionals' are ethical and assess each patient on a case by case basis. However, hope is not a strategy and if the last 2 1/2 years have taught us nothing, people behave in their own self-interest and regards to how it hits their bank balance.
Slippery Ed. Good dodge...again.
"How did this happen to me"....not dodging. If you want to apply for reparations that is your choice. Not sure who is paying that right now but go get a money grab if you would like. Think of it like PPP money, you get it and you don't have to pay it back even if you go on to have a staggering good year.

You can do what several of my clients did with there PPP money. One guy was the "rounds are on me" after 18 holes of golf. Racked up 50k in credit card debt. PPP money allowed him to pay that off and buy a 500k home with the other 50k he received.

Or a person I know who had an outstanding year in sales despite April of 2020. Gave him a little extra spending money...5 million dollars...he bought a plane.

My guess is you will struggle to find the faucet open on reparations but let me know. I clearly know two people who are fiscal conservatives but had no problem with their mouth at the trough and may attempt to make a claim.
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Whatever they say should not be behind the curtain. If there are serious mental health concerns, those should be addressed WITH the parents. Not with some advocate at school or some teacher or some government employee. With the parents.

At that point, there should also be a process whereby ALL parties acknowledge, go through at least a year of transitioning (dressing, acting, etc) as the other sex before doing permanent physical modifications.

I would hope the 'professionals' are ethical and assess each patient on a case by case basis. However, hope is not a strategy and if the last 2 1/2 years have taught us nothing, people behave in their own self-interest and regards to how it hits their bank balance.
Well that is the issue isn't it? Comes down to who someone trusts. Well we hope team docs are ethical. What we find is 99% are, but the doc at Mich State is the person who sort of sets the sub standard.
Ed...I'll say it again and again. You hold absolutely zero high ground on the subject of children. Supporting the killing of millions of children in early human development "just because" is not a moral high ground. Just keep that in mind.

Where did I put down or discriminate against trannies? I have never done that. The only people I treat with contempt are white upper middle class woke neoMarxist utopia seekers like you. They are so phony and hypocritical. I, like many, despise hypocrites. Your religion is destroying society.

The transgender folks have a mental illness. It is very sad and they need help. I feel really bad for them. I don't give alcoholics more alcohol. I urge them to get help for their problem. I say the same about transgender or gender confused people. Some want to feed their mental health problem with excuses and accommodation (like allowing the unfair competition of biological males with biological females). That is morally wrong.
Ed in your head....three things. I don't claim to have a moral high ground. I claim to have opinions based on my human experience.

Please let me know the names of the many children I supported their death. Give me their names and the ages and I will be more than happy to apologize.

Mental illness. Years ago and maybe they still do but some in our society thought/think being gay is a mental illness. Is this the same mental illness that trans have/had?
"How did this happen to me"....not dodging. If you want to apply for reparations that is your choice. Not sure who is paying that right now but go get a money grab if you would like. Think of it like PPP money, you get it and you don't have to pay it back even if you go on to have a staggering good year.

You can do what several of my clients did with there PPP money. One guy was the "rounds are on me" after 18 holes of golf. Racked up 50k in credit card debt. PPP money allowed him to pay that off and buy a 500k home with the other 50k he received.

Or a person I know who had an outstanding year in sales despite April of 2020. Gave him a little extra spending money...5 million dollars...he bought a plane.

My guess is you will struggle to find the faucet open on reparations but let me know. I clearly know two people who are fiscal conservatives but had no problem with their mouth at the trough and may attempt to make a claim.
Sounds like you are friends with, or at least associating with some people that do not have a good moral compass. Is what they did what the PPP was designed and designated for? Did they follow the rules for what the program allowed? If they didn't follow the rules, did you report them for the violations? If not, then you are condoning and encouraging their actions, and are just as guilty as they are for defrauding the US government and the Americans that fund it by paying our taxes.

BTW, elsewhere you are making a big deal about things being "fair". Is what these guys did fair or not?
Sounds like you are friends with, or at least associating with some people that do not have a good moral compass. Is what they did what the PPP was designed and designated for? Did they follow the rules for what the program allowed? If they didn't follow the rules, did you report them for the violations? If not, then you are condoning and encouraging their actions, and are just as guilty as they are for defrauding the US government and the Americans that fund it by paying our taxes.

BTW, elsewhere you are making a big deal about things being "fair". Is what these guys did fair or not?
Ah Stretch.... let me give you a little more information. What fraud? They filled out the paperwork and were efficient and the house, the Senate, and Trump approved something without guard rails. Bush did the same thing in 2008 with respect to the bank bailouts, then continued by Obama. So there was no "fraud" that you think I should report.

The person who bought the plane is a millionaire maybe 150 times over. So he could have purchased a plane earlier. But it did give him a little extra jingle in his wallet.

The second person was a client of mine who I referred to someone else. Not all that different when I referred a client to someone else i think back in 2018. They have a home that tripled in value in Olympia. They wanted 100 k out to remodel, and they still had another 350k in equity. They didn't want to pay off the student loans of 100k which they lived on because they thought they were going to be forgiven. They borrowed the money, they should pay it back.

Fair? Nope. But all three people played well within the rules that were set up by our government....and each person I can guarantee you have zero problem justifying it, I never brought up the word did.

In your hero post, what does the vet mean in the minute 20 range that things changed, gone are the opportunities he had. Which opportunities are gone?
Ed in your head....three things. I don't claim to have a moral high ground. I claim to have opinions based on my human experience.

Please let me know the names of the many children I supported their death. Give me their names and the ages and I will be more than happy to apologize.

Mental illness. Years ago and maybe they still do but some in our society thought/think being gay is a mental illness. Is this the same mental illness that trans have/had?

I see. So one has to have a name before they are considered human? Good thinking Ed.

You tell me if it is the same mental illness.

You don't have the moral high ground on this issue. Do you serve alcohol to alcoholics?

Anyone who is biologically male but believes they are a female (how they would know this is inexplicable) has a very significant mental illness. They need help, not parents and society in general reinforcing their mental illness.
"How did this happen to me"....not dodging. If you want to apply for reparations that is your choice. Not sure who is paying that right now but go get a money grab if you would like. Think of it like PPP money, you get it and you don't have to pay it back even if you go on to have a staggering good year.

You can do what several of my clients did with there PPP money. One guy was the "rounds are on me" after 18 holes of golf. Racked up 50k in credit card debt. PPP money allowed him to pay that off and buy a 500k home with the other 50k he received.

Or a person I know who had an outstanding year in sales despite April of 2020. Gave him a little extra spending money...5 million dollars...he bought a plane.

My guess is you will struggle to find the faucet open on reparations but let me know. I clearly know two people who are fiscal conservatives but had no problem with their mouth at the trough and may attempt to make a claim.

I don't want to hear your made up stories. They mean nothing to me.

So I have you down for "yes", defrauding the government and lying about one's racial makeup is good and acceptable in your twisted moral world. Thanks for clearing that up. This is completely consistent coming from you.
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I want to lead with the fact that I agree with you that there are times where the desire to accommodate transgender people can be unfair to the general population in ways that need to be re-evaluated. The whole discussion around pronouns could have been reasonable but instead it morphed into a dogmatic persecution of people who aren't biased...they just don't care about the discussion at all. And the transgender sports issue is a huge problem that creates an inequity against women that shouldn't even be a discussion.

So, I'm not in complete opposition to some of your thinking.

However, the whole "mental illness" part of your opinion is founded on outdated and ignorant thinking. Hell, if you feel that way, you likely feel that gay people also have a mental illness. It can quickly turn into anyone who doesn't think and feel the way that you do is mentally ill. Now that I think about it, back in the "good old days", they used to try to beat left handed people in schools to teach them to let go of their mental illness that kept them from being "normal". At the end of the Medieval period, left handed people were executed for the crime of using the wrong hand. Biology is a crazy thing and dismissing someone that is different as "mentally ill" is lazy and unethical.

We as a society need to find a balance between treating others with respect while also respecting everyone else's feelings. It doesn't need to be a zero sum game but too many people try to make it one.

I would not put gay folks in the same category as transgender folks. Whether or not that has been done in the past is not relevant to me.

It doesn't seem logical to group them both as having mental illness that result in their thoughts and behaviors. Again, I am disregarding any past categorizations as that doesn't matter to me.

I respect anyone with mental illness. They are made in God's image so they are deserving of respect and care.
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I see. So one has to have a name before they are considered human? Good thinking Ed.

You tell me if it is the same mental illness.

You don't have the moral high ground on this issue. Do you serve alcohol to alcoholics?

Anyone who is biologically male but believes they are a female (how they would know this is inexplicable) has a very significant mental illness. They need help, not parents and society in general reinforcing their mental illness.
Well it is impossible for me to repent and ask for forgiveness if I don't know the names of the people I supported to kill. Trust me you have zero idea my feelings on abortion other than it aint my body, and if you go to a Jewish predominate religion in the US ( cause you wanted a religion back in school why not Judaism?) then what those people do with their bodies are between them and their God.

You keep going on the moral high ground statement. I don't care if you think I have moral high ground or not. Your opinion truly means zero to me. You are a name on a message board. I have discussions with you. You have told me what I believe and what you think I believe.

I don't think someone who is gay is mentally ill. But trust me there was that thought and still might be.
I don't want to hear your made up stories. They mean nothing to me.

So I have you down for "yes", defrauding the government and lying about you racial makeup is good and acceptable in your twisted moral world. Thanks for clearing that up. This is completely consistent coming from you.
No idea what you are talking about. I haven't defrauded the government. You want to see a picture of the plane in those made ups stories? While I do have a very creative mind why would I make up stories on a WSU message board? You know how nuts that is?

I have told you about my racial make up? Interesting.
Sounds like you are friends with, or at least associating with some people that do not have a good moral compass. Is what they did what the PPP was designed and designated for? Did they follow the rules for what the program allowed? If they didn't follow the rules, did you report them for the violations? If not, then you are condoning and encouraging their actions, and are just as guilty as they are for defrauding the US government and the Americans that fund it by paying our taxes.

BTW, elsewhere you are making a big deal about things being "fair". Is what these guys did fair or not?
I know a bit about PPP, I am an accountant after all. It was a clusterf-k from the getgo. My then-employer cashed in on it as well, for a couple of million that it didn't really need or deserve. So did a LOT of companies and individuals. If someone (in this case the Feds) is standing in the street throwing money into the air are you not going to go scoop some up? That is the PPP program in a nutshell. Yeah, I'm sure a lot of deserving small businesses benefitted. But in many many cases it was a BS money grab.
I know a bit about PPP, I am an accountant after all. It was a clusterf-k from the getgo. My then-employer cashed in on it as well, for a couple of million that it didn't really need or deserve. So did a LOT of companies and individuals. If someone (in this case the Feds) is standing in the street throwing money into the air are you not going to go scoop some up? That is the PPP program in a nutshell. Yeah, I'm sure a lot of deserving small businesses benefitted. But in many many cases it was a BS money grab.
As you may have had to do, you filled out the paperwork. Or helped out the CFO. The feds had a plan to hand it out but never a plan to collect it back.

If you had a good paperwork person you were first in line. People in one industry were getting upwards of 9 mill. capitalism at its best..
As you may have had to do, you filled out the paperwork. Or helped out the CFO. The feds had a plan to hand it out but never a plan to collect it back.

If you had a good paperwork person you were first in line. People in one industry were getting upwards of 9 mill. capitalism at its best..
Oh yeah, I did the much of the paperwork to get the loan and then the paperwork get the forgiveness. Total pain in the ass, but you do what you gotta do.

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