Official & Unofficial game thread of Texas Tech at WSU

Mateer is a poor man's Tim Tebow.
You beat me to it. Mateer is a helluva athlete but he doesn’t look great going through his reads. Will be interesting to see how sustainable this is. Maybe this version of the offense will cause UW fits 🤷
OMG- can anyone say anything positive about the Cougs?
This was one of the biggest non-conference home wins in WSU history in front of a true National Audience.
I know many of you would rather lose 67-63 to UCLA than actually win a game.
There is not one critique on this thread that matters other than we won.
It does not matter how we did it. Seriously
OMG- can anyone say anything positive about the Cougs?
This was one of the biggest non-conference home wins in WSU history in front of a true National Audience.
I know many of you would rather lose 67-63 to UCLA than actually win a game.
There is not one critique on this thread that matters other than we won.
It does not matter how we did it. Seriously
this 1000%.
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You beat me to it. Mateer is a helluva athlete but he doesn’t look great going through his reads. Will be interesting to see how sustainable this is. Maybe this version of the offense will cause UW fits 🤷

1. Texas Tech consistently DROPPED BACK 8.

A. Awfully hard to pass into 8.


B. Awfully hard to pass, when D drops back 8, AND COMBINED with your WR's CONSISTENTLY DROPPING 6 PASSES THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN CAUGHT.

3. Because of Texas Tech Consistently dropping back 8, is part of why Mateer audibled, ran for 197 yards, and why WSU had 300 yards rushing.


5. The offense passing attack struggled because of 8 dropped into coverage, and dropped passes, and a couple, few missed opportunities by Mateer, that if he had hit, not missed, would have been good for 1, 2 passing TD's.
OMG- can anyone say anything positive about the Cougs?
This was one of the biggest non-conference home wins in WSU history in front of a true National Audience.
I know many of you would rather lose 67-63 to UCLA than actually win a game.
There is not one critique on this thread that matters other than we won.
It does not matter how we did it. Seriously
Here’s the best I’ll give you: I’ll take the W, and be glad to have it. But I hope that none of the coaches and players - particularly on offense - are satisfied.
To be negative about the's pretty obvious why Oregon didn't fight to keep Hutson. If not for his drops (along with a couple other guys), we probably win by by 35 last night. Mateer wasn't perfect but half of his incompletions were drops.

On the positive side, who would have thought that we'd win by rushing for 300 yards against Texas Tech? That's a game we lose with Cam Ward at QB and the play of last year's OL. I always liked Nakia Watson but our current stable of running backs are legit studs.

On another positive note, we were very disciplined and avoided brainless penalties....something Tech couldn't do. Tech's OL got worked all night long and that forced a lot of mental mistakes on their part.

It's weird to win by 21 points but feel like we should have lost the game because our passing was so bad. The good news is that if our receivers just start holding onto the ball....those numbers get a lot better fast.

A month ago, I said that I was surprised at how effective the running game was in the CFB 25 football game. Who knew that it would be accurate? I also said that this was our best shot at running the table that we've ever had and if we clean up our receiving and keep getting a few could definitely happen.
OMG- can anyone say anything positive about the Cougs?
This was one of the biggest non-conference home wins in WSU history in front of a true National Audience.
I know many of you would rather lose 67-63 to UCLA than actually win a game.
There is not one critique on this thread that matters other than we won.
It does not matter how we did it. Seriously

Have you seen the video of Leach ripping his team after a win?

It is possible to win a game and have an enormous amount of work to do to get better.

Saban disagrees with you too.

Mateer has terrible footwork. If he were a pitcher he’d have throw the ball behind batters, over their heads, walked 10, etc. He has an enormous amount of work to do.
Solid win
But as some have mentioned, the team should not be satisfied and that's a good thing
Nothing wrong with expecting more from yourself as a player.

Good group at the running back position. Can't recall this much overall depth for the Cougs.

OMG- can anyone say anything positive about the Cougs?
This was one of the biggest non-conference home wins in WSU history in front of a true National Audience.
I know many of you would rather lose 67-63 to UCLA than actually win a game.
There is not one critique on this thread that matters other than we won.
It does not matter how we did it. Seriously
OK Sparky,

Perhaps realtime reaction during games just isn’t your thing. I get that but, please, scolding fans for in-game reactions, after the game has been played, might be a little much, dontcha think?
OK Sparky,

Perhaps realtime reaction during games just isn’t your thing. I get that but, please, scolding fans for in-game reactions, after the game has been played, might be a little much, dontcha think?
Ha, no shit. It’s a football chat board FFS, you want kumbaya unicorns and rainbows read a self help book.
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Ha, no shit. It’s a football chat board FFS, you want kumbaya unicorns and rainbows read a self help book.
Actually, I’m going to double down on concerns -
Against Portland state, our OL wasn’t getting to the second level to run block. The way TT has played last night, there weren’t as many examples of that, but where the problem showed up was in short yardage they couldn’t consistently control the DL, and we got stuffed. Doesn’t help that our formations tend to telegraph whether we’re running or passing, so the defense can anticipate.
Mateer’s running also concerns me. For one, because it means he takes more hits than he needs to. Another issue was that a lot of his runs were not by design, but were because nobody could get open against the ‘drop 8’ and (worse) the ‘rush 3’ was getting close.
I’ll grant that the OL has gotten better by quite a bit, but I’m not prepared to agree that they’re a strength of the team. I think their improvement combined with Mateer’s decisiveness in the run game and willingness to take off is the difference - his running is masking some of their weakness (and his style is a much better fit for their play than Ward’s was).

Mateer needs to settle faster and learn some touch. stop throwing fastballs from 5 yards away, and figure out that the sidearm on the run delivery is inaccurate.
What is it then? We’re playing for the same trophy we always have.
It’s a game against uw. I would call it non conference, but since we don’t really have a conference that doesn’t seem accurate.

In even numbered years, the Apple Cup is played in Pullman and is the last game of the season.
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It’s a game against uw. I would call it non conference, but since we don’t really have a conference that doesn’t seem accurate.

In even numbered years, the Apple Cup is played in Pullman and is the last game of the season.
The Apple cup also sells out…
Actually, I’m going to double down on concerns -
Against Portland state, our OL wasn’t getting to the second level to run block. The way TT has played last night, there weren’t as many examples of that, but where the problem showed up was in short yardage they couldn’t consistently control the DL, and we got stuffed. Doesn’t help that our formations tend to telegraph whether we’re running or passing, so the defense can anticipate.
Mateer’s running also concerns me. For one, because it means he takes more hits than he needs to. Another issue was that a lot of his runs were not by design, but were because nobody could get open against the ‘drop 8’ and (worse) the ‘rush 3’ was getting close.
I’ll grant that the OL has gotten better by quite a bit, but I’m not prepared to agree that they’re a strength of the team. I think their improvement combined with Mateer’s decisiveness in the run game and willingness to take off is the difference - his running is masking some of their weakness (and his style is a much better fit for their play than Ward’s was).

Mateer needs to settle faster and learn some touch. stop throwing fastballs from 5 yards away, and figure out that the sidearm on the run delivery is inaccurate.
I was watching from the stands but had a pretty good view. I couldn’t see drops as well as people probably could watching on tv. Two things I will say for sure. His scrambling ability is creating a lot more time to find receivers, and receivers are getting a ton of space as a result. Something we all knew we would see in this offense with a true running threat at QB.

The problem with that fact is he’s late getting the ball out. Several times guys were breaking open and he wouldn’t pull the trigger. I’m not even gonna argue with anyone on that, it was clear as day. If he can figure that out quickly we’ve got something really special.
OK Sparky,

Perhaps realtime reaction during games just isn’t your thing. I get that but, please, scolding fans for in-game reactions, after the game has been played, might be a little much, dontcha think?
the team dominated from the first score on, yet the pitching continued all during the game.

There's a lot to like. Not only can they run the ball, they took what the d was giving and did run the ball. Much better play calling that complements the match up and team strengths.
the team dominated from the first score on, yet the pitching continued all during the game.

There's a lot to like. Not only can they run the ball, they took what the d was giving and did run the ball. Much better play calling that complements the match up and team strengths.

We have a different definition of dominated. They out gained us, out first downed us, rushed for 5.5 a pop. Penalties and turnovers. Now those are often forced so I’m not discounting them, but they had 500 yards of offense and it wasn’t all in garbage time. I’m interested to see if we can win a bunch of games running the ball and playing bend/don’t break turnover forcing defense. Fun game, great result.
What is it then? We’re playing for the same trophy we always have.
You keep striving to make us playing fuw a big deal.

F*ck em. They F*cked us.

No reason to be in the same room with them.

We aren't going to make a zillion dollars playing them. I'm still awestruck how anyone wants to give any money to Seattle.

We'd be doing better to play at Auburn like Cal did or having a game at home against Grambling State.

The Apple Cup is dead

We have a different definition of dominated. They out gained us, out first downed us, rushed for 5.5 a pop. Penalties and turnovers. Now those are often forced so I’m not discounting them, but they had 500 yards of offense and it wasn’t all in garbage time. I’m interested to see if we can win a bunch of games running the ball and playing bend/don’t break turnover forcing defense. Fun game, great result.
Damnit, I forgot my defensive concerns. Rushing lanes were too big, our interior DL can’t control them and our LBs are out of position too much. 7-8 yards up the middle consistently, getting stopped by the safeties es no bueno.
Too many times giving up yards on the outside, especially on little screens and outside throws, relying on inside out pursuit for LBs when there’s only 2 of them on the field. Our corners did come up big on some of those plays in short yardage though, so maybe that got addressed.
What was really bothering me late though was the pillowy soft playcalling on a couple of TT drives. We went from making them work for yards to basically surrendering 12 yards a pop, with predictable results. We had some cushion at that point, but the game was not over. Our offense hadn’t been terribly effective in the previous drives and it really looked like surrendering momentum. It worked out, but in the moment I didn’t like it at all.

Also wondering if janikowski got kicked in the nuts or something. He’s usually pretty reliable, but last night was not his night.
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This isn’t the Apple Cup.

But I would go with 1917.
Good guess. I considered that as well. It was 1930, tho...9-0

And as far as "this isn't the apple cup", while I get what you're getting at, I do think the winner gets possession of it.

If we win, would you say "don't take it"?
Good guess. I considered that as well. It was 1930, tho...9-0

And as far as "this isn't the apple cup", while I get what you're getting at, I do think the winner gets possession of it.

If we win, would you say "don't take it"?
No if we win we take it and set fire to it and bury it somewhere it won’t be found. F UW and F the AC.
Good guess. I considered that as well. It was 1930, tho...9-0

And as far as "this isn't the apple cup", while I get what you're getting at, I do think the winner gets possession of it.

If we win, would you say "don't take it"?
Absolutely. Then I'd draw a picture of Butch urinating on it while flipping a middle finger.
You keep striving to make us playing fuw a big deal.

F*ck em. They F*cked us.

No reason to be in the same room with them.

We aren't going to make a zillion dollars playing them. I'm still awestruck how anyone wants to give any money to Seattle.

We'd be doing better to play at Auburn like Cal did or having a game at home against Grambling State.

The Apple Cup is dead
And some of our fans pretend that we wouldn’t have done the same thing to them if we were given the opportunity.

Apple Cup is the single biggest sporting event in WSU history by a massive margin. That’s not the case for UW. They sell out for many of their home games.

We couldn’t even crack 28k for a solid home game vs. Texas Tech and some of our fans want to cancel the game. LOL, and replace it with what? The only P4 school that will consistently (if ever) visit Pullman is UW.
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Why won’t UW fans support their team while playing in their own home town against an in state opponent 5 miles from campus?
Damnit, I forgot my defensive concerns. Rushing lanes were too big, our interior DL can’t control them and our LBs are out of position too much. 7-8 yards up the middle consistently, getting stopped by the safeties es no bueno.
Too many times giving up yards on the outside, especially on little screens and outside throws, relying on inside out pursuit for LBs when there’s only 2 of them on the field. Our corners did come up big on some of those plays in short yardage though, so maybe that got addressed.
What was really bothering me late though was the pillowy soft playcalling on a couple of TT drives. We went from making them work for yards to basically surrendering 12 yards a pop, with predictable results. We had some cushion at that point, but the game was not over. Our offense hadn’t been terribly effective in the previous drives and it really looked like surrendering momentum. It worked out, but in the moment I didn’t like it at all.

Also wondering if janikowski got kicked in the nuts or something. He’s usually pretty reliable, but last night was not his night.
I'd like to say taking on the punting duties while Faberer is out has distracted him. Shrug emoji.

Why won’t UW fans support their team while playing in their own home town against an in state opponent 5 miles from campus?
They are losing fans. Their replacing of in state students with out of state and internationals is catching up to them. They pay a shit ton of money for a degree and feel no loyalty to the university thereafter. That doesn’t lend itself to future support, attendance at games, etc.
And some of our fans pretend that we wouldn’t have done the same thing to them if we were given the opportunity.

Apple Cup is the single biggest sporting event in WSU history by a massive margin. That’s not the case for UW. They sell out for many of their home games.

We couldn’t even crack 28k for a solid home game vs. Texas Tech and some of our fans want to cancel the game. LOL, and replace it with what? The only P4 school that will consistently (if ever) visit Pullman is UW.
The Apple Cup no longer exists. It should be referenced in the past tense.

Just saying.
I think saying the Apple Cup no longer exists makes our fan base look like crybabies. As if we wouldn't have done the exact same thing to UW if we had the opportunity to join the B!G without them.

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