OK guys, it is realignment crunch time

Loyal Coug1

Hall Of Fame
Gold Member
Aug 24, 2022
If anyone else reads the sports news - the MW is pushing to keep the rest of its schools in the fold, including guaranteed money to stay, extra money to UNLV and AF to stay, etc. AAC is pushing to keep its schools from bolting. In other rumors, you know they are looking at AF and maybe UNLV as well. That would totally F both the Pac and what's left of the MW.

I watched Teresa at halftime patting herself on the back for blowing a shit ton of our money on the MW traitorous 4. OK, now what? This could totally blow up in her face. We need to offer UNLV and whoever else from the MW NOW. Like today.

And on the other note, where are we at on our 2025 schedule? Have we called Ole Miss yet?

We could be doing some serious crying in our beers by the end of the week.
If anyone else reads the sports news - the MW is pushing to keep the rest of its schools in the fold, including guaranteed money to stay, extra money to UNLV and AF to stay, etc. AAC is pushing to keep its schools from bolting. In other rumors, you know they are looking at AF and maybe UNLV as well. That would totally F both the Pac and what's left of the MW.

I watched Teresa at halftime patting herself on the back for blowing a shit ton of our money on the MW traitorous 4. OK, now what? This could totally blow up in her face. We need to offer UNLV and whoever else from the MW NOW. Like today.

And on the other note, where are we at on our 2025 schedule? Have we called Ole Miss yet?

We could be doing some serious crying in our beers by the end of the week.
You realize there is all kinds of posturing happening, right? Money and a path to the CFP is what will drive these decisions. The haves of the MWC are clearly tired of being affiliated with the have nots.

I recommend you worry about it 24/7, and if you deem it appropriate post hourly updates.
You realize there is all kinds of posturing happening, right? Money and a path to the CFP is what will drive these decisions. The haves of the MWC are clearly tired of being affiliated with the have nots.

I recommend you worry about it 24/7, and if you deem it appropriate post hourly updates.
I am and I will. It's my job to keep the unwashed masses here informed.
If we wanted to be coast-to-coast conference, I think you could pull in some east coast schools that add value. Temple (Philly), UCONN (NE), plus South Florida and maybe East Carolina, plus Memphis and Tulane. That is a decent mix of teams that open up a national TV audience.
If anyone else reads the sports news - the MW is pushing to keep the rest of its schools in the fold, including guaranteed money to stay, extra money to UNLV and AF to stay, etc. AAC is pushing to keep its schools from bolting. In other rumors, you know they are looking at AF and maybe UNLV as well. That would totally F both the Pac and what's left of the MW.

I watched Teresa at halftime patting herself on the back for blowing a shit ton of our money on the MW traitorous 4. OK, now what? This could totally blow up in her face. We need to offer UNLV and whoever else from the MW NOW. Like today.

And on the other note, where are we at on our 2025 schedule? Have we called Ole Miss yet?

We could be doing some serious crying in our beers by the end of the week.
Does the Mountain become power five ? If the answer is yes WSU and OSU have problems .
Does the Mountain become power five ? If the answer is yes WSU and OSU have problems .
Unlikely, and even more unlikely without WSU and OSU.

However, a Pac-12 made up of WSU, OSU, the top tier of the MWC and top tier of the AAC at least would position itself to put its champion in the CFP regularly. Five slots go to the highest rated conference champs. So, it would take a special year by a G5 outside of a new Pac-12 to make it.
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Well, here are the new rumors that I've read in the last 24 hours:

  • The ACC is now considering offering Memphis and Tulane as contingency invites if they lose teams. This could create a bidding war between the ACC and Pac-12 that the Pac can't win and the ACC can't afford. (Don't really think I buy this, but just planting the seed could make the price go up for us)
  • The Pac-12 is now also considering USF, and they've already invited Memphis & Tulane...both of which are weighing their options
  • The AAC is trying to lure Air Force and (someone else, I don't remember) and basically destroy the MWC.
  • The Pac-12 has reached out to Utah State with an invitation, but USU wants "additional considerations"
  • The city of Las Vegas is considering a ban on all Pac-12 activities unless they invite UNLV. (yeah, because people in Vegas don't like money)
  • The ACC is now considering inviting the 6 members of the Pac-12, lumped with Cal and Stanford, as their western pod.

I think that covers it. I think what's happening here is that anything that gets mentioned by any idiot blogger is getting picked up and reported. Most of these probably don't have a shred of factual basis, and the rest probably have very little basis. But nobody bothers verifying information before reporting it as news anymore.
Reports of Gonzaga in with a full revenue share
Conflicting reports now.

Seems hard to believe. Football pays the bills, but a team without football gets a full share?

And on the other side, GU likely makes plenty on their own name. Why would they take a deal without any quantifiable idea of how much it's worth?
Well, here are the new rumors that I've read in the last 24 hours:

  • The ACC is now considering offering Memphis and Tulane as contingency invites if they lose teams. This could create a bidding war between the ACC and Pac-12 that the Pac can't win and the ACC can't afford. (Don't really think I buy this, but just planting the seed could make the price go up for us)
  • The Pac-12 is now also considering USF, and they've already invited Memphis & Tulane...both of which are weighing their options
  • The AAC is trying to lure Air Force and (someone else, I don't remember) and basically destroy the MWC.
  • The Pac-12 has reached out to Utah State with an invitation, but USU wants "additional considerations"
  • The city of Las Vegas is considering a ban on all Pac-12 activities unless they invite UNLV. (yeah, because people in Vegas don't like money)
  • The ACC is now considering inviting the 6 members of the Pac-12, lumped with Cal and Stanford, as their western pod.

I think that covers it. I think what's happening here is that anything that gets mentioned by any idiot blogger is getting picked up and reported. Most of these probably don't have a shred of factual basis, and the rest probably have very little basis. But nobody bothers verifying information before reporting it as news anymore.
ACC would include WSU and OSU?
Mandel and Dellinger are separately also reporting that Memphis, Tulane, and USF are about to reaffirm their commitment to the AAC and turn down the Pac-12.

The next news out of the conferences will be changes to their revenue model to pay Memphis, Tulane, and USF more money. Total coincidence though.
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Well are you ostriches getting nervous yet? AAC schools have published their intent to stay in the AAC. Can't believe we were stupid enough to offer Memphis and Tulane ahead of UNLV and whoever. If that is indeed the case.

F-this Gonzaga blather. Won't happen, and would only make things worse if it did.

We are left with this: Regardless of what we have committed to the traitorous 4 on exit fees, we now need to offer them, UNLV and whoever else out of AF/Wyoming or USU UNR/SJSU. Commit to paying ALL of their exit fees. All 6 teams. So, $67M in poaching fees, and $102M in exit fees. $169M out of our $250M. The rest will already be spent this year.

Anyone see another path forward? If so, let's hear it.
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Should have taken the war chest, split it with OSU, and gone independent in football then teamed up to join MWC/WCC in all other sports moving forward. Probably would've benefitted both universities long term. Then in 5 years when realignment happens again you're hopefully in a better spot.
Well are you ostriches getting nervous yet? AAC schools have published their intent to stay in the AAC. Can't believe we were stupid enough to offer Memphis and Tulane ahead of UNLV and whoever. If that is indeed the case.

F-this Gonzaga blather. Won't happen, and would only make things worse if it did.

We are left with this: Regardless of what we have committed to the traitorous 4 on exit fees, we now need to offer them, UNLV and whoever else out of AF/Wyoming or USU UNR/SJSU. Commit to paying ALL of their exit fees. All 6 teams. So, $67M in poaching fees, and $102M in exit fees. $169M out of our $250M. The rest will already be spent this year.

Anyone see another path forward? If so, let's hear it.
Well, your pants are full of the brown stuff so that path is taken.
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ESPN is f’ing all this up. Colluding POS.

When Trump and RFKJ get back in DC, they can fix college football after dismantling the three letter agencies.
Well, your pants are full of the brown stuff so that path is taken.
Ok Mr. "MW will always be there for us". What do you suggest now? Oh wait, you have never suggested anything, just talked shit to everyone else. What do you propose for our next step?
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AF recommitted to the MW. The MW has given other schools like UNLV until end of today to accept the bonus packages and GOR. I still don't see how we can commit to a GOR with 2 years left on the contract.

Not a whole lot of options left for UNLV. We don't even have an invite to join the PAC.
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Ok Mr. "MW will always be there for us". What do you suggest now? Oh wait, you have never suggested anything, just talked shit to everyone else. What do you propose for our next step?
First, don't freak out. You've never made it past this step.
Second, keep doing what the Pac-12 has been doing- position itself to form the best G5 conference possible or a west coast pod for the ACC or Big XII.
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First, don't freak out. You've never made it past this step.
Second, keep doing what the Pac-12 has been doing- position itself to form the best G5 conference possible or a west coast pod for the ACC or Big XII.
Oh fer F's sake. Back to the West Coast pod fantasy? That's your plan? Teresa "swung for the fences" and hit a dribbler back to the mound. My scenario is the only viable option at this point, and it is fading fast. Half the remaining MW has apparently signed a new GOR today. Gloria is out-maneuvering us bigtime. Teresa will be begging for a custodial job at MW HQ before the day/week is over.

Oh and the 4 MW traitors are kicking themselves right now. $5 sez they are on the horn to Gloria begging to renege on bolting. And their attorneys are scrutinizing whatever they may have signed with the Pac to see how they can get out of it.
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Oh fer F's sake. Back to the West Coast pod fantasy? That's your plan? Teresa "swung for the fences" and hit a dribbler back to the mound. My scenario is the only viable option at this point, and it is fading fast. Half the remaining MW has apparently signed a new GOR today. Gloria is out-maneuvering us bigtime. Teresa will be begging for a custodial job at MW HQ before the day/week is over.

Oh and the 4 MW traitors are kicking themselves right now. $5 sez they are on the horn to Gloria begging to renege on bolting. And their attorneys are scrutinizing whatever they may have signed with the Pac to see how they can get out of it.

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First, don't freak out. You've never made it past this step.
Second, keep doing what the Pac-12 has been doing- position itself to form the best G5 conference possible or a west coast pod for the ACC or Big XII.
Yes, absolutely.

We skimmed the top-5 programs from the MWC. We can add anyone else for the 8th and we’ll still be the top West Coast conference.
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West pod/East pod/auto bid to the 12 team tournament. A bidding war ensues between Apple and Amazon. WB jumps out of nowhere with an Angel investor (Elon enters the race to ensure future exclusivity on Mars)

The $$$$ dollars 💵 backing this are unreal to the point nobody can refuse.

That’s about all I remember but I heard this from a guy who says he read it on X
Well are you ostriches getting nervous yet? AAC schools have published their intent to stay in the AAC. Can't believe we were stupid enough to offer Memphis and Tulane ahead of UNLV and whoever. If that is indeed the case.

F-this Gonzaga blather. Won't happen, and would only make things worse if it did.

We are left with this: Regardless of what we have committed to the traitorous 4 on exit fees, we now need to offer them, UNLV and whoever else out of AF/Wyoming or USU UNR/SJSU. Commit to paying ALL of their exit fees. All 6 teams. So, $67M in poaching fees, and $102M in exit fees. $169M out of our $250M. The rest will already be spent this year.

Anyone see another path forward? If so, let's hear it.

Wyoming, Nevada, will not be taken by PAC 6.

Only Utah St, UNLV, SJSU, Texas St, North Texas are candidates now.
Well where are we now, boys. is it still "all is well"?

We better hope to hell UNLV can and will pull out of the MW and join the Pac.

If anyone wants to argue that Teresa hasn't completely F-ed this up better bring your lunch. Even if UNLV joins.