Oregon = Steve from The Italian Job


Hall Of Fame
Oct 2, 2007
You guys ever see that movie, with Mark Wahlberg and Charlize Theron? And the main bad guy has no imagination and decides he'll spend his share on one of everyone else's big purchases?

Yeah, that's Oregon right now. My only hope is that they meet the same end Steve does in the movie.
They have the big bucks. They and Taggert have assembled a great coaching staff on paper. it look like their recruiting is also picking up very good players. They will poach a couple of players during the next two weeks.
You guys ever see that movie, with Mark Wahlberg and Charlize Theron? And the main bad guy has no imagination and decides he'll spend his share on one of everyone else's big purchases?

Yeah, that's Oregon right now. My only hope is that they meet the same end Steve does in the movie.
also, their ridiculous facilities are the equivalent of steve's shitty mustache. so yeah, let's hope uo football gets whacked by the russian mafia.
You guys ever see that movie, with Mark Wahlberg and Charlize Theron? And the main bad guy has no imagination and decides he'll spend his share on one of everyone else's big purchases?

Yeah, that's Oregon right now. My only hope is that they meet the same end Steve does in the movie.

The original is with Michael Caine. Edward Norton is one of my favorite actors. they say, "history repeats itself."
In case it flew under the radar for anyone, they just signed Bama's OL coach, reported to be the best recruiter in the nation.
Oregon has opened the vaults and their coaching staff on paper looks to be excellent
They are probably freaked out a bit over the sudden rise of their hated rival. No way they'll allow UW to get to that level without reacting with a boatload of money and commitment to getting back on top of the conference. The money war just keeps on moving higher. It's ridiculous.
"They are probably freaked out a bit over the sudden rise of their hated rival. No way they'll allow UW to get to that level without reacting with a boatload of money and commitment to getting back on top of the conference. The money war just keeps on moving higher. It's ridiculous."

How, I think you put your finger on it. UW's jump, combined with the thin line and QB recruiting at Oregon, has triggered panic in Eugene. Since they have the money to throw around, they have done it. That will not instantly produce O and D line depth. Nor will it produce an experienced QB. But over time, it will move them back up at least a ways. One thing that I think you can take to the bank: The Offense will change such that a normal QB can run it. No more dependence upon a super unique QB to avoid offensive disaster.
In case it flew under the radar for anyone, they just signed Bama's OL coach, reported to be the best recruiter in the nation.

It's not just being a great recruiter. It's buying Saban's franchise. UO will now know everything Alabama does off the field. I expect UO to hire an army of consultants and support staff now.
So i guess they also brought the coug franchise ?They are sure buying up a lot of franchises.Perhaps they want to become the Walmart of college football.
More like becoming the Saks Fifth Avenue of college football....expensive tastes and money is no object. Their "budget" for assistant coaches alone is reportedly $4 million per year. Add the Head Coach and what is owed to Helfrich, and it's a whopping total, to say the least.

Glad Cougar

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