OT: Mariners

First place, 4 game lead 32-27 .542

6 straight home series wins. Tonight’s win over Anaheim gives them a chance to extend the streak to 7.

Last year on May 31 Mariners were in 4th place, 7.5 games out of first.
First place, 4 game lead 32-27 .542

6 straight home series wins. Tonight’s win over Anaheim gives them a chance to extend the streak to 7.

Last year on May 31 Mariners were in 4th place, 7.5 games out of first.
im old enough to remember when the Seahawks won the NFC west at 7-9. They provided one exciting moment in the playoffs but had zero shot at making the SB. This team is going nowhere in the playoffs unless they get two significant bats. And as good as the pitching is it’s painful to watch “major league” hitters who can’t move a runner over and manufacture a run. They fired their “offensive coordinator” so guess that’s a start to accountability.

We will see if they finally loosen up the purse strings and make some moves. Fans are losing interest despite them being in first so they’d be wise to do something as ultimately their ownership cares about ticket sales and not wins.
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im old enough to remember when the Seahawks won the NFC west at 7-9. They provided one exciting moment in the playoffs but had zero shot at making the SB. This team is going nowhere in the playoffs unless they get two significant bats. And as good as the pitching is it’s painful to watch “major league” hitters who can’t move a runner over and manufacture a run. They fired their “offensive coordinator” so guess that’s a start to accountability.

We will see if they finally loosen up the purse strings and make some moves. Fans are losing interest despite them being in first so they’d be wise to do something as ultimately their ownership cares about ticket sales and not wins.
If you look at run differential, its amazing that we have won as many games as we have. This team is so frustrating to watch (offensively) because they rarely have timely hits and they are the best at making a starting pitcher with a 5.00+ ERA look like a Cy Young pitcher.
If you look at run differential, its amazing that we have won as many games as we have. This team is so frustrating to watch (offensively) because they rarely have timely hits and they are the best at making a starting pitcher with a 5.00+ ERA look like a Cy Young pitcher.
Yeah run differential is a good indicator that reversion to the mean is coming. They have been putrid offensively that’s for sure…but…maybe firing that OC has lit a fire under them. The angels series was by far their best offensive output of the year. And several guys seem to be heating up with a couple of new bats to the lineup (and speed!) adding a bit of a spark. I’ve always been of the opinion if you can have one guy in your lineup that’s a nightmare on the base paths for opposing pitchers it will take the pitcher out of rythm and give everyone better pitches to hit.

Who knows maybe they can find a groove, the pitching continues to be unbelievable and this staff is championship quality. They just need to be below average offensively (not terrible) they will be tough to beat.
Yeah run differential is a good indicator that reversion to the mean is coming. They have been putrid offensively that’s for sure…but…maybe firing that OC has lit a fire under them. The angels series was by far their best offensive output of the year. And several guys seem to be heating up with a couple of new bats to the lineup (and speed!) adding a bit of a spark. I’ve always been of the opinion if you can have one guy in your lineup that’s a nightmare on the base paths for opposing pitchers it will take the pitcher out of rythm and give everyone better pitches to hit.

Who knows maybe they can find a groove, the pitching continues to be unbelievable and this staff is championship quality. They just need to be below average offensively (not terrible) they will be tough to beat.
I saw a stat recently that made total and complete sense as to how this team is winning which was a stat that shows how reliant teams are on the Homerun. Mariners are one of the top teams (if not the top team) that relies heavily on the long ball.
I saw a stat recently that made total and complete sense as to how this team is winning which was a stat that shows how reliant teams are on the Homerun. Mariners are one of the top teams (if not the top team) that relies heavily on the long ball.
Which is F’n silly. If you have a pitching staff like them, you get some fast contact guys in the lineup, manufacture 3 runs and take your chances with your pitching. Don’t depend on the long ball and get beat 2-1 because you can only get one solo over the fence.
Yeah run differential is a good indicator that reversion to the mean is coming. They have been putrid offensively that’s for sure…but…maybe firing that OC has lit a fire under them. The angels series was by far their best offensive output of the year. And several guys seem to be heating up with a couple of new bats to the lineup (and speed!) adding a bit of a spark. I’ve always been of the opinion if you can have one guy in your lineup that’s a nightmare on the base paths for opposing pitchers it will take the pitcher out of rythm and give everyone better pitches to hit.

Who knows maybe they can find a groove, the pitching continues to be unbelievable and this staff is championship quality. They just need to be below average offensively (not terrible) they will be tough to beat.
If we are going to discuss reversion to the mean the Mariners should be in good shape. Polanco-Garver and Hanager are all substantially below their career averages. No one (maybe Rojas) is substantially above their career average. The are in first because they have the best record in MLB in one run games. I'm not sold on their middle relief but I do think the offense will get better and the starting pitching has been terrific. It is a long season but I'm not sure why we can't enjoy the ride without predicting gloom and doom. Is being able to say "I told you so" when things go bad really that satisfying? is where I got that stat on the day I posted it.

Winning cures all and right now, as of today, the Mariners have their largest division lead since 2003.

7 straight home series wins.

Mark it down: Mariners will win the West and make a deep run into the playoffs. (Barring significant injuries to starting pitchers) is where I got that stat on the day I posted it.

Winning cures all and right now, as of today, the Mariners have their largest division lead since 2003.

7 straight home series wins.

Mark it down: Mariners will win the West and make a deep run into the playoffs. (Barring significant injuries to starting pitchers)
After 32 home dates in 2023 the Mariners had drawn 894,000. After 32 home dates this year they have drawn 914,000--about a 2% increase.
I agree with you the Mariners are sitting in a good spot. Keeping the starting pitching healthy will be a very important key to their year. Nobody wants to face this pitching staff in the playoffs.
If we are going to discuss reversion to the mean the Mariners should be in good shape. Polanco-Garver and Hanager are all substantially below their career averages. No one (maybe Rojas) is substantially above their career average. The are in first because they have the best record in MLB in one run games. I'm not sold on their middle relief but I do think the offense will get better and the starting pitching has been terrific. It is a long season but I'm not sure why we can't enjoy the ride without predicting gloom and doom. Is being able to say "I told you so" when things go bad really that satisfying?
Julio too. I’m not disagreeing, just think it’s interesting to see how this will play out. Seems like their offense is picking it up, although still a small sample size.

The division stinks. They will likely win it. I just think it will be a struggle once they get to the postseason if the terrible at bats (sans Angels series) continues. Everyone pitches well in the postseason with the extra rest days. You’ve got to be able to manufacture runs. Striking out at the clip they are won’t bode well.
After 32 home dates in 2023 the Mariners had drawn 894,000. After 32 home dates this year they have drawn 914,000--about a 2% increase.
I agree with you the Mariners are sitting in a good spot. Keeping the starting pitching healthy will be a very important key to their year. Nobody wants to face this pitching staff in the playoffs.
Add 220,000 fans over 7 games and look how fast that average pops up!

If the Mariners remain in first place while padding their lead, big crowds will become the norm and we’ll start hearing how everyone has been a “Yuge M’s fan for like, forever”
Does this surprise anyone? The ownership is not committed to winning. They are committed to making money....been that way for years.

They will be mediocre this year. Fire their manager. (Who will go on to have success with another club.) Fire the GM (maybe next year) and tell fans they are building this thing the "right way."

And Jarred Kelenic is now batting .500 with Atlanta.
138 ab .268 av 3 hr. 44 so 0.4war (as of today)

Luke Raley is an upgrade in LF @1.2 war
In regards to the long ball there’s this…make adjustments! Put guys in your lineup with speed, who can play small ball, make contact and manufacture runs. Relying on solo home runs with balls that are no longer juiced to win games with this staff is insanity. Hopefully they will make some adjustments and not waste their pitching talent again.

Is being able to say "I told you so" when things go bad really that satisfying?
Are you new here?

Its bad enough I've gotta put up with the chicken littles during the fall, and I get the limited expectations with the always disappointing Mariners, but shit man... let the season play out, right? Enjoy the wins while we can.
Are you new here?

Its bad enough I've gotta put up with the chicken littles during the fall, and I get the limited expectations with the always disappointing Mariners, but shit man... let the season play out, right? Enjoy the wins while we can.
Probably one of the people who have been here the longest. I just don't get why so many people insist on predicting doom around every corner.
Probably one of the people who have been here the longest. I just don't get why so many people insist on predicting doom around every corner.
Not so sure it’s about predicting doom, more looking at the statistical averages of a 162 game season. When you are -20 run differential after 40 games and you find yourself in first place…there’s some luck involved. Nobody saw a 6 game losing streak coming last fall but when you look back at the fact that the O-line wasn’t dicey and we couldn’t run the ball, it shouldn’t have been a surprise.

In a college football season you are limited with your options mid season. In baseball you can transform your lineup with a couple of moves. It’s fair to say if management is serious about winning a title, they should probably look at adding a bat or two.
Probably one of the people who have been here the longest. I just don't get why so many people insist on predicting doom around every corner.
Cuz there most often is? 1 playoff appearance in the last 22 years will do that to you.
Not so sure it’s about predicting doom, more looking at the statistical averages of a 162 game season. When you are -20 run differential after 40 games and you find yourself in first place…there’s some luck involved. Nobody saw a 6 game losing streak coming last fall but when you look back at the fact that the O-line wasn’t dicey and we couldn’t run the ball, it shouldn’t have been a surprise.

In a college football season you are limited with your options mid season. In baseball you can transform your lineup with a couple of moves. It’s fair to say if management is serious about winning a title, they should probably look at adding a bat or two.
pretty certain I heard they turned that corner over the weekend and are +7 now? I didn't fact check that, but if true going -20 to +7 would seem to indicate the opposite of "these fcking guys suck at hitting", but that's just me...
No one who watches the Mariners could possibly doubt that they need to improve the offense. They lost tonight 2-1. Still, I've never been convinced run differential is a very good indicator. The Mariners lost tonight by 1 and Texas won tonight by 8. That 8 run victory doesn't count any more than a 1 run victory. The Mariners haven't lost a game they led after 7 innings. That and leading the league in one run wins is why they are in first. If you want to argue that the pitching staff can't sustain this level of performance have at it, but it doesn't matter what the run differential is.
pretty certain I heard they turned that corner over the weekend and are +7 now? I didn't fact check that, but if true going -20 to +7 would seem to indicate the opposite of "these fcking guys suck at hitting", but that's just me...
Aaaand….they just let a guy with a 5 era throw a perfect game at them into the 7th. One solo homer. 2-1 L.
Aaaand….they just let a guy with a 5 era throw a perfect game at them into the 7th. One solo homer. 2-1 L.
My comment about how great Mariner hitters are at making a pitcher with a 5.00+ ERA look like an All-Star couldn't have been more timely LOL
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Aaaand….they just let a guy with a 5 era throw a perfect game at them into the 7th. One solo homer. 2-1 L.
A’s 22 year old closer throws 104 mph. Julio hit one out on him so, there’s that. Early defensive blunders cost the game.

That said, still in first, still improving, still 7-3 over the last 10 games.
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A’s 22 year old closer throws 104 mph. Julio hit one out on him so, there’s that. Early defensive blunders cost the game.

That said, still in first, still improving, still 7-3 over the last 10 games.
Which is great! No, early defensive blunders didn’t cost them the game, swinging for the fences and only connecting on one of them cost them the game.
Yet another series win on the road no less.

One unearned away from a sweep.
The wealth of pitching is insane. Woo works his way into an already stingy starting 5 and is unhittable.

I can’t recall anything like this since the Braves with Glavine, Maddox, and Smoltz.
The wealth of pitching is insane. Woo works his way into an already stingy starting 5 and is unhittable.

I can’t recall anything like this since the Braves with Glavine, Maddox, and Smoltz.
But what about Johnson, Benes, and Moyer?
June swoon sitting at 7-3 ✅

Last year on June 10th, Mariners were in 4 th place, below .500 and 10 games out of first.

Today? 38-30, 1st place with a 5.5 game lead.

Hitting is improving. Bliss and Locklear seem legit and bullpen help is on the way.

Could be worse
June swoon sitting at 7-3 ✅

Last year on June 10th, Mariners were in 4 th place, below .500 and 10 games out of first.

Today? 38-30, 1st place with a 5.5 game lead.

Hitting is improving. Bliss and Locklear seem legit and bullpen help is on the way.

Could be worse
Bullpen help IS on the way. Not sold on Bliss, Locklear appears to belong. Raley is very refreshing.
June swoon sitting at 7-3 ✅

Last year on June 10th, Mariners were in 4 th place, below .500 and 10 games out of first.

Today? 38-30, 1st place with a 5.5 game lead.

Hitting is improving. Bliss and Locklear seem legit and bullpen help is on the way.

Could be worse
First reaction to this:
Sitting at 0.558 with a 5 game league says more about the quality of your division than the quality of your team.

Looking closer kind of confirms my first reaction. They've got the worst record of the division leaders, and they're the only one that's below .500 on the road. They're also the only team in the division that's above .500. They don't score enough - the #2 team in all of the other divisions have a larger scoring difference than they do. 9 of the 15 AL teams score more. Only 4 NL teams score less than the Ms.

On the plus side, only 3 AL teams give up fewer runs. Same in the NL - only 3 teams give up less.

My guess - based in no small part on history - Other teams will make moves at the trade deadline to improve, the Mariners will do little or nothing because they don't want to spend money. The Mariners will see a key player either have an injury or an extended slump, and they'll fall off after the deadline.
First reaction to this:
Sitting at 0.558 with a 5 game league says more about the quality of your division than the quality of your team.

Looking closer kind of confirms my first reaction. They've got the worst record of the division leaders, and they're the only one that's below .500 on the road. They're also the only team in the division that's above .500. They don't score enough - the #2 team in all of the other divisions have a larger scoring difference than they do. 9 of the 15 AL teams score more. Only 4 NL teams score less than the Ms.

On the plus side, only 3 AL teams give up fewer runs. Same in the NL - only 3 teams give up less.

My guess - based in no small part on history - Other teams will make moves at the trade deadline to improve, the Mariners will do little or nothing because they don't want to spend money. The Mariners will see a key player either have an injury or an extended slump, and they'll fall off after the deadline.
“They’re still shitty” - Cleveland Indians ground crew, early 90s.
I do applaud some of what happened last night…two out bunt hit away from the shift. Scott needs to seriously rethink offensive strategy w some small ball. Not sure if Raley made that call himself but get guys need to get comfortable laying down bunts and playing smart baseball by moving runners over if they are hitting .170. Slamming your head repeatedly into the wall is the definition of insanity. Figure out a way to manufacture 3-4 runs a game, and that will be enough to win most games with this staff.
I do applaud some of what happened last night…two out bunt hit away from the shift. Scott needs to seriously rethink offensive strategy w some small ball. Not sure if Raley made that call himself but get guys need to get comfortable laying down bunts and playing smart baseball by moving runners over if they are hitting .170. Slamming your head repeatedly into the wall is the definition of insanity. Figure out a way to manufacture 3-4 runs a game, and that will be enough to win most games with this staff.
Sports mentality 101: hitters hit, shooters shoot. Just keep on doing what you're doing and its bound to fix itself.

As a Cougar/Seahawk/ Mariners fan, I can say that I'm fairly exhausted of seeing my team make horrible teams look like world beaters.

Gotta look out for those 17-49 teams.
First reaction to this:
Sitting at 0.558 with a 5 game league says more about the quality of your division than the quality of your team.

Looking closer kind of confirms my first reaction. They've got the worst record of the division leaders, and they're the only one that's below .500 on the road. They're also the only team in the division that's above .500. They don't score enough - the #2 team in all of the other divisions have a larger scoring difference than they do. 9 of the 15 AL teams score more. Only 4 NL teams score less than the Ms.

On the plus side, only 3 AL teams give up fewer runs. Same in the NL - only 3 teams give up less.

My guess - based in no small part on history - Other teams will make moves at the trade deadline to improve, the Mariners will do little or nothing because they don't want to spend money. The Mariners will see a key player either have an injury or an extended slump, and they'll fall off after the deadline.
A "bad" division that has produced 4 of the last 5 and 5 of the last 7 American League champions. The Mariners have also played a higher percentage of games against teams over 500 in the first third of the season than any other division leaders. I don't understand why so many alleged fans insist on predicting things going bad. You can arrange your gloom and doom perspective anyway you want since none of us can prove you wrong until the season progresses. Certainly there are things that can make the season go bad (like France, Woo and Munoz getting hurt.) I'd prefer to root for them to win and hope you gloom and doomers fade into the background.

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