Why was Price canned at Alabama? He violated no laws, he didn't even violate a school policy. There was no prohibition on drink and lap dancing, it was his god given right, but he did embarrass his employer publicly, in the bible belt.
Rolo was the only head coach of a Pac-12, and as far as I know Power 5, school, to shun the science of vaccination, and do so publicly, becoming the poster child for the conspiratorial lunatic fringe. In the circle within which he was employed, higher education/academia, he became an embarrassment without tenure. He put WSU in an untenable position. You know how out of step he was, when absolutely no one from the world of academia, including fellow head football coaches nation-wide, stood up for him and the anti-vax stand he took. Proverbially, Rolo was a creationist at the Royal Scientific Society.
As for the extinct variant, natural immunity and lack of prophylactics, these aren't arguments that Rolo was making, was he? His concerns were of the "tin hat" and "crucifix" variety. You are applying facts that simply didn't apply or were unknown at the time decisions were made.
Finally, in an effort to baffle us with BS, you reference "studies" published on Twitter, Bloomberg, two studies that conclude inconclusively "may," a Times article addressing waning immunity, a study that selectively excludes most western countries, with the best medical data, from its meta analysis, studies that weren't even published until after Rolo was canned, another that found "the obvious" that anti bodies protect against reinfection, another that concludes "the obvious" that the chance of reinfection increases over time.
Do you own research next time rather than "cutting and pasting" the weak efforts of someone who clearly doesn't have a WSU calibre education.