Seattle Times piece on Rolo...

You mean when TST tried to get him fired. Just shows you his trolling went back to the 90's
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The Seattle Times just takes Theo content without any edits from SR version. Sometimes with AP or other syndicated stories they add local touch.

In this article, the Times missed the opportunity to point out to their Seattle readers (and possibly reassure Seattle Cougs like Chris Reykdal) the resemblance of Rolovich to General Soleimani.

He is very likely going to get a nuisance lawsuit from the photographer. UH more at blame (accounts indicate the security guard did the main damage and UH didn't secure field). They may try to shift more of the blame to Rolovich because he left etc .

Bud Withers, Jim Moore, Blanchette will be watching to see if they need to stage something to build own nest eggs
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In this article, the Times missed the opportunity to point out to their Seattle readers (and possibly reassure Seattle Cougs like Chris Reykdal) the resemblance of Rolovich to General Soleimani.
Rolo looks like he wrenches on cars in Glendale

The Seattle Times just takes Theo content without any edits from SR version. Sometimes with AP or other syndicated stories they add local touch.

In this article, the Times missed the opportunity to point out to their Seattle readers (and possibly reassure Seattle Cougs like Chris Reykdal) the resemblance of Rolovich to General Soleimani.

He is very likely going to get a nuisance lawsuit from the photographer. UH more at blame (accounts indicate the security guard did the main damage and UH didn't secure field). They may try to shift more of the blame to Rolovich because he left etc .

Bud Withers, Jim Moore, Blanchette will be watching to see if they need to stage something to build own nest eggs
Glad to learn that I am not the only one who thinks Rolo looks like an Iranian general. That pops into my head every time I see a photo of him.
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