He was caught on video beating the crap out of a dude half his size. I wouldn't have kicked him out of school if I had been on the SCB, but he deserved to be punished severely, particularly given how messed up our team was that summer. We had a bunch of guys committing criminal acts that year and Barber wasn't alone in his stupidity. Maybe Barber got treated "too harshly" but if you are going to be a stupid a$$hole along with a bunch of other stupid a$$holes, bad things are going to happen.
So, guilty of criminal assault or not, I've got no use for the man. He was an a$$hole and a thug and he needed a kick in the nuts. I've said before that I wouldn't have kicked him off the team and out of school, but every guy who got caught up in that summer of stupidity should have been suspended for multiple games and publicly punished. Instead, our little tyrant football coach went with the, "we are handling this internally" approach and that encouraged others to take action for him. If Leach spent less time playing God, maybe Barber would have gotten a different punishment. As it was, it's blatantly obvious that a lot of folks were more concerned with getting his ass back on the football field than doing what was right.