Taggart continues to struggle

Good. This is not a good look and to me, it says that Taggart is worrying about the wrong things. Oregon will not have the same success that they had under Chip Kelly.
Not a wise tactical decision by Taggart. This problem had died down in the public consciousness and now he is in the process of reviving it. His thin skinned petulance is not serving the U of O well.
The number of reasons not to go to Oregon continue to climb. On top of this, Eugene sucks, there are a large number of unattractive, hairy women, and state income tax.

Dated a girl from Oregon once. She was kind of a chunky whore.
...and besides that she smelled like a Sunday morning Hangover with Herman Ho Ching and Fajitas ... otherwise she was dynamite,.... I mean so there's that
they are in all out win at any cost mode, Phil is pushing 80, he wants a national title and doesn't care how they get it, never did IMO. Taggert is employing trump methods by blaming the press for his problems

Taggart and Trump are pussies.
Helfrich='s Doba, Taggert='s Wulff, the Duck demise will end when they can find anyone remotely similar to Leach.
Hey, as long as those guys were willing to stand in front of team, raise their right hands and admit to being big pussies, they didn't have to do the workouts!
Precisely the problem. Men/boys of this age are reluctant to admit any deficiencies. Especially in a team setting among peers and where they are in competition for a position in front of a new coaching staff and aware of the "first impression" that they are making. It is the job of the S&C staff to assure that the players are expending the correct amount of effort, neither too little or too much. The availability of "crying uncle" is an ineffective way of limiting the latter of the two scenarios. Oregon's problem is on the S&C staff. Taggart's exhumation of the issue only extends the school's embarrassment.
Precisely the problem. Men/boys of this age are reluctant to admit any deficiencies. Especially in a team setting among peers and where they are in competition for a position in front of a new coaching staff and aware of the "first impression" that they are making. It is the job of the S&C staff to assure that the players are expending the correct amount of effort, neither too little or too much. The availability of "crying uncle" is an ineffective way of limiting the latter of the two scenarios. Oregon's problem is on the S&C staff. Taggart's exhumation of the issue only extends the school's embarrassment.

Did I hear correctly that the players were doing up downs? The single most pointless exercise for athletes ever..
Precisely the problem. Men/boys of this age are reluctant to admit any deficiencies. Especially in a team setting among peers and where they are in competition for a position in front of a new coaching staff and aware of the "first impression" that they are making. It is the job of the S&C staff to assure that the players are expending the correct amount of effort, neither too little or too much. The availability of "crying uncle" is an ineffective way of limiting the latter of the two scenarios. Oregon's problem is on the S&C staff. Taggart's exhumation of the issue only extends the school's embarrassment.

Agree 100%. There's a balance to be sought where you tell guys to push themselves past the limit where they feel comfortable but make sure that they understand that there isn't any shame in knowing when to pull up and it's up to the staff to work with the players to figure out when those guys are pushing too far.
Agree 100%. There's a balance to be sought where you tell guys to push themselves past the limit where they feel comfortable but make sure that they understand that there isn't any shame in knowing when to pull up and it's up to the staff to work with the players to figure out when those guys are pushing too far.

1) Rabdo doesn't just happen. There are thousands of programs across the nation, collegiate and pro, who every year do hundreds of workouts and no one has to go to the hospital with rabdo.

2) This was the first workout of the year. I get setting a precedent, but why don't you feel out your team first and see who the kids are who half-ass their work outs, they'll be easy to pick out. You wouldn't take a guy off the street and force him to complete a marathon at 8 minute mile pace, why would you give these guys a mid season workout the first day? Oh, I know - you don't know wtf you're doing and/or are misguided.

3) They (taggart and co) HAVE to double down on stupid and defend their sh!tty workout or else they'll lose all credibility with the team, which they probably already have to some extent. To that end, go ahead and ban the Oregonian reporter who covered the story because, despite having the SID and Taggarts sign off on it when it came out, they look like jackasses now.

4) I couldn't be happier to watch this program go down in flames.
Unless I just haven't been able to find it, there has been no mention in the Oregonian/OregonLive site of Taggart's banning of the beat reporter. You'd think they might want to back their own guy a little bit but they could be afraid of having total access to UO football denied if they get in a pissing match with Taggart.

Glad Cougar
Unless I just haven't been able to find it, there has been no mention in the Oregonian/OregonLive site of Taggart's banning of the beat reporter. You'd think they might want to back their own guy a little bit but they could be afraid of having total access to UO football denied if they get in a pissing match with Taggart.

Glad Cougar
It was on local talk radio last week that he banned the guy - maybe he un-banned him, idk. I'll see what I can find.

** Here you go Andrew Greif banned
Unless I just haven't been able to find it, there has been no mention in the Oregonian/OregonLive site of Taggart's banning of the beat reporter. You'd think they might want to back their own guy a little bit but they could be afraid of having total access to UO football denied if they get in a pissing match with Taggart.

Glad Cougar
Canzano reported today that Grief and Taggert had lunch today.
No what occured to her was much like Paul Wulff trying to coach WSU, she jumped at the chance for a shot a the big leagues, but in the reality was she was just out of her league
Oh you are Jim Sterk and Bill Moos...Got it.
Oh you are Jim Sterk and Bill Moos...Got it.

No Ed, the alcohol was Jim Sterk. Sometimes in life you make a bad decision, now obviously in your case it's more often than others, but sometimes people make a mistake. The good news is they can overcome said mistakes by throwing trash to the curb. That's what I did, and well...WSU too.

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