Tastiest dog breed thread - poll coming

I think you may be underestimating the amount of hatred of Jews that has surfaced in our country. I know I have been shocked to see all the support for Hamas/Palestine that we have seen in the past year.
Well, to be fair...the Israelis are taking things too far. The fact that Hamas attacked them doesn't justify their extermination campaign against Palestinians in general. leaning voters are more likely to be tolerant of Jewish candidates than the republican leaning ones are.

From what I understand, Shapiro is pretty popular in PA anyway, and tying up the 19 votes there is the bigger win. Trump is going to decide what happens in Arizona - his border rhetoric is either going to sway Arizona voters enough that dems won't win even with Kelly, or it's going to alienate Maricopa county enough that dems carry it either way. I don't think Harris or Kelly is going to make much difference there. So, pick Shapiro to secure PA, and then spend more time in Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Carrying those 4 states could be enough to decide the election, and doing some long weekend swings through Nevada/Arizona - and maybe even giving some attention to Texas - could provide insurance.
Well, to be fair...the Israelis are taking things too far. The fact that Hamas attacked them doesn't justify their extermination campaign against Palestinians in general. leaning voters are more likely to be tolerant of Jewish candidates than the republican leaning ones are.

From what I understand, Shapiro is pretty popular in PA anyway, and tying up the 19 votes there is the bigger win. Trump is going to decide what happens in Arizona - his border rhetoric is either going to sway Arizona voters enough that dems won't win even with Kelly, or it's going to alienate Maricopa county enough that dems carry it either way. I don't think Harris or Kelly is going to make much difference there. So, pick Shapiro to secure PA, and then spend more time in Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Carrying those 4 states could be enough to decide the election, and doing some long weekend swings through Nevada/Arizona - and maybe even giving some attention to Texas - could provide insurance.
I don't disagree that Israel is going too far, but WTF are they supposed to do? just stop and let Hamas regroup and attack, rape and murder their innocent citizens again? Did the Palestinian people do anything to the Hamas and related attackers? No. Are they helping locate and free prisoners, or pointing out Hamas hiding places? No. So what makes them so worthy of our sympathy and in need of protection?

That said, I think Shapiro's support wins Pennsylvania anyway. I think Walz would do wonders in the Midwest states, and Kelly would carry Arizona (15 votes?) and both make better sidekicks for Kamala with their superior backgrounds. Shapiro? a one-trick pony in terms of carrying Pennsylvania and not much else.
Pre puberty Coug.... probably the same reason Forrest Trump does....

But the difference is I will correct anytging you consider a lie. So care to go to Laura Looney and get something I lied about ?

Not at all. I just want to know why she suddenly decided to hide it?

What else is she hiding?
Man you are all over the place. I lied about or even mentioned Kamala 's heritage? Call her white I could care less .

And still trying to figure out what you want me to stip lying about the debate . He agreed, he says he probably wont debate her, whixh I dont why he wouldnt as he is the smartest man in the room.
Man you are all over the place. I lied about or even mentioned Kamala 's heritage? Call her white I could care less .

And still trying to figure out what you want me to stip lying about the debate . He agreed, he says he probably wont debate her, whixh I dont why he wouldnt as he is the smartest man in the room.
Not sure where you got that information, cuz I have heard him say that he would. Here is NBC story that shows you are wrong on that, he even said he would debate her twice. But he said he has a problem with ABC, for whatever that might be worth. I hardly think that means he won't debate her, simply that there might be details about how the debate will be handled, set up, moderated.

So does that mean you are lying about the debate or simply uninformed?

Edit: Crap. Forgot to include the link.

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Not sure where you got that information, cuz I have heard him say that he would. Here is NBC story that shows you are wrong on that, he even said he would debate her twice. But he said he has a problem with ABC, for whatever that might be worth. I hardly think that means he won't debate her, simply that there might be details about how the debate will be handled, set up, moderated.

So does that mean you are lying about the debate or simply uninformed?
Oh Stretch ... if I am lying I am taking my cue from Debate Dodger Donnie. And just cause you didnt hear it doesn't mean he didn't say it.

So if I provide a link showing he said ghat in an interview does that mean you are wither lying or misinformed ?
Well, to be fair...the Israelis are taking things too far. The fact that Hamas attacked them doesn't justify their extermination campaign against Palestinians in general. leaning voters are more likely to be tolerant of Jewish candidates than the republican leaning ones are.

From what I understand, Shapiro is pretty popular in PA anyway, and tying up the 19 votes there is the bigger win. Trump is going to decide what happens in Arizona - his border rhetoric is either going to sway Arizona voters enough that dems won't win even with Kelly, or it's going to alienate Maricopa county enough that dems carry it either way. I don't think Harris or Kelly is going to make much difference there. So, pick Shapiro to secure PA, and then spend more time in Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Carrying those 4 states could be enough to decide the election, and doing some long weekend swings through Nevada/Arizona - and maybe even giving some attention to Texas - could provide insurance.
Certainly Shapiro is popular in PA, no argument there. Would he make a difference in the state if he is or is not on the ticket? I don't know, I suppose some campaign pollsters have the answer by now, but to me I think it wouldn't make all that much difference. It just seems to me that in recent times the Muslim populations in Minnesota and Michigan have gotten more radical, more openly expressing hate for Jews and Israel, and if that is the case and they stay home (or even some vote for Trump out of spite), it may cost the Dems those two states.

Your comment about Dem leaning voters being more tolerant of Jewish candidates surely was true in the past, but is it still true today? Has the reaction in the US since October 7th done anything to change that? All the demonstrations and encampments and riots with all the signs saying "From the River to the Sea" done anything to change that? I would argue that it has certainly influenced many Jews as they watch all the hate speech being allowed by people that are supporting the extermination of Israel/All Jews.

I am curious how the Israelis are taking things too far. What are they supposed to do? Option one is do nothing and just sit back and wait for the next attack like October 7th, option 2 is to go after the Hamas terrorists that attacked them. They are trying minimize civilian casualties, that much is obvious by them not just rolling through the area leveling everything in sight. They are doing what they can to do pinpoint damage to exterminate the Hamas folks, but the Hamas terrorists have this nasty habit of hiding themselves and weapons in hospitals, schools, daycares, etc.

BTW, didn't the Palestinians vote something like 75-80% to put Hamas in power? So how much of the death and destruction is essentially a self inflicted "injury"?
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Oh Stretch ... if I am lying I am taking my cue from Debate Dodger Donnie. And just cause you didnt hear it doesn't mean he didn't say it.

So if I provide a link showing he said ghat in an interview does that mean you are wither lying or misinformed ?
Oh, CougEd... if I am lying I am taking my cue from Gropey Joe and Kamalalala. And just cause you didn't hear it doesn't mean he didn't say it.

So if I provide a link showing he said that in an interview does that mean you are wither lying or misinformed ?
There ya go, fixed that for you. I even fixed your usual bundle of typos/spelling errors. :)
There ya go, fixed that for you. I even fixed your usual bundle of typos/spelling errors. :)
Stretch it is not that hard .. if I find the clip of Forrest Trump saying he didnt need to debate and thinking of not debating are you lying or you are ill-informed.

I do know what I heard ...

And if he changes his mind he isnt quite the pussy I think he is .
Certainly Shapiro is popular in PA, no argument there. Would he make a difference in the state if he is or is not on the ticket? I don't know, I suppose some campaign pollsters have the answer by now, but to me I think it wouldn't make all that much difference. It just seems to me that in recent times the Muslim populations in Minnesota and Michigan have gotten more radical, more openly expressing hate for Jews and Israel, and if that is the case and they stay home (or even some vote for Trump out of spite), it may cost the Dems those two states.

Your comment about Dem leaning voters being more tolerant of Jewish candidates surely was true in the past, but is it still true today? Has the reaction in the US since October 7th done anything to change that? All the demonstrations and encampments and riots with all the signs saying "From the River to the Sea" done anything to change that? I would argue that it has certainly influenced many Jews as they watch all the hate speech being allowed by people that are supporting the extermination of Israel/All Jews.

I am curious how the Israelis are taking things too far. What are they supposed to do? Option one is do nothing and just sit back and wait for the next attack like October 7th, option 2 is to go after the Hamas terrorists that attacked them. They are trying minimize civilian casualties, that much is obvious by them not just rolling through the area leveling everything in sight. They are doing what they can to do pinpoint damage to exterminate the Hamas folks, but the Hamas terrorists have this nasty habit of hiding themselves and weapons in hospitals, schools, daycares, etc.

BTW, didn't the Palestinians vote something like 75-80% to put Hamas in power? So how much of the death and destruction is essentially a self inflicted "injury"?
WTF - we agree on something. :)
I don't disagree that Israel is going too far, but WTF are they supposed to do? just stop and let Hamas regroup and attack, rape and murder their innocent citizens again? Did the Palestinian people do anything to the Hamas and related attackers? No. Are they helping locate and free prisoners, or pointing out Hamas hiding places? No. So what makes them so worthy of our sympathy and in need of protection?

That said, I think Shapiro's support wins Pennsylvania anyway. I think Walz would do wonders in the Midwest states, and Kelly would carry Arizona (15 votes?) and both make better sidekicks for Kamala with their superior backgrounds. Shapiro? a one-trick pony in terms of carrying Pennsylvania and not much else.
What are they supposed to do? Not bombing schools, hospitals, and neighborhoods would be a good start. The US did house to house fighting in Iraq against cowards who used kids as human shields, but we at least tried to minimize civilian casualties and only kill the people who were shooting at us. Israel has lumped everyone together and just kills anyone in the area.

I don’t think it’s difficult to believe that the average Palestinian is just a normal person, and doesn’t really know who’s Hamas and who’s not. They’re not vigilantes or mercenaries, there’s no reason for them to try to root out hiding places. Would you be able to tell anyone if your neighbors were Jews, or traditionalist Catholics, or even klan members? I wouldn’t, because I don’t really give a damn (unlikely they’re klan though, since mine are black and Hispanic).

Most of the Palestinians aren’t Hamas. They’re trying to feed their families….which is much harder now that Israel has cut their supply lines and their escape routes. Even worse, when they’ve opened escape routes, they’ve ended up shelling them.

Anyone who looks at the situation objectively should see that the Israeli government is committing genocide against the Palestinians, under the veil of anti-terrorism, and we’re helping them do it. In the end, Israel is not making themselves safer, they’re creating more anti-Jewish sentiment everywhere, and provoking more of their neighbors into radicalism.

As for the VP…whatever. She’ll pick who she picks. She’s still just one of two evils I have no intention of voting for.

Arizona has 11 electoral votes.
Not sure where you got that information, cuz I have heard him say that he would. Here is NBC story that shows you are wrong on that, he even said he would debate her twice. But he said he has a problem with ABC, for whatever that might be worth. I hardly think that means he won't debate her, simply that there might be details about how the debate will be handled, set up, moderated.

So does that mean you are lying about the debate or simply uninformed?

Edit: Crap. Forgot to include the link.

It’s a good thing he always tells the truth and you can take him at his word
Certainly Shapiro is popular in PA, no argument there. Would he make a difference in the state if he is or is not on the ticket? I don't know, I suppose some campaign pollsters have the answer by now, but to me I think it wouldn't make all that much difference. It just seems to me that in recent times the Muslim populations in Minnesota and Michigan have gotten more radical, more openly expressing hate for Jews and Israel, and if that is the case and they stay home (or even some vote for Trump out of spite), it may cost the Dems those two states.

Your comment about Dem leaning voters being more tolerant of Jewish candidates surely was true in the past, but is it still true today? Has the reaction in the US since October 7th done anything to change that? All the demonstrations and encampments and riots with all the signs saying "From the River to the Sea" done anything to change that? I would argue that it has certainly influenced many Jews as they watch all the hate speech being allowed by people that are supporting the extermination of Israel/All Jews.

I am curious how the Israelis are taking things too far. What are they supposed to do? Option one is do nothing and just sit back and wait for the next attack like October 7th, option 2 is to go after the Hamas terrorists that attacked them. They are trying minimize civilian casualties, that much is obvious by them not just rolling through the area leveling everything in sight. They are doing what they can to do pinpoint damage to exterminate the Hamas folks, but the Hamas terrorists have this nasty habit of hiding themselves and weapons in hospitals, schools, daycares, etc.

BTW, didn't the Palestinians vote something like 75-80% to put Hamas in power? So how much of the death and destruction is essentially a self inflicted "injury"?

I don’t know of any Jews personally ( and I know quite a few and undoubtedly infinitely more than you) whose political opinions have been swayed by the actions and words of a small number of extremists on the left or the right. Though many of the folks that I know are still outraged by Trump and the right’s response to Charlottesville. And there is a general low regard and cynicism towards Christian fundamentalists, a good part of Trumps base, and their biblical obsession with Jews and Israel.

A simple Google search would have taken you mere seconds to learn that Hamas received 44% of the vote in the 2006 election, not 75-80% which you either pulled out of your butt or got from one of your many disinformation sources.

As to how and why Hamas took complete control of Gaza with that level of support would require a little more effort than glueing your eyes to Fox and Friends.

You most likely voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004 - by your logic that makes you personally responsible for 9/11, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the subprime mortgage crisis. Time for you to pay up - just like the Gazans.
I don’t know of any Jews personally ( and I know quite a few and undoubtedly infinitely more than you) whose political opinions have been swayed by the actions and words of a small number of extremists on the left or the right. Though many of the folks that I know are still outraged by Trump and the right’s response to Charlottesville. And there is a general low regard and cynicism towards Christian fundamentalists, a good part of Trumps base, and their biblical obsession with Jews and Israel.

A simple Google search would have taken you mere seconds to learn that Hamas received 44% of the vote in the 2006 election, not 75-80% which you either pulled out of your butt or got from one of your many disinformation sources.

As to how and why Hamas took complete control of Gaza with that level of support would require a little more effort than glueing your eyes to Fox and Friends.

You most likely voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004 - by your logic that makes you personally responsible for 9/11, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the subprime mortgage crisis. Time for you to pay up - just like the Gazans.
Mea culpa on saying it was voting, it was actually meant to be support for Hamas, which according to this AP article has now risen to 90%. Sorry for the misstatement.

Don't misunderstand, I am not in favor of killing civilians, I get no glee or satisfaction when they are killed, but it is simply a sad fact of war. And this IS a war. Hamas is trying to exterminate Israel from the map, and Israel is fighting for their lives. I might point out how the IDF has done whatever they could to alert citizens of areas that may come under attack, to allow them time to relocate into a safer district. They have allowed Biden's pier boondoggle to be built, which was then attacked. They have allowed food and water supplies to come in, much of which was taken by Hamas and never reached the intended targets. I wonder why the Russians don't take such precautions in their war in Ukraine?

You certainly used exactly zero amount of logic in your last paragraph.......

What this simpleton doesn’t get is that it’s not that Trump doesn’t care it’s that as a narcissistic bully he can’t control himself. Dude is projecting and what he really means is that he himself “don’t give a FUUUUUCK” that Trump is a racist.

It’s not as if Trump needs to pander to white racists: they’re already 100% on board and always have been. Donny Von Shits-In-Pants just alienated a lot of black people and most likely other minorities. These panelists set up the old dotard knowing full well he is easily triggered and they got him to expose himself once again.

If Harris and Trump debate I would expect Harris to use a similar tact to get Trump to hang himself.
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The fact that you’re posting this is comical. He literally bombed this appearance, they had to pull him off the stage early because it was going off the rails. What positives are the trump cult spinning from this shit show? I’m generally curious!

Dude is circling the drain in record time 😂
What are they supposed to do? Not bombing schools, hospitals, and neighborhoods would be a good start. The US did house to house fighting in Iraq against cowards who used kids as human shields, but we at least tried to minimize civilian casualties and only kill the people who were shooting at us. Israel has lumped everyone together and just kills anyone in the area.

I don’t think it’s difficult to believe that the average Palestinian is just a normal person, and doesn’t really know who’s Hamas and who’s not. They’re not vigilantes or mercenaries, there’s no reason for them to try to root out hiding places. Would you be able to tell anyone if your neighbors were Jews, or traditionalist Catholics, or even klan members? I wouldn’t, because I don’t really give a damn (unlikely they’re klan though, since mine are black and Hispanic).

Most of the Palestinians aren’t Hamas. They’re trying to feed their families….which is much harder now that Israel has cut their supply lines and their escape routes. Even worse, when they’ve opened escape routes, they’ve ended up shelling them.

Anyone who looks at the situation objectively should see that the Israeli government is committing genocide against the Palestinians, under the veil of anti-terrorism, and we’re helping them do it. In the end, Israel is not making themselves safer, they’re creating more anti-Jewish sentiment everywhere, and provoking more of their neighbors into radicalism.

As for the VP…whatever. She’ll pick who she picks. She’s still just one of two evils I have no intention of voting for.

Arizona has 11 electoral votes.

I have to agree that the big issue here is that nobody expected Israel not to react but I think that most people would also agree that killing tens of thousands of civilians and injuring and starving hundreds of thousands more is something that is generally done by countries and groups that we consider evil. The massive scope of civilian harm that Israel is inflicting is mind baffling. And frankly, they are not doing anything more than creating the next generation of terrorists within Gaza that hate Israel and will be willing to die proving it.

If I were in charge, I would publicly support Israel by saying "we are not going to stop a sovereign nation from defending themselves"....but I would not be sending any money or weapons to enable them to commit genocide. I expected Israel to stop once they had killed around 12,000 Palestinians. That they keep killing people in Israeli defined safe zones defies imagination.
Mea culpa on saying it was voting, it was actually meant to be support for Hamas, which according to this AP article has now risen to 90%. Sorry for the misstatement.

Don't misunderstand, I am not in favor of killing civilians, I get no glee or satisfaction when they are killed, but it is simply a sad fact of war. And this IS a war. Hamas is trying to exterminate Israel from the map, and Israel is fighting for their lives. I might point out how the IDF has done whatever they could to alert citizens of areas that may come under attack, to allow them time to relocate into a safer district. They have allowed Biden's pier boondoggle to be built, which was then attacked. They have allowed food and water supplies to come in, much of which was taken by Hamas and never reached the intended targets. I wonder why the Russians don't take such precautions in their war in Ukraine?

You certainly used exactly zero amount of logic in your last paragraph.......

Fair enough. But a couple of things - even though Hamas is ultimately responsible for what is happening to the Gazans it really shouldn’t come as a surprise that a besieged population is expressing support for them in the face of the devastation they are experiencing by the hands of the Israelis.

Also there are numerous documented cases where Gazans have not been warned or have not been given sufficient warning.

My last paragraph was intentionally illogical and was intended as parody of your last paragraph.

1 million views already UBER! 😳
lol. I don’t actually believe that Trump is a pederass despite him barging into a dressing room full of half dressed teenaged girls and making creepy comments about Ivanka. Sexual predator? Yes. Child molester? Don’t think so.

But I do think Trump was a lot closer to Epstein than we know - Epstein’s black book is alleged to have had something like 8 different phone numbers listed to reach Trump, including Trump’s Limo.
Not sure what you think she is hiding?
That she’s black. Or not black? Or was she hiding the fact she’s Indian too? I can’t keep it straight - wait, she straightened her hair! That’s how she did it! In plain sight! Kamala, master of disguises.

She needs to be wearing a sign or armband at all times for all the racists - designating her as both black and Indian. Or not either.
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lol. I don’t actually believe that Trump is a pederass despite him barging into a dressing room full of half dressed teenaged girls and making creepy comments about Ivanka. Sexual predator? Yes. Child molester? Don’t think so.

But I do think Trump was a lot closer to Epstein than we know - Epstein’s black book is alleged to have had something like 8 different phone numbers listed to reach Trump, including Trump’s Limo.
Yeah it’s hard to say. He was on Epsteins plane a bunch but I don’t think they ever had record of him going to the island. You’d think if he was he would have been at that island every other weekend. It’s hard for me not to think he did some stuff considering the other sexual assaults along with the creepy stuff he’s said about his daughter and other young girls. He’s been accused by at least one of Epsteins girls already. Gislaines info will be credible so if she is telling all we will find out.
You would think even Barney Ruble would figure out a woman going to Howard U and being part of a Black sorority might even clue him she may be black.

I would think even a 9th grader would have the critical thinking that could figure that out .
You would think that any idiot could figure it out by going to Wikipedia.
But then again it may be that Wikipedia is a place that inter-web-challenged senior citizens and white racists find difficult to locate.

I read on XXXX from Larry Lunatic that Agent Orange is a direct descendant of Barney Rubble, what is he trying to hide?
Mea culpa on saying it was voting, it was actually meant to be support for Hamas, which according to this AP article has now risen to 90%. Sorry for the misstatement.

Don't misunderstand, I am not in favor of killing civilians, I get no glee or satisfaction when they are killed, but it is simply a sad fact of war. And this IS a war. Hamas is trying to exterminate Israel from the map, and Israel is fighting for their lives. I might point out how the IDF has done whatever they could to alert citizens of areas that may come under attack, to allow them time to relocate into a safer district. They have allowed Biden's pier boondoggle to be built, which was then attacked. They have allowed food and water supplies to come in, much of which was taken by Hamas and never reached the intended targets. I wonder why the Russians don't take such precautions in their war in Ukraine?

You certainly used exactly zero amount of logic in your last paragraph.......

From Oct. 7 - July 31:

1,139 Israelis
Over 40,000 Palestinians - mostly civilians, 60-70% women & children. Even Netanyahu's government admits that only about 14,000 of these are Hamas fighters (in May, Israel said they'd killed 14,000 Hamas and about 16,000 civilians). These numbers don't account for disease and starvation.

Destroyed in Gaza:
60% of homes
80% of businesses
267 places of worship
2/3 of roads
Most of the schools and hospitals at least partially destroyed

As for the IDF trying to alert citizens - they divided Gaza into 600 zones and then made an online map to tell people when to leave, and then dropped leaflets with conflicting instructions. And then they cut the power. As of a couple days ago, they'd put 86% of the 600 zones under evacuation orders - including some of the refugee camps. They've told the entire population to get into 14% of the neighborhoods. That forces people into shelter areas like schools...which the IDF then shells or bombs.

Tell me again who's trying to exterminate who?

I'll freely acknowledge that Palestinians have killed Israelis for years. Same goes the other direction. Each side would be more than happy to be rid of the other. But in this moment, it's the Israelis that are on the offensive, and it's the Israelis that are committing genocide. And by doing that, it's the Israelis that are inspiring more global anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment.
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I’m not white, I’m a possession receiver.
My life as a pimp is a farce. I’m actually white. Starting today I have made a point to be more honest and to introduce myself as “Willie, a white man” to everyone I meet.

Don’t know why but I’ve been getting lots of weird reactions from people…
My life as a pimp is a farce. I’m actually white. Starting today I have made a point to be more honest and to introduce myself as “Willie, a white man” to everyone I meet.

Don’t know why but I’ve been getting lots of weird reactions from people…
Wait Trump said yesterday they are coming across the border and taking "black jobs". I would imagine the NBA and being a pimp is what he believes are "black jobs". I hope immigration has ruined your "black" pimping career
Wait Trump said yesterday they are coming across the border and taking "black jobs". I would imagine the NBA and being a pimp is what he believes are "black jobs". I hope immigration has ruined your "black" pimping career
I’ve had to make some adjustments and now make do as a migrant farm worker.
Wait Trump said yesterday they are coming across the border and taking "black jobs". I would imagine the NBA and being a pimp is what he believes are "black jobs". I hope immigration has ruined your "black" pimping career
Just like all those Canadians taking over our hockey league.

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