Tastiest dog breed thread - poll coming

Nope... it is I dont have my head buried in the sand thread.

One, the guy mentioned he would like to do away with the constitution.

Two , already tried to overthrow an election

Three he is already trying to sow the seeds of doubt in this one .

Four, he didnt have the VP in place last time to do what needed to be done to over throw an election.

Five, he has in place to get rid of civil workers and FBI and install loyalists.Project 2025.

Six, there is already a segment of society that said they are ok with cheating to stay in power.

Seven, if republicans take house and senate in two years they can get rid of the 2/3 rule and govern by simple majority and allow Trump a third term by amending the the two term rule.

Eight, there are already two states that have formed Republican bodies that review election results and in practice can get rid of votes .

Nine, folks like people on this board have accepted trump for who he is. And that everyone is out to get him. He has normalized third grade behavior.

Ten, you think Hitler in early 30's had the power and the ok to gas 6 million Jews? You believe that was his platform? I often wondered how one man attains that power without normal people standing up to him along the way. We now see it here.

And we are seeing how autocrats gain power and stay in power.... and in the future you sick of his behavior and the only way to possibly change it is if he dies.

As to the response to covid, you always point to Sweden . Sweden's GDP dropped more than masked up and locked down Norway .

People were avoiding contact so they and people around them wouldn't get sick and die.

Do you believe the number of deaths would have been the same if they did nothing as you propose?
It is widely reported that Donald Trump resides in Florida at Mara Lago, but apparently that is wrong. He actually resides full time, rent free inside your head. Your belief in all of these conspiratorial actions coming true is stunning.

"And we are seeing how autocrats gain power and stay in power...." I assume that you are referring to the Democrat party with this comment.
It is widely reported that Donald Trump resides in Florida at Mara Lago, but apparently that is wrong. He actually resides full time, rent free inside your head. Your belief in all of these conspiratorial actions coming true is stunning.

"And we are seeing how autocrats gain power and stay in power...." I assume that you are referring to the Democrat party with this comment.
Nope not the one who idolizes a President and will bend my moral and civic compass to back that traitor . And yes anyone who tells us structurally our elections are rigged without his AG agreeing, his cyber security guy agreeing and 61 court cases that were thrown out . Putting his own ego above what is best for the country and tries to tear down our country and democracy at every turn.

There was a time when banging a porn star then paying her off for her silence would have been disqualifying. Or trying to get a foreign country to investigate his political rival or hold up aid , or telling his followers to go to the capitol then waiting four hours to send in help was disqualifying .

Trust me stretch i simply want my kids to have the same privilege that I had and be abke to vote their conscience.

And you just want to ignore the warning signs.

Wanna bet 1000 dollars if Trump does lose I bet he claims voter fraud . The 1000 dollars goes to our favorite Coug charity. If he loses and doesn't claim fraud I will double my portion of the bet and donate 2k to your favorite Coug charity.
Don't know where your getting your brainwashing from this time. His rallies are again 10x bigger than Kamala. Actually Kamala has to have a concert at her rallies to get people to show up (for the concert not for her) its all fake and dumb and you fall for it. Sad!

And 2020 was not a fair election, but you boomers get your news from the antiquated media that all have the same talking points handed to them. NPC behavior.
A. I’m not a boomer…weird that you’d think that considering boomers and inbreds are about all that’s left of trumps cult. Justin isn’t a typical boomer name so that narrows it down a bit.

At the end of the day, rally size doesn’t really matter, both sides are trying to mock the others attendance in comparison.

It’s pretty clear that Trump is flailing and is now THE demented half dead grandpa left in the race. He picked a lifeless VP. Every significant polling outlet has Harris surging past Trump. R’s down ballot are pissed because Trump is F’ing up their situation.

It’s all falling apart for him. He will flee the country before he loses and goes to prison. 🤝
have not seen this community noted yet.

Yes, I know, “but, but CNN”. But, still…

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Nope not the one who idolizes a President and will bend my moral and civic compass to back that traitor . And yes anyone who tells us structurally our elections are rigged without his AG agreeing, his cyber security guy agreeing and 61 court cases that were thrown out . Putting his own ego above what is best for the country and tries to tear down our country and democracy at every turn.

There was a time when banging a porn star then paying her off for her silence would have been disqualifying. Or trying to get a foreign country to investigate his political rival or hold up aid , or telling his followers to go to the capitol then waiting four hours to send in help was disqualifying .

Trust me stretch i simply want my kids to have the same privilege that I had and be abke to vote their conscience.

And you just want to ignore the warning signs.

Wanna bet 1000 dollars if Trump does lose I bet he claims voter fraud . The 1000 dollars goes to our favorite Coug charity. If he loses and doesn't claim fraud I will double my portion of the bet and donate 2k to your favorite Coug charity.
If voter fraud exists, what should a responsible “fraud finder” do to not injure your feelings?
If voter fraud exists, what should a responsible “fraud finder” do to not injure your feelings?
I know, Mark Meadows voted in two states but voter fraud did not change the outcome and Forrest Trump knows that !
A. I’m not a boomer…weird that you’d think that considering boomers and inbreds are about all that’s left of trumps cult. Justin isn’t a typical boomer name so that narrows it down a bit.

At the end of the day, rally size doesn’t really matter, both sides are trying to mock the others attendance in comparison.

It’s pretty clear that Trump is flailing and is now THE demented half dead grandpa left in the race. He picked a lifeless VP. Every significant polling outlet has Harris surging past Trump. R’s down ballot are pissed because Trump is F’ing up their situation.

It’s all falling apart for him. He will flee the country before he loses and goes to prison. 🤝

The polling is fake news, obviously
The polling is fake news, obviously
Ok JC I will bite... under what circumstance would Harris be a truly elected President. And say Obama was allowed to run against Trump and Obama won, would you believe that Trump lost?
Ok JC I will bite... under what circumstance would Harris be a truly elected President. And say Obama was allowed to run against Trump and Obama won, would you believe that Trump lost?
They still think Trump won even though there’s millions of republicans that despise him and won’t vote R again until he’s flushed and his stench has been removed from the party.
Ok JC I will bite... under what circumstance would Harris be a truly elected President. And say Obama was allowed to run against Trump and Obama won, would you believe that Trump lost?

All voter rolls cleaned up and ID required to vote just to start
All voter rolls cleaned up and ID required to vote just to start
So I understand this correctly.... one party was caught committing voter interference and apparently one party is really good at not getting caught... and the only party with dirty voter rolls in the dems ? Am I understanding this correctly?

So what you are saying is George Jr won a tainted election twice?
So I understand this correctly.... one party was caught committing voter interference and apparently one party is really good at not getting caught... and the only party with dirty voter rolls in the dems ? Am I understanding this correctly?

So what you are saying is George Jr won a tainted election twice?
He isn’t saying Jet-puff makes the best marshmallows?

How do you know, for sure?
It is widely reported that Donald Trump resides in Florida at Mara Lago, but apparently that is wrong. He actually resides full time, rent free inside your head. Your belief in all of these conspiratorial actions coming true is stunning.

"And we are seeing how autocrats gain power and stay in power...." I assume that you are referring to the Democrat party with this comment.
And we are seeing how autocrats gain power and stay in power...." I assume that you are referring to the Democrat party with this comment.

What are even attempting to insinuate? What have the democrats done to justify this belief of yours?
So I understand this correctly.... one party was caught committing voter interference and apparently one party is really good at not getting caught... and the only party with dirty voter rolls in the dems ? Am I understanding this correctly?

So what you are saying is George Jr won a tainted election twice?

Huh? All I said was clean up the voter rolls and require ID, what's the problem?

That shit isn't funny, at all. Pathetic
And we are seeing how autocrats gain power and stay in power...." I assume that you are referring to the Democrat party with this comment.

What are even attempting to insinuate? What have the democrats done to justify this belief of yours?
Have you been sleeping through the past 2 months? Or I suppose I could say the past 4 years. To start with, the Dems have conspired to hide the fact that the president had serious mental issues that severely compromised his ability to properly carry out the duties of US President. But they did that successfully and pushed Joe through the entire primary elections without allowing any valid competition for the public to select their choice to run for president.

So, that was all fine and dandy until Joe's infirmaries were exposed to the American public at the debate. At that point, Joe's poll numbers were cratering and it triggered the Dem party elites (Barry, Nancy, Chuck, Clooney, the mega donors, the Minority leader Jeffries, and yes-Kamalalala herself) led a coup to throw Joe under the bus and give the middle finger that all those millions of liberal voters that exercised their democratic (small d) right to vote in a free and fair election and annointed Harris to take Joe's place. Pretty ballsy for the party that spent a lot of hot air and newspaper/magazine ink over the years to lecture us on how important it was for them to "save democracy" to do one of the most undemocratic things possible-throw out the results of the popular vote and just let the party elites decide things. They have just thrown away any moral authority to EVER again lecture the American citizens about saving democracy!

Funny thing is, in a way, the past few elections the winner has sometimes come from far back in the polls at this point in time, but the elites just felt like they couldn't take a chance on the guy that the American PEOPLE voted for in the primaries. Hypocrites, through and through.
Have you been sleeping through the past 2 months? Or I suppose I could say the past 4 years. To start with, the Dems have conspired to hide the fact that the president had serious mental issues that severely compromised his ability to properly carry out the duties of US President. But they did that successfully and pushed Joe through the entire primary elections without allowing any valid competition for the public to select their choice to run for president.

So, that was all fine and dandy until Joe's infirmaries were exposed to the American public at the debate. At that point, Joe's poll numbers were cratering and it triggered the Dem party elites (Barry, Nancy, Chuck, Clooney, the mega donors, the Minority leader Jeffries, and yes-Kamalalala herself) led a coup to throw Joe under the bus and give the middle finger that all those millions of liberal voters that exercised their democratic (small d) right to vote in a free and fair election and annointed Harris to take Joe's place. Pretty ballsy for the party that spent a lot of hot air and newspaper/magazine ink over the years to lecture us on how important it was for them to "save democracy" to do one of the most undemocratic things possible-throw out the results of the popular vote and just let the party elites decide things. They have just thrown away any moral authority to EVER again lecture the American citizens about saving democracy!

Funny thing is, in a way, the past few elections the winner has sometimes come from far back in the polls at this point in time, but the elites just felt like they couldn't take a chance on the guy that the American PEOPLE voted for in the primaries. Hypocrites, through and through.
The problem with this theory is in your first paragraph: the public doesn't choose the candidates, the parties do. As far as presidential elections go, the primaries aren't really a selection process, they're just broad scale opinion polls. They're a non-binding advisory vote. The caucuses and conventions are where the actual decisions are made, and both parties can make the rules be whatever they want.

In Washington state, there's really very little reason we should even bother to have presidential primaries. For years, the republicans didn't use the primary results at all, and the democrats used them as 1/3 of their criteria. I'm not sure what the proportions are now - don't really care, it's been decades since either party put anyone up that was worth voting for.
Huh? All I said was clean up the voter rolls and require ID, what's the problem?

That shit isn't funny, at all. Pathetic
What do you mean? That shit is hilarious. Is that Chelsea Handler? Looks like her. Thanks for posting it! :)

On voter roles and requiring ID - don't the Secretaries of State(s) do that periodically/routinely already? Not sure how they identify the dead people to take off though. I'll have to look in to it.

On requiring ID to vote - if you go to the polls, don't you already have to show ID, or your voter registration card to get a ballot? Since Washington is vote by mail (that is how Trump votes BTW), there is no way to require ID. I believe that they do actually compare signatures to the original registration.
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Have you been sleeping through the past 2 months? Or I suppose I could say the past 4 years. To start with, the Dems have conspired to hide the fact that the president had serious mental issues that severely compromised his ability to properly carry out the duties of US President. But they did that successfully and pushed Joe through the entire primary elections without allowing any valid competition for the public to select their choice to run for president.

So, that was all fine and dandy until Joe's infirmaries were exposed to the American public at the debate. At that point, Joe's poll numbers were cratering and it triggered the Dem party elites (Barry, Nancy, Chuck, Clooney, the mega donors, the Minority leader Jeffries, and yes-Kamalalala herself) led a coup to throw Joe under the bus and give the middle finger that all those millions of liberal voters that exercised their democratic (small d) right to vote in a free and fair election and annointed Harris to take Joe's place. Pretty ballsy for the party that spent a lot of hot air and newspaper/magazine ink over the years to lecture us on how important it was for them to "save democracy" to do one of the most undemocratic things possible-throw out the results of the popular vote and just let the party elites decide things. They have just thrown away any moral authority to EVER again lecture the American citizens about saving democracy!

Funny thing is, in a way, the past few elections the winner has sometimes come from far back in the polls at this point in time, but the elites just felt like they couldn't take a chance on the guy that the American PEOPLE voted for in the primaries. Hypocrites, through and through.
C'mon Stretch, give it a rest. Biden's delegates willingly switched to Kamala. No Democrat held up his hand and said "wait I want to be considered". And I don't recall any Dem's running against him in the primaries (like Mr. 11th Commandment Ronald Reagan did against Ford)

And I don't dispute that Biden was and is in decline. But he was and is far from senile. So quit acting like he was senile 4 years ago and the Dem's "conspired to hide it". That's just BS Trump talk.
C'mon Stretch, give it a rest. Biden's delegates willingly switched to Kamala. No Democrat held up his hand and said "wait I want to be considered". And I don't recall any Dem's running against him in the primaries (like Mr. 11th Commandment Ronald Reagan did against Ford)

And I don't dispute that Biden was and is in decline. But he was and is far from senile. So quit acting like he was senile 4 years ago and the Dem's "conspired to hide it". That's just BS Trump talk.
I never said he was senile, I said he was mentally compromised, which he was. And the symptoms were already showing during the race in 2020, but they were getting progressively worse during his term. He did things during 2020 that he never did during the VP time.

I consider someone senile when the dementia takes over so much that they are mostly non functional for normal daily activities. Yes, Joe has not reached that stage, but the demands of that job and the requirements of protecting our people and country demand some one that is on top of their game almost all the time. That was not Joe, not even close.
The problem with this theory is in your first paragraph: the public doesn't choose the candidates, the parties do. As far as presidential elections go, the primaries aren't really a selection process, they're just broad scale opinion polls. They're a non-binding advisory vote. The caucuses and conventions are where the actual decisions are made, and both parties can make the rules be whatever they want.

In Washington state, there's really very little reason we should even bother to have presidential primaries. For years, the republicans didn't use the primary results at all, and the democrats used them as 1/3 of their criteria. I'm not sure what the proportions are now - don't really care, it's been decades since either party put anyone up that was worth voting for.
I am aware of what you say that the parties select their candidates. However, in this case the Democrat party came out and said that this is how we will select our candidate. We will have a series of primary elections in all the states, and we have assigned a number of delegates from each state the will be awarded to the winner, or proportionally possibly, and then at our convention we have those delegates vote as they are awarded and the candidate with the most votes will become our candidate in the general election. Not too complicated and well understood. However, after going through all the effort to have registered Democrats vote for their preferred candidates, they were not satisfied with how things were going in the polls and decided to pull a huge okey doke maneuver. So rather than redo the voting, or even have an open convention, the Dem party elites said "**** YOU!" to all the people that voted in the primary and put their alternate in there by fiat. Didn't bother trying trying either of the more methods I mentioned and we all know the reason why. The party of DEI that had a minority woman next in line was terrified of the backlash from all the wokesters if Kamalalala didn't get the nod.

And I think we all could/should agree that KH was pretty unlikely to come out on top of any type of competitive process given some of the other possible candidates out there.
Peaceful? Nothing
Don't you just LOVE you some great irony? For years we have been been told that walls don't work, yet now we come to the Dems biggest party of the year and they are very busy putting up walls. Oh, and we were also lectured to that putting that wall up on the border was just completely racist, yet here goes the Dems putting up racist walls around their big party. Irony, yeah baby!

You know what else the Dems have been lecturing us about for years? They say that it is just racist to make black people show ID to vote. Funny though, what is the requirement to actually get into the Dems huge extravaganza? Why, you need to show valid picture ID, of course. Kinda makes you wonder why anyone would even want to get into such an event, what with all those damn racists in there!

Irony, irony, irony. Or maybe it is simply just a huge bunch of hypocrisy? Hard to tell, isn't it?
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I never said he was senile, I said he was mentally compromised, which he was. And the symptoms were already showing during the race in 2020, but they were getting progressively worse during his term. He did things during 2020 that he never did during the VP time.

I consider someone senile when the dementia takes over so much that they are mostly non functional for normal daily activities. Yes, Joe has not reached that stage, but the demands of that job and the requirements of protecting our people and country demand some one that is on top of their game almost all the time. That was not Joe, not even close.
Not at all what you said buddy, and I quote your post:

the president had serious mental issues that severely compromised his ability to properly carry out the duties of US President. But they did that successfully and pushed Joe through the entire primary elections without allowing any valid competition for the public to select their choice to run for president.

So, that was all fine and dandy until Joe's infirmaries were exposed

WTF is wrong with you? Although to be fair, I did like your links on the other board to Luna and Boebert.
I am aware of what you say that the parties select their candidates. However, in this case the Democrat party came out and said that this is how we will select our candidate. We will have a series of primary elections in all the states, and we have assigned a number of delegates from each state the will be awarded to the winner, or proportionally possibly, and then at our convention we have those delegates vote as they are awarded and the candidate with the most votes will become our candidate in the general election. Not too complicated and well understood. However, after going through all the effort to have registered Democrats vote for their preferred candidates, they were not satisfied with how things were going in the polls and decided to pull a huge okey doke maneuver. So rather than redo the voting, or even have an open convention, the Dem party elites said "**** YOU!" to all the people that voted in the primary and put their alternate in there by fiat. Didn't bother trying trying either of the more methods I mentioned and we all know the reason why. The party of DEI that had a minority woman next in line was terrified of the backlash from all the wokesters if Kamalalala didn't get the nod.

And I think we all could/should agree that KH was pretty unlikely to come out on top of any type of competitive process given some of the other possible candidates out there.
Everything you say here is complete bullshit. Who are "they"? And Kamalalala? Really? That's your level of adulthood when referring to the VP of the USA? What is the F wrong with you?
Everything you say here is complete bullshit. Who are "they"? And Kamalalala? Really? That's your level of adulthood when referring to the VP of the USA? What is the F wrong with you?
Uhhhh…he’s in a cult loyal. This is exactly what someone who’s balls deep in a cult looks and sounds like.
I am aware of what you say that the parties select their candidates. However, in this case the Democrat party came out and said that this is how we will select our candidate. We will have a series of primary elections in all the states, and we have assigned a number of delegates from each state the will be awarded to the winner, or proportionally possibly, and then at our convention we have those delegates vote as they are awarded and the candidate with the most votes will become our candidate in the general election. Not too complicated and well understood. However, after going through all the effort to have registered Democrats vote for their preferred candidates, they were not satisfied with how things were going in the polls and decided to pull a huge okey doke maneuver. So rather than redo the voting, or even have an open convention, the Dem party elites said "**** YOU!" to all the people that voted in the primary and put their alternate in there by fiat. Didn't bother trying trying either of the more methods I mentioned and we all know the reason why. The party of DEI that had a minority woman next in line was terrified of the backlash from all the wokesters if Kamalalala didn't get the nod.

And I think we all could/should agree that KH was pretty unlikely to come out on top of any type of competitive process given some of the other possible candidates out there.
Not so sure about this one. I don’t think the democrats have anyone else that is a viable candidate. Certainly not for this year.

And regardless, even if they have rules for how to select candidates, the rules are theirs to change. They’re under zero obligation to follow the preferences of the voters.
Have you been sleeping through the past 2 months? Or I suppose I could say the past 4 years. To start with, the Dems have conspired to hide the fact that the president had serious mental issues that severely compromised his ability to properly carry out the duties of US President. But they did that successfully and pushed Joe through the entire primary elections without allowing any valid competition for the public to select their choice to run for president.

So, that was all fine and dandy until Joe's infirmaries were exposed to the American public at the debate. At that point, Joe's poll numbers were cratering and it triggered the Dem party elites (Barry, Nancy, Chuck, Clooney, the mega donors, the Minority leader Jeffries, and yes-Kamalalala herself) led a coup to throw Joe under the bus and give the middle finger that all those millions of liberal voters that exercised their democratic (small d) right to vote in a free and fair election and annointed Harris to take Joe's place. Pretty ballsy for the party that spent a lot of hot air and newspaper/magazine ink over the years to lecture us on how important it was for them to "save democracy" to do one of the most undemocratic things possible-throw out the results of the popular vote and just let the party elites decide things. They have just thrown away any moral authority to EVER again lecture the American citizens about saving democracy!

Funny thing is, in a way, the past few elections the winner has sometimes come from far back in the polls at this point in time, but the elites just felt like they couldn't take a chance on the guy that the American PEOPLE voted for in the primaries. Hypocrites, through and through.
95 nailed it. What you are calling a "coup" is simply a party choosing it's candidate that in no way has ANY correlation to how the US conducts national elections - which is exactly what Trump was attempting to fvck with last time in order to stay in power against the will of the majority of voters.

You don't seem to mind that, so why would you care what a party does to choose it's candidate?

Aside from the fact that there is ZERO evidence that Biden has "serious mental issues that severely compromised his abilities to carry out the duties of a US president", his withdrawing and being replaced by Harris resulted in essentially ZERO opposition to it. The so-called "will of the voters" wasn't usurped in any way. If that was the case she'd be polling worse and other candidates would have stepped forward and the actual delegates wouldn't be near unanimously behind her.

Super lame for Republicans to be falsely equating what the DNC is doing with what Trump attempted to do. Taihtsat
I read on X Trump wears a diaper and pisses himself and people cant stand to be around him because he smells like a nursing home.
Hmm, that seems hard to believe but X is pretty reliable and a good place to get news, so i guess I'll have to give it some credence. Taihtsat

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