Tastiest dog breed thread - poll coming

There’s not a president in history who hasn’t fibbed on job creation. It’s the easiest thing to say and the hardest thing to prove. And almost everyone of voting age cares about it because everyone outside of retirees and homemakers has a job they don’t want to lose or wants a job they don’t have.
Then you’ll have no problem linking all of the 900k downward job revisions that have occurred previously.

OK, this is pretty damn funny. Even you Trumpers should chuckle a little bit. Demonrats - that is even better than Repugnant Ones.

Oh and Laura Loomer is into fat-shaming these days.

  • Haha
Reactions: Coug90
Oh my,

the common assumption that carbon dioxide is “the main driver of climate change” is scientifically false.

Now what?
Well for one thing you are admitting there’s climate change which is a different take than the rest of your tinfoil hat crowd, so good for you! For another, that’s correct, methane gas is actually a bigger driver of greenhouse gasses/climate change than CO2…and… cattle are the largest producer of methane. Guess what institution is doing research on methane reduction in cattle?…Go Cougs!
Yeah, right-no incumbents were EVER challenged. Well, except for Biden, Trump, HW Bush, Carter, Ford, Johnson, Truman. Other than that you were right on the mark! Congratulations.

Mentally diminished, mentally infirmed, mentally deficient- I don't care what technical description you want to label it with, the cold facts are that Joe Biden is not nearly as sharp as he used to be, even from just back to the 2020 campaign. You may need to be a medical expert to accurately diagnosis and label exactly what the issue is, but anyone that has observed him over his term can easily see the deterioration in him.

Hmmm, now is that the reason that Hur gave for not charging Biden? Or was it that he was a forgetful old man (basically talking nicely about his obvious confusion and inability to remember simple things like important dates, like when he was the VP)? We all know the answer to that question.

I guess in your world it would be acceptable to rob a bank, but then avoid persecution when the law is closing in on you if you simply agree to give the money back.
You right, I concede the "challenge" point on its factual basis. No one was seriously challenged the way Carter was. The result of that challenge by Kennedy ended with a split party and a beat-down by Reagan. That is political suicide for an incumbent so they managed to avoid that.

Technically the actual reason Hur gave was that the "evidence does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt" and he also drew a distinction between Biden and pences cases vs Trump's, acknowledging Trump's involved obstruction.

And, no, in my world simply saying you're sorry does not exonerate you. But state of mind and motive do factor in tom whether charges will be brought and to what level. Taihtsat
You right, I concede the "challenge" point on its factual basis. No one was seriously challenged the way Carter was. The result of that challenge by Kennedy ended with a split party and a beat-down by Reagan. That is political suicide for an incumbent so they managed to avoid that.

Technically the actual reason Hur gave was that the "evidence does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt" and he also drew a distinction between Biden and pences cases vs Trump's, acknowledging Trump's involved obstruction.

And, no, in my world simply saying you're sorry does not exonerate you. But state of mind and motive do factor in tom whether charges will be brought and to what level. Taihtsat
Wait... you claim the DOJ is corrupt but you trust Hur who is a republican and cant trusted because all of DOJ is corrupt . Or are they only dishonest when looking into Trump? I am confised when we can and cant trust the DOJ and the FBI
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OK, this is pretty damn funny. Even you Trumpers should chuckle a little bit. Demonrats - that is even better than Repugnant Ones.

Oh and Laura Loomer is into fat-shaming these days.

It’s absolutely incredible that people still take this blowhard seriously.
You right, I concede the "challenge" point on its factual basis. No one was seriously challenged the way Carter was. The result of that challenge by Kennedy ended with a split party and a beat-down by Reagan. That is political suicide for an incumbent so they managed to avoid that.

Technically the actual reason Hur gave was that the "evidence does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt" and he also drew a distinction between Biden and pences cases vs Trump's, acknowledging Trump's involved obstruction.

And, no, in my world simply saying you're sorry does not exonerate you. But state of mind and motive do factor in tom whether charges will be brought and to what level. Taihtsat
Um, Reagan vs Ford in 1976...........

Scott failed to mention the debt and deficit Reagan/bush/bush/Trump put on and that the the tree largest economic down turn came in George senior- Clinton had to clean up. George Junior was the president when we had the largest economic down turn since 1929 with the mortgage crisis-Obama had to clean up aisle nine. Trump and covid and tax cuts that didn't benefit 90% of the people and led us to largest job loss-Biden had to clean up.

Yes, I always tax business advice from someone who filed bk 6 times, had daddy bail him out twice, failed on Trump Meat, Trump Airlines, Trump School, Trump Gold Sneakers. Yes, I understand why people just respect his business acumen :(
I'm not sure about the "bomb" part of it. The President isn't a least not yet. Republican leaders were clear in Obama's first term they would obstruct as much as possible. Trump killed the border bill written by Republican Senator James Lankford because Trump didn't want it passed on Biden's watch. Democrats aren't any different. The days of politician feeling a responsibility to bipartisanship are long gone.

I'm not sure about the "bomb" part of it. The President isn't a least not yet. Republican leaders were clear in Obama's first term they would obstruct as much as possible. Trump killed the border bill written by Republican Senator James Lankford because Trump didn't want it passed on Biden's watch. Democrats aren't any different. The days of politician feeling a responsibility to bipartisanship are long gone.

This is the sad truth about our political system. 99% of what one party cares about is not allowing the other party to make progress. Doesn’t matter who’s in office.
You right, I concede the "challenge" point on its factual basis. No one was seriously challenged the way Carter was. The result of that challenge by Kennedy ended with a split party and a beat-down by Reagan. That is political suicide for an incumbent so they managed to avoid that.

Technically the actual reason Hur gave was that the "evidence does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt" and he also drew a distinction between Biden and pences cases vs Trump's, acknowledging Trump's involved obstruction.

And, no, in my world simply saying you're sorry does not exonerate you. But state of mind and motive do factor in tom whether charges will be brought and to what level. Taihtsat
The beat down by Reagan would have happened with or without Kennedy. Carter sucked big time and everyone knew it. And Kennedy was also not taking votes from Carter in the general election.

Yes, did put that in there, along with the memory issues and that he would come off with as a kindly old man, sympathetic to a jury. And wouldn't that trial happen in DC, with a 95% Democrat jury? With the exact same circumstances and it was Trump or Cruz or DeSantis, what do you think the answer would be?

And really, how could guilt not be established beyond a reasonable doubt? Biden had the classified material in his possession, that is not under dispute. Those documents had been removed from a classified facility, that has been proven. Joe Biden was never president back when the documents had been removed, that is factual. Pretty simple, has material, not authorized to have it, only possible result is GUILTY.

I would compare this case to that of Villi F and Mary Kay LeTourneau. She was found guilty of sex with a minor (don't recall the exact legal charge) and was sentenced to prison. Then she ended up getting pregnant by Villi again when he was still a minor. Every man in the country would have been charged again, but not her. Pissed me off, she deserved it again. Test the baby, prove the paternity of her baby and admit it into evidence, calculate the date of conception and present his age and then rest the prosecution. Bing, bang, boom! Same thing with Joe.

I know you all will be sad to hear this, but I only have time for one more response, and then I will running silent and deep for a week or so, no ability to post. But I WILL return, so don't be thinking you have beaten me into submission. :)

Have a safe holiday weekend and we'll see you all (?) in Pullman.
Scott failed to mention the debt and deficit Reagan/bush/bush/Trump put on and that the the tree largest economic down turn came in George senior- Clinton had to clean up. George Junior was the president when we had the largest economic down turn since 1929 with the mortgage crisis-Obama had to clean up aisle nine. Trump and covid and tax cuts that didn't benefit 90% of the people and led us to largest job loss-Biden had to clean up.

Yes, I always tax business advice from someone who filed bk 6 times, had daddy bail him out twice, failed on Trump Meat, Trump Airlines, Trump School, Trump Gold Sneakers. Yes, I understand why people just respect his business acumen :(
I am struggling trying to figure out if your bolded sentence above is just ignorance or sneakily being deceptive when you combine two things that had opposite results. The facts are that Covid 19 DID lead to job losses, especially in blue states where the Dem governors tyrannically locked down their states. However, the Trump tax cuts actually DID benefit ~90% of taxpayers, and didn't cause job losses. And it was not just the top 1% that benefitted from the tax cuts, contrary to the lie often put out there by the libs.

I can see how focused you are on Trump's 6 bankruptcy filings, you seem to find a way to throw that out there on about 25% of you posts. And while that isn't something to be proud of, or excuse as no big deal, but have you ever thought about thinking about all the other projects, other businesses that were successful by Trump? Might be worth comparing some time. Did you ever think about how many jobs Trump created with his projects, both during planning, design, and building, but also ongoing jobs for all the people working in those projects? Nobody is successful in business or investing 100% of the time, and you try diminish the man because he wasn't 100%.

BTW, how many jobs have Biden or Harris created in their careers in government? Keep in mind that any jobs they have created are simply government jobs that we all are now forced to pay for. Their jobs are just sucking from the government teat and do NOT create anything of value for society.

Have a good holiday.....

Um, Reagan vs Ford in 1976...........

Good refresher as I was only 8 at the time the Carter/Kennedy one sticks out more.

But again was an additional data point for why parties don't "allow" primary challenges to their incumbent president. Ford got beat.

Wonder if there is an incumbent who was challenged in the primaries that was reelected?
I missed this comment last night..............

As we all know (well, not the trumpeters) the economy and job creation is really beyond the control of the president. However, they DO get to claim credit. It's just the way it is. Being as it is, why -oh why- don't the Democrats proclaim this from the highest mountain and find a way to brand it? Jobs since 1989: DEMS 50 million REPS 1 million. Taihtsat
I am struggling trying to figure out if your bolded sentence above is just ignorance or sneakily being deceptive when you combine two things that had opposite results. The facts are that Covid 19 DID lead to job losses, especially in blue states where the Dem governors tyrannically locked down their states. However, the Trump tax cuts actually DID benefit ~90% of taxpayers, and didn't cause job losses. And it was not just the top 1% that benefitted from the tax cuts, contrary to the lie often put out there by the libs.

I can see how focused you are on Trump's 6 bankruptcy filings, you seem to find a way to throw that out there on about 25% of you posts. And while that isn't something to be proud of, or excuse as no big deal, but have you ever thought about thinking about all the other projects, other businesses that were successful by Trump? Might be worth comparing some time. Did you ever think about how many jobs Trump created with his projects, both during planning, design, and building, but also ongoing jobs for all the people working in those projects? Nobody is successful in business or investing 100% of the time, and you try diminish the man because he wasn't 100%.

BTW, how many jobs have Biden or Harris created in their careers in government? Keep in mind that any jobs they have created are simply government jobs that we all are now forced to pay for. Their jobs are just sucking from the government teat and do NOT create anything of value for society.

Have a good holiday.....

The author of this article is from this organization:

Climate change deniers and deniers of the harmful effects of smoking. Funded by Big Oil and Big Tobacco. Great source as usual Stretch.
I am struggling trying to figure out if your bolded sentence above is just ignorance or sneakily being deceptive when you combine two things that had opposite results. The facts are that Covid 19 DID lead to job losses, especially in blue states where the Dem governors tyrannically locked down their states. However, the Trump tax cuts actually DID benefit ~90% of taxpayers, and didn't cause job losses. And it was not just the top 1% that benefitted from the tax cuts, contrary to the lie often put out there by the libs.

I can see how focused you are on Trump's 6 bankruptcy filings, you seem to find a way to throw that out there on about 25% of you posts. And while that isn't something to be proud of, or excuse as no big deal, but have you ever thought about thinking about all the other projects, other businesses that were successful by Trump? Might be worth comparing some time. Did you ever think about how many jobs Trump created with his projects, both during planning, design, and building, but also ongoing jobs for all the people working in those projects? Nobody is successful in business or investing 100% of the time, and you try diminish the man because he wasn't 100%.

BTW, how many jobs have Biden or Harris created in their careers in government? Keep in mind that any jobs they have created are simply government jobs that we all are now forced to pay for. Their jobs are just sucking from the government teat and do NOT create anything of value for society.

Have a good holiday.....

Their jobs are just sucking from the government teat and do NOT create anything of value for society.

Jobs are jobs. They put real money in peoples pockets and those people spend money. Where they spend money helps those businesses pay their employees and they go spend money on things that then get passed to employees in those businesses.

I'm surprised that you just blow off 6 bankruptcy filings. Those people on the other end did not get the full or maybe even ANY monetary value of dealing with the con-artist-cult-leader- in-chief.

There's a great test to see if ones position is reasonable or simply emotional and purely ideological. It's the "outsiders test" and it's primarily a good measure of ones religious beliefs. Step outsider your position/belief objectively and view your position as if you were new to it or your opposition held that belief. Example: if Harris has filed bankruptcy 6 times, or her numerous close associates were convicted of crimes, or she was convicted of sexual abuse, or her "University" was charged with fraud and had to disband, etc, etc (you KNOW I could go on) what would you say about such a person? Taihtsat
As we all know (well, not the trumpeters) the economy and job creation is really beyond the control of the president. However, they DO get to claim credit. It's just the way it is. Being as it is, why -oh why- don't the Democrats proclaim this from the highest mountain and find a way to brand it? Jobs since 1989: DEMS 50 million REPS 1 million. Taihtsat
Gee, I wonder why they started in 1989 instead of 1981? Something doesn't match up here.......

BTW, I have often stated that presidents get more credit than they should when the economy is good, and get more blame than they should when it is bad. What they can really do is influence the economy through their policies.

Gee, I wonder why they started in 1989 instead of 1981? Something doesn't match up here.......

BTW, I have often stated that presidents get more credit than they should when the economy is good, and get more blame than they should when it is bad. What they can really do is influence the economy through their policies.

We can totally agree on your second paragraph. And even your first. Kinda like climate change deniers often cited 1998 when discussing temperatures. I don't think they do that anymore, tho.

Stretch, why haven't you addressed my question as to why you believe Harris is an DEI candidate? Do you really think she is? Do you believe she is unqualified?
I am struggling trying to figure out if your bolded sentence above is just ignorance or sneakily being deceptive when you combine two things that had opposite results. The facts are that Covid 19 DID lead to job losses, especially in blue states where the Dem governors tyrannically locked down their states. However, the Trump tax cuts actually DID benefit ~90% of taxpayers, and didn't cause job losses. And it was not just the top 1% that benefitted from the tax cuts, contrary to the lie often put out there by the libs.

I can see how focused you are on Trump's 6 bankruptcy filings, you seem to find a way to throw that out there on about 25% of you posts. And while that isn't something to be proud of, or excuse as no big deal, but have you ever thought about thinking about all the other projects, other businesses that were successful by Trump? Might be worth comparing some time. Did you ever think about how many jobs Trump created with his projects, both during planning, design, and building, but also ongoing jobs for all the people working in those projects? Nobody is successful in business or investing 100% of the time, and you try diminish the man because he wasn't 100%.

BTW, how many jobs have Biden or Harris created in their careers in government? Keep in mind that any jobs they have created are simply government jobs that we all are now forced to pay for. Their jobs are just sucking from the government teat and do NOT create anything of value for society.

Have a good holiday.....

Stretch how do you do it ... I mean seriously. Yes, you file one time and easily be paty of economic times.

You file twice and you scratch your head but say bad timing maybe . Three times I would think you start wondering if he really knows what he is doing. Four, the guy keeps on getting over extended . Five times, you just chuckle that anyone would do business with him . Six times you simply say he sucks.

If you bid his project as an electrician, the bid was for two million . He tells you that he is overextended and he is filing bk. Congrats you just got paid ten cents on the dollar. That 200k I am sure went a long way tk paying your bills. This happened to plumbers, drywallers, finish carpenters, framers and all of the other trades except one .. concrete folks. I wonder why? And this happened not once, not twice but six times and getting bailed out by daddy two other times.

So no I dont look at all of his other successes like Trump meats, trump airlines, NJ Generals, Trump ties, and all of his failed businesses.

And if you were on the short end of the paycheck six times not sure you would think he was this guy we need to look at accomplishments.

Cuban, Jamie Dimon, Bezos, Gates, Allen, and a slew of a bunch of other entrepreneurs didnt file sux times. He is a Fugazi....

And no Trump tax cuts didnt lead to job loss, just to deficit . And your stats on yhe tax cuts dont match what I have seen
Stretch how do you do it ... I mean seriously. Yes, you file one time and easily be paty of economic times.

You file twice and you scratch your head but say bad timing maybe . Three times I would think you start wondering if he really knows what he is doing. Four, the guy keeps on getting over extended . Five times, you just chuckle that anyone would do business with him . Six times you simply say he sucks.

If you bid his project as an electrician, the bid was for two million . He tells you that he is overextended and he is filing bk. Congrats you just got paid ten cents on the dollar. That 200k I am sure went a long way tk paying your bills. This happened to plumbers, drywallers, finish carpenters, framers and all of the other trades except one .. concrete folks. I wonder why? And this happened not once, not twice but six times and getting bailed out by daddy two other times.

So no I dont look at all of his other successes like Trump meats, trump airlines, NJ Generals, Trump ties, and all of his failed businesses.

And if you were on the short end of the paycheck six times not sure you would think he was this guy we need to look at accomplishments.

Cuban, Jamie Dimon, Bezos, Gates, Allen, and a slew of a bunch of other entrepreneurs didnt file sux times. He is a Fugazi....

And no Trump tax cuts didnt lead to job loss, just to deficit . And your stats on yhe tax cuts dont match what I have seen
Sure, we might have gone 0-12 6 times, but don’t forget about those 3 pinstripe bowl apppearances!

Christ all mighty the stupidity….🤦🏼
I'm not sure about the "bomb" part of it. The President isn't a least not yet. Republican leaders were clear in Obama's first term they would obstruct as much as possible. Trump killed the border bill written by Republican Senator James Lankford because Trump didn't want it passed on Biden's watch. Democrats aren't any different. The days of politician feeling a responsibility to bipartisanship are long gone.

Yeah, the democrats never tried to stop Trump from doing anything..

We can totally agree on your second paragraph. And even your first. Kinda like climate change deniers often cited 1998 when discussing temperatures. I don't think they do that anymore, tho.

Stretch, why haven't you addressed my question as to why you believe Harris is an DEI candidate? Do you really think she is? Do you believe she is unqualified?
Okay, on the run, but will squeeze this in..........

When you say you are going to pick the very best candidate for a position, and it ends up being a women that you share her qualifications with and she is head and shoulders above other candidates, more power to her. When the hiring entity says they are going to hire a woman, then 1/2 of the candidate pool is instantly eliminated. So what are we supposed to think? If the hiring entity comes out and says that they are going to hire the best man for the job, I would immediately say that is discrimination, eliminating half of the candidate pool and quite possibly eliminating the best possible person for the job. So yes, I am totally convinced that she was a DEI selection, and not the best possible person for the job. Yes, she has had some good positions, but not an impressive list of accomplishments, IMHO.

As evidence to back that up, Biden also telegraphed his intention to do a DEI selection for the Supreme Court. He specifically stated he was going to hire a black woman for the job, obvious payback to James Clyburn for basically rescuing Biden's campaign in 2020. Once again, at least for appearance's sake you need to state that you will do an exhaustive search and then select the best candidate for the job. By saying he was going to nominate a black woman for the court, that meant he was eliminating 90-95% of the possible field to choose from. If it looks like DEI, walks like DEI, and talks like DEI, it most likely IS DEI. Three points to illustrate why she might not, probably not, was the best qualified to be on the Supreme Court. 1. She was unable to define a woman. WTH? How pathetic is that? 2. She repeated a point from an attorney that AR's (or maybe it was even automatic rifles) fired 600-800 rounds per second! Seriously, how clueless is that? 3. She claimed that black women have twice as good outcomes when the deliver a baby with a black doctor! How stupid is that? Does she really think that is true? Ha!

Yes, I realize that I have just discussed two "black" women, so I undoubtedly will get attacked for being a racist, while ignoring the facts of the situation. Just remember I could have included folks like Mayor Pete, Admiral Rachel, the luggage stealing weirdo, etc, but time prevents that. Gotta run....
Yeah, that’s what I posted.

Every single thing he ever tried to do. Constant blow back and the media helped the democrats the whole time.

On another note..

I don't know if he's going to endorse Trump, but interesting words from RFK. The democrats are not what they used to be.
I’m guessing this will be Stretch’s post for today.

Kamala has been the worst. Everything she touched turned bad. California turned bad. San Francisco. You can't walk into San Francisco. You barely can go into California anymore, people. It's a state that's in terrible, terrible crime. Trouble in every other form of trouble. Monetary troubles. It's got nothing. Drugs all over the place. You go into Los Angeles, you can't walk down the streets. It's a shame between Gavin Newsom, but it was really more Kamala because she was your, district attorney in San Francisco. San Francisco is unlivable now. Unlivable 15 years ago as the most beautiful city, one of the greatest cities in the world. Today, it's unlivable. It's going to have to be hopefully be able to be brought back, if that's possible. Kamala, who's a Marxist and a radical left, frankly, she's a radical left lunatic. And if she became president, if this country would turn out to be a big version of San Francisco or a big version of California itself. So these guys, they talk about that, they talk about all different things that they know are totally discredited. They have a thing with soldiers where I'm looking over the graves of soldiers and saying, horrible thing about dead soldiers from World War One. It was totally made up. It was a made up story. I confirmed that was confirmed, but my side of it by 26 people in the military that it never happened. They had one lunatic, talking about it, and they use it all the time.

Trump on Fox last night.
  • Haha
Reactions: Coug90
I’m guessing this will be Stretch’s post for today.

Kamala has been the worst. Everything she touched turned bad. California turned bad. San Francisco. You can't walk into San Francisco. You barely can go into California anymore, people. It's a state that's in terrible, terrible crime. Trouble in every other form of trouble. Monetary troubles. It's got nothing. Drugs all over the place. You go into Los Angeles, you can't walk down the streets. It's a shame between Gavin Newsom, but it was really more Kamala because she was your, district attorney in San Francisco. San Francisco is unlivable now. Unlivable 15 years ago as the most beautiful city, one of the greatest cities in the world. Today, it's unlivable. It's going to have to be hopefully be able to be brought back, if that's possible. Kamala, who's a Marxist and a radical left, frankly, she's a radical left lunatic. And if she became president, if this country would turn out to be a big version of San Francisco or a big version of California itself. So these guys, they talk about that, they talk about all different things that they know are totally discredited. They have a thing with soldiers where I'm looking over the graves of soldiers and saying, horrible thing about dead soldiers from World War One. It was totally made up. It was a made up story. I confirmed that was confirmed, but my side of it by 26 people in the military that it never happened. They had one lunatic, talking about it, and they use it all the time.

Trump on Fox last night.
Beautiful. A perfect interview. Of course he’s going to crush Kamala in a debate, have words ever flown more eloquently and truthfully out of a humans mouth? Probably not since Jesus spoke at the last supper if we’re being honest.
Beautiful. A perfect interview. Of course he’s going to crush Kamala in a debate, have words ever flown more eloquently and truthfully out of a humans mouth? Probably not since Jesus spoke at the last supper if we’re being honest.

It'd be cool to compare that to Kamala, but she doesn't give interviews.

On another note. RFKs speech today was really good, you'd think the left would listen to it and consider what RFK is saying but that's not what NBC told them to do so they won't.

RFK, Jr is playing all sides. He's taking himself off the ballot in battle ground states, staying on the ballot in red/blue states, and believes he has a path to the White House if Harris/Trump end up at 269 electoral votes each and election is contested.

RFK, Jr's entry as spoiler is perfect timing in the cluster **** that is American politics. Trying to play spoiler and get a job out of it.

The Kennedy family already has release a statement calling this a "sad ending to a sad story".
He will get a position on Trumps team and be able to do some good. So he wins either way.
It'd be cool to compare that to Kamala, but she doesn't give interviews.

On another note. RFKs speech today was really good, you'd think the left would listen to it and consider what RFK is saying but that's not what NBC told them to do so they won't.

Listening to RFK is basically the same thing as listening to Patrick Mahomes Brother. Dude is a never has been attention whore, who gives a flying F what that asshat has to say. He should be endorsing Trump he’s a perfect addition to his team.
JD Vance is awkward as is, put him up against a dude who’s just genuinely good people and, oh boy! Wowzas! It’s such a short clip but says so much.

So Justin, Stretch, Uber are you making plans for the J6 Awards Gala?

I can’t wait to see the categories.
Listening to RFK is basically the same thing as listening to Patrick Mahomes Brother. Dude is a never has been attention whore, who gives a flying F what that asshat has to say. He should be endorsing Trump he’s a perfect addition to his team.
In a Presidential race that will likely come down to the margins, a marginal RFK, Jr. could definitely matter. His support tailed off the last month with all the strange $*** coming out about a past sexual assault, chemicals in water, and the dead bear incident.

RFK, Jr. apparently approached both campaigns about a cabinet position in return for his endorsement. Harris first, who apparently ignored RFK. Trump later who said yes.

I watched parts of RFK's announcement speech and have seen him in a couple short interviews. He doesn't exactly come across as "right in the head".