Firstly, political parties can choose their candidates any way they like. THAT process isn't legally bound by any adherence to state or federal constitutional election laws. ****I never said they broke any laws, I said they were hypocrites for doing what they did.
Secondly, if it makes you feel better to say "republic" rather than "democracy" because you are a republican...whatever works for you. Technically we are a representative democratic republic. It really makes no difference what single word you choose to use to describe something and a process that we all know and agree to (except trump - the guy you support who doesn't want to accept the rules that this, either "republic" or "democracy" has been playing by for a couple hundred years. ****I have never heard that 3 word description, I have always heard representative republic or constitutional republic, and it has exactly zero connection to the name of the party. Are you trying to sneak in the name of the democrat party to make it more like a democracy?
Thirdly, Biden is certainly fine enough to do the job of president. The problem arose that the public PERCEPTION was that he both wasn't and WAS slipping and WOULD continue to decline. All of that changed the calculus going forward. Reasonable. ****You REALLY think he is is fine to do the job of president, 24 hours per day. Have you not seen the videos of him bumbling and stumbling around? There was a pretty good article in the WSJ today (linked from RCP) chronicling Joe's decline, and how it was noticed and received by a lot of foreign leaders. Joe does NOT project an image of strength to either friend or foe on the world stage.
The reason the DNC backed him is because it is virtually unprecedented to not go with the current president in the next election. I think only Rutherford B. Hayes or Chester Arthur faced that delimma, and Arthur died shortly after the election anyway. ****The DNC doesn't give a shit a shit about being unprecedented, their one and only concern is retaining power. Full stop. So they were all in of pretending Joe was fine and would beat Trump until he imploded at the debate and several other high profile meetings recently. Those clusterfux are what made the elites change their mind and force Joe out.
This BS position being taken by some on your team that there could be legal issues with changing the candidate this late really just reveals the concern over there that things have shifted. ****There are two things in play here. #1 is the issue of hypocrisy, which has already been discussed. #2 is the rules of the Federal Elections Commission regarding the how, what, and when the money that was raised for the Biden/Harris ticket can or cannot be transferred to a different ticket. Do you have a problem with making the Democrat party follow the rules/law?
Sweet fancy moses, the dems haven't even had their convention yet. You know the place where presidential hopeful announce their running mate. ****Which has what to do with the topic? Nothing.
You should have hoped (and it appears you do) that Biden had stayed in. I hoped for this 2 weeks ago in another thread so my optimism has increased five fold. Taihtsat ****I think that Biden would have had a lot a stumbles had he continued with his campaign. He would likely have had to be closely controlled, maybe isolated in his basement again, and I do think Trump would have beaten him. At this point I have no idea how it will play out going up against Harris. In her 2020 campaign she was terrible, how will she be able to do as the top of the ticket? She actually has polled more unpopular than Biden, there's that. Will there be a huge surge in support because "we have to vote for a woman", without regard to thinking about how qualified she is or how good a job she could do? I am fine with going against the best the Dems can throw out there. Let the best man or woman win, just as long as it is a fair fight.