Thank You Seniors

Thanks for starting a good thread, Lolla!

Sweet steady
Dillard consistency defined
Begg excited
Comfort Horatio Alger

Somebody else can take a turn at this.
I was glad to see Harrington get some carries late. Selfless is a great description of him.

On Comfort, I made the comment this summer that I didn't expect much of him based on his prior performance before this year. In every measurable way, he looked like he shouldn't be any good, but he, more than any guy on our team, exemplifies what Mike Leach asks of his players:

1) Be a good teammate
2) Be the most excited the play
3) Do your job to the best of your ability.​

By doing those things, he went from being an irrelevant walk-on who was going to have no legacy to being a guy who has been a solid contributor, had some great moments and has created great memories that will last a lifetime. I'm very glad that he has had the season he has had.
I’m just gonna mention a few

Harrington selfless
Rob Lew tough
Begg motor
Tago loyal

You all enjoy getting a rep better this week as you prepare to play your last game on the Palouse.

Peyton Pelluer - 4th generation Coug. Need we say more?

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