This "rivalry" is becoming sad


Hall Of Fame
Sep 5, 2010
Since 1997 we have beaten the UW 5 times -- yeah! Until you realize that 4 of those wins came against UW teams were a combined 7-40, and the biggest victory margin against "the little sisters of poor" was 7 points. We have only 1 win against a UW team with a winning record, at 7-6. During that same period the UW has 4 wins over 10 win Cougar teams, two 9 win teams and one 8 win team. They have beaten us by double figures 11 times.

It was fair to be critical to Mike Price because of his lack of consistency, and we were. While Mike Leach has solved the consistency problem that plagued Mike Price, he has own similar flaw. His players and his teams just can't play with the UW. His lone win against the UW was with Wulff woefully undermanned recruits.

To beat the big boys, you need to have some big boys of your own. By big boys I don't mean size per se, I mean elite players. We need to start to transition from recruiting undersized/undermanned kids with big hearts, to kids with big heart who can play for any body. 100 million dollars we have spent, gone deeply into debt, and you still can't match Mike Price's recruiting on a shoe string budget, who couldn't win consistently like you can.

Mike Leach its time to address your biggest weakness as a coach, your achilles heel. It is time to get out there into living rooms, and start selling yourself and Cougars harder and better. With your record and our facilities, bottom division recruiting just isn't acceptable any more.

We have discovered that going to a bowl game after getting run over by the UW isn't like kissing your sister, it is like kissing your sister who also has some serious bad breath.
Just as Dick Bennett said years ago...there is no rivalry if one team wins all the time.

UW certainly knows that all too well in the past 10 years vs the Ducks. Lol.
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Since 1997 we have beaten the UW 5 times -- yeah! Until you realize that 4 of those wins came against UW teams were a combined 7-40, and the biggest victory margin against "the little sisters of poor" was 7 points. We have only 1 win against a UW team with a winning record, at 7-6. During that same period the UW has 4 wins over 10 win Cougar teams, two 9 win teams and one 8 win team. They have beaten us by double figures 11 times.

It was fair to be critical to Mike Price because of his lack of consistency, and we were. While Mike Leach has solved the consistency problem that plagued Mike Price, he has own similar flaw. His players and his teams just can't play with the UW. His lone win against the UW was with Wulff woefully undermanned recruits.

To beat the big boys, you need to have some big boys of your own. By big boys I don't mean size per se, I mean elite players. We need to start to transition from recruiting undersized/undermanned kids with big hearts, to kids with big heart who can play for any body. 100 million dollars we have spent, gone deeply into debt, and you still can't match Mike Price's recruiting on a shoe string budget, who couldn't win consistently like you can.

Mike Leach its time to address your biggest weakness as a coach, your achilles heel. It is time to get out there into living rooms, and start selling yourself and Cougars harder and better. With your record and our facilities, bottom division recruiting just isn't acceptable any more.

We have discovered that going to a bowl game after getting run over by the UW isn't like kissing your sister, it is like kissing your sister who also has some serious bad breath.

Price was 3-11 v. the mutts, including losses with his best teams, and if all you see in the W/L record and bowls over this and the previous seasons is kissing a sister with bad breath, well, no one can really help you with that, can they? Of course, we can go back to the Eighties when we could get virtually anything with a pulse into school, have them shoot up with 'roids, and then beat the mutts ('82, '83, '85). Walden-era Coug losers are still dancing 'round that crazy fire in Harrison, Idaho.
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Since 1997 we have beaten the UW 5 times -- yeah! Until you realize that 4 of those wins came against UW teams were a combined 7-40, and the biggest victory margin against "the little sisters of poor" was 7 points. We have only 1 win against a UW team with a winning record, at 7-6. During that same period the UW has 4 wins over 10 win Cougar teams, two 9 win teams and one 8 win team. They have beaten us by double figures 11 times.

It was fair to be critical to Mike Price because of his lack of consistency, and we were. While Mike Leach has solved the consistency problem that plagued Mike Price, he has own similar flaw. His players and his teams just can't play with the UW. His lone win against the UW was with Wulff woefully undermanned recruits.

To beat the big boys, you need to have some big boys of your own. By big boys I don't mean size per se, I mean elite players. We need to start to transition from recruiting undersized/undermanned kids with big hearts, to kids with big heart who can play for any body. 100 million dollars we have spent, gone deeply into debt, and you still can't match Mike Price's recruiting on a shoe string budget, who couldn't win consistently like you can.

Mike Leach its time to address your biggest weakness as a coach, your achilles heel. It is time to get out there into living rooms, and start selling yourself and Cougars harder and better. With your record and our facilities, bottom division recruiting just isn't acceptable any more.

We have discovered that going to a bowl game after getting run over by the UW isn't like kissing your sister, it is like kissing your sister who also has some serious bad breath.

I know it sucks to lose to UW, but do you really think that Mike Leach looks at our team, which has gone 26-6 against Pac-12 teams not named UW, and thinks, "I need to change my approach?" Are you watching Michigan getting boatraced by Ohio State and thinking, "They've lost four in a row, Harbaugh needs to change his recruiting?".

As far as the comment about the bowl game and kissing your sister.....that's only because we've lost two in a row. There wasn't anyone complaining about the AC after we beat Miami in the Sun Bowl. Mike Leach needs to just keep what he's doing and as our continued success gets us access to better athletes....go after them. Wasting resources chasing guys that aren't going to stick with us has burned us in the past. I agree with you that Mike needs to make sure that he isn't limiting his recruiting artificially, but his system is fine. Bear in mind, in 3 of our last 5 losses, there have been extenuating circumstances that make the games unusual. Leach doesn't like to make excuses, but playing with a backup QB (twice) and ridiculously bad weather (once) changes the equation for evaluating the losses.

We as fans are passionate and hate to lose to the stinkin' mutts, but we have to know when to just flush things and enjoy the success we are having. I saw someone on Facebook saying that we were accepting "the soft bigotry of low expectations" if we don't hold Leach accountable for losing to UW. My response is that there are well over 100 other schools that wished that they were 36-15 in the past four years. Two weeks ago, people were arguing that we need to give Leach $2 million extra per year so he doesn't leave. Now we have people saying that he isn't a doing good job. Winning cures everything and losing ruins everything.
I know it sucks to lose to UW, but do you really think that Mike Leach looks at our team, which has gone 26-6 against Pac-12 teams not named UW, and thinks, "I need to change my approach?" Are you watching Michigan getting boatraced by Ohio State and thinking, "They've lost four in a row, Harbaugh needs to change his recruiting?".

As far as the comment about the bowl game and kissing your sister.....that's only because we've lost two in a row. There wasn't anyone complaining about the AC after we beat Miami in the Sun Bowl. Mike Leach needs to just keep what he's doing and as our continued success gets us access to better athletes....go after them. Wasting resources chasing guys that aren't going to stick with us has burned us in the past. I agree with you that Mike needs to make sure that he isn't limiting his recruiting artificially, but his system is fine. Bear in mind, in 3 of our last 5 losses, there have been extenuating circumstances that make the games unusual. Leach doesn't like to make excuses, but playing with a backup QB (twice) and ridiculously bad weather (once) changes the equation for evaluating the losses.

We as fans are passionate and hate to lose to the stinkin' mutts, but we have to know when to just flush things and enjoy the success we are having. I saw someone on Facebook saying that we were accepting "the soft bigotry of low expectations" if we don't hold Leach accountable for losing to UW. My response is that there are well over 100 other schools that wished that they were 36-15 in the past four years. Two weeks ago, people were arguing that we need to give Leach $2 million extra per year so he doesn't leave. Now we have people saying that he isn't a doing good job. Winning cures everything and losing ruins everything.
Great points regarding OSU Michigan. This is sports sometimes this shit happens. OSU doesn’t have better athletes. They don’t have a better coach or better scheme. They’ve gone on a run for whatever reason and Michigan will too.

This end of the world BS because we haven’t beaten UW in a while is lame. We all hate losing these games. The players hate it and the coaches hate it. Peterson’s a good coach with a good staff and good players. So is stanford, we’ve beat them 3 straight. Leach, his staff, and his players are perfectly capable of going on a run against UW and Peterson and we will. We might have the next greatest QB in CFB history taking the field for us next year, who knows.
Price was 3-11 v. the mutts, including losses with his best teams, and if all you see in the W/L record and bowls over this and the previous seasons is kissing a sister with bad breath, well, no one can really help you with that, can they? Of course, we can go back to the Eighties when we could get virtually anything with a pulse into school, have them shoot up with 'roids, and then beat the mutts ('82, '83, '85). Walden-era Coug losers are still dancing 'round that crazy fire in Harrison, Idaho.

And the huskies were juice-free for the better part of the 80's and early 90's?!?!

Price was 3-11 v. the mutts, including losses with his best teams, and if all you see in the W/L record and bowls over this and the previous seasons is kissing a sister with bad breath, well, no one can really help you with that, can they? Of course, we can go back to the Eighties when we could get virtually anything with a pulse into school, have them shoot up with 'roids, and then beat the mutts ('82, '83, '85). Walden-era Coug losers are still dancing 'round that crazy fire in Harrison, Idaho.

Why would anyone be dancing around anything after we got handled the 5th year in a row.
Since 1997 we have beaten the UW 5 times -- yeah! Until you realize that 4 of those wins came against UW teams were a combined 7-40, and the biggest victory margin against "the little sisters of poor" was 7 points. We have only 1 win against a UW team with a winning record, at 7-6. During that same period the UW has 4 wins over 10 win Cougar teams, two 9 win teams and one 8 win team. They have beaten us by double figures 11 times.

It was fair to be critical to Mike Price because of his lack of consistency, and we were. While Mike Leach has solved the consistency problem that plagued Mike Price, he has own similar flaw. His players and his teams just can't play with the UW. His lone win against the UW was with Wulff woefully undermanned recruits.

To beat the big boys, you need to have some big boys of your own. By big boys I don't mean size per se, I mean elite players. We need to start to transition from recruiting undersized/undermanned kids with big hearts, to kids with big heart who can play for any body. 100 million dollars we have spent, gone deeply into debt, and you still can't match Mike Price's recruiting on a shoe string budget, who couldn't win consistently like you can.

Mike Leach its time to address your biggest weakness as a coach, your achilles heel. It is time to get out there into living rooms, and start selling yourself and Cougars harder and better. With your record and our facilities, bottom division recruiting just isn't acceptable any more.

We have discovered that going to a bowl game after getting run over by the UW isn't like kissing your sister, it is like kissing your sister who also has some serious bad breath.

It is sad, it is a rivalry in name only. They have man handled us for the last five years . We have yet to score 20 or more on them in the last five years . Yesterday we had seven on them . They gave us a TD and a two point conversion .

It is simply a bad match up
By your logic Ohio state and michigan isn't a rivalry and neither was uw oregon for over a decade. Pretty sure they're still rivalries dude.
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By your logic Ohio state and michigan isn't a rivalry and neither was uw oregon for over a decade. Pretty sure they're still rivalries dude.
Come on man it’s overreaction day what are you doing get with the program!
By your logic Ohio state and michigan isn't a rivalry and neither was uw oregon for over a decade. Pretty sure they're still rivalries dude.

Also include Okla. State/ OU. Gundy is only 2-12 against OU, This board would have his head a stake for that kind of record against a "rival", yet OSU still gives him contract extensions, go figure.
Price was 3-11 v. the mutts, including losses with his best teams, and if all you see in the W/L record and bowls over this and the previous seasons is kissing a sister with bad breath, well, no one can really help you with that, can they? Of course, we can go back to the Eighties when we could get virtually anything with a pulse into school, have them shoot up with 'roids, and then beat the mutts ('82, '83, '85). Walden-era Coug losers are still dancing 'round that crazy fire in Harrison, Idaho.

Yaki has demonstrated himself to be a Mike Leach apologist first over being a Coug. Your steroid/any one with a pulse/Harrison Coug loser comments are frankly shameful, pathetic and sad. You had to try to belittle the accomplishments of prior Cougar teams to attempt to cover for Mike Leach's failings. I used the word "try" deliberately, because the pride the rest of us feel, to this day, for those teams and what they accomplished, or nearly accomplshed (1984), can't and won't be diminished by your vindictive and petty comments. A win over a Don James coached UW team is glorious.

Mike Price's recurrent failures against the UW is a large black mark on his tenure, no doubt about it, I agree with you Yaki. 3-11 just is not is acceptable But as a Coug, above all, I must say the same damn about Leach. 1-6 is bad enough, but we are getting beaten like a drum too.
The game is rigged. But people refuse to realize it.

Apple Cup records by Coach.

3-2 Doba
3-11 Price
3-6 Walden
1-6 Leach
1-3 Wulff

Nobody outside of Doba versus Willingham has a 50% win rate. nobody even has over a 33% win rate in the last 40 outside of the freak disaster that was the Tyrone era.

The game is rigged period. When people want to address the structural disadvatages of the Apple Cup and fix those then we will win a lot more, until then... keep wondering why.
Also include Okla. State/ OU. Gundy is only 2-12 against OU, This board would have his head a stake for that kind of record against a "rival", yet OSU still gives him contract extensions, go figure.

Texas is Oklahoma's traditional rival. Do you know why that is? In the 48 years after WWII OSU beat OU only 3 times, and those wins occurred during OU probation periods, I believe. There was a time when Idaho was our rival, the Battle of the Palouse, but well before 19 wins in 21 games the rivalry died at our end. How many more beat downs do we suffer at the hands of the UW, before we become their Oklahoma State? I'll tell you, about 8. Going into the 1982 Apple Cup, there was a great deal of talk on the Husky side, including from Don James, that we were just another game to them. It is F-ing amazing what knock a team out of the Rose Bowl in back to back years does for a rivalry. Had we not won those games the UW probably would have found a rival elsewhere.
Texas is Oklahoma's traditional rival. Do you know why that is? In the 48 years after WWII OSU beat OU only 3 times, and those wins occurred during OU probation periods, I believe. There was a time when Idaho was our rival, the Battle of the Palouse, but well before 19 wins in 21 games the rivalry died at our end. How many more beat downs do we suffer at the hands of the UW, before we become their Oklahoma State? I'll tell you, about 8. Going into the 1982 Apple Cup, there was a great deal of talk on the Husky side, including from Don James, that we were just another game to them. It is F-ing amazing what knock a team out of the Rose Bowl in back to back years does for a rivalry. Had we not won those games the UW probably would have found a rival elsewhere.

I always think of Oregon State as our true rival.
Texas is Oklahoma's traditional rival. Do you know why that is? In the 48 years after WWII OSU beat OU only 3 times, and those wins occurred during OU probation periods, I believe. There was a time when Idaho was our rival, the Battle of the Palouse, but well before 19 wins in 21 games the rivalry died at our end. How many more beat downs do we suffer at the hands of the UW, before we become their Oklahoma State? I'll tell you, about 8. Going into the 1982 Apple Cup, there was a great deal of talk on the Husky side, including from Don James, that we were just another game to them. It is F-ing amazing what knock a team out of the Rose Bowl in back to back years does for a rivalry. Had we not won those games the UW probably would have found a rival elsewhere.

Having 3 degrees from UT I am fully aware of all of our rivals. A&M also wanted to our "rival" trouble is they could not win enough for that to be the case and they turned tail and ran to the SEC.

You should kill to have Leach/WSU have a Gundy/OSU type run. Although he is 2-12 against OU > he has also gone to 13 straight Bowls ( 5 of those NY6) and 2 conference championships. 6 seasons of 10 wins or more.

Their fans accept that OU has inherent advantages that make it difficult for any coach to win on regular basis against them. But they did not let Gundy's record in that one game cloud what he has done to build their overall program.
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Having 3 degrees from UT I am fully aware of all of our rivals. A&M also wanted to our "rival" trouble is they could not win enough for that to be the case and they turned tail and ran to the SEC.

You should kill to have Leach/WSU have a Gundy/OSU type run. Although he is 2-12 against OU > he has also gone to 13 straight Bowls ( 5 of those NY6) and 2 conference championships. 6 seasons of 10 wins or more.

Their fans accept that OU has inherent advantages that make it difficult for any coach to win on regular basis against them. But they did not let Gundy's record in that one game cloud what he has done to build their overall program.
Hook’em Horns
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First off, the Apple Cups in the 1980s were the best in modern day WSU history.

Yesterday’s game was all about the weather. It absolutely ruined the game. Now I’m not saying we would have won had it been clear or lightly raining, but that snow onslaught played right into UWs hands. It was already their game plan. Run the ball and play defense. It was certainly not in our game plan.

You know how doomsday I am, but yesterday’s game? I’m not even sure how you can critique it. It was just like 1992. The snow came in right at kickoff and blew away just after. It was clear and sunny today, the day the game should always be played on.

Yesterday, UW was the better team. They deserved the win. WSU couldn’t generate anything on offense. I blame the weather for a lot of that, but what can you do? I’ve said since Leach was hired that his offense is not a bad weather offense. We’ve seen it before. Just tough luck.
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First off, the Apple Cups in the 1980s were the best in modern day WSU history.

Yesterday’s game was all about the weather. It absolutely ruined the game. Now I’m not saying we would have won had it been clear or lightly raining, but that snow onslaught played right into UWs hands. It was already their game plan. Run the ball and play defense. It was certainly not in our game plan.

You know how doomsday I am, but yesterday’s game? I’m not even sure how you can critique it. It was just like 1992. The snow came in right at kickoff and blew away just after. It was clear and sunny today, the day the game should always be played on.

Yesterday, UW was the better team. They deserved the win. WSU couldn’t generate anything on offense. I blame the weather for a lot of that, but what can you do? I’ve said since Leach was hired that his offense is not a bad weather offense. We’ve seen it before. Just tough luck.

Don James was a one man rivalry creating machine. Nothing fires up a rivalry more than being condescending, and when you look up the word condescension in Oxford dictionary, there is a picture of Don James. The man coached from a tower for god sake (literally), he was so into looking down on people. Currently, Leach hasn't embraced the rivalry, and Chris Petersen by all accounts is a really nice guy, a players coach. During the interim the Dawgs had their own period of humiliation, winning 12 games in 5 years, culminating in their worse loss ever, to maybe the worst team to ever play D1 ball. So clearly some of the steam is out of the rivalry.

With thw air raid offense having been ineffective against the Dawg defense in good weather and bad, and the possibility of significant changes to it being near zero, to win this game we will need to do it on defense. Abandoning the speed defense concept appears unrealistic. We just don't recruit well enough to sign complete package kids necessary to play "man up" against two tight end and other offenses. We are going to need to sign far more beef up front, that's obvious, and we will need to look for kids that are just plain difficult to block, ideally fast matadors. We are fast now, but we aren't slippery. We make plays when unblocked, we don't defeat blocks much. We need to concentrate on having a complete secondary, by that I mean 5 guys without clear weak links that needs be compensated for. Right now we are an embarrassment of riches at WR, but had a clear weak link at DB, that was never addressed. Maybe its time to treat WRs as part of the DB pool too, pre-season. Two lockdown CBs are worth their weight in gold, they allow you to go nuts on defense.
Don James was a one man rivalry creating machine. Nothing fires up a rivalry more than being condescending, and when you look up the word condescension in Oxford dictionary, there is a picture of Don James. The man coached from a tower for god sake (literally), he was so into looking down on people. Currently, Leach hasn't embraced the rivalry, and Chris Petersen by all accounts is a really nice guy, a players coach. During the interim the Dawgs had their own period of humiliation, winning 12 games in 5 years, culminating in their worse loss ever, to maybe the worst team to ever play D1 ball. So clearly some of the steam is out of the rivalry.

With thw air raid offense having been ineffective against the Dawg defense in good weather and bad, and the possibility of significant changes to it being near zero, to win this game we will need to do it on defense. Abandoning the speed defense concept appears unrealistic. We just don't recruit well enough to sign complete package kids necessary to play "man up" against two tight end and other offenses. We are going to need to sign far more beef up front, that's obvious, and we will need to look for kids that are just plain difficult to block, ideally fast matadors. We are fast now, but we aren't slippery. We make plays when unblocked, we don't defeat blocks much. We need to concentrate on having a complete secondary, by that I mean 5 guys without clear weak links that needs be compensated for. Right now we are an embarrassment of riches at WR, but had a clear weak link at DB, that was never addressed. Maybe its time to treat WRs as part of the DB pool too, pre-season. Two lockdown CBs are worth their weight in gold, they allow you to go nuts on defense.

What did Doba do in 94 Apple Cup when Shaw couldn't contain the edge? He played a player in Bender who hadn't played but maybe 10 snaps all year, and played him at DT, and moved Sasa outside.

Leach had recruited the kids in Barber, Guata, Destiny, Eukale. The problem came in 2014 when they should have the size that class was gutted. This is the game that not having Tapa, Canty, Hercules (leaving early), and not having Toki from the following class really hurt us.
I know it sucks to lose to UW, but do you really think that Mike Leach looks at our team, which has gone 26-6 against Pac-12 teams not named UW, and thinks, "I need to change my approach?" Are you watching Michigan getting boatraced by Ohio State and thinking, "They've lost four in a row, Harbaugh needs to change his recruiting?".

As far as the comment about the bowl game and kissing your sister.....that's only because we've lost two in a row. There wasn't anyone complaining about the AC after we beat Miami in the Sun Bowl. Mike Leach needs to just keep what he's doing and as our continued success gets us access to better athletes....go after them. Wasting resources chasing guys that aren't going to stick with us has burned us in the past. I agree with you that Mike needs to make sure that he isn't limiting his recruiting artificially, but his system is fine. Bear in mind, in 3 of our last 5 losses, there have been extenuating circumstances that make the games unusual. Leach doesn't like to make excuses, but playing with a backup QB (twice) and ridiculously bad weather (once) changes the equation for evaluating the losses.

We as fans are passionate and hate to lose to the stinkin' mutts, but we have to know when to just flush things and enjoy the success we are having. I saw someone on Facebook saying that we were accepting "the soft bigotry of low expectations" if we don't hold Leach accountable for losing to UW. My response is that there are well over 100 other schools that wished that they were 36-15 in the past four years. Two weeks ago, people were arguing that we need to give Leach $2 million extra per year so he doesn't leave. Now we have people saying that he isn't a doing good job. Winning cures everything and losing ruins everything.

You make some great points, but let's not kid ourselves. The mounting Husky losses severely impacted bowl game ticket sales last year. That is a tab, we had to pick up. Of course, bach to back Un-Holiday Bowls, didn't help, the worst Bowl experience imaginable. We'll see what happens this year, but a Un-Holiday bowl three peat would be a nightmare.
You make some great points, but let's not kid ourselves. The mounting Husky losses severely impacted bowl game ticket sales last year. That is a tab, we had to pick up. Of course, bach to back Un-Holiday Bowls, didn't help, the worst Bowl experience imaginable. We'll see what happens this year, but a Un-Holiday bowl three peat would be a nightmare.

I can't imagine that the Holiday Bowl will be in play for us. If we fall that far, I imagine that we will fall right past that game and into the Redbox Bowl. Nobody wants to see us in San Diego this year. Nobody. I'd bet that the biggest impact on ticket sales to the Holiday Bowl was the repeat year more than the AC, although I agree that the AC hurt too.
I can't imagine that the Holiday Bowl will be in play for us. If we fall that far, I imagine that we will fall right past that game and into the Redbox Bowl. Nobody wants to see us in San Diego this year. Nobody. I'd bet that the biggest impact on ticket sales to the Holiday Bowl was the repeat year more than the AC, although I agree that the AC hurt too.

I can solidly guarantee you if you don't make the NY6 the farthest you will fall is the Alamo Bowl.

Even if your fans don't want to travel because they are still dabbing their tears over the AC or whatever, the difference will be more than made up by plenty of renegade Tech fans who don't have a bowl game.
Texas is Oklahoma's traditional rival. Do you know why that is? In the 48 years after WWII OSU beat OU only 3 times, and those wins occurred during OU probation periods, I believe. There was a time when Idaho was our rival, the Battle of the Palouse, but well before 19 wins in 21 games the rivalry died at our end. How many more beat downs do we suffer at the hands of the UW, before we become their Oklahoma State? I'll tell you, about 8. Going into the 1982 Apple Cup, there was a great deal of talk on the Husky side, including from Don James, that we were just another game to them. It is F-ing amazing what knock a team out of the Rose Bowl in back to back years does for a rivalry. Had we not won those games the UW probably would have found a rival elsewhere.

UW thinks of Oregon as their primary rival. The feeling is mutual from Oregon's perspective. Hilariously enough, Oregon has dominated the series since 2004 by winning 15 of the 18 games! One might think that Oregon is looking for a different rival, but this is not the case.
It is sad, it is a rivalry in name only. They have man handled us for the last five years . We have yet to score 20 or more on them in the last five years . Yesterday we had seven on them . They gave us a TD and a two point conversion .

It is simply a bad match up

Yet, you were such a Pollyanna 2008-2011. Never a negative word then, never a moment of despair, but here you are, Nancy, with a razor at your wrist.
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I can solidly guarantee you if you don't make the NY6 the farthest you will fall is the Alamo Bowl.

Even if your fans don't want to travel because they are still dabbing their tears over the AC or whatever, the difference will be more than made up by plenty of renegade Tech fans who don't have a bowl game.

Sorry Ping I am forgetful. Are you a TT guy?

If we go to the Alamo Bowl (looking like an almost lock at this point), plenty of Cougs will go, although it is a ways to go. Phoenix would be a lot easier and cheaper. But yeah, TT fans too!

The Peach Bowl (ain't happening but) would be great exposure for the Cougs down in the South, but boy that would be a tough one, fan-wise.
Sorry Ping I am forgetful. Are you a TT guy?

If we go to the Alamo Bowl (looking like an almost lock at this point), plenty of Cougs will go, although it is a ways to go. Phoenix would be a lot easier and cheaper. But yeah, TT fans too!

The Peach Bowl (ain't happening but) would be great exposure for the Cougs down in the South, but boy that would be a tough one, fan-wise.

Nope UT, but I know a ton of Tech grads. Mainly started posting here to follow the Leach story. Have stayed around because I actually enjoy following the team and the program. Really liked Luke, River, Gabe and Herc. Thought that I would probably wander off after that era and then here comes the Mississippi Mustache to pull me back in.
Nope UT, but I know a ton of Tech grads. Mainly started posting here to follow the Leach story. Have stayed around because I actually enjoy following the team and the program. Really liked Luke, River, Gabe and Herc. Thought that I would probably wander off after that era and then here comes the Mississippi Mustache to pull me back in.

UT as in "can't spell Citrus", or UT in "sorry but we need you to lose to OU"?

I assume the latter...…….
UW thinks of Oregon as their primary rival. The feeling is mutual from Oregon's perspective. Hilariously enough, Oregon has dominated the series since 2004 by winning 15 of the 18 games! One might think that Oregon is looking for a different rival, but this is not the case.
Well Oregon still trails in the series by double digits, which makes the comparison a lot different.
UT as in "can't spell Citrus", or UT in "sorry but we need you to lose to OU"?

I assume the latter...…….

The latter, only been to the state of the former one time in my life.

I have no control over the games and hope that it works out best for both WSU and Texas. Also there is no possible scenario where they face each other this year.
Then they probably aren’t thinking that much about any of the past 18 games either.
Oregon may or may not have a bright future, but they still have a lot of cachet with their until-recent success and neon Nike U vibes.

I get what you're saying but undeniably today's 16 year old QB prospects are not in the backyard imagining they're Chris Rowland throwing out patterns to Tom Scott.
Oregon may or may not have a bright future, but they still have a lot of cachet with their until-recent success and neon Nike U vibes.

I get what you're saying but undeniably today's 16 year old QB prospects are not in the backyard imagining they're Chris Rowland throwing out patterns to Tom Scott.
That takes me back. And you’re right, of course.

But USC and Washington really do sell their history (even ancient history) as part of their pitch. The homage to the Rose Bowl in the USC facility is pretty impressive.
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Since 1997 we have beaten the UW 5 times -- yeah! Until you realize that 4 of those wins came against UW teams were a combined 7-40, and the biggest victory margin against "the little sisters of poor" was 7 points. We have only 1 win against a UW team with a winning record, at 7-6. During that same period the UW has 4 wins over 10 win Cougar teams, two 9 win teams and one 8 win team. They have beaten us by double figures 11 times.

It was fair to be critical to Mike Price because of his lack of consistency, and we were. While Mike Leach has solved the consistency problem that plagued Mike Price, he has own similar flaw. His players and his teams just can't play with the UW. His lone win against the UW was with Wulff woefully undermanned recruits.

To beat the big boys, you need to have some big boys of your own. By big boys I don't mean size per se, I mean elite players. We need to start to transition from recruiting undersized/undermanned kids with big hearts, to kids with big heart who can play for any body. 100 million dollars we have spent, gone deeply into debt, and you still can't match Mike Price's recruiting on a shoe string budget, who couldn't win consistently like you can.

Mike Leach its time to address your biggest weakness as a coach, your achilles heel. It is time to get out there into living rooms, and start selling yourself and Cougars harder and better. With your record and our facilities, bottom division recruiting just isn't acceptable any more.

We have discovered that going to a bowl game after getting run over by the UW isn't like kissing your sister, it is like kissing your sister who also has some serious bad breath.

37 4 star recruits that WSU, Leach has gotten.

But hey that is not good, and certainly is not better then what price got.

37 4 star recruits that WSU, Leach has gotten.

But hey that is not good, and certainly is not better then what price got.


Also in anticipation of your response saying WSU, Leach hasnt recruited 37 4 star recruits to verbal commits, LOI, etc

Yes WSU, Leach has.

In another comment posted in another thread, I posted all 37 player names.

There was 10 clear 4 stars like Gabe Marks.

There was 17 that according to Rivals ranking system:

RR, Rivals Ranking is NR to 5 to 5.5 to 6+

NR, to about 5.1 is 2 star.

About 5.2, 5.3 to 5.5, 5.6 is 3 star

5.6 is HIGH end 3 star

5.7 is Borderline 3,4 star, and is Low end 4 star at best.

5.8,5.9 is clear 4 star like Gabe Marks.

According to that, there are 15,16 RR 5.7 Borderline, technical 4 stars, and 1,2, 2,3 Stars that were UPGRADED to 4 stars like Patrick Utchinski

That means that according to that, Leach recruited, got 37 4 stars.

But Hey keep up your revisionist history perception that supposedly Leach is supposedly ONLY a good evaluator, and that Leach can't semi consistently get 4 stars.
Also what is amazing is that 70% of those 37 4 stars either got injured, left, washed out, flunked out, died, didnt make it in, didnt pan out,etc.

Only about 30% plus or minus about 2,3% actually produced.

If say about 63% of those 4 stars had actually worked out instead of just 30% think about how even better WSU would be under Leach.

The cool thing is given the WSU, Leach succcess, WSU Leach will probably recruit more then 37 4 stars in the future, since most of the 37 4 stars were recruited at the START of the past WSU, Leach success at WSU.

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