Since 1997 we have beaten the UW 5 times -- yeah! Until you realize that 4 of those wins came against UW teams were a combined 7-40, and the biggest victory margin against "the little sisters of poor" was 7 points. We have only 1 win against a UW team with a winning record, at 7-6. During that same period the UW has 4 wins over 10 win Cougar teams, two 9 win teams and one 8 win team. They have beaten us by double figures 11 times.
It was fair to be critical to Mike Price because of his lack of consistency, and we were. While Mike Leach has solved the consistency problem that plagued Mike Price, he has own similar flaw. His players and his teams just can't play with the UW. His lone win against the UW was with Wulff woefully undermanned recruits.
To beat the big boys, you need to have some big boys of your own. By big boys I don't mean size per se, I mean elite players. We need to start to transition from recruiting undersized/undermanned kids with big hearts, to kids with big heart who can play for any body. 100 million dollars we have spent, gone deeply into debt, and you still can't match Mike Price's recruiting on a shoe string budget, who couldn't win consistently like you can.
Mike Leach its time to address your biggest weakness as a coach, your achilles heel. It is time to get out there into living rooms, and start selling yourself and Cougars harder and better. With your record and our facilities, bottom division recruiting just isn't acceptable any more.
We have discovered that going to a bowl game after getting run over by the UW isn't like kissing your sister, it is like kissing your sister who also has some serious bad breath.
It was fair to be critical to Mike Price because of his lack of consistency, and we were. While Mike Leach has solved the consistency problem that plagued Mike Price, he has own similar flaw. His players and his teams just can't play with the UW. His lone win against the UW was with Wulff woefully undermanned recruits.
To beat the big boys, you need to have some big boys of your own. By big boys I don't mean size per se, I mean elite players. We need to start to transition from recruiting undersized/undermanned kids with big hearts, to kids with big heart who can play for any body. 100 million dollars we have spent, gone deeply into debt, and you still can't match Mike Price's recruiting on a shoe string budget, who couldn't win consistently like you can.
Mike Leach its time to address your biggest weakness as a coach, your achilles heel. It is time to get out there into living rooms, and start selling yourself and Cougars harder and better. With your record and our facilities, bottom division recruiting just isn't acceptable any more.
We have discovered that going to a bowl game after getting run over by the UW isn't like kissing your sister, it is like kissing your sister who also has some serious bad breath.